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Alphonse Lavallée Üzüm Çeşidinde Borik Asit Uygulamalarının Bazı Kalite Kriterleri Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2017, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 40 - 46, 31.12.2017


Bu çalışma farklı dönem
ve konsantrasyonlarda uygulanan borik asitin (BA) Alphonse Lavallée üzüm
çeşidinde bazı kalite kriterleri üzerine olan etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bunun için omcalara kontrol (0 mg l-1), sadece
çiçeklenme döneminde ve çiçeklenme dönemi ile birlikte tane tutumu döneminde
olmak üzere iki farklı şekilde ve250, 500, 750, 1000 mg l-1konsantrasyonlarında
BA uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda hasat döneminde alınan örneklerde salkım
ağırlığı, tane hacmi, SÇKM ve toplam şeker miktarı gibi bazı kalite
kriterlerini artırma bakımından özellikle çiçeklenme döneminde yapılan borik
asit uygulamalarının etkili oldukları belirlenmiştir.


  • Abd El-Migeed, M.M.M., Mostafa, E.A.M., Ashour, N.E. and Saleh, M.M.S. 2013. Effect of Potassium and Polyamine Sprays on Fruit Set, Fruit Retention, Yield and Fruit Quality of Amhat Date Palm. International Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(2), 77-86.
  • Akın, A. and Çoban, H. 2016. The Effects on Yield and Yield Components of Different Level Cluster Tip Reduction and Foliar Boric Acid Applications on Alphonse Lavallee Grape Cultivar. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Biological, Biomolecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering, 10 (5): 208-213.
  • Aly, M.A., Thanaa, M.E., Harhash, M.M.M. and Rehab, M.A. 2015. Effect of Foliar Potassium, Boron Treatments and Girdling on Growth, Productivity and Leaves Chemical Composition of Table Grape ''Superior cv. ''Covering with Plastic Sheets. Middle East Journal of Agriculture Research, 4 (2): 170-180.
  • Aybaba, Ş. 2010. Gemlik Zeytin Çeşidinde Dal Eğme ile Birlikte Yapraktan Bor ve Çinko Uygulamalarının Meyve Verimi ve Kalite Üzerine Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 63 sayfa, Adana.
  • Christensen, L.P., Beede, R.H. and Peacock, W.L. 2006. Fall Foliar Sprays Prevent Boron-Deficiency Symptoms in Grapes. California Agriculture, 60, 100-103.
  • Conde, C., Silva, P., Fontes, N., Dias, A. C. P., Tavares, R. M., Sousa, M. J., Agasse, A., Delrot, S. and Gerós, H. 2007. Biochemical Changes through out Grape Berry Development and Fruit and Wine Quality. Global Science Books,1 (1): 1-22.
  • Çınar, Ş. 2016. Razakı Sofralık Üzüm Çeşidinde Bazı Kalite Artırıcı Uygulamaların Verim ve Verim Unsurları Üzerine Etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 42 sayfa, Konya. Dell, B. And Huang, L. 1997. Physiological Response of Plants to Low Boron. Plant and Soil, 193(1-2), 103-120.
  • Ebadi, A., Atashkar, D. and Babalar, M. 2001. Effect of Boron on Pollination and Fertilization in Seedless Grapevine cvs. White Seedless and Askary. Iran Journal of Agricultural Science, 32: 457-465.
  • Er, F., Akın, A. and Kara, M. 2011. The Effect of Different Ways and Dosages of Boron Application on Black Dimrit (Vitis vinifera L.) Grape’s Yield and Quality. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 17 (4), 544-550.
  • Gupta, U.C. 1993. Boron and its Role in Crop Production. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA.
  • Marschner, H. 1995. Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants 2nd Ed. Acad. Press., New York, 1-889.
  • Mostafa, E.A.M., El-Shamma, M.S., Hagagg, L.F. 2006. Correction of B Deficiency in Grapevines of Bez-El-Anaza Cultivar. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, 1: 301-305.
  • Nelson, K.E., 1985. Harvesting and Handling and California Table Grapes for Market. DANR Publications. 72p, University of California.
  • Peacock, W. and Christensen, L. 2005. Drip Irrigation can Effectively Apply Boronto San Joaquin Valley Vineyards. California Agriculture, 59 (3): 188-191.
  • Praznik, W., Mundigler, N., Kogler, A., Pelzl, B., Huber, A. and Wollendorfer, M. 1999. Molecular Background of Technological Properties of Selected Starches. Starch-Starke, 51(6), 197-211.
  • Rolshausen, P.E. and Gubler, W.D. 2005. Use of Boron for the Control of Eutypa Dieback of Grapevines. Plant Disease, 89 (7): 734-738.
  • Sarrwy, S.M.A., Gadalla E.G. and Mostafa, E.A.M. 2012. Effect of Calcium Nitrate and Boric Acid Sprays on Fruit Set, Yield and Fruit Quality of cv. Amhat Date Palm. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8 (5):506-515.
  • Saygıdeğer Demir, B. 2005. Borun İnsan ve Bitki İçin Önemi ve Bazı Üzüm Çeşitlerinde Bor Tayini. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kimya Anabilim Dalı, 67 sayfa, Adana.
  • Usha, K. and Singh, B. 2002. Effect of Macro and Micro-Nutrient Spray on Fruit Yield and Quality of Grape (Vitisvinifera L.) cv. Perlette. In International Symposium on Foliar Nutrition of Perennial Fruit Plants 594pp, 197-202, Italy.
  • Uygan, D. ve Çetin, Ö. 2004. Bor'un Tarımsal ve Çevresel Etkileri: Seydisuyu Su Toplama Havzası. II. Uluslararası Bor Sempozyumu, Eskişehir, 527-540 sayfa.
  • Zeraatkar, H., Karimi, H. R., Shamshiri, M. H. and Tajabadipur, A. 2013. Preliminary Evaluation of Artificial Pollination in Pistachio Using Pollen Suspension Spray. Plant Knowledge Journal, 2(3), 94.

