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Çin’deki Azınlıklar için 20. yy. İki Dilli Eğitim Politikaları Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Year 2021, Issue: 45, 49 - 62, 07.06.2021


Kaynağını toplumbilim ve dilbilimden alan iki dillilik, özellikle de dilbilimin hızla gelişen karmaşık bir alanıdır. Çin dilinin zorluğu uzun yıllar boyunca dilin sürekli olarak hükümet tarafından sadeleştirilmesi çalışmalarını da beraberinde getirmiştir ancak dilin bu sadeleştirme hareketi, kırsal kesimlerdeki azınlıklar için durumu daha zor bir hale getirmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; iki dillilik ve bunun olumlu-olumsuz sonuçlarını Çin’deki azınlıklar üzerinden değerlendirmektir. Çalışmada, tarihsel süreç içerisinde hükümetin eğitim-öğretimde aldığı karar ve yasalara başvurulmuştur. Hükümetin bu konudaki tutumunun yanı sıra Çinli bilim insanlarının iki dilli eğitime bakış açıları araştırılıp, iki dilli eğitim politikaları ve bunların Çin azınlık okullarında uygulanması incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada; dar anlamda azınlıklar için kendi dillerine ek olarak ikinci bir dilin ortaya çıktığı ve bu süreçteki zorlukların hükümetin eğitim politikalarıyla desteklenerek giderilmeye çalışıldığı; geniş anlamda ise toplumda pasif gruplar için çok dilli eğitim, baskın gruplar için de çok kültürlü eğitimin iki yönlü işlevselleştirilmesi gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Blachford, D. R. (1997). “Bilingual Education in China.” J. Cummins & D Corson (eds). Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Volume 5. Netherlands: Springer Science+Business Media, B.V. 157-165.
  • Chen, K. et al. (1996). Wenshan, Honghe Zizhizhou Hani Miao Lahuzu Jiaoyu Fazhan Diaocha Yu Yanjiu (文 山 、红 河 自 治 州 哈 尼 、苗 、拉 祜 族 教 育 发 展 调 查 与 研 究). Minzu Jiaoyu Yanjiu (民族教育研究)- (Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities), 1, 40–47.
  • Chen, X. (1995). “Shuangyu Jiaoxue” Guanjian (“双 语 教 学 ”管 见). Minzu Jiaoyu Yanjiu (民族教育研究)- (Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities), 1, 7- 56.
  • Cleghorn, A., Merritt, M. ve Abagi, J. (1989). Language Policy and Science Instruction in Kenyan Primary Schools. Comparative Education Review Journal, 33 (1), 21.
  • Gladney, D.C. (1994). Ethnic Identity in China: The New Politics of Difference. W.A. Joseph (Ed.), China Briefing içinde (s. 92-171). Boulder: Westview Press.
  • Guan, X. (1995). Zongguo Shaoshu Minzu Shuangyu Jiaoyu Shiyan Diaocha yu Sikao (中 国 少 数 民 族 双 语 教 育 实 验 调 查 与 思 考 ). Minzu Jiaoyu Yanjiu (民族教育研究)- (Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities), 4, 15–20.
  • He, J. (1995). Xibozu Xuexiao Shixin Shangyu Jiaoxue de Yiyi, Chengjiu Ji Zhuyao Huanjie (锡 伯 族 学 校 施 行 双 语 教 学 的 意 义 、成 就 及 主 要 环 节). Minzu Jiaoyu Yianjiu (民族教育研究)- (Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities), 3, 9- 77.
  • Heath, S.B. (1981). English in Our Language Heritage. C.A. Ferguson & S. B. Heath (Ed), Language in The USA içinde (s. 6-20). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Lin, J. (1993). Ethnic Relationships and Minority Education in Guangxi, China: A Case Study. Canadian and International Education. 22(1), 5–21.
  • Lin, J. (1996, Mart). Identity and Discrimination: Minorities in China. Paper presented The Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference. Williamsburg: Virginia.
  • Lin, J. (1997). “Policies and Practices of Bilingual Education for the Minorities in China”. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. Vol. 18. No. 3. s. 193-205.
