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Süt Dişi Başlangıç Mine Lezyonlarının Remineralizasyonunda Kullanılan Farklı Yapıdaki Diş Macunlarının Mikrosertlik Üzerine Etkisinin İn Vitro Koşullarda Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2022, , 533 - 539, 24.08.2022



Bu çalışmada; farklı içeriklerdeki remineralizasyon
kapasitesine sahip diş macunlarının, üst süt kesici dişlerdeki başlangıç mine
lezyonlarının remineralizasyonu üzerine etkinliğinin in vitro koşullarda
değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.

Gereç ve Yöntemler:Çalışmamızda kullanılan 40 adet üst süt kesici dişe
uygulanan remineralizasyon materyalleri sırasıyla; florid içerikli diş macunu
(F), kazein fosfopeptid- amorf kalsiyum fosfatlı diş macunu (CPP-ACP), nanohidroksiapatitli
diş macunu (nHAP), ve kalsiyum gliserofosfat içeren diş macunu (CaGP)’dur.
Dişlere 7 günlük pH döngüsü boyunca materyaller günde iki defa bir aplikatör
yardımıyla uygulanmıştır. Örneklerin yüzey sertliğindeki değişimler ise
Mikrosertlik Testiyle değerlendirilmiştir.

Bulgular:Tüm gruplarda demineralizasyon sonrası mikrosertlik
değerlerinin başlangıç ve pH döngüsü sonrası
değerlerine göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde düşük olduğu
belirlenmiştir (p<0,05).

Kullanılan diş macunlarıyla tedavi edilen örneklerin
mikrosertlik bulguları değerlendirildiğinde; çalışma sonucunda, grupların pH
döngüsü sonrası yüzey mikrosertlik değerleri arasındaki farkın istatistiksel
olarak anlamlı olduğu belirlenmiştir (p<0,05). 

Demineralizasyon ve remineralizasyon alanlarının
mikrosertlik değerlerinin sağlam mine değerlerine göre istatistiksel olarak
anlamlı düzeyde düşük olduğu belirlenmiştir. Tüm ajanların remineralizasyondan
sonraki yüzey sertlik değerleri demineralize alanlardan 

olarak anlamlı derecede yüksek bulunmuş, remineralizasyondan sonra elde edilen
yüzey sertlik kazancı açısından gruplar arasında anlamlı bir fark

Sonuçlar:Çalışmamızın Mikrosertlik bulguları
değerlendirildiğinde; tüm gruplarda uygulanan remineralizasyon ajanlarının,
oluşturulan başlangıç çürüklerinin remineralizasyonunda etkili olduğu ve
floride alternatif olarak kullanılabileceği düşünülmektedir. 

Anahtar Kelimeler:Demineralizasyon, florid, kalsiyum gliserofosfat,
kazein fosfopeptid-amorf kalsiyum fosfat, mikrosertlik, nanohidroksiapatit,


