ACKERMAN, RH. (1998),_“A Conversation On The Rocks", in Van Der Hogarth
R. (ECL), Making Learning Communities Work: The Critical Role of the Leader as Learner, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA. BRUNDRETT, M. (1999), “The Range Of Provision Of Taught Higher Degrees ln
Educational Management in England And Wales”, International Studies in Educational Administration, Vol. 27 No. 2. pp. 43—59. BRUNDRETT, M. (2001), “The Development Oi School Leadership Preparation
Programmes ln England And The USA: A Comparative Analysis”, Educational Management and Administration, Vol. 29 No. 2, pp. 229-46. BUDGE, D. (1999), “There’s No Euro For School İnspectors", Times Educational Supplement, Issue 4316, p. 22.
BUSH, T. (1998), “The National Professional Qualification For Headship: The Key To Effective School Leadership?”, School Leadership and Management, Vol. 18 No. 3, pp. 321-33. '
COHEN, I, MANİON, L. and MORRISON, K. (2000), Research Methods in
Education, RoutledgeFalmer, London, New York, NY. - DİMMOCK, C. and WALKER, A. (1998), “Comparative Educational
Administration: Developing A Cross-Cultural Conceptual Framework”, Educational Administration Quarterly, Vol. 30 No. 4, pp. 558-95. DOOLİTTLE, G. and BARNETT, B. (Eds) (2003), “Innovative Practices ln
Educational Leadership Preparation: What Are We Doing And How Are We influencing Students And Schools?", Journal of School Leadership, Vol. No. 6 (special issue). DRAKE, P., PAlR, C., ROSS, K., POSTLETHWAlTE, T. and ZlOGAS, G. (1997),
Appraisal Study on the Cyprus Educational System, International institute for Educational Planning, Paris. GREEN, H. (1998), “Training For Today’s School Leaders", Education Journal, Vol. 21, p. 11.
GRONN, P. (1999), The Making of Educational Leaders, Cassell, London.
GÜNTER, H. and RİBBİNS, P. (2002), “Leadership studies in education: towards a map of the field”ı Educational Management and Administration, Vol. 30 No. 4, pp. 387-416.
HElMER, J. (1998), “Rektorsutbildningens Historia Och Morgondagens Krav in”, in Johansson, 0. and Lindberg, L. (Eds), Hektor en spraD ngbra" da fo"r utueclcling?, Centrum fo"r skolledarutveckling, Umea" universitet, Umea“, s. 126.
KREUGER, RA. (1998), Analyzing and Reporting Focus Group Results, Vols 1—6,
Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA. LAFOND, A. (1995), “The European Dimension Of Educational Management As
Seen Through_Netwprking”, European Journal of Education, Vol. 30 lilo. .î p. 317. ' ' LAİNAS, A. (2000), “Management And Work Planning Of Schools: Scientific
Perspectives And Grek Reality”, In Papanaoum, Z. (Ed.), The Planning of Teaching Work in the School, Thessaloniki (in Greek), pp. 23-40. MAVROSKOUFİS, D. (1992), "Aspects ln The issue Of Evaluation, The Selection
And The Role Of Principals ln Secondary Education”, Contemporary Education, Vol. 64, pp. 24-36. MORGAN, DL. (1988), Focus Groups as Qualitative Research, Sage, Beverly Hills, CA. .
NYGREN, A. and JOHANSSON, O. (2000), “Den Svenske Rektorn Efter 1945 —
Kvalifikationer, Arbetsuppgifter Och Utmaningar", in Moos, L., Carney, S., Johansson, 0. And Mehlbye, J. (Eds), Skoleiedelse i Norden - En Kortlaegning At Skoleledernes Arbejdsviika0 R, Rammebetingelser 0g Opgaver, En Rapport Til Nordisk MinisterraÜd, Nord 2000zl4, Ko'penhamn.
PAPANAOUM, Z. (1995), School Management: Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Research, Kiriakidis, Thessaloniki (in Greek).
