Research Article
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Oral epitel dokularda panoramik radyografinin genotoksik etkileri

Year 2019, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 155 - 161, 11.11.2019


Amaç: X ışınları gen mutasyonları ve kromozomal
aberasyonlara sebep olabilen potansiyel mutajenik ajanlardan biridir. Bu
çalışmada, panoramic radyografi alınan hastaların hücre çekirdeğinde
oluşabilecek hasarı gözlemlemek için mikronükleus testi uygulanmıştır.

Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmamızda, dental tanı nedeni ile panoramik radyografi alınması
gereken 30 gönüllü hastanın bukkal mukoza sürüntü hücreleri radyografi öncesi
ve radyografiden 2 hafta sonra alınmıştır. Her bir sürüntüdeki 1000 hücrenin
çekirdeğindeki değişiklikler ışık mikroskobu altında sayılarak kaydedilmiştir.

Bulgular: Çalışmamızda, X ışını maruziyeti sonrası bukkal mukoza hücrelerinde
gözlenen mikronükleus sıklığındaki artış istatistiksel olarak anlamlı
bulunmuştur (p <0.001). Sitotoksisiteye ilişkin hücre çekirdeğindeki diğer
değişikliklerde ise, karyoreksis ve karyoliziste istatistiksel olarak anlamlı
bir artış gözlenmiş; ancak piknozisteki artış anlamlı bulunmamıştır.

Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, dental tanı ve tedavi esnasında alınan panoramic radyografi
oral mukozal hücrelerde sitotoksisiteye sebep olmaktadır. Panoramik radyografi
gerektiğinde uygun dozda uygulanmalıdır.


