The Effect of Applıcatıon A Unıversal Adhesıve wıth Dıfferent Technıques on Inıtıal Carıes Lesıons Applıed wıth Dıfferent Remıneralızıng Agents on The Shear Bond Strength: in Vıtro Study
Year 2023,
Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 406 - 413, 21.08.2023
1. Borges AB, Abu Hasna A, Matuda AGN, Lopes SR, Mafetano A, Arantes A, et al. Adhesive systems effect over bond strength of resin-infiltrated and de/remineralized enamel. F1000Res. 2019; 8:1743.
2. Abou Neel EA, Aljabo A, Strange A, Ibrahim S, Coathup M, Young AM, et al. Demineralization-remineralization dynamics in teeth and bone. Int J Nanomedicine. 2016; 11:4743-63.
3. Featherstone JDB. Prevention and reversal of dental caries: role of low level fluoride. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1999; 27:31–40.
4. Featherstone JD. The caries balance: the basis for caries management by risk assessment. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2004; 2 Suppl 1:259-64.
5. Rocha Gomes Torres C, Borges AB, Torres LM, Gomes IS, de Oliveira RS. Effect of caries infiltration technique and fluoride therapy on the colour masking of white spot lesions. J Dent. 2011; 39:202-7.
6. Vinod D, Gopalakrishnan A, Subramani SM, Balachandran M, Manoharan V, Joy A. A comparative evaluation of remineralizing potential of three commercially available remineralizing agents: An in vitro study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2020; 13:61-5.
7. Sudjalim T, Woods M, Manton D. Prevention of white spot lesions in orthodontic practice- acontemporary review. Aust Dent J. 2006; 51:284-9.
8. Cai F, Shen P, Morgan M, Reynolds E. Remineralization of enamel subsurface lesions in situ bysugar-free lozenges containing casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate. Aust Dent J. 2003; 48:240-3.
9. Yamaguchi K, Miyazaki M, Takamizawa T, Inage H, Moore BK. Effect of CPP-ACP paste on mechanical properties of bovine enamel as determined by an ultrasonic device. J Dent. 2006; 34:230-6.
10. Zhou C, Zhang D, Bai Y, Li S. Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate remineralization of primary teeth early enamel lesions. J Dent. 2014; 42:21-9.
11. Reynolds EC. Remineralization of enamel subsurface lesions by casein phosphopeptide-stabilized calcium phosphate solutions. J Dent Res. 1997; 76:1587-95.
12. Wang Y, Mei L, Gong L, Li J, He S, Ji Y, et al. Remineralization of early enamel caries lesions using different bioactive elements containing toothpastes: An in vitro study. Technol Health Care. 2016; 24:701-11.
13. Pulido MT, Wefel JS, Hernandez MM, Denehy GE, Guzman-Armstrong S, Chalmers JM, et al. The inhibitory effect of MI paste, fluoride and a combination of both on the progression of artificial caries-like lesions in enamel. Oper Dent. 2008; 33:550-5.
14. Meshki R, Basir L, Rahbar N, Kazempour M. Comparison of the effect of fluoride gel and two toothpastes with different materials on remineralization of initial carious lesions in primary teeth. J Family Med Prim Care. 2021; 10:3309-13.
15. Burt BA. The use of sorbitol- and xylitol-sweetened chewing gum in caries control. J Am Dent Assoc. 2006; 137:190-6.
16. Amaechi BT, van Loveren C. Fluorides and non-fluoride remineralization systems. Monogr Oral Sci. 2013; 23:15-26.
17. Zahra Khamverdi MK, Ali Reza Soltanian Effect of Proanthocyanidin, Fluoride and Casein Phosphopeptide. J Dent. 2017; 14:76-8.
18. Pashley DH, Tay FR, Breschi L, Tjaderhane L, Carvalho RM, Carrilho M, et al. State of the art etch-and-rinse adhesives. Dent Mater. 2011; 27:1-16.
19. Cardoso GC, Nakanishi L, Isolan CP, Jardim PDS, Moraes RR. Bond Stability of Universal Adhesives Applied To Dentin Using Etch-And-Rinse or Self-Etch Strategies. Braz Dent J. 2019; 30:467-75.