  • Kaynaklar
  • 1. Fejerskov O, Kıdd EAM. Clinical cariology and operative dentistry in the twenty-first century. In: Dental caries: the disease and its clinical management. Ed: Fejerskov O, Kidd E. Copenhagen, Denmark. Blackwell Monksgaard. 2003; p:3-7.
  • 2. Pıtts NB. Are we ready to move from operative to non-operative/preventive treatment of dental caries in clinical practice? Caries Res, 2004; 38: 294–304.
  • 3. Selwıtz RH, Ismaıl AI, Pıtts NB. Dental caries. Lancet, 2007; 369 (9555): 51-59.
  • 4. Kırzıoğlu Z. Özkul ÖS. Diş çürüklerini önlemede kullanılan alternatif materyaller. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2014; 9: 104-112.
  • 5. Pıtts NB. Modern concepts of caries measurement. J Dent Res,2004; 83: C43–47.
  • 6. Farooq I, Moheet IA, Imran Z, Farooq U. A review of novel dental caries preventive material: Casein phosphopeptide–amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP–ACP) complex. King Saud University Journal of Dental Sciences., 2013; 4, 47 –51.
  • 7. Guerrıerı A, Gaucher C, Bonte E, Lasfargues JJ. Minimal intervention dentistry: part 4. Detection and diagnosis of initial caries lesions. British Dental Journal, 2012; 213(11):551-7.
  • 8. Çelik EU, Yazkan B, Katırcı G. Başlangıç çürük lezyonlarının tedavisi. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg, 2011; 21: 48-56.
  • 9. Longbottom C, Ekstrandb K, Zeroc D, Kambarad M. Novel preventive treatment options. Monogr Oral Sci., 2009; 21:156-63.
  • 10. Zhou C, Zhang, Baı Y, Lı S. Casein phosphopeptide–amorphous calcium phosphate remineralization of primary teeth early enamel lesions. Journal of Dentistry, 2014; 42(1), 21-29.
  • 11. Hannig, M., Hannig, C. Nanomaterials in preventive dentistry. Nature Tech.2010; 5: 565-569.
  • 12. Huang SB, Gao S, Yu H. Effect of nano-hydroxyapatite concentration on remineralization of initial enamel lesion in vitro. Biomed Mater, 2009; 4: 034104.
  • 13.Huang S, Gao S, Cheng L, Yu H. Combined effects of nanohydroxyapatite and Galla chinensis on remineralisation of initial enamel lesion in vitro. J Dent, 2010; 38: 811-819.
  • 14.Huang S, Gao S, Cheng L, Yu H. Remineralization potential of nano-hydroxyapatite on initial enamel lesions: an in vitro study. Caries Res, 2011; 45 (5):460-8.
  • 15. Reynolds EC. Remineralization of enamel subsurface lesions by casein phosphopeptide-stabilized calcium phosphate solutions. J Dent Res, 1997;76: 1587-95.
  • 16. Shen P, Caı F, Nowıckı A, Vıncent J, Reynolds EC. Remineralization of enamel subsurface lesions by sugar-free chewing gum containing casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate. J Dent Res.2001; 80 (12):2066-2070.
  • 17. Oshıro M, Yamaguchı K, Takamızawa T, Inage H, Watanabe T, Irokawa A, Ando S, Mıyazakı M. Effect of CPP-ACP paste on tooth mineralization: an FE-SEM study. Journal of Oral Science, 2007; Vol. 49, No. 2, 115-120. 18. Cochrane NJ, Saranathan S, Caı F, Cross Kj, Reynolds EC. Enamel subsurface lesion remineralisation with casein phosphopeptide stabilised solutions of calcium, phosphate and fluoride. Caries Res,2008; 42: 88–97.
  • 19. Zhang Q, Zo J, Yang R, Zhou X. Remineralization effects of casein phosphopeptide‐amorphous calcium phosphate crème on artificial early enamel lesions of primary teeth. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 2011; 21(5), 374-381.
  • 20. Turssı CP, Maeda FA, Messıas DC. Effect of potential remineralizing agents on acid softened enamel. Am J Dent 2011; 24 (3): 165-8.
  • 21. Li L, Pan H, Tao J, XU X, Mao C, Gu X, Tang R. Repair of enamel by using hydroxyapatite nanoparticles as the building blocks. J Mater Chem, 2008;18: 40794084.
  • 22. Yuan P, Shen X, Lıu J, Hou Y, Zhu M, Huang J, Xu P. Effects of dentifrice containing hydroxyapatite on dentinal tubule occlusion and aqueous hexavalent chromium cations sorption: a preliminary study. Plus One., 2012; 7: 452-483.
  • 23. Lv KL, Zhang JX, Meng XC, Li XY. Remineralization effect of the nano-HA toothpaste on artificial caries. In Key Engineering Materials. 2007; 330, p: 267-270.
  • 24. Itthagarun A, Cheung YM, King NM. The effect of nanohydroxyapatite containing toothpaste on artificial enamel carious lesion progression: an in vitro pH cycling study. Hong Kong Dent J,2010; 7: 61-66.
  • 25. Puıg SM, Almerıch SJM. Comparison of the remineralizing effect of a sodium fluoride mouthrinse versus a sodium monofluorophosphate and calcium mouthrinse: An in vitro study. J Clin Exp Dent, 2009; 1(1):e31-36.
  • 26. Lynch RJM, Ten Cate JM. Effect of calcium glycerophosphate on demineralization in an in vitro biofilm model. Caries Res, 2006; 40.2: 142-147.
  • 27. Tenuta LM, Cenci MS, Cury AA Pereira-Cenci T, Tabchoury CP, Moi GP, Cury JA. Effect of a calcium glycerophosphate fluoride dentifrice formulation on enamel demineralization in situ. Am J Dent. 2009; 22:278–282.
  • 28. Zaze ACSF, Dias AP, Sassaki KT, Delbem ACB. The effects of low-fluoride toothpaste supplemented with calcium glycerophosphate on enamel demineralization. Clinical Oral Investigations, 2014; 18(6), 1619-1624.
  • 29. Amaral DJG, Sassaki KT, Martıınhon CC Delbem AC. Effect of low-fluoride dentifrices supplemented with calcium glycerophosphate on enamel demineralization in situ. American Journal of Dentistry, 2013; 26(2), 75-80.
Year 2022, , 533 - 539, 24.08.2022