PASHlARDlS, P. (1995), “Cyprus Principals And The Universalities Of Effective
Leadership", International Studies in Educational Administration, Vol. 23 No. 1, pp. 16-27. Angela THODY— Zol PAPANAOUM - Olof JOHANSSON — Petros PASHIARDlS PASHİARDİS, _P. (1997), “Towards Effectiveness: What Do Secondary School
Leaders In Cyprus Need?”, Journal of ln-seruice Education, Vol. 23 No. 2, pp. 267-82. PASHİARDİS, P. and ORPHANOU, s. (1999), “An insight lnto Elementary
Principalship İn Cyprus”, The International Journal of Educational Management, Vol. 13 No. 5, pp. 241—51. PASI-llARDlS. P. and RlBBlNS, P. (2000), “On Cyprua: The Making or Secondary School Principals", Paper Presented At The Conference Of
ACEA, CCEAM, NZEAS, PNGEA, TSPA on Education: The Global Challenge, Hobart. RİCHMON, M. and ALLİSON, D. (2003), “Towards A Conceptual Framework
For Leadership Enquiry”, Educational Management and Administration, Vol. 31 No. 1. SAİTİS, Ch. (1997), “The Reform Of Educational Management İn Greek
Education, 1976—1996", New Education, Vol. 81, pp. 109-20.
SAiTis. Ch. and GOUNAROPOULOS, G. (2001), “The Necessity or Planning
For The Creation Of Administrative Staff In Education”, New Education, Vol. 99, pp. 75-89 (in Greek). SAİTİS, Ch., TSİAMASSİ, F. and CHATZİ, M. (1997), “The School Director:
Manager—Leader Or Traditional Bureaucrat?", New Education, Vol. 83, pp- 77 (in Greek) _ _ _ _ SCl—ION, D.A. (1987), Educating the Reflective Practitioner: Towards a New
Design for Teaching and Learning in the Professions, Jossey-Bass, London. THODY, AM. (1998), “Training School Principals, Educating School Governors”.
International Journal of Education Management, Vol- 12 No. 5, pp. 232-9. TOMLlNSON, H., GÜNTER, H. and SMlTH, P. (1999), Living Headship: Voices,
Values and Vision, Paul Chapman, London. TTA (1997), National Standards for Principals, TTA, London.
TTA (1998), TTA National Leadership Programme for Serving Headteachers, 'ITA, London.
Van den BRANDEN, J. and LAMBERT, J. (1999), “Cultural issues Related To
Transnational Open Anddistance Learning ln Universities: A European Problem?", British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 30 No. 3, p- Further reading WOLTRİNG, C., CONSTANTlNE,W. and SCHWARTE, L. (2003), “Does
Leadership Training Make A Difference?”, Public Health Management in Practice, Vol. 9, CDu/UC Public Health Leadership Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, CA..
ACKERMAN, RH. (1998),_“A Conversation On The Rocks", in Van Der Hogarth
R. (ECL), Making Learning Communities Work: The Critical Role of the Leader as Learner, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA. BRUNDRETT, M. (1999), “The Range Of Provision Of Taught Higher Degrees ln
Educational Management in England And Wales”, International Studies in Educational Administration, Vol. 27 No. 2. pp. 43—59. BRUNDRETT, M. (2001), “The Development Oi School Leadership Preparation
Programmes ln England And The USA: A Comparative Analysis”, Educational Management and Administration, Vol. 29 No. 2, pp. 229-46. BUDGE, D. (1999), “There’s No Euro For School İnspectors", Times Educational Supplement, Issue 4316, p. 22.
BUSH, T. (1998), “The National Professional Qualification For Headship: The Key To Effective School Leadership?”, School Leadership and Management, Vol. 18 No. 3, pp. 321-33. '
COHEN, I, MANİON, L. and MORRISON, K. (2000), Research Methods in
Education, RoutledgeFalmer, London, New York, NY. - DİMMOCK, C. and WALKER, A. (1998), “Comparative Educational
Administration: Developing A Cross-Cultural Conceptual Framework”, Educational Administration Quarterly, Vol. 30 No. 4, pp. 558-95. DOOLİTTLE, G. and BARNETT, B. (Eds) (2003), “Innovative Practices ln
Educational Leadership Preparation: What Are We Doing And How Are We influencing Students And Schools?", Journal of School Leadership, Vol. No. 6 (special issue). DRAKE, P., PAlR, C., ROSS, K., POSTLETHWAlTE, T. and ZlOGAS, G. (1997),
Appraisal Study on the Cyprus Educational System, International institute for Educational Planning, Paris. GREEN, H. (1998), “Training For Today’s School Leaders", Education Journal, Vol. 21, p. 11.
GRONN, P. (1999), The Making of Educational Leaders, Cassell, London.
GÜNTER, H. and RİBBİNS, P. (2002), “Leadership studies in education: towards a map of the field”ı Educational Management and Administration, Vol. 30 No. 4, pp. 387-416.
HElMER, J. (1998), “Rektorsutbildningens Historia Och Morgondagens Krav in”, in Johansson, 0. and Lindberg, L. (Eds), Hektor en spraD ngbra" da fo"r utueclcling?, Centrum fo"r skolledarutveckling, Umea" universitet, Umea“, s. 126.