20. Breschi L, Mazzoni A, Ruggeri A, Cadenaro M, Di Lenarda R, De Stefano Dorigo E. Dental adhesion review: aging and stability of the bonded interface. Dent Mater. 2008; 24:90-101.
21. Yoshihara K, Yoshida Y, Nagaoka N, Hayakawa S, Okihara T, De Munck J, et al. Adhesive interfacial interaction affected by different carbon-chain monomers. Dent Mater. 2013; 29:888-97.
22. Farias DCS, Caldeira de Andrada MA, Boushell LW, Walter R. Assessment of the initial and aged dentin bond strength of universal adhesives. Int J Adhes Adhes. 2016; 70:53-61.
23. Peumans M, De Munck J, Van Landuyt KL, Poitevin A, Lambrechts P, Van Meerbeek B. Eight-year clinical evaluation of a 2-step self-etch adhesive with and without selective enamel etching. Dent Mater. 2010; 26:1176-84.
24. Yoshihara K, Nagaoka N, Okihara T, Kuroboshi M, Hayakawa S, Maruo Y, et al. Functional monomer impurity affects adhesive performance. Dent Mater. 2015; 31:1493-501.
25. Loguercio AD, Bittencourt DD, Baratieri LN, Reis A. A 36-month evaluation of self-etch and etch-and-rinse adhesives in noncarious cervical lesions. J Am Dent Assoc. 2007; 138:507-14; quiz 35-7.
26. Fehrenbach J, Isolan CP, Munchow EA. Is the presence of 10-MDP associated to higher bonding performance for self-etching adhesive systems? A meta-analysis of in vitro studies. Dent Mater. 2021; 37:1463-85.
27. Cardenas AFM, Armas-Veja A, Rodriguez Villarreal JP, Siqueira FSF, Muniz LP, Campos VS, et al. Influence of the mode of application of universal adhesive systems on adhesive properties to fluorotic enamel. Braz Oral Res. 2019; 33:e120.
28. Mobarak EH, Ali N, Daifalla LE. Microshear Bond Strength of Adhesives to Enamel Remineralized Using Casein Phosphopeptide Agents. Oper Dent. 2015; 40:E180-8.
29. Samuel SR, Dorai S, Khatri SG, Patil ST. Effect of ozone to remineralize initial enamel caries: in situ study. Clin Oral Investig. 2016; 20:1109-13.
30. Arjun DS, Bhat SS, Hegde SK, Bhat VS, Rao HTA, Ramdas SS. Comparative Evaluation of Two Remineralizing Agents on Artificial Carious Lesion Using DIAGNOdent. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2021; 14:192-5.
31. Perdigao J, Lopes MM, Gomes G. In vitro bonding performance of self-etch adhesives: II--ultramorphological evaluation. Oper Dent. 2008; 33:534-49.
32. Abbassy MA, Bakry AS, Almoabady EH, Almusally SM, Hassan AH. Characterization of a novel enamel sealer for bioactive remineralization of white spot lesions. J Dent. 2021; 109:103663.
33. Jayarajan J, Janardhanam P, Jayakumar P. Efficacy of CPP-ACP and CPP-ACPF on enamel remineralization - an in vitro study using scanning electron microscope and DIAGNOdent. Indian J Dent Res. 2011; 22:77-82.
34. Ortiz-Ruiz AJ, Munoz-Gomez IJ, Perez-Pardo A, German-Cecilia C, Martinez-Beneyto Y, Vicente A. Influence of fluoride varnish on shear bond strength of a universal adhesive on intact and demineralized enamel. Odontology. 2018; 106:460-8.
35. Makeeva IM, Polyakova MA, Avdeenko OE, Paramonov YO, Kondrat'ev SA, Pilyagina AA. [Effect of long term application of toothpaste Apadent Total Care Medical nano-hydroxyapatite]. Stomatologiia (Mosk). 2016; 95:34-6.
36. Lussi A, Hellwig E. Performance of a new laser fluorescence device for the detection of occlusal caries in vitro. J Dent. 2006; 34:467-71.
