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Türkiye’deki Buğday Veriminin Karşılaştırılması: Hatay ve Şanlıurfa İlleri Örneği

Year 2017, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 56 - 67, 30.06.2017


Bu çalışmada
Hatay ve Şanlıurfa illerinde buğday verimi üzerinde etkili olan değişkenler
incelenmiştir. Her iki bölge için buğday veriminde etkili olabileceği düşünülen
ekoloji dışı 14 açıklayıcı değişken modelde kullanılmıştır. Modelde birim
alandaki buğday veriminin düşük veya yüksek olması bağımlı değişken olarak yer
almıştır. Örneklemeyle belirlenen 159 üreticiye ait verilerin binary lojistik
regresyon ile analiziyle verimde etkili olan değişkenler belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar
iki bölgede buğday veriminde ekolojik faktörlerle birlikte, girdi kullanım
düzeyinin ve yetiştirme dönemi uygulamalarının etkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Hatay
ilinde buğday verimi üzerinde sulama ve gübre miktarının etkisi önemli
bulunurken, Şanlıurfa ilinde sulama yapılması, gübre miktarı ve üretici yaşının
artması önemli değişkenler olarak belirlenmiştir. Buğday üretiminde birim
alandaki verimi artırmak için, üreticilerin girdi kullanımı, uygulama zamanı ve
yöntemleri konusunda eğitilmesi önemlidir. Ayrıca en uygun girdi miktarı ve uygulama
yöntemlerinin bölgesel düzeyde belirlenerek, üretici düzeyinde yaygınlaştırılması
yararlı olacaktır.


  • Bakker, M.M., Govers, G., Ewert, F., Rounsevell, M. and Jones, R. 2005. Variability in Regional Wheat Yields as a Function of Climate, Soil and Economic Variables: Assessing the Risk of Confounding. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 110: 195–209.
  • Briston, N., Gate, P., Gouache, D., Charmet, G., Oury, F.X. and Huard, F. 2010. Why are Wheat Yields Stagnating in Europe? A Comprehensive Data Analysis for France. Field Crops Research, 119: 201-212.
  • Conover, W.J. 1999. Practical Nonparametric Statistics, (3rd edition), John Wiley and Sons Inc., New Jersey.
  • David, W.H., Lemeshow, J.R. and Sturdivant, R.X. 2013. Applied Logistic Regression, (3rd edition), John Wiley and Sons Inc., New Jersey.
  • Demir, A. 2007. Buğday. Tarımsal Ekonomi Araştırma Enstitüsü, Bakış: 9-1, Ankara.
  • Desjardins, R.L. and Ouellet, C.E. 1980. Determination of the Importance of Various Phases of Wheat Growth on Final Yield. Agricultural Meteorology, Volume 22, Issue 2, 129–136.
  • Easterling, W.E., Mearns, L.O., Hays, C. and Marx, D. 2001. Comparison of Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change Calculated from High and Low Resolution Climate Change Scenarios: Part II. Accounting for Adaptation and CO2 Direct Effects. Climatic Change, 51, 173–197.
  • FAO. 2014. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Agricultural Production Indices. (erişim tarihi: 10.09.2014).
  • Field, A. 2013. Discovering Statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics, (4th edition), Sage Publications Ltd., London.
  • Finger, R. and El Benni, N. 2013. Farmers’ Adoption of Extensive Wheat Production – Determinants and Implications. Land Use Policy, 30: 206– 213.
  • Gujarati, D.N. and Porter, D.C. 2009. Basic Econometrics. (5th edition), McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York.
