Research Article
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The Effect of Different Cutting Times on Hay Yield and Quality of Uşak Province Kediyünü Village Pasture

Year 2019, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 119 - 125, 24.09.2019


This study was conducted to determine the changes in hay yield and
quality during the grazing season of a pasture in Kediyünü village of Usak
province. The experiment was established in a randomised complete block design
with three replications. In the research, 50 square meters of covered areas
were established in 3 different regions representing pasture area. Starting
from May 5, three samples were taken from the ungrazed areas, every 15 days
during the grazing season, with one square meter of quadrat. The hay yield,
crude protein (CP) ratio, CP yield, acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral
detergent fiber (NDF), total digestible nutrients (TDN) and relative feed value
(RFV) were determined in the research. According to results of this research, the
highest hay yield was determined on 5 June, while the lowest yield was obtained
on 5 July. Crude protein yield increased until May 20, then began to decrease.
During the grazing season, crude protein content, total digestible nutrients
and relative feed value decreased, while ADF and NDF values increased.


  • Akbarinia A. Koocheki A., 1992. Investigation on effects of different harvesting stages on growth, productivity and quality of some barley's varieties. Journal of Pejouhesh and Sazandegi 15:40-43.
  • Altın, M, Gökkuş, A., Koç, A., 2011. Çayır Mera Yönetimi. I. Cilt (Genel İlkeler). T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Üretim ve Geliştirme Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • Arzani H., Nikkhah A., Arzani Z., 1998. Forage quality in three provinces of Semnan, Markazi and Lorestan Rangelands, Final report, Determining economic property size project. Tehran, Iran: College of Natural Resources, University of Tehran.
  • Arzani H., Torkan J., Jafarı M., Nikkhah A., 2001. Investigation on effects of phenological stages and environmental factors (soil and climate) on forage quality of some important range species. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 32:385 -397.
  • Arzani H., Zohdi M., Fish E., Zahedi Amiri GH, Nikkhah A, Wester D., 2004. Phenological Effects on Forage Quality of Five Grass Species. J Range Manage 57:624 -629.
  • Aydin, N., Z. Mut, H. Mut, I. Ayan, 2010. Effect of autumn and spring sowing dates on hay yield and quality of oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 9(10):1539-1545.
  • Aydın, İ. ve Uzun, F. 2002. Çayır-Mer’a Amenajmanı ve Islahı. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Ders Kitabı, No:9, Samsun.
  • Blaser RE., Hames RC., Fontenot JP., Bryant HT., Polan CE., Wolf DD., McClaugherty FS., Kline RG., Moore JS., 1986. Growth stages of plants forage quality and animal production. In: M. C. Holliman (Ed.) Forage-Animal Management Systems. P. 9. Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, 86-7.
  • Erkovan HI., Gullap MK., Dascı M., Koc A., 2009. Changes in Leaf Area Index, Forage Quality and Above-Ground Biomass in Grazed and Ungrazed Rangelands of Eastern Anatolia Region. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 2009, 15 (3) 217-223.
  • Gökkuş, A. 1994. Türkiye’nin Kaba Yem Üretiminde Çayır-Mera ve Yem Bitkilerinin Yeri ve Önemi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 25, 250-261, Erzurum.
  • Horrocks, Rd., Vallentine, Jf., 1999. Harvested Forages. Academic Press, London, UK.
  • Kacar B, A. Inal. 2008. Bitki Analizleri. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara, 892s.
  • Karsli MA., Deniz S., Nursoy H., Denek N., Akdeniz H., 2003. Vejetasyon döneminin mera kalitesi ve hayvan performansı üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi. Turk J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 27:117-124.
  • Kaya İ., Öncüer A., Ünal Y., Yıldız S., 2004. Nutritive Value of Pastures in Kars district I.Botanical and Nutrient Composition at Different Stages of Maturity. Turk J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 28:275-280.
  • Koç A., Gökkus, A., 1994. Güzelyurt Köyü (Erzurum) mera vejetasyonunun botanik kompozisyonu ve topragı kaplama alanı ile bırakılacak en uygun anız yüksekliginin belirlenmesi. Türk Tarım ve Ormancılık Derg., 18, 495-500.
  • Lacefield GJ., Henning C., Collins M., Swetnam L.. 1999. Quality hay production. Cooperative Extension Service, Univ. Kentucky, Coll. Agric., Agr., 62, 3 (77): 1-4.
  • Linn JG., Martin NP., 1999. Forage quality tests and interpretations. Univ. Minnesota, Extens. servi, Food and Environment Science., 4p.
  • Messman MA., Weiss WP., Erickson DO., 1991. Effects of nitrogen fertilization and maturity of bromegrass on in situ ruminal digestion kinetics of fiber. Journal of Animal Science 69: 1151-1161.
  • Rebole A, Alzueta C, Ortiz LT, Barro C, Rodriguez ML, Caballero R., 2004. Yields and chemical composition of different parts of the common vetch at flowering and at two seed filling stages. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 2(4): 550–557.
  • Sankhyan S.K., A.K. Shinde, R. Bhatta, S.A. Karim.1999. Comparison of diet and faecal collection methods for assessment of seasonal variation in dry matter intake by sheep maintained on a Cenchrusciliaris pasture. Anim Feed SciTechnol 82: 261–269.
  • Schroeder, J.W., 2004. Forage Nutrition for Ruminants, AS-1250.
  • Starks PJ., Zhao D., Phillips WA., Coleman S.W., 2006. Development of Canopy Reflectance Algorithms for Real-Time Prediction of Bermudagrass Pasture Biomass and Nutritive Values. Crop Sci. 46:927–934.
  • Tan M, Temel S, Yolcu H., 2003. Effects of harvest management on the mineral composition of common vetch. Proceedings of the 12th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Pleven, Bulgaria. Pp. 423–425.
  • TÜİK, 2014. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. Başbakanlık Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Ankara.
  • Türk M., Albayrak S., Tuzun CG., Yuksel O., 2011. Effects of fertilisation and harvesting stages on forage yield and quality of sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa L.). Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 17: 789-794.
  • Türk M, S. Albayrak, Y.Bozkurt, 2015. Evaluation Of The Qualıty Of Two Dıfferent Artıfıcıal Pastures And Theır Effects On The Performance Of Grazıng Beef Anımals. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 20(1):24-30.
  • Türk M, Albayrak S, Yüksel O., 2007. Effects of phosphorus fertilization and harvesting stages on forage yield and quality of narbon vetch. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 50:457-462.
  • White LM., 1983. Seasonal changes in yield, digestibility, and crude protein of vegetative and floral tillers of two grasses. Journal of Range Management 36:402-404.