KREUGER, RA. (1998), Analyzing and Reporting Focus Group Results, Vols 1—6,
Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA. LAFOND, A. (1995), “The European Dimension Of Educational Management As
Seen Through_Netwprking”, European Journal of Education, Vol. 30 lilo. .î p. 317. ' ' LAİNAS, A. (2000), “Management And Work Planning Of Schools: Scientific
Perspectives And Grek Reality”, In Papanaoum, Z. (Ed.), The Planning of Teaching Work in the School, Thessaloniki (in Greek), pp. 23-40. MAVROSKOUFİS, D. (1992), "Aspects ln The issue Of Evaluation, The Selection
And The Role Of Principals ln Secondary Education”, Contemporary Education, Vol. 64, pp. 24-36. MORGAN, DL. (1988), Focus Groups as Qualitative Research, Sage, Beverly Hills, CA. .
NYGREN, A. and JOHANSSON, O. (2000), “Den Svenske Rektorn Efter 1945 —
Kvalifikationer, Arbetsuppgifter Och Utmaningar", in Moos, L., Carney, S., Johansson, 0. And Mehlbye, J. (Eds), Skoleiedelse i Norden - En Kortlaegning At Skoleledernes Arbejdsviika0 R, Rammebetingelser 0g Opgaver, En Rapport Til Nordisk MinisterraÜd, Nord 2000zl4, Ko'penhamn.
PAPANAOUM, Z. (1995), School Management: Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Research, Kiriakidis, Thessaloniki (in Greek).
PASHlARDlS, P. (1995), “Cyprus Principals And The Universalities Of Effective
Leadership", International Studies in Educational Administration, Vol. 23 No. 1, pp. 16-27. Angela THODY— Zol PAPANAOUM - Olof JOHANSSON — Petros PASHIARDlS PASHİARDİS, _P. (1997), “Towards Effectiveness: What Do Secondary School
Leaders In Cyprus Need?”, Journal of ln-seruice Education, Vol. 23 No. 2, pp. 267-82. PASHİARDİS, P. and ORPHANOU, s. (1999), “An insight lnto Elementary
Principalship İn Cyprus”, The International Journal of Educational Management, Vol. 13 No. 5, pp. 241—51. PASI-llARDlS. P. and RlBBlNS, P. (2000), “On Cyprua: The Making or Secondary School Principals", Paper Presented At The Conference Of
ACEA, CCEAM, NZEAS, PNGEA, TSPA on Education: The Global Challenge, Hobart. RİCHMON, M. and ALLİSON, D. (2003), “Towards A Conceptual Framework
For Leadership Enquiry”, Educational Management and Administration, Vol. 31 No. 1. SAİTİS, Ch. (1997), “The Reform Of Educational Management İn Greek
Education, 1976—1996", New Education, Vol. 81, pp. 109-20.
SAiTis. Ch. and GOUNAROPOULOS, G. (2001), “The Necessity or Planning
For The Creation Of Administrative Staff In Education”, New Education, Vol. 99, pp. 75-89 (in Greek). SAİTİS, Ch., TSİAMASSİ, F. and CHATZİ, M. (1997), “The School Director:
Manager—Leader Or Traditional Bureaucrat?", New Education, Vol. 83, pp- 77 (in Greek) _ _ _ _ SCl—ION, D.A. (1987), Educating the Reflective Practitioner: Towards a New
Design for Teaching and Learning in the Professions, Jossey-Bass, London. THODY, AM. (1998), “Training School Principals, Educating School Governors”.
International Journal of Education Management, Vol- 12 No. 5, pp. 232-9. TOMLlNSON, H., GÜNTER, H. and SMlTH, P. (1999), Living Headship: Voices,
Values and Vision, Paul Chapman, London. TTA (1997), National Standards for Principals, TTA, London.
TTA (1998), TTA National Leadership Programme for Serving Headteachers, 'ITA, London.
Van den BRANDEN, J. and LAMBERT, J. (1999), “Cultural issues Related To
Transnational Open Anddistance Learning ln Universities: A European Problem?", British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 30 No. 3, p- Further reading WOLTRİNG, C., CONSTANTlNE,W. and SCHWARTE, L. (2003), “Does
Leadership Training Make A Difference?”, Public Health Management in Practice, Vol. 9, CDu/UC Public Health Leadership Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, CA..
Thody, A., Ilgan, A., Papanaoum, Z., Süngü, H., et al. (2007). AVRUPA’DA OKUL MÜDÜRLERİNİN HAZIRLANMASI. Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi(18), 205-224.