37. de Oliveira PRA, Barreto L, Tostes MA. Effectiveness of CPP-ACP and fluoride products in tooth remineralization. Int J Dent Hyg. 2021.
38. Abdelmegid FY, Salama FS, Abouobaid EI, Halawany HS, Alhadlaq MK. Effect of Remineralizing Agents on Bond Strength of Resin-Composites to Primary Enamel. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2019; 43:331-6.
39. Ozdemir-Ozenen D, Sungurtekin E, Issever H, Sandalli N. Surface roughness of fluoride-releasing restorative materials after topical fluoride application. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2013; 14:68-72.
40. Jacker-Guhr S, Sander J, Luehrs AK. How "Universal" is Adhesion? Shear Bond Strength of Multi-mode Adhesives to Enamel and Dentin. J Adhes Dent. 2019; 21:87-95.
41. Muñoz MA, Luque I, Hass V, Reis A, Loguercio AD, Bombarda NH. Immediate bonding properties of universal adhesives to dentine. J Dent. 2013; 41:404-11.
42. Chen L, Suh BI. Effect of hydrophilicity on the compatibility between a dual-curing resin cement and one-bottle simplified adhesives. J Adhes Dent. 2013; 15:325-31.
43. Loguercio AD, Munoz MA, Luque-Martinez I, Hass V, Reis A, Perdigao J. Does active application of universal adhesives to enamel in self-etch mode improve their performance? J Dent. 2015; 43:1060-70.
44. Torres CR, Barcellos DC, Pucci CR, Lima Gde M, Rodrigues CM, Siviero M. Influence of methods of application of self-etching adhesive systems on adhesive bond strength to enamel. J Adhes Dent. 2009; 11:279-86.
45. Yazkan B, Ermis RB. Effect of resin infiltration and microabrasion on the microhardness, surface roughness and morphology of incipient carious lesions. Acta Odontol Scand. 2018; 76:473-81.
46. Perdigão J, Francci C, Swift EJ, Jr., Ambrose WW, Lopes M. Ultra-morphological study of the interaction of dental adhesives with carbamide peroxide-bleached enamel. Am J Dent. 1998; 11:291-301.
47. Haywood VB. New bleaching considerations compared with at-home bleaching. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2003; 15:184-7.
48. Josey AL, Meyers IA, Romaniuk K, Symons AL. The effect of a vital bleaching technique on enamel surface morphology and the bonding of composite resin to enamel. J Oral Rehabil. 1996; 23:244-50.
49. Baysal A, Uysal T. Do enamel microabrasion and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate affect shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets bonded to a demineralized enamel surface? Angle Orthod. 2012; 82:36-41.
50. Moule CA, Angelis F, Kim GH, Le S, Malipatil S, Foo MS, et al. Resin bonding using an all-etch or self-etch adhesive to enamel after carbamide peroxide and/or CPP-ACP treatment. Aust Dent J. 2007; 52:133-7.
Farklı Remineralize Edici Ajanlar Uygulanan Başlangıç Çürük Lezyonlarına Üniversal Bir Adezivin Farklı Tekniklerle Uygulanmasının Makaslama Bağlanma Dayanımına Etkisi: İn Vitro Çalışma
Year 2023,
Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 406 - 413, 21.08.2023
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı; All Bond Universal adeziv sisteminin farklı uygulama teknikleriyle (total-etch, aktif self-etch, pasif self-etch) farklı ajanlarla remineralize edilmiş (Remin Pro veya MI Paste Plus) mine yüzeyine uygulandığında makaslama bağlanma dayanımını ve yüzeylerde oluşan farklılıkları SEM ile değerlendirmektir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmamızda kullanılan 96 sığır dişi rastgele 12 gruba (sağlam mine, demineralize mine, remineralize edilmiş mine) ayrıldı, sağlam mine örneklerinin haricinde kalan gruplar için mine örnekleri 37°C'de 96 saat boyunca demineralizasyon solüsyonunda bekletildi, örneklerin bir kısmı remineralize edilmek (Remin Pro, MI Paste Plus) için kullanıldı. Mine örnekleri üzerine All Bond Universal total-etch, aktif self-etch, pasif self-etch teknikleriyle uygulandı ve rezin kompozit (Filtek Ultimate, 3M ESPE) ile restore edildi. Makaslama bağlanma dayanımı üniversal test cihazı İnstron kullanılarak test edildi. Elde edilen verilerin normal dağılmasından dolayı gruplar arasındaki karşılaştırmalarda iki yönlü varyans analizi (Anova testi), post hoc analizlerde Tukey HSD test kullanıldı. (p<0,05).