  • Lin, J. ve Zhou, Y. (1996, Mart). Minority Policy and Minority Education: Reform in Guangxi, China. Paper presented in The Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference. Williamsburg: Virginia.
  • Liu, B. (1993). “The importance of minority nationality mother tongue in bilingual education and its development prospect”. Shaoshu minzu muyu zai shuangyu jiayu zhong de yiyi jiqi fazhan qianjing (少数民族母语在双语教育中的意义及其发展前景). Minzu Yuwen (民族语文)- (Minority Languages of China),3, 8- 75.
  • Outline of China’s National Plan for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development. (2010, 9 Temmuz). Outline of China’s National Plan for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development 2010-2020. s. 23-37. Erişim adresi: (Erişim tarihi: 16.12.2020)
  • People’s Daily. (Overseas edition). (1995, 21 Ekim). China Gives Priority to Development of Minority Education. s. 3.
  • People’s Government of Yanbian Prefecture of Jilin Province .(1992). Gaohao Shuangyu Jiaoxue Tigao Minzu Jiaoyu Zhiliang (搞 好 双 语 教 学 提 高 民 族 教 育 质 量). Zhongguo Minzu Jiaoyu (中国民族教育). 3, 8- 96.
  • Shama, J. (1991). Minzu Wenzi Jiaocha Jianshe Jiqi Wenti (民族文字较差建设及其问题/ The development of minority language textbooks and problems). Zhongguo Minzu Jiaoyu (中国民族教育). 2, 7- 55.
  • Stites, R. (1992, Mart). Mother Tongue Literacy and Modernisation: Problems in The Theory and Practice of Bilingual Education in The People’s Republic of China. Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference, Annapolis: MD.
  • Tawakkul, D. (1999). A Study of Chinese Policy towards National Minorities with Reference to Higher Education: A Case Study of the Central University for Nationalities. (Doktora Tezi). Erişim Adresi: (Erişim Tarihi: 17.12.2020)
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China. (1982). Guo Hua Renmin Gongheguo Zhongyang Renmin Zhengfu (国华人民共和国中央人民政府). Constitution of the People’s Republic of China. Chapter 1. Article 4. Erişim adresi: (Erişim tarihi: 14.12.2020)
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China. (2002). Guo Hua Renmin Gongheguo Zhongyang Renmin Zhengfu (国华人民共和国中央人民政府). Danıştay, Reformu Derinleştirme ve Etnik Eğitimin Gelişimini Hızlandırma Kararı (国务院关于深化改革加快发展民族教育的决定). No. 14. Bölüm. 3. Karar. 6. Erişim adresi: (Erişim tarihi: 15.12.2020)
  • Wang, Q. (1995). Hanyu Ketang Jiaoxue de Jiaoji Hua Chutan (汉 语 课 堂 教 学 的 交 际 化 初 探 ). Minzu Jiaoyu Yanjiu (民族教育研究)- (Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities), 3, 6- 75.
  • Wang, Y. & Phillion, J. (2009). “Minority Language Policy and Practice in China: The Need for Multicultural Education”. International Journal of Multicultural Education. Vol.11. No.1. 1-14.
  • Wu, L. (1989). Yunnan Shuangyu Jiaoyu Zhi Wojian (云南双语教育之我见/ My Perspective on Bilingual Education in Yunnan). Minzu Yuwen (民族语文), 11, 69–70.
  • Yang, M. & Xi, S. (1995) Baizu Ba, Han Shuangyu Jiaoxue Shiliu Zi Fangzhen Shishi Chutan (白 族 白 、汉 双 语 教 学 十 六 字 方 针 实 施 初 探 ). Minzu Jiaoyu Yanjiu (民族教育研究)- (Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities), 1, 58–62.
  • Zhang, Q. (1992). Luetan Shuangyu Jiaoxue zhong de Yuyan Goutong Yu Wenhua Goutong (略谈双语教学中的语言沟通与文化沟通/ Briefly on Language and Cultural Communication in Bilingual Teaching). Minzu Yuwen (民族语文), 4, 7- 63.
  • Zhou, M. (2003). Multilingualism in China: The Politics of Writing Reforms for Minority Languages 1949-2002. J. A. Fishman (ed.). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 89.
  • Zhou, Q. (1991). Zhongguo Shuangyu Jiaoyu Leixing (中国双语教育类型/ The Type of Bilingual Education in China). Minzu Yuwen (民族语文), 3, 65-69.