Uşak İli Kediyünü Köyü Merasının Ot Verimi ve Kalitesi Üzerine Farklı Biçim Zamanlarının Etkisi

Year 2019, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 119 - 125, 24.09.2019


Bu çalışma, Uşak ili Merkeze bağlı Kediyünü
köyünde bulunan bir meranın otlatma mevsimi boyunca ot verimi ve kalitesindeki değişimlerin
belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Deneme tesadüf blokları deneme desenine
göre 3 tekrarlamalı olarak kurulmuştur. Araştırmada, mera alanını temsil eden 3
farklı bölgede 50 m2’lik otlatmaya kapalı alanlar oluşturulmuştur. 5
Mayıs’tan başlayarak otlatma mevsimi boyunca her 15 günde bir olmak üzere
korunan alanlardan 1’er m
2’lik kuadrat ile 3’er
örnek alınmıştır. Araştırmada kuru ot verimi, ham protein oranı, ham protein
verimi, ADF oranı, NDF oranı,
toplam sindirilebilir besin maddesi ve nispi
yem değerleri tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, en yüksek kuru ot
verimi 5 Haziran’da elde edilirken, en düşük verim 5 Temmuz’da belirlenmiştir. Ham
protein verimi 20 Mayıs’a kadar artmış, sonra azalmaya başlamıştır. Otlatma
mevsimi boyunca ham protein oranı, toplam sindirilebilir besin maddesi ve nispi
yem değeri azalırken, ADF ve NDF değerleri artmıştır. 


