Research Article
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Year 2022, , 445 - 450, 24.08.2022



  • 1. Topcu FT, Sahinkesen G, Yamanel K, Erdemir U, Oktay EA and Seyda Ersahan. Influence of different drinks on the colour stability of dental resin composites. Eur J Dent 2009; 3: 50-6.
  • 2. Mjör IA, Moorhead JE and Dahl JE. Reasons for replacement of restorations in permanent teeth in general dental practice. Int Dent J 2000; 50: 361-6.
  • 3. Tyas M. Placement and replacement of restorations by selected practitioners. Australian Dental Journal 2005; 50: 81-9.
  • 4. Choi J-W, Lee M-J, Oh S-H and Kım K-M. Changes in the physical properties and color stability of aesthetic restorative materials caused by various beverages. Dent Mater J 2019; 38: 33-40.
  • 5. Guler AU, Yilmaz F, Kulunk T, Güler E and Kurt S. Effects of different drinks on stainability of resin composite provisional restorative materials. J Prosth Dent 2005; 94: 118-24.
  • 6. Özyurt E and Kurt A. Effect of different beverages on color stability and surface properties of composite resin materials. Color Res & App 2021; 46:1381-91.
  • 7. Shetty P, Purayil T-P, Ginjupalli K and Penpati KC. Effect of polishing technique and immersion in beverages on color stability of nanoceramic composites. J Oral Bio Craniofacial Res 2021; 11: 53-6.
  • 8. Alberton Da Silva V, Alberton Da Silva S, Pecho OE and Bacchi A. Influence of composite type and light irradiance on color stability after immersion in different beverages. J Esthet Rest Dent 2018; 30: 390-6.
  • 9. Pereira Sanchez N, Powers JM and Paravina RD. Instrumental and visual evaluation of the color adjustment potential of resin composites. J EsthetRest Dent 2019; 31: 465-70.
  • 10. Trifkovic B, Powers JM and Paravina RD. Color adjustment potential of resin composites. Clin Oral Investig 2018; 22: 1601-17.
  • 11. Ertas E, Gueler AU, Yuecel AC, köprülü H and GÜler Eda. Color stability of resin composites after immersion in different drinks. Dent Mater J 2006; 25: 371-6.
  • 12. Ardu S, Rossier I, Di Bella E, Kreji I and Dietchi D. Resin composite thickness’ influence on L* a* b* coordinates and translucency. Clin Oral Investig 2019; 23: 1583-6.
  • 13. Paravina RD, Ghinea R, Herrera LJ, Bona AD, Igiel Ci Linninger M et al. Color difference thresholds in dentistry. J Esthet Rest Dent 2015; 27: S1-S9.
  • 14. de Godoy Fróes-Salgado NR, Gajewski V, Ornaghi BP, Costa Pfiefer CS, Meier MM, Xavier TA et al. Influence of the base and diluent monomer on network characteristics and mechanical properties of neat resin and composite materials. Odontology 2015; 103: 160-8.
  • 15. Ozkanoglu S and Akin E. Evaluation of the effect of various beverages on the color stability and microhardness of restorative materials. Niger J Clin Pract 2020; 23: 322-8.
  • 16. Al-Samadani KH. The effect of preventive agents (Mouthwashes/Gels) on the color stability of dental resin-based composite materials. Dent J 2017; 5: 18.
  • 17. Sakaguchi RL and Powers JM. Craig's restorative dental materials-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2012.
  • 18. Kaizer MR, de Oliveira-Ogliari A, Cenci MS, Opdam NJM and MOraes RR. Do nanofill or submicron composites show improved smoothness and gloss? A systematic review of in vitro studies. Dent Mater 2014; 30: e41-e78.
  • 19. Amirouche-Korichi A, Mouzali M and Watts DC. Effects of monomer ratios and highly radiopaque fillers on degree of conversion and shrinkage-strain of dental resin composites. Dent Mater 2009; 25: 1411-8.
  • 20. Gajewski VE, Pfeifer CS, Fróes-Salgado NR, Boaro LC and Braga RR . Monomers used in resin composites: degree of conversion, mechanical properties and water sorption/solubility. Brazil Dent J 2012; 23: 508-14.
  • 21. Guler S and Unal M. The evaluation of color and surface roughness changes in resin based restorative materials with different contents after waiting in various liquids: an SEM and AFM study. Microscopy Res Tech 2018; 81: 1422-33.
  • 22. Fonseca ASQ, Moreira ADL, de Albuquerque PPA, de Menezes LR, Pfeifer CS and Schneider LF. Effect of monomer type on the CC degree of conversion, water sorption and solubility, and color stability of model dental composites. Dent Mater 2017; 33: 394-401.
  • 23. Bansal K, Acharya SR and Saraswathi V. Effect of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages on color stability and surface roughness of resin composites: An in vitro study. J Conservat Dent JCD 2012; 15: 283.
  • 24. Öztürk E and Güder G. Correlation between three‐dimentional surface topography and color stability of different nanofilled composites. Scanning 2015; 37: 438-45.
  • 25. Türkün ŞL and Leblebicioğlu E. Stain retention and surface characteristics of posterior composites polished by one-step systems. Am J Dent 2006; 19.
  • 26. Kumari RV, Nagaraj H, Siddaraju K and Poluri RK. Evaluation of the effect of surface polishing, oral beverages and food colorants on color stability and surface roughness of nanocomposite resins. J Int Oral Health 2015; 7: 63.
  • 27. Alawjali SS and Lui J. Effect of one-step polishing system on the color stability of nanocomposites. J Dent 2013; 41: 53-61.
  • 28. Nasim I, Neelakantan P, Sujeer R and Subbarao CV. Color stability of microfilled, microhybrid and nanocomposite resins—an in vitro study. J Dent 2010; 38: 137-42.