A Study of Bilingual Education Policies for Minorities in China in the 20th Century

Year 2021, Issue: 45, 49 - 62, 07.06.2021


Bilingualism, which derives its origins from sociology and linguistics, is a rapidly developing and complex field of linguistics in particular. The diffuculty of the Chinese language has led to the constant government simplification of the language for many years, but this simplification of the language has made the situation more difficult for minorities in rural areas. The aim of this study is, to evaluate bilingualism and its positive and negative consequences over minorities in China. In the study, the decisions and laws of the government during the historical process were used. In addition to the attitude of the government on this issue, the perspectives of Chinese scholars on bilingual education were investigated, and bilingual education policies and their implementation in Chinese minority schools were examined. In this study in a narrow sense, a second language emerged for minorities in addition to their own and the difficulties in this process were tried to be overcome by supporting the government’s education policies; in a broad sense, it was concluded that multilingual education for passive groups in society and multicultural education for dominant groups should be functionalized in two ways.


  • Blachford, D. R. (1997). “Bilingual Education in China.” J. Cummins & D Corson (eds). Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Volume 5. Netherlands: Springer Science+Business Media, B.V. 157-165.
  • Chen, K. et al. (1996). Wenshan, Honghe Zizhizhou Hani Miao Lahuzu Jiaoyu Fazhan Diaocha Yu Yanjiu (文 山 、红 河 自 治 州 哈 尼 、苗 、拉 祜 族 教 育 发 展 调 查 与 研 究). Minzu Jiaoyu Yanjiu (民族教育研究)- (Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities), 1, 40–47.
  • Chen, X. (1995). “Shuangyu Jiaoxue” Guanjian (“双 语 教 学 ”管 见). Minzu Jiaoyu Yanjiu (民族教育研究)- (Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities), 1, 7- 56.
  • Cleghorn, A., Merritt, M. ve Abagi, J. (1989). Language Policy and Science Instruction in Kenyan Primary Schools. Comparative Education Review Journal, 33 (1), 21.
  • Gladney, D.C. (1994). Ethnic Identity in China: The New Politics of Difference. W.A. Joseph (Ed.), China Briefing içinde (s. 92-171). Boulder: Westview Press.
  • Guan, X. (1995). Zongguo Shaoshu Minzu Shuangyu Jiaoyu Shiyan Diaocha yu Sikao (中 国 少 数 民 族 双 语 教 育 实 验 调 查 与 思 考 ). Minzu Jiaoyu Yanjiu (民族教育研究)- (Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities), 4, 15–20.
  • He, J. (1995). Xibozu Xuexiao Shixin Shangyu Jiaoxue de Yiyi, Chengjiu Ji Zhuyao Huanjie (锡 伯 族 学 校 施 行 双 语 教 学 的 意 义 、成 就 及 主 要 环 节). Minzu Jiaoyu Yianjiu (民族教育研究)- (Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities), 3, 9- 77.
  • Heath, S.B. (1981). English in Our Language Heritage. C.A. Ferguson & S. B. Heath (Ed), Language in The USA içinde (s. 6-20). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Lin, J. (1993). Ethnic Relationships and Minority Education in Guangxi, China: A Case Study. Canadian and International Education. 22(1), 5–21.
  • Lin, J. (1996, Mart). Identity and Discrimination: Minorities in China. Paper presented The Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference. Williamsburg: Virginia.
  • Lin, J. (1997). “Policies and Practices of Bilingual Education for the Minorities in China”. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. Vol. 18. No. 3. s. 193-205.
  • Lin, J. ve Zhou, Y. (1996, Mart). Minority Policy and Minority Education: Reform in Guangxi, China. Paper presented in The Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference. Williamsburg: Virginia.