Effects of BoricAcid Applications on Some Quality Characteristics in The Alphonse Lavallée Grape Variety

Year 2017, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 40 - 46, 31.12.2017


This study, was carried out to determine the effects of different periods and concentrations of boric acid (BA) applied to Alphonse Lavalléegrape variety on the some quality characteristics. BA was applied to vines with four different concentrations (250, 500, 750 and 1000 mg l-1) and at two different periods (at blooming and at fruit set). At the end of the study, it was determined that the application of boric acid in the flowering period was effective in increasing some quality criteria such as cluster weight, berry volume, total soluble solids, and total sugar amount in the samples taken during the harvesting period.


  • Abd El-Migeed, M.M.M., Mostafa, E.A.M., Ashour, N.E. and Saleh, M.M.S. 2013. Effect of Potassium and Polyamine Sprays on Fruit Set, Fruit Retention, Yield and Fruit Quality of Amhat Date Palm. International Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(2), 77-86.
  • Akın, A. and Çoban, H. 2016. The Effects on Yield and Yield Components of Different Level Cluster Tip Reduction and Foliar Boric Acid Applications on Alphonse Lavallee Grape Cultivar. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Biological, Biomolecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering, 10 (5): 208-213.
  • Aly, M.A., Thanaa, M.E., Harhash, M.M.M. and Rehab, M.A. 2015. Effect of Foliar Potassium, Boron Treatments and Girdling on Growth, Productivity and Leaves Chemical Composition of Table Grape ''Superior cv. ''Covering with Plastic Sheets. Middle East Journal of Agriculture Research, 4 (2): 170-180.
  • Aybaba, Ş. 2010. Gemlik Zeytin Çeşidinde Dal Eğme ile Birlikte Yapraktan Bor ve Çinko Uygulamalarının Meyve Verimi ve Kalite Üzerine Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 63 sayfa, Adana.
  • Christensen, L.P., Beede, R.H. and Peacock, W.L. 2006. Fall Foliar Sprays Prevent Boron-Deficiency Symptoms in Grapes. California Agriculture, 60, 100-103.
  • Conde, C., Silva, P., Fontes, N., Dias, A. C. P., Tavares, R. M., Sousa, M. J., Agasse, A., Delrot, S. and Gerós, H. 2007. Biochemical Changes through out Grape Berry Development and Fruit and Wine Quality. Global Science Books,1 (1): 1-22.
  • Çınar, Ş. 2016. Razakı Sofralık Üzüm Çeşidinde Bazı Kalite Artırıcı Uygulamaların Verim ve Verim Unsurları Üzerine Etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 42 sayfa, Konya. Dell, B. And Huang, L. 1997. Physiological Response of Plants to Low Boron. Plant and Soil, 193(1-2), 103-120.
  • Ebadi, A., Atashkar, D. and Babalar, M. 2001. Effect of Boron on Pollination and Fertilization in Seedless Grapevine cvs. White Seedless and Askary. Iran Journal of Agricultural Science, 32: 457-465.