Bulgular: Bağlanma dayanımı MI Paste Plus ve Remin Pro gruplarında demineralize mine gruplarına göre anlamlı derecede yüksek görüldü (p<0,05). MI Paste Plus ve Remin Pro kullanıldığında pasif self-etch grubunun bağlanma dayanımı, total-etch (p:0.000) ve aktif self-etch (p:0.000) gruplarından anlamlı şekilde düşüktür (p<0.05). Total-etch ve aktif self-etch teknikleri arasında anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmadı (p>0.05).
Sonuç: Remineralize edilen mine yüzeylerine bağlanma başlangıç çürüğünü taklit eden demineralize yüzeye bağlanmaya kıyasla bağlanma dayanımını olumlu etkilemektedir.
1. Borges AB, Abu Hasna A, Matuda AGN, Lopes SR, Mafetano A, Arantes A, et al. Adhesive systems effect over bond strength of resin-infiltrated and de/remineralized enamel. F1000Res. 2019; 8:1743.
2. Abou Neel EA, Aljabo A, Strange A, Ibrahim S, Coathup M, Young AM, et al. Demineralization-remineralization dynamics in teeth and bone. Int J Nanomedicine. 2016; 11:4743-63.
3. Featherstone JDB. Prevention and reversal of dental caries: role of low level fluoride. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1999; 27:31–40.
4. Featherstone JD. The caries balance: the basis for caries management by risk assessment. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2004; 2 Suppl 1:259-64.
5. Rocha Gomes Torres C, Borges AB, Torres LM, Gomes IS, de Oliveira RS. Effect of caries infiltration technique and fluoride therapy on the colour masking of white spot lesions. J Dent. 2011; 39:202-7.
6. Vinod D, Gopalakrishnan A, Subramani SM, Balachandran M, Manoharan V, Joy A. A comparative evaluation of remineralizing potential of three commercially available remineralizing agents: An in vitro study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2020; 13:61-5.
7. Sudjalim T, Woods M, Manton D. Prevention of white spot lesions in orthodontic practice- acontemporary review. Aust Dent J. 2006; 51:284-9.
8. Cai F, Shen P, Morgan M, Reynolds E. Remineralization of enamel subsurface lesions in situ bysugar-free lozenges containing casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate. Aust Dent J. 2003; 48:240-3.
9. Yamaguchi K, Miyazaki M, Takamizawa T, Inage H, Moore BK. Effect of CPP-ACP paste on mechanical properties of bovine enamel as determined by an ultrasonic device. J Dent. 2006; 34:230-6.
10. Zhou C, Zhang D, Bai Y, Li S. Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate remineralization of primary teeth early enamel lesions. J Dent. 2014; 42:21-9.
11. Reynolds EC. Remineralization of enamel subsurface lesions by casein phosphopeptide-stabilized calcium phosphate solutions. J Dent Res. 1997; 76:1587-95.
12. Wang Y, Mei L, Gong L, Li J, He S, Ji Y, et al. Remineralization of early enamel caries lesions using different bioactive elements containing toothpastes: An in vitro study. Technol Health Care. 2016; 24:701-11.
13. Pulido MT, Wefel JS, Hernandez MM, Denehy GE, Guzman-Armstrong S, Chalmers JM, et al. The inhibitory effect of MI paste, fluoride and a combination of both on the progression of artificial caries-like lesions in enamel. Oper Dent. 2008; 33:550-5.
14. Meshki R, Basir L, Rahbar N, Kazempour M. Comparison of the effect of fluoride gel and two toothpastes with different materials on remineralization of initial carious lesions in primary teeth. J Family Med Prim Care. 2021; 10:3309-13.