  • Hafner, S. 2003. Trends in Maize, Rice, and Wheat Yields for 188 Nations over the Past 40 Years: a Prevalence of Linear Growth. Agricultural Ecosystem Environment, 97, 275–283.
  • Kalra, N., Chakraborty, D., Kumar, P.H., Jolyy, M. and Sharma, P.K. 2007. An Approach to Bridging Yield Gaps, Combining Response to Water and other Resource Inputs for Wheat in Northern India, Using Research Trials and Farmers’ Fields Data. Agricultural Water Management, 93: 54-64.
  • Leilah, A.A. and Al-Khateeb, S.A. 2005. Statistical Analysis of Wheat Yield under Drought Conditions. Journal of Arid Environments, 61: 483–496.
  • Menard, S. 2001. Applied Logistic Regression Analysis. Sage University Papers Series on Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences, 07-106, Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • Nicholls, N. 1997. Increased Australian Wheat Yield due to Recent Climate Trends. Nature, 387: 484-485.
  • Ortiz, R., Sayre, K.D., Govaerts, B., Gupta, R., Subbarao, G.V., Ban, T., Hodson, D., Dixon, J.M., Ortiz-Monasterio, J.I. and Reynolds, M. 2008. Climate Change: Can Wheat Beat the Heat? Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 126: 46-58.
  • Özdoğan, M. 2011. Modeling the Impacts of Climate Change on Wheat Yields in Northwestern Turkey. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 141: 1–12.
  • Palosuo, T., Kersebaum, K.C., Angulo, C., Hlavinka, P., Moriondo, M., Olesen, J.E., Patil, R.H., Ruget, F., Rumbaur, C., Takácˇ, J., Trnka, M., Bindi, M., C¸aldag˘, B., Ewert, F., Ferrise, R., Mirschel, W., S¸aylan, L., Sˇisˇka, B. and Rötter. R. 2011. Simulation of Winter Wheat Yield and its Variability in Different Climates of Europe: A Comparison of Eight Crop Growth Models. European Journal of Agronomy, 35: 103– 114.
  • Sadras, V., Roget, D. and O’Leary, G. 2002. On-Farm Assessment of Environmental and Management Constraints to Wheat Yield and Efficiency in the Use of Rainfall in the Mallee. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 53(5) 587 – 598.
  • Sandhu, K.S., Arora, V.K. and Chand, R. 2002. Magnitude and Economics of Fertilizer Nitrogen Response of Wheat in Relation to Amount and Timing of Water Inputs. Experimental Agriculture, volume: 38: 65-78.
  • Sommer, R., Glazirina, M., Yuldashev, T., Otarov, A., Ibraeva, M., Martynova, L., Bekenov M., Kholov, B., Ibragimov, N., Kobilov, R., Karaev, S., Sultanov, M., Khasanova, F., Esanbekov, M., Mavlyanov, D., Isaev, S., Abdurahimov, S., Ikramov, R., Shezdyukova, L. and de Pauw, E. 2013. Impact of Climate Change on Wheat Productivity in Central Asia. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 178: 78-99.
  • Tong, C., Hall, C.A.S. and Wang, H. 2003. Land use Change in Rice, Wheat and Maize Production in China (1961–1998). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 95: 523–536.
  • TÜİK, 2016. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri Veritabanı. (erişim tarihi: 20.04.2016).
  • Yamane, T. 2001. Elementary Sampling Theory (Temel Örnekleme Yöntemleri). (Çevirenler: Esin, A., Aydın, C., Bakır, M.A. ve Gürbüzsel, E.) Literatür Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • You, L., Rosegrant, M.W., Wood, S. and Sun, D. 2009. Impact of Growing Season Temperature on Wheat Productivity in China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149: 1009–1014.