  • Liu, B. (1993). “The importance of minority nationality mother tongue in bilingual education and its development prospect”. Shaoshu minzu muyu zai shuangyu jiayu zhong de yiyi jiqi fazhan qianjing (少数民族母语在双语教育中的意义及其发展前景). Minzu Yuwen (民族语文)- (Minority Languages of China),3, 8- 75.
  • Outline of China’s National Plan for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development. (2010, 9 Temmuz). Outline of China’s National Plan for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development 2010-2020. s. 23-37. Erişim adresi: (Erişim tarihi: 16.12.2020)
  • People’s Daily. (Overseas edition). (1995, 21 Ekim). China Gives Priority to Development of Minority Education. s. 3.
  • People’s Government of Yanbian Prefecture of Jilin Province .(1992). Gaohao Shuangyu Jiaoxue Tigao Minzu Jiaoyu Zhiliang (搞 好 双 语 教 学 提 高 民 族 教 育 质 量). Zhongguo Minzu Jiaoyu (中国民族教育). 3, 8- 96.
  • Shama, J. (1991). Minzu Wenzi Jiaocha Jianshe Jiqi Wenti (民族文字较差建设及其问题/ The development of minority language textbooks and problems). Zhongguo Minzu Jiaoyu (中国民族教育). 2, 7- 55.
  • Stites, R. (1992, Mart). Mother Tongue Literacy and Modernisation: Problems in The Theory and Practice of Bilingual Education in The People’s Republic of China. Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference, Annapolis: MD.
  • Tawakkul, D. (1999). A Study of Chinese Policy towards National Minorities with Reference to Higher Education: A Case Study of the Central University for Nationalities. (Doktora Tezi). Erişim Adresi: (Erişim Tarihi: 17.12.2020)
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China. (1982). Guo Hua Renmin Gongheguo Zhongyang Renmin Zhengfu (国华人民共和国中央人民政府). Constitution of the People’s Republic of China. Chapter 1. Article 4. Erişim adresi: (Erişim tarihi: 14.12.2020)
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China. (2002). Guo Hua Renmin Gongheguo Zhongyang Renmin Zhengfu (国华人民共和国中央人民政府). Danıştay, Reformu Derinleştirme ve Etnik Eğitimin Gelişimini Hızlandırma Kararı (国务院关于深化改革加快发展民族教育的决定). No. 14. Bölüm. 3. Karar. 6. Erişim adresi: (Erişim tarihi: 15.12.2020)
  • Wang, Q. (1995). Hanyu Ketang Jiaoxue de Jiaoji Hua Chutan (汉 语 课 堂 教 学 的 交 际 化 初 探 ). Minzu Jiaoyu Yanjiu (民族教育研究)- (Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities), 3, 6- 75.
  • Wang, Y. & Phillion, J. (2009). “Minority Language Policy and Practice in China: The Need for Multicultural Education”. International Journal of Multicultural Education. Vol.11. No.1. 1-14.
  • Wu, L. (1989). Yunnan Shuangyu Jiaoyu Zhi Wojian (云南双语教育之我见/ My Perspective on Bilingual Education in Yunnan). Minzu Yuwen (民族语文), 11, 69–70.
  • Yang, M. & Xi, S. (1995) Baizu Ba, Han Shuangyu Jiaoxue Shiliu Zi Fangzhen Shishi Chutan (白 族 白 、汉 双 语 教 学 十 六 字 方 针 实 施 初 探 ). Minzu Jiaoyu Yanjiu (民族教育研究)- (Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities), 1, 58–62.
  • Zhang, Q. (1992). Luetan Shuangyu Jiaoxue zhong de Yuyan Goutong Yu Wenhua Goutong (略谈双语教学中的语言沟通与文化沟通/ Briefly on Language and Cultural Communication in Bilingual Teaching). Minzu Yuwen (民族语文), 4, 7- 63.
  • Zhou, M. (2003). Multilingualism in China: The Politics of Writing Reforms for Minority Languages 1949-2002. J. A. Fishman (ed.). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 89.
  • Zhou, Q. (1991). Zhongguo Shuangyu Jiaoyu Leixing (中国双语教育类型/ The Type of Bilingual Education in China). Minzu Yuwen (民族语文), 3, 65-69.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Creative Arts and Writing
Journal Section Articles

Çile Maden Kalkan

Publication Date June 7, 2021
Submission Date May 17, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 45


APA Maden Kalkan, Ç. (2021). Çin’deki Azınlıklar için 20. yy. İki Dilli Eğitim Politikaları Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi(45), 49-62.

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