  • Er, F., Akın, A. and Kara, M. 2011. The Effect of Different Ways and Dosages of Boron Application on Black Dimrit (Vitis vinifera L.) Grape’s Yield and Quality. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 17 (4), 544-550.
  • Gupta, U.C. 1993. Boron and its Role in Crop Production. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA.
  • Marschner, H. 1995. Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants 2nd Ed. Acad. Press., New York, 1-889.
  • Mostafa, E.A.M., El-Shamma, M.S., Hagagg, L.F. 2006. Correction of B Deficiency in Grapevines of Bez-El-Anaza Cultivar. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, 1: 301-305.
  • Nelson, K.E., 1985. Harvesting and Handling and California Table Grapes for Market. DANR Publications. 72p, University of California.
  • Peacock, W. and Christensen, L. 2005. Drip Irrigation can Effectively Apply Boronto San Joaquin Valley Vineyards. California Agriculture, 59 (3): 188-191.
  • Praznik, W., Mundigler, N., Kogler, A., Pelzl, B., Huber, A. and Wollendorfer, M. 1999. Molecular Background of Technological Properties of Selected Starches. Starch-Starke, 51(6), 197-211.
  • Rolshausen, P.E. and Gubler, W.D. 2005. Use of Boron for the Control of Eutypa Dieback of Grapevines. Plant Disease, 89 (7): 734-738.
  • Sarrwy, S.M.A., Gadalla E.G. and Mostafa, E.A.M. 2012. Effect of Calcium Nitrate and Boric Acid Sprays on Fruit Set, Yield and Fruit Quality of cv. Amhat Date Palm. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8 (5):506-515.
  • Saygıdeğer Demir, B. 2005. Borun İnsan ve Bitki İçin Önemi ve Bazı Üzüm Çeşitlerinde Bor Tayini. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kimya Anabilim Dalı, 67 sayfa, Adana.
  • Usha, K. and Singh, B. 2002. Effect of Macro and Micro-Nutrient Spray on Fruit Yield and Quality of Grape (Vitisvinifera L.) cv. Perlette. In International Symposium on Foliar Nutrition of Perennial Fruit Plants 594pp, 197-202, Italy.
  • Uygan, D. ve Çetin, Ö. 2004. Bor'un Tarımsal ve Çevresel Etkileri: Seydisuyu Su Toplama Havzası. II. Uluslararası Bor Sempozyumu, Eskişehir, 527-540 sayfa.
  • Zeraatkar, H., Karimi, H. R., Shamshiri, M. H. and Tajabadipur, A. 2013. Preliminary Evaluation of Artificial Pollination in Pistachio Using Pollen Suspension Spray. Plant Knowledge Journal, 2(3), 94.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research

Özlem Aras Aşcı This is me

Zehra Babalık This is me

Tunhan Demirci

Nilgün Göktürk Baydar This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2017
Submission Date April 3, 2016
Acceptance Date March 19, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


APA Aras Aşcı, Ö., Babalık, Z., Demirci, T., Göktürk Baydar, N. (2017). Alphonse Lavallée Üzüm Çeşidinde Borik Asit Uygulamalarının Bazı Kalite Kriterleri Üzerine Etkileri. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(2), 40-46.