Year 2022, , 445 - 450, 24.08.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, üniversal rezin kompozitlerin renk stabilitesi ve yüzey özellikleri üzerine yaygın kullanılan içeceklerin etkilerini in vitro olarak incelemektir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Üç üniversal rezin kompozit (Omnichroa, Estelite Sigma Quick, Filtek Universal Restorative) ve 3 farklı içecek (kahve, portakal suyu ve kola) incelenmiştir. Distile su kontrol grubunda kullanıldı. Yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve renk stabilitesi değerlendirilmesi için her materyalden her içecek için disk şeklinde örnekler hazırlandı (n=10). Ölçümler polimerizasyondan 24 saat sonra ve içeceklerde bekletme işlem sorasında tekrarlandı. Ayrıca, su emilimi için ISO 4049:2009 standartları doğrultusunda her materyalden 10 tane örnek hazırlandı. Elde edilen veriler istatistiksel olarak tek yönlü varyans analizi, post hoc Tukey testi kullanılarak analiz edildi (p<0.05).
Bulgular: Distile su grupları tüm materyallerde en az ΔE00 değerlerini gösterdi. Her materyalde kahvede bekletme sonrası istatististiksel olarak anlamlı bir renk değişimi tespit edildi (p<0.05). İçeceklerin restoratif materyallerin pürüzlülük değerlerinde anlamlı farklılığa yol açmadığı görüldü. Omnichroma’nın tüm içeceklerde diğer restoratif materyallere göre anlamlı derecede yüksek pürüzlülük gösterdiği saptandı (p<0.05).
Sonuç: Renklenme estetik restorasyonda önemli bir parametredir. Estetik restoratif materyallerin hem yüzey hem renk özellikleri dış kaynaklı renklendiricilerden etkilenmektedir. Bundan dolayı, hekimler estetik restoratif materyalleri kullandıkları tedavi yaklaşımlarında bu konun bilincinde olmalı ve hastalarını bilgilendirmelidirler.