15. Burt BA. The use of sorbitol- and xylitol-sweetened chewing gum in caries control. J Am Dent Assoc. 2006; 137:190-6.
16. Amaechi BT, van Loveren C. Fluorides and non-fluoride remineralization systems. Monogr Oral Sci. 2013; 23:15-26.
17. Zahra Khamverdi MK, Ali Reza Soltanian Effect of Proanthocyanidin, Fluoride and Casein Phosphopeptide. J Dent. 2017; 14:76-8.
18. Pashley DH, Tay FR, Breschi L, Tjaderhane L, Carvalho RM, Carrilho M, et al. State of the art etch-and-rinse adhesives. Dent Mater. 2011; 27:1-16.
19. Cardoso GC, Nakanishi L, Isolan CP, Jardim PDS, Moraes RR. Bond Stability of Universal Adhesives Applied To Dentin Using Etch-And-Rinse or Self-Etch Strategies. Braz Dent J. 2019; 30:467-75.
20. Breschi L, Mazzoni A, Ruggeri A, Cadenaro M, Di Lenarda R, De Stefano Dorigo E. Dental adhesion review: aging and stability of the bonded interface. Dent Mater. 2008; 24:90-101.
21. Yoshihara K, Yoshida Y, Nagaoka N, Hayakawa S, Okihara T, De Munck J, et al. Adhesive interfacial interaction affected by different carbon-chain monomers. Dent Mater. 2013; 29:888-97.
22. Farias DCS, Caldeira de Andrada MA, Boushell LW, Walter R. Assessment of the initial and aged dentin bond strength of universal adhesives. Int J Adhes Adhes. 2016; 70:53-61.
23. Peumans M, De Munck J, Van Landuyt KL, Poitevin A, Lambrechts P, Van Meerbeek B. Eight-year clinical evaluation of a 2-step self-etch adhesive with and without selective enamel etching. Dent Mater. 2010; 26:1176-84.
24. Yoshihara K, Nagaoka N, Okihara T, Kuroboshi M, Hayakawa S, Maruo Y, et al. Functional monomer impurity affects adhesive performance. Dent Mater. 2015; 31:1493-501.
25. Loguercio AD, Bittencourt DD, Baratieri LN, Reis A. A 36-month evaluation of self-etch and etch-and-rinse adhesives in noncarious cervical lesions. J Am Dent Assoc. 2007; 138:507-14; quiz 35-7.
26. Fehrenbach J, Isolan CP, Munchow EA. Is the presence of 10-MDP associated to higher bonding performance for self-etching adhesive systems? A meta-analysis of in vitro studies. Dent Mater. 2021; 37:1463-85.
27. Cardenas AFM, Armas-Veja A, Rodriguez Villarreal JP, Siqueira FSF, Muniz LP, Campos VS, et al. Influence of the mode of application of universal adhesive systems on adhesive properties to fluorotic enamel. Braz Oral Res. 2019; 33:e120.
28. Mobarak EH, Ali N, Daifalla LE. Microshear Bond Strength of Adhesives to Enamel Remineralized Using Casein Phosphopeptide Agents. Oper Dent. 2015; 40:E180-8.
29. Samuel SR, Dorai S, Khatri SG, Patil ST. Effect of ozone to remineralize initial enamel caries: in situ study. Clin Oral Investig. 2016; 20:1109-13.
30. Arjun DS, Bhat SS, Hegde SK, Bhat VS, Rao HTA, Ramdas SS. Comparative Evaluation of Two Remineralizing Agents on Artificial Carious Lesion Using DIAGNOdent. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2021; 14:192-5.
31. Perdigao J, Lopes MM, Gomes G. In vitro bonding performance of self-etch adhesives: II--ultramorphological evaluation. Oper Dent. 2008; 33:534-49.
32. Abbassy MA, Bakry AS, Almoabady EH, Almusally SM, Hassan AH. Characterization of a novel enamel sealer for bioactive remineralization of white spot lesions. J Dent. 2021; 109:103663.
33. Jayarajan J, Janardhanam P, Jayakumar P. Efficacy of CPP-ACP and CPP-ACPF on enamel remineralization - an in vitro study using scanning electron microscope and DIAGNOdent. Indian J Dent Res. 2011; 22:77-82.