Comparison of Wheat Yield in Turkey: Hatay and Şanlıurfa Study Case

Year 2017, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 56 - 67, 30.06.2017


In this study, the variables affecting wheat yield in Hatay and Şanlıurfa provinces were examined. For both regions, 14 non-ecological explanatory variables considered effective in wheat yield were used in the model. In the model, the wheat yield in the unit area was dependent variable as low or high level. The data of 159 producers determined by sampling were analyzed by binary logistic regression, and the variables that effective in efficiency were determined. The results show that wheat yield in the two regions with ecological factors, input use level and cultivation period practices were determined to be effective. While the effect of irrigation and fertilizer amount on wheat yield in Hatay province was significant, irrigation, amount of fertilizer and increase of producer age were determined as important variables in Şanlıurfa province. Wheat production in order to increase the yield per unit area, it is important that farmers be trained in the use of inputs, time and methods of implementation. Also determined at regional level most appropriate input amount and method of applications, dissemination will be useful at the producer level.


  • Bakker, M.M., Govers, G., Ewert, F., Rounsevell, M. and Jones, R. 2005. Variability in Regional Wheat Yields as a Function of Climate, Soil and Economic Variables: Assessing the Risk of Confounding. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 110: 195–209.
  • Briston, N., Gate, P., Gouache, D., Charmet, G., Oury, F.X. and Huard, F. 2010. Why are Wheat Yields Stagnating in Europe? A Comprehensive Data Analysis for France. Field Crops Research, 119: 201-212.
  • Conover, W.J. 1999. Practical Nonparametric Statistics, (3rd edition), John Wiley and Sons Inc., New Jersey.
  • David, W.H., Lemeshow, J.R. and Sturdivant, R.X. 2013. Applied Logistic Regression, (3rd edition), John Wiley and Sons Inc., New Jersey.
  • Demir, A. 2007. Buğday. Tarımsal Ekonomi Araştırma Enstitüsü, Bakış: 9-1, Ankara.
  • Desjardins, R.L. and Ouellet, C.E. 1980. Determination of the Importance of Various Phases of Wheat Growth on Final Yield. Agricultural Meteorology, Volume 22, Issue 2, 129–136.
  • Easterling, W.E., Mearns, L.O., Hays, C. and Marx, D. 2001. Comparison of Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change Calculated from High and Low Resolution Climate Change Scenarios: Part II. Accounting for Adaptation and CO2 Direct Effects. Climatic Change, 51, 173–197.
  • FAO. 2014. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Agricultural Production Indices. (erişim tarihi: 10.09.2014).
  • Field, A. 2013. Discovering Statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics, (4th edition), Sage Publications Ltd., London.
  • Finger, R. and El Benni, N. 2013. Farmers’ Adoption of Extensive Wheat Production – Determinants and Implications. Land Use Policy, 30: 206– 213.
  • Gujarati, D.N. and Porter, D.C. 2009. Basic Econometrics. (5th edition), McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York.
  • Hafner, S. 2003. Trends in Maize, Rice, and Wheat Yields for 188 Nations over the Past 40 Years: a Prevalence of Linear Growth. Agricultural Ecosystem Environment, 97, 275–283.
  • Kalra, N., Chakraborty, D., Kumar, P.H., Jolyy, M. and Sharma, P.K. 2007. An Approach to Bridging Yield Gaps, Combining Response to Water and other Resource Inputs for Wheat in Northern India, Using Research Trials and Farmers’ Fields Data. Agricultural Water Management, 93: 54-64.
  • Leilah, A.A. and Al-Khateeb, S.A. 2005. Statistical Analysis of Wheat Yield under Drought Conditions. Journal of Arid Environments, 61: 483–496.
  • Menard, S. 2001. Applied Logistic Regression Analysis. Sage University Papers Series on Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences, 07-106, Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • Nicholls, N. 1997. Increased Australian Wheat Yield due to Recent Climate Trends. Nature, 387: 484-485.
  • Ortiz, R., Sayre, K.D., Govaerts, B., Gupta, R., Subbarao, G.V., Ban, T., Hodson, D., Dixon, J.M., Ortiz-Monasterio, J.I. and Reynolds, M. 2008. Climate Change: Can Wheat Beat the Heat? Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 126: 46-58.
  • Özdoğan, M. 2011. Modeling the Impacts of Climate Change on Wheat Yields in Northwestern Turkey. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 141: 1–12.
  • Palosuo, T., Kersebaum, K.C., Angulo, C., Hlavinka, P., Moriondo, M., Olesen, J.E., Patil, R.H., Ruget, F., Rumbaur, C., Takácˇ, J., Trnka, M., Bindi, M., C¸aldag˘, B., Ewert, F., Ferrise, R., Mirschel, W., S¸aylan, L., Sˇisˇka, B. and Rötter. R. 2011. Simulation of Winter Wheat Yield and its Variability in Different Climates of Europe: A Comparison of Eight Crop Growth Models. European Journal of Agronomy, 35: 103– 114.
  • Sadras, V., Roget, D. and O’Leary, G. 2002. On-Farm Assessment of Environmental and Management Constraints to Wheat Yield and Efficiency in the Use of Rainfall in the Mallee. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 53(5) 587 – 598.
  • Sandhu, K.S., Arora, V.K. and Chand, R. 2002. Magnitude and Economics of Fertilizer Nitrogen Response of Wheat in Relation to Amount and Timing of Water Inputs. Experimental Agriculture, volume: 38: 65-78.
  • Sommer, R., Glazirina, M., Yuldashev, T., Otarov, A., Ibraeva, M., Martynova, L., Bekenov M., Kholov, B., Ibragimov, N., Kobilov, R., Karaev, S., Sultanov, M., Khasanova, F., Esanbekov, M., Mavlyanov, D., Isaev, S., Abdurahimov, S., Ikramov, R., Shezdyukova, L. and de Pauw, E. 2013. Impact of Climate Change on Wheat Productivity in Central Asia. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 178: 78-99.
  • Tong, C., Hall, C.A.S. and Wang, H. 2003. Land use Change in Rice, Wheat and Maize Production in China (1961–1998). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 95: 523–536.
  • TÜİK, 2016. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri Veritabanı. (erişim tarihi: 20.04.2016).
  • Yamane, T. 2001. Elementary Sampling Theory (Temel Örnekleme Yöntemleri). (Çevirenler: Esin, A., Aydın, C., Bakır, M.A. ve Gürbüzsel, E.) Literatür Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • You, L., Rosegrant, M.W., Wood, S. and Sun, D. 2009. Impact of Growing Season Temperature on Wheat Productivity in China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149: 1009–1014.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research

Murat Tiryakioğlu This is me

Bekir Demirtaş

Halit Tutar This is me

Publication Date June 30, 2017
Submission Date February 20, 2017
Acceptance Date April 2, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 12 Issue: 1


APA Tiryakioğlu, M., Demirtaş, B., & Tutar, H. (2017). Türkiye’deki Buğday Veriminin Karşılaştırılması: Hatay ve Şanlıurfa İlleri Örneği. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(1), 56-67.


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