  • 1. Topcu FT, Sahinkesen G, Yamanel K, Erdemir U, Oktay EA and Seyda Ersahan. Influence of different drinks on the colour stability of dental resin composites. Eur J Dent 2009; 3: 50-6.
  • 2. Mjör IA, Moorhead JE and Dahl JE. Reasons for replacement of restorations in permanent teeth in general dental practice. Int Dent J 2000; 50: 361-6.
  • 3. Tyas M. Placement and replacement of restorations by selected practitioners. Australian Dental Journal 2005; 50: 81-9.
  • 4. Choi J-W, Lee M-J, Oh S-H and Kım K-M. Changes in the physical properties and color stability of aesthetic restorative materials caused by various beverages. Dent Mater J 2019; 38: 33-40.
  • 5. Guler AU, Yilmaz F, Kulunk T, Güler E and Kurt S. Effects of different drinks on stainability of resin composite provisional restorative materials. J Prosth Dent 2005; 94: 118-24.
  • 6. Özyurt E and Kurt A. Effect of different beverages on color stability and surface properties of composite resin materials. Color Res & App 2021; 46:1381-91.
  • 7. Shetty P, Purayil T-P, Ginjupalli K and Penpati KC. Effect of polishing technique and immersion in beverages on color stability of nanoceramic composites. J Oral Bio Craniofacial Res 2021; 11: 53-6.
  • 8. Alberton Da Silva V, Alberton Da Silva S, Pecho OE and Bacchi A. Influence of composite type and light irradiance on color stability after immersion in different beverages. J Esthet Rest Dent 2018; 30: 390-6.
  • 9. Pereira Sanchez N, Powers JM and Paravina RD. Instrumental and visual evaluation of the color adjustment potential of resin composites. J EsthetRest Dent 2019; 31: 465-70.
  • 10. Trifkovic B, Powers JM and Paravina RD. Color adjustment potential of resin composites. Clin Oral Investig 2018; 22: 1601-17.
  • 11. Ertas E, Gueler AU, Yuecel AC, köprülü H and GÜler Eda. Color stability of resin composites after immersion in different drinks. Dent Mater J 2006; 25: 371-6.
  • 12. Ardu S, Rossier I, Di Bella E, Kreji I and Dietchi D. Resin composite thickness’ influence on L* a* b* coordinates and translucency. Clin Oral Investig 2019; 23: 1583-6.
  • 13. Paravina RD, Ghinea R, Herrera LJ, Bona AD, Igiel Ci Linninger M et al. Color difference thresholds in dentistry. J Esthet Rest Dent 2015; 27: S1-S9.
  • 14. de Godoy Fróes-Salgado NR, Gajewski V, Ornaghi BP, Costa Pfiefer CS, Meier MM, Xavier TA et al. Influence of the base and diluent monomer on network characteristics and mechanical properties of neat resin and composite materials. Odontology 2015; 103: 160-8.
  • 15. Ozkanoglu S and Akin E. Evaluation of the effect of various beverages on the color stability and microhardness of restorative materials. Niger J Clin Pract 2020; 23: 322-8.
  • 16. Al-Samadani KH. The effect of preventive agents (Mouthwashes/Gels) on the color stability of dental resin-based composite materials. Dent J 2017; 5: 18.
  • 17. Sakaguchi RL and Powers JM. Craig's restorative dental materials-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2012.
  • 18. Kaizer MR, de Oliveira-Ogliari A, Cenci MS, Opdam NJM and MOraes RR. Do nanofill or submicron composites show improved smoothness and gloss? A systematic review of in vitro studies. Dent Mater 2014; 30: e41-e78.
  • 19. Amirouche-Korichi A, Mouzali M and Watts DC. Effects of monomer ratios and highly radiopaque fillers on degree of conversion and shrinkage-strain of dental resin composites. Dent Mater 2009; 25: 1411-8.
  • 20. Gajewski VE, Pfeifer CS, Fróes-Salgado NR, Boaro LC and Braga RR . Monomers used in resin composites: degree of conversion, mechanical properties and water sorption/solubility. Brazil Dent J 2012; 23: 508-14.
  • 21. Guler S and Unal M. The evaluation of color and surface roughness changes in resin based restorative materials with different contents after waiting in various liquids: an SEM and AFM study. Microscopy Res Tech 2018; 81: 1422-33.
  • 22. Fonseca ASQ, Moreira ADL, de Albuquerque PPA, de Menezes LR, Pfeifer CS and Schneider LF. Effect of monomer type on the CC degree of conversion, water sorption and solubility, and color stability of model dental composites. Dent Mater 2017; 33: 394-401.
  • 23. Bansal K, Acharya SR and Saraswathi V. Effect of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages on color stability and surface roughness of resin composites: An in vitro study. J Conservat Dent JCD 2012; 15: 283.
  • 24. Öztürk E and Güder G. Correlation between three‐dimentional surface topography and color stability of different nanofilled composites. Scanning 2015; 37: 438-45.
  • 25. Türkün ŞL and Leblebicioğlu E. Stain retention and surface characteristics of posterior composites polished by one-step systems. Am J Dent 2006; 19.
  • 26. Kumari RV, Nagaraj H, Siddaraju K and Poluri RK. Evaluation of the effect of surface polishing, oral beverages and food colorants on color stability and surface roughness of nanocomposite resins. J Int Oral Health 2015; 7: 63.
  • 27. Alawjali SS and Lui J. Effect of one-step polishing system on the color stability of nanocomposites. J Dent 2013; 41: 53-61.
  • 28. Nasim I, Neelakantan P, Sujeer R and Subbarao CV. Color stability of microfilled, microhybrid and nanocomposite resins—an in vitro study. J Dent 2010; 38: 137-42.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Research

Sinem Akgül 0000-0002-2458-3533

Ceyda Gündoğdu This is me 0000-0002-5158-3379

Zuhal Çalışkan 0000-0001-8875-770X

Ayşenur Çelik This is me 0000-0002-0371-4565

Oya Bala 0000-0001-5446-2583

Publication Date August 24, 2022
Submission Date February 2, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022