  • Kaynaklar
  • 1. Fejerskov O, Kıdd EAM. Clinical cariology and operative dentistry in the twenty-first century. In: Dental caries: the disease and its clinical management. Ed: Fejerskov O, Kidd E. Copenhagen, Denmark. Blackwell Monksgaard. 2003; p:3-7.
  • 2. Pıtts NB. Are we ready to move from operative to non-operative/preventive treatment of dental caries in clinical practice? Caries Res, 2004; 38: 294–304.
  • 3. Selwıtz RH, Ismaıl AI, Pıtts NB. Dental caries. Lancet, 2007; 369 (9555): 51-59.
  • 4. Kırzıoğlu Z. Özkul ÖS. Diş çürüklerini önlemede kullanılan alternatif materyaller. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2014; 9: 104-112.
  • 5. Pıtts NB. Modern concepts of caries measurement. J Dent Res,2004; 83: C43–47.
  • 6. Farooq I, Moheet IA, Imran Z, Farooq U. A review of novel dental caries preventive material: Casein phosphopeptide–amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP–ACP) complex. King Saud University Journal of Dental Sciences., 2013; 4, 47 –51.
  • 7. Guerrıerı A, Gaucher C, Bonte E, Lasfargues JJ. Minimal intervention dentistry: part 4. Detection and diagnosis of initial caries lesions. British Dental Journal, 2012; 213(11):551-7.
  • 8. Çelik EU, Yazkan B, Katırcı G. Başlangıç çürük lezyonlarının tedavisi. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg, 2011; 21: 48-56.
  • 9. Longbottom C, Ekstrandb K, Zeroc D, Kambarad M. Novel preventive treatment options. Monogr Oral Sci., 2009; 21:156-63.
  • 10. Zhou C, Zhang, Baı Y, Lı S. Casein phosphopeptide–amorphous calcium phosphate remineralization of primary teeth early enamel lesions. Journal of Dentistry, 2014; 42(1), 21-29.
  • 11. Hannig, M., Hannig, C. Nanomaterials in preventive dentistry. Nature Tech.2010; 5: 565-569.
  • 12. Huang SB, Gao S, Yu H. Effect of nano-hydroxyapatite concentration on remineralization of initial enamel lesion in vitro. Biomed Mater, 2009; 4: 034104.
  • 13.Huang S, Gao S, Cheng L, Yu H. Combined effects of nanohydroxyapatite and Galla chinensis on remineralisation of initial enamel lesion in vitro. J Dent, 2010; 38: 811-819.
  • 14.Huang S, Gao S, Cheng L, Yu H. Remineralization potential of nano-hydroxyapatite on initial enamel lesions: an in vitro study. Caries Res, 2011; 45 (5):460-8.
  • 15. Reynolds EC. Remineralization of enamel subsurface lesions by casein phosphopeptide-stabilized calcium phosphate solutions. J Dent Res, 1997;76: 1587-95.
  • 16. Shen P, Caı F, Nowıckı A, Vıncent J, Reynolds EC. Remineralization of enamel subsurface lesions by sugar-free chewing gum containing casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate. J Dent Res.2001; 80 (12):2066-2070.
  • 17. Oshıro M, Yamaguchı K, Takamızawa T, Inage H, Watanabe T, Irokawa A, Ando S, Mıyazakı M. Effect of CPP-ACP paste on tooth mineralization: an FE-SEM study. Journal of Oral Science, 2007; Vol. 49, No. 2, 115-120. 18. Cochrane NJ, Saranathan S, Caı F, Cross Kj, Reynolds EC. Enamel subsurface lesion remineralisation with casein phosphopeptide stabilised solutions of calcium, phosphate and fluoride. Caries Res,2008; 42: 88–97.
