• Clinical and experimental research can be published.
• It should include Turkish and English abstract sections. Turkish abstract should be written as 'Abstract' and 'Abstract' should be used for English abstract. The abstract should be between 200-250 words. The abstract should be structured to include 'Aim, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusion and Keywords' sections. The number of keywords should be between 3-5. Medical Subject Headings (MESH; www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html) and Turkish Scientific Terms (TBT; http://www.bilimterimleri.com) should be taken as basis for keyword selection. TBT is a keyword index containing the Turkish equivalents of MeSH terms. Keywords should be written in alphabetical order.
• For the English abstract, the titles 'Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion, Keywords' should be used.
• A research article written in Turkish should consist of the main headings 'Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any), References'.
• For the research article written in English, these sections should be named as 'Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, References'.
The articles submitted to the journal for publication must comply with the following stylistic principles:
•The article should be written in 12 pt., Times New Roman font on PC or MAC compatible computers with Microsoft Word program.
• The text should be written with 1.5 line spacing and 2.5 cm margins should be left on both sides
• Italic characters should be used when writing Latin terms and species names (e.g. in vitro, in vivo, Porphyromonas gingivalis).
• The text of the article should be justified.
• Abbreviations in the text are given in brackets at the first occurrence of the word and the abbreviation is used in the rest of the text.
• When writing ordinal numbers, a period should be used as a sign and a space should be left between the unit and the number (e.g. 37.4 mm, 57.8 °C). When writing percentage values, a space should be left between the number and the percentage sign (e.g. 5.9%).
• The research article should include title page, abstract page, introduction, materials and methods, findings, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgements (if any), references, figure/picture captions, tables and figures/pictures sections.
• Case reports should be organised according to the same headings, except that the title 'case report' should be written instead of 'Materials and methods' and 'Results', followed by discussion, conclusion and other sections.
• Review articles should include standard headings such as title page, abstract page, references, but may also include headings to be added by the author in accordance with the subject.
• The letter to the editor consists of the text and references sections created by the author.
1) Title Page:
The title page should include the following items:
1. Title of the article (Turkish and English)
2. Authors should have only their names without academic titles. The institutions to which the authors are affiliated and ORCID ID information should be given by associating with the symbol indicated immediately after the surname.
3. Contact information of the author (postal address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address)
4. Type of article (original research article, Case Report, etc.)
5. Number of words, figures/pictures and tables in the summaries,
6. Acknowledgements. If it has been presented elsewhere before, it should be stated here.
7. Any conflict of interest/relationship should be indicated.
2) Abstract Page: It should be prepared as specified in the article types section and placed in the article file.
3) Introduction: The rationale and importance of the study should be explained with current and directly relevant sources. In the last paragraph of this section, the purpose of the study should be clearly written.
4) Materials and Methods: The materials and methods/methods used in the research should be described in detail. The origin of the materials and equipment used in this context should be defined in parentheses (brand, manufacturer, city and country). In observational or experimental studies, human and animal experimental criteria should be specified and ethical issues should be mentioned in this section and it should be stated that informed consent has been obtained. In the last part of this section, the statistical analysis method and computer program used should be specified.
5) Results: In this section, the findings obtained from the research should be given without personal comments.
6) Discussion: The limitations of the study are mentioned, the findings obtained are compared with the literature, similarities and differences are stated and interpreted uniquely. The importance of the study is emphasised, how the findings will affect future studies and clinical practice is discussed and suggestions are made for new studies.
7) Conclusion: In this section, the conclusions reached by the research should be given in items
8) Acknowledgements: This section should be on the title page. Available sources of support, if any, and links with commercial organisations should be explained. People who contributed to the research other than the authors can be written in this section.
9) References
References Style
References are indicated according to the Vancouver system. Accordingly, references are numbered with Arabic numerals as a superscript according to the order of occurrence in the text and are listed accordingly in the references section. Journal names should be abbreviated according to the list of MEDLINE indexed journals published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine on its website (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog/journals). This Vancouver citing and referencing guide was created, based on the American Medical Association (AMA) Manual of Style,11th ed. In particular, Chapter 3 of the manual addresses referencing (https://guides.lib.monash.edu/citing-referencing/vancouver2022-introduction).
Examples of citations in the text:
...isolated from the permanent tooth.1
...isolated from a permanent tooth.2,4-6,8
In a study conducted by Roman9...
In a study by Dominici & Wu10
In a study by Du et al.11
Journal article;
1. Chen F-M, Sun H-H, Lu H, Yu Q. Stem cell-delivery therapeutics for periodontal tissue regeneration. Biomaterials. 2012;33(27):6320-6344.
Journal article with more than six authors;
2. Dailing EA, Nair DP, Setterberg WK, et al. Combined, independent small molecule release and shape memory via nanogel-coated thiourethane polymer networks. Polym Chem. 2016;7(4):816-825.
Organisation as author;
3. Endodontology ESo. Quality guidelines for endodontic treatment: consensus report of the European Society of Endodontology. Int Endod J. 2006;39(12):921-930.
The book section
4. Hakki SS, Karaoz E. Dental stem cells: Possibility for generation of a Bio-tooth. Dental Stem Cells. 2016:167-196.
10) Figure, graph, table:
Figures, graphs, pictures and tables should be placed after the references in accordance with the order of transition in the article. Descriptions should be added under the figures, pictures, tables and graphics.
The places where figures, pictures, tables and graphics are mentioned in the text should be indicated at the end of the relevant sentence. The abbreviations used should be indicated in the explanation below the figures, pictures, tables and graphics.
Figures and images should be in JPG or TIFF format and at least 300 dpi. If they contain photographs of individuals, written permission for their use must be obtained from the individual and attached at the time of submission.
1. The title page must be uploaded to the system separately from the manuscript as stated above.
2. The main text should be uploaded to the system as a single Word file with pictures and tables added.
3. The text of the article uploaded as a single Word file should be uploaded separately as a blind review file with the institution and author names removed.
4. Tables will not be uploaded in image format in order to be editable.
5. Patient consent form for case reports and ethics committee report for research articles should be uploaded to the system.
If a correction is requested;
When a correction is requested, the author must upload 2 files to the system: the answer to the referee evaluation report and the corrected text.
In the response to the referee evaluation report, all questions and suggestions of the referee should be answered one by one.
Changes and additions made in the corrected text should be indicated in red
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