Hücre Hasarı, Mikronükleus Testi,
Panoramik Radyografi


  • 1. Cerqueira EM, Meireles JR, Lopes MA, Junqueira VC, Gomes-Filho IS, Trindade S, ve ark. Genotoxic effects of X-rays on keratinized mucosa cells during panoramic dental radiography. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2008; 37(7): 398-403. 2. Onur E, Tuğrul B, Bozyiğit F. DNA Hasarı ve Onarım Mekanizmaları. Türk Klinik Biyokimya Derg 2009; 7(2): 61-70 3. Fidan AF. DNA Hasar Tespitinde Tek Hücre Jel Elektroforezi. AKÜ-Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2009; 8(1): 41-52 4. Fenech M, Holland N, Chang WP, Zeiger E, Bonassi S. The Human Micronucleus Project-An international collaborative study on the use of the micronucleus technique for measuring DNA damage in humans. Mutat Res. 1999; 428 (1-2): 271-83. 5. Üstüner D. Kromozom Kırıkları ve Mikronükleus-Apoptoz Bağlantısı. TÜBAV Bilim 2011; 4(1): 64-69. 6. White SC, Pharoah MJ. Oral Radiology Principles and Interpretation. 6th Ed.Mosby Elsevier; 2009 7. Cerqueira EM, Gomes-Filho IS, Trindade S, Lopes MA, Passos JS, Machado-Santelli GM. Genetic damage in exfoliated cells from oral mucosa of individuals exposed to X-rays during panoramic dental radiographies. Mutat Res. 2004; 562: 111-7. 8. Jagetia GC, Jayakrishnan A, Fernandes D, Vidyasagar MS. Evaluation of micronuclei frequency in the cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes of cancer patients before and after radiation treatment. Mutat Res. 2001; 491(1-2): 9-16. 9. Minicucci EM, Kowalski LP, Maia MA, Pereira A, Ribeiro LR, de Camargo JL ve ark. Cytogenetic damage in circulating lymphocytes and buccal mucosa cells of head-and-neck cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. J Radiat Res. 2005; 46(2): 135-42. 10. Şahin A, Tatar A, Öztas S, Seven B, Varoglu E, Yesilyurt A ve ark. Evaluation of the genotoxic effects of chronic low-dose ionizing radiation exposure on nuclear medicine workers. Nucl Med Biol. 2009; 36(5):575-8. 11. Sari-Minodier I, Orsière T, Bellon L, Pompili J, Sapin C, Botta A. Cytogenetic monitoring of industrial radiographers using the micronucleus assay. Mutat Res. 2002; 521(1-2): 37-46 12. Popova L, Kishkilova D, Hadjidekova VB, Hristova RP, Atanasova P, Hadjidekova VV ve ark. Micronucleus test in buccal epithelium cells from patients subjected to panoramic radiography. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2007; 36(3): 168-71. 13. Ribeiro DA, de Oliveira G, de Castro G, Angelieri F. Cytogenetic biomonitoring in patients exposed to dental X-rays: comparison between adults and children. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2008; 37(7): 404-7 14. Sarto F, Finotto S, Giacomelli L, Mazzotti D, Tomanin R, Levis AG. The micronucleus assay in exfoliated cells of the human buccal mucosa. Mutagenesis. 1987; 2(1): 11-7. 15. Tolbert PE, Shy CM, Allen JW. Micronuclei and other nuclear anomalies in buccal smears: a field test in snuff users. Am J Epidemiol. 1991; 134(8): 840-50. 16. Maluf SW. Monitoring DNA damage following radiation exposure using cytokinesis-block micronucleus method and alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis. Clin Chim Acta. 2004; 347(1-2): 15-24. 17. Ghose UR , Parida BB . Cytological study of exfoliated buccal mucosa cells of tribes in Orissa State (India) with high risk for oral cancer. Indian J Cancer 1995; 32: 95–99. 18. Stich HF, Curtis JR, Parida BB. Application of the micronucleus test to exfoliated cells of high cancer risk groups: tobacco chewers. Int J Cancer. 1982; 30(5): 553-9. 19. Carlin V, Artioli AJ, Matsumoto MA, Filho HN, Borgo E, Oshima CT ve ark. Biomonitoring of DNA damage and cytotoxicity in individuals exposed to cone beam computed tomography. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2010; 39(5): 295-9. 20. Visvardis EE , Tassiou AM , Piperakis SM . Study of DNA damage induction and repair capacity of fresh and cryopreserved lymphocytes exposed to H2O2 and gamma-irradiation with the alkaline comet assay. Mutat Res 1997; 383: 71–80. 21. Ribeiro DA. Cytogenetic biomonitoring in oral mucosa cells following dental X-ray. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2012; 41(3): 181-4. 22. Lorenzoni DC, Cuzzuol Fracalossi AC, Carlin V, Araki Ribeiro D, Sant' Anna EF. Cytogenetic biomonitoring in children submitting to a complete set of radiographs for orthodontic planning. Angle Orthod. 2012; 82(4): 585-90.
Year 2019, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 155 - 161, 11.11.2019