  • 19. Zhang Q, Zo J, Yang R, Zhou X. Remineralization effects of casein phosphopeptide‐amorphous calcium phosphate crème on artificial early enamel lesions of primary teeth. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 2011; 21(5), 374-381.
  • 20. Turssı CP, Maeda FA, Messıas DC. Effect of potential remineralizing agents on acid softened enamel. Am J Dent 2011; 24 (3): 165-8.
  • 21. Li L, Pan H, Tao J, XU X, Mao C, Gu X, Tang R. Repair of enamel by using hydroxyapatite nanoparticles as the building blocks. J Mater Chem, 2008;18: 40794084.
  • 22. Yuan P, Shen X, Lıu J, Hou Y, Zhu M, Huang J, Xu P. Effects of dentifrice containing hydroxyapatite on dentinal tubule occlusion and aqueous hexavalent chromium cations sorption: a preliminary study. Plus One., 2012; 7: 452-483.
  • 23. Lv KL, Zhang JX, Meng XC, Li XY. Remineralization effect of the nano-HA toothpaste on artificial caries. In Key Engineering Materials. 2007; 330, p: 267-270.
  • 24. Itthagarun A, Cheung YM, King NM. The effect of nanohydroxyapatite containing toothpaste on artificial enamel carious lesion progression: an in vitro pH cycling study. Hong Kong Dent J,2010; 7: 61-66.
  • 25. Puıg SM, Almerıch SJM. Comparison of the remineralizing effect of a sodium fluoride mouthrinse versus a sodium monofluorophosphate and calcium mouthrinse: An in vitro study. J Clin Exp Dent, 2009; 1(1):e31-36.
  • 26. Lynch RJM, Ten Cate JM. Effect of calcium glycerophosphate on demineralization in an in vitro biofilm model. Caries Res, 2006; 40.2: 142-147.
  • 27. Tenuta LM, Cenci MS, Cury AA Pereira-Cenci T, Tabchoury CP, Moi GP, Cury JA. Effect of a calcium glycerophosphate fluoride dentifrice formulation on enamel demineralization in situ. Am J Dent. 2009; 22:278–282.
  • 28. Zaze ACSF, Dias AP, Sassaki KT, Delbem ACB. The effects of low-fluoride toothpaste supplemented with calcium glycerophosphate on enamel demineralization. Clinical Oral Investigations, 2014; 18(6), 1619-1624.
  • 29. Amaral DJG, Sassaki KT, Martıınhon CC Delbem AC. Effect of low-fluoride dentifrices supplemented with calcium glycerophosphate on enamel demineralization in situ. American Journal of Dentistry, 2013; 26(2), 75-80.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Research

Sevil Uysal 0000-0002-3780-8463

Firdevs Tulga Öz 0000-0002-8731-5907

Publication Date August 24, 2022
Submission Date November 25, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2022


Vancouver Uysal S, Tulga Öz F. Süt Dişi Başlangıç Mine Lezyonlarının Remineralizasyonunda Kullanılan Farklı Yapıdaki Diş Macunlarının Mikrosertlik Üzerine Etkisinin İn Vitro Koşullarda Değerlendirilmesi. Selcuk Dent J. 2022;9(2):533-9.