  • Akbarinia A. Koocheki A., 1992. Investigation on effects of different harvesting stages on growth, productivity and quality of some barley's varieties. Journal of Pejouhesh and Sazandegi 15:40-43.
  • Altın, M, Gökkuş, A., Koç, A., 2011. Çayır Mera Yönetimi. I. Cilt (Genel İlkeler). T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Üretim ve Geliştirme Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • Arzani H., Nikkhah A., Arzani Z., 1998. Forage quality in three provinces of Semnan, Markazi and Lorestan Rangelands, Final report, Determining economic property size project. Tehran, Iran: College of Natural Resources, University of Tehran.
  • Arzani H., Torkan J., Jafarı M., Nikkhah A., 2001. Investigation on effects of phenological stages and environmental factors (soil and climate) on forage quality of some important range species. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 32:385 -397.
  • Arzani H., Zohdi M., Fish E., Zahedi Amiri GH, Nikkhah A, Wester D., 2004. Phenological Effects on Forage Quality of Five Grass Species. J Range Manage 57:624 -629.
  • Aydin, N., Z. Mut, H. Mut, I. Ayan, 2010. Effect of autumn and spring sowing dates on hay yield and quality of oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 9(10):1539-1545.
  • Aydın, İ. ve Uzun, F. 2002. Çayır-Mer’a Amenajmanı ve Islahı. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Ders Kitabı, No:9, Samsun.
  • Blaser RE., Hames RC., Fontenot JP., Bryant HT., Polan CE., Wolf DD., McClaugherty FS., Kline RG., Moore JS., 1986. Growth stages of plants forage quality and animal production. In: M. C. Holliman (Ed.) Forage-Animal Management Systems. P. 9. Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, 86-7.
  • Erkovan HI., Gullap MK., Dascı M., Koc A., 2009. Changes in Leaf Area Index, Forage Quality and Above-Ground Biomass in Grazed and Ungrazed Rangelands of Eastern Anatolia Region. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 2009, 15 (3) 217-223.
  • Gökkuş, A. 1994. Türkiye’nin Kaba Yem Üretiminde Çayır-Mera ve Yem Bitkilerinin Yeri ve Önemi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 25, 250-261, Erzurum.
  • Horrocks, Rd., Vallentine, Jf., 1999. Harvested Forages. Academic Press, London, UK.
  • Kacar B, A. Inal. 2008. Bitki Analizleri. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara, 892s.
  • Karsli MA., Deniz S., Nursoy H., Denek N., Akdeniz H., 2003. Vejetasyon döneminin mera kalitesi ve hayvan performansı üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi. Turk J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 27:117-124.
  • Kaya İ., Öncüer A., Ünal Y., Yıldız S., 2004. Nutritive Value of Pastures in Kars district I.Botanical and Nutrient Composition at Different Stages of Maturity. Turk J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 28:275-280.
  • Koç A., Gökkus, A., 1994. Güzelyurt Köyü (Erzurum) mera vejetasyonunun botanik kompozisyonu ve topragı kaplama alanı ile bırakılacak en uygun anız yüksekliginin belirlenmesi. Türk Tarım ve Ormancılık Derg., 18, 495-500.
  • Lacefield GJ., Henning C., Collins M., Swetnam L.. 1999. Quality hay production. Cooperative Extension Service, Univ. Kentucky, Coll. Agric., Agr., 62, 3 (77): 1-4.
  • Linn JG., Martin NP., 1999. Forage quality tests and interpretations. Univ. Minnesota, Extens. servi, Food and Environment Science., 4p.
  • Messman MA., Weiss WP., Erickson DO., 1991. Effects of nitrogen fertilization and maturity of bromegrass on in situ ruminal digestion kinetics of fiber. Journal of Animal Science 69: 1151-1161.
  • Rebole A, Alzueta C, Ortiz LT, Barro C, Rodriguez ML, Caballero R., 2004. Yields and chemical composition of different parts of the common vetch at flowering and at two seed filling stages. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 2(4): 550–557.
  • Sankhyan S.K., A.K. Shinde, R. Bhatta, S.A. Karim.1999. Comparison of diet and faecal collection methods for assessment of seasonal variation in dry matter intake by sheep maintained on a Cenchrusciliaris pasture. Anim Feed SciTechnol 82: 261–269.
  • Schroeder, J.W., 2004. Forage Nutrition for Ruminants, AS-1250.
  • Starks PJ., Zhao D., Phillips WA., Coleman S.W., 2006. Development of Canopy Reflectance Algorithms for Real-Time Prediction of Bermudagrass Pasture Biomass and Nutritive Values. Crop Sci. 46:927–934.
  • Tan M, Temel S, Yolcu H., 2003. Effects of harvest management on the mineral composition of common vetch. Proceedings of the 12th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Pleven, Bulgaria. Pp. 423–425.
  • TÜİK, 2014. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. Başbakanlık Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Ankara.
  • Türk M., Albayrak S., Tuzun CG., Yuksel O., 2011. Effects of fertilisation and harvesting stages on forage yield and quality of sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa L.). Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 17: 789-794.
  • Türk M, S. Albayrak, Y.Bozkurt, 2015. Evaluation Of The Qualıty Of Two Dıfferent Artıfıcıal Pastures And Theır Effects On The Performance Of Grazıng Beef Anımals. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 20(1):24-30.
  • Türk M, Albayrak S, Yüksel O., 2007. Effects of phosphorus fertilization and harvesting stages on forage yield and quality of narbon vetch. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 50:457-462.
  • White LM., 1983. Seasonal changes in yield, digestibility, and crude protein of vegetative and floral tillers of two grasses. Journal of Range Management 36:402-404.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research

Mevlüt Türk

Hasan Kabaş This is me

Publication Date September 24, 2019
Submission Date April 24, 2019
Acceptance Date July 26, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 14 Issue: 1


APA Türk, M., & Kabaş, H. (2019). Uşak İli Kediyünü Köyü Merasının Ot Verimi ve Kalitesi Üzerine Farklı Biçim Zamanlarının Etkisi. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(1), 119-125.


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