34. Ortiz-Ruiz AJ, Munoz-Gomez IJ, Perez-Pardo A, German-Cecilia C, Martinez-Beneyto Y, Vicente A. Influence of fluoride varnish on shear bond strength of a universal adhesive on intact and demineralized enamel. Odontology. 2018; 106:460-8.
35. Makeeva IM, Polyakova MA, Avdeenko OE, Paramonov YO, Kondrat'ev SA, Pilyagina AA. [Effect of long term application of toothpaste Apadent Total Care Medical nano-hydroxyapatite]. Stomatologiia (Mosk). 2016; 95:34-6.
36. Lussi A, Hellwig E. Performance of a new laser fluorescence device for the detection of occlusal caries in vitro. J Dent. 2006; 34:467-71.
37. de Oliveira PRA, Barreto L, Tostes MA. Effectiveness of CPP-ACP and fluoride products in tooth remineralization. Int J Dent Hyg. 2021.
38. Abdelmegid FY, Salama FS, Abouobaid EI, Halawany HS, Alhadlaq MK. Effect of Remineralizing Agents on Bond Strength of Resin-Composites to Primary Enamel. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2019; 43:331-6.
39. Ozdemir-Ozenen D, Sungurtekin E, Issever H, Sandalli N. Surface roughness of fluoride-releasing restorative materials after topical fluoride application. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2013; 14:68-72.
40. Jacker-Guhr S, Sander J, Luehrs AK. How "Universal" is Adhesion? Shear Bond Strength of Multi-mode Adhesives to Enamel and Dentin. J Adhes Dent. 2019; 21:87-95.
41. Muñoz MA, Luque I, Hass V, Reis A, Loguercio AD, Bombarda NH. Immediate bonding properties of universal adhesives to dentine. J Dent. 2013; 41:404-11.
42. Chen L, Suh BI. Effect of hydrophilicity on the compatibility between a dual-curing resin cement and one-bottle simplified adhesives. J Adhes Dent. 2013; 15:325-31.
43. Loguercio AD, Munoz MA, Luque-Martinez I, Hass V, Reis A, Perdigao J. Does active application of universal adhesives to enamel in self-etch mode improve their performance? J Dent. 2015; 43:1060-70.
44. Torres CR, Barcellos DC, Pucci CR, Lima Gde M, Rodrigues CM, Siviero M. Influence of methods of application of self-etching adhesive systems on adhesive bond strength to enamel. J Adhes Dent. 2009; 11:279-86.
45. Yazkan B, Ermis RB. Effect of resin infiltration and microabrasion on the microhardness, surface roughness and morphology of incipient carious lesions. Acta Odontol Scand. 2018; 76:473-81.
46. Perdigão J, Francci C, Swift EJ, Jr., Ambrose WW, Lopes M. Ultra-morphological study of the interaction of dental adhesives with carbamide peroxide-bleached enamel. Am J Dent. 1998; 11:291-301.
47. Haywood VB. New bleaching considerations compared with at-home bleaching. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2003; 15:184-7.
48. Josey AL, Meyers IA, Romaniuk K, Symons AL. The effect of a vital bleaching technique on enamel surface morphology and the bonding of composite resin to enamel. J Oral Rehabil. 1996; 23:244-50.
49. Baysal A, Uysal T. Do enamel microabrasion and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate affect shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets bonded to a demineralized enamel surface? Angle Orthod. 2012; 82:36-41.
50. Moule CA, Angelis F, Kim GH, Le S, Malipatil S, Foo MS, et al. Resin bonding using an all-etch or self-etch adhesive to enamel after carbamide peroxide and/or CPP-ACP treatment. Aust Dent J. 2007; 52:133-7.
Kedici Alp C, Arslandaş Dinçtürk B. Farklı Remineralize Edici Ajanlar Uygulanan Başlangıç Çürük Lezyonlarına Üniversal Bir Adezivin Farklı Tekniklerle Uygulanmasının Makaslama Bağlanma Dayanımına Etkisi: İn Vitro Çalışma. Selcuk Dent J. 2023;10(2):406-13.