  • 1. Cerqueira EM, Meireles JR, Lopes MA, Junqueira VC, Gomes-Filho IS, Trindade S, ve ark. Genotoxic effects of X-rays on keratinized mucosa cells during panoramic dental radiography. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2008; 37(7): 398-403. 2. Onur E, Tuğrul B, Bozyiğit F. DNA Hasarı ve Onarım Mekanizmaları. Türk Klinik Biyokimya Derg 2009; 7(2): 61-70 3. Fidan AF. DNA Hasar Tespitinde Tek Hücre Jel Elektroforezi. AKÜ-Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2009; 8(1): 41-52 4. Fenech M, Holland N, Chang WP, Zeiger E, Bonassi S. The Human Micronucleus Project-An international collaborative study on the use of the micronucleus technique for measuring DNA damage in humans. Mutat Res. 1999; 428 (1-2): 271-83. 5. Üstüner D. Kromozom Kırıkları ve Mikronükleus-Apoptoz Bağlantısı. TÜBAV Bilim 2011; 4(1): 64-69. 6. White SC, Pharoah MJ. Oral Radiology Principles and Interpretation. 6th Ed.Mosby Elsevier; 2009 7. Cerqueira EM, Gomes-Filho IS, Trindade S, Lopes MA, Passos JS, Machado-Santelli GM. Genetic damage in exfoliated cells from oral mucosa of individuals exposed to X-rays during panoramic dental radiographies. Mutat Res. 2004; 562: 111-7. 8. Jagetia GC, Jayakrishnan A, Fernandes D, Vidyasagar MS. Evaluation of micronuclei frequency in the cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes of cancer patients before and after radiation treatment. Mutat Res. 2001; 491(1-2): 9-16. 9. Minicucci EM, Kowalski LP, Maia MA, Pereira A, Ribeiro LR, de Camargo JL ve ark. Cytogenetic damage in circulating lymphocytes and buccal mucosa cells of head-and-neck cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. J Radiat Res. 2005; 46(2): 135-42. 10. Şahin A, Tatar A, Öztas S, Seven B, Varoglu E, Yesilyurt A ve ark. Evaluation of the genotoxic effects of chronic low-dose ionizing radiation exposure on nuclear medicine workers. Nucl Med Biol. 2009; 36(5):575-8. 11. Sari-Minodier I, Orsière T, Bellon L, Pompili J, Sapin C, Botta A. Cytogenetic monitoring of industrial radiographers using the micronucleus assay. Mutat Res. 2002; 521(1-2): 37-46 12. Popova L, Kishkilova D, Hadjidekova VB, Hristova RP, Atanasova P, Hadjidekova VV ve ark. Micronucleus test in buccal epithelium cells from patients subjected to panoramic radiography. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2007; 36(3): 168-71. 13. Ribeiro DA, de Oliveira G, de Castro G, Angelieri F. Cytogenetic biomonitoring in patients exposed to dental X-rays: comparison between adults and children. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2008; 37(7): 404-7 14. Sarto F, Finotto S, Giacomelli L, Mazzotti D, Tomanin R, Levis AG. The micronucleus assay in exfoliated cells of the human buccal mucosa. Mutagenesis. 1987; 2(1): 11-7. 15. Tolbert PE, Shy CM, Allen JW. Micronuclei and other nuclear anomalies in buccal smears: a field test in snuff users. Am J Epidemiol. 1991; 134(8): 840-50. 16. Maluf SW. Monitoring DNA damage following radiation exposure using cytokinesis-block micronucleus method and alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis. Clin Chim Acta. 2004; 347(1-2): 15-24. 17. Ghose UR , Parida BB . Cytological study of exfoliated buccal mucosa cells of tribes in Orissa State (India) with high risk for oral cancer. Indian J Cancer 1995; 32: 95–99. 18. Stich HF, Curtis JR, Parida BB. Application of the micronucleus test to exfoliated cells of high cancer risk groups: tobacco chewers. Int J Cancer. 1982; 30(5): 553-9. 19. Carlin V, Artioli AJ, Matsumoto MA, Filho HN, Borgo E, Oshima CT ve ark. Biomonitoring of DNA damage and cytotoxicity in individuals exposed to cone beam computed tomography. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2010; 39(5): 295-9. 20. Visvardis EE , Tassiou AM , Piperakis SM . Study of DNA damage induction and repair capacity of fresh and cryopreserved lymphocytes exposed to H2O2 and gamma-irradiation with the alkaline comet assay. Mutat Res 1997; 383: 71–80. 21. Ribeiro DA. Cytogenetic biomonitoring in oral mucosa cells following dental X-ray. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2012; 41(3): 181-4. 22. Lorenzoni DC, Cuzzuol Fracalossi AC, Carlin V, Araki Ribeiro D, Sant' Anna EF. Cytogenetic biomonitoring in children submitting to a complete set of radiographs for orthodontic planning. Angle Orthod. 2012; 82(4): 585-90.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Articles

Hülya Çakır Karabaş This is me 0000-0001-9258-053X

İlknur Özcan This is me 0000-0001-9006-5630

Semra Dölek Gürler This is me 0000-0003-4384-1865

Publication Date November 11, 2019
Submission Date January 20, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 6 Issue: 4


Vancouver Çakır Karabaş H, Özcan İ, Dölek Gürler S. Oral epitel dokularda panoramik radyografinin genotoksik etkileri. Selcuk Dent J. 2019;6(4):155-61.