Research Article
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Effect of Phytase Addition at Different Levels to Rations Containing Normal and Lower Levels of Available Phosphorus on Performance of Broiler Chicks and Utilization of Phosphorus

Year 1996, Volume: 10 Issue: 13, 57 - 71, 31.12.1996


A study was conducted to determine the effect of adding phytase at different levels on serum phosphorus level (SPL), toe ash (TA) as a measure utilization of phosphorus and performance of broiler chicks fed diets containing normal and lower levels of available phosphorus (AP). Twelve treatments consisting of three levels AP (0.20, 0.35, 0.50%) and four levels phytase (0, 500, 1000, 1500 ünite) in 3x4 factorial arrangement were used with two replicates of the birds each. Total of 240 unsexed chicks were fed with starter diets for firts three weeks and finisher diets during the next three weeks of the experiment. All diets were isocaloric and isonitrogenous. Measured all parameters except feed / gain ratio at six weeks of age when the groups fed diet containing 0.20% AP were significantly lower than that of groups fed with 0.35 or 0.50% AP, but phosphorus levels of ration did not significantly effect the feed / gain ratio. Adding increasing levels of phytase to diets significantly and in quadratic Increased body weight, gain and did not effect feed consumption, feed / gain ratio and TA. Increase in SPL, when the level of added enzyme to ration was increased, was linear, but only chicks fed 1500 ünite phytase (7.52 mg/dl) was signicantly higher (P<0.05) than those fed diet without phytase (4.33 mg/dl). Phytase supplementatin of diet containing 0.20% AP resulted in nonlinear but signifcant increase (P<0.01) in body weight, gain and TA and resulted in linear increase (P<0.05) in SPL. Chicks fed diet containing 0.20% AP without phytase had the lowest values with regard to measured variables compared to other groups. No one measured variables did not significantly effected by adding phytase to diets with 0.35 and 0.50% AP.

Supporting Institution



  • Anonymous, 1993 a. Finase F in animal feed. Alko Biotechnology. Application Sheet, Rajomöki, Finland.
  • Anonymous, 1993 b. Finase FP 500. Alko Biotechnology, Product sheet. Rajomöki, Finland.
  • Chesson, A., 1987. Supplementary enzymes to improve the utilization of poultry and pig diets. Recent Advances in Animal Nut. Editors, W. Haresign and D.J.A. Cole. Butterworth. London, 71-89. Concon, S.M., 1988. Naturally occuring antinutritive substances. Food Toxicology Part A: Principles and Concepts. Marcell Dekker Inc. New York.
  • Düzgüneş, O., 1975. İstatistik Metodları, A.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları: 578.
  • Edwards, H.M., 1991. Effect of phytase on phytate utilization by monogastric ani- mals. Georgia Nut. Conf. for the Feed Industry, 1-8.
  • Edwards, H.M., 1992. Minimizing phosphorus excreation in poultry. Georgia Nut. Conf. for the Feed Industry. 124-127.
  • Fritz, S.C. and Y.T. Roberts, 1969. Use of toe ash as a measure of calcification in the chick. J. of the A.O.A.C., 51 (3): 591-594.
  • Han, Y.W., 1989. Use of microbial fitaz in improving the feed quality of soyabean meal. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 24: 345-350.
  • Hardland, B.F. and D. Oberleas, 1978. A Modified method for phytate analysis using on lon-exchange procedure: Application to textured vegetable proteins. Ce- real Chem. 54:827-832.
  • Leeson, S., 1989. Feeding meat-birds for reduced maintanence cost. Maryland Nut. Conf. for Feed manufacturers. 113-119.
  • Mohammed, Ab., M.S. Gibney, T.G. Taylor, 1981. The effect of dietary levels of inor- ganic phosphorus, calcium and cholecalciferol on digestibility of phytate by the chick. Br. J. Nut. 66: 251-255.
  • Moore, R.S. and T.V. Veum, 1983. Adaptive increase in phytate digestibility by phos- phorus-deprived rats and the relationships of intestinal phytase and alkalin phosphotase to phytate utilization, Br. J. Nut. 49: 145-152. Nelson, T.S., 1967. The utilization of phytate phosphorus by poultry. A review. Poult. Scl. 46: 862-871.
  • Nelson, T.S., C.W. Ferrara and N.C. Stroner, 1968. Phytate phosphorus content of feed ingredient derived from plants. Poult. Sci. 47: 1372-1374.

Farklı Seviyelerde Fitaz Enzimi Katılmış Normal ve Düşük Miktarlarda Kullanılabilir Fosfor İhtiva Eden Rasyonların Broylerlerde Performans ve Fosforun Kullanımına Etkisi

Year 1996, Volume: 10 Issue: 13, 57 - 71, 31.12.1996


Normal ve düşük seviyede kullanılabilir fosfor (KP) içeren rasyonlara farklı seviyelerde fitaz enzimi ilavesinin broylerler de performans ve fosforun kullanılabilirliğini bir ölçüsü olan serum fosfor seviyesi (SFS) ve parmak külüne (PK) etkisini tespit etmek amacıyla bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Üç x 4 faktöryel deneme planında, 3 KP seviyesi (% 0.20, 0.35 ve 0.50) ve 4 ſitaz seviyesinin (0, 500, 1000, 1500 Ünite) oluşturduğu, her birinde 10 civcivin bulunduğu 12 muamele 2 tekerrürlü olarak denenmiştir. Karışık cinsiyette toplam 240 adet civciv ilk 3 hafta isokalorik, isonitrojenik başlatma, müteakip 3 haftada ise bitirme rasyonları ile yemlenmişlerdir. Yüzde 0.20 KP içeren rasyonlarla beslenen grupların 6 haftalık yem/canlı ağırlık artış-CAA oranları (yem değerlendirme katsayısı) hariç ölçülen diğer bütün parametreler % 0.35 ve 0.50 KP içeren gruplardan önemli derecede düşük bulunmuş ise de rasyon P seviyesi yem değerlendirme katsayısını önemli derecede etkilememiştir. Broyler rasyonlarına artan seviyede fitaz ilavesi ile CA, CAA önemli dere- cede ve doğrusal olmayan bir şekilde artarken yem tüketimi, yem değerlendirme katsayısı ve PK önemli derecede etkilenmemiştir. Rasyonda artan enzim seviyesi ile birlikte SFS doğrusal bir şekilde artmış ise de sadece 1500 ünite ſitazla beslenen piliçlerin SFS (7.52 mg/dl), enzimsiz rasyonla beslenen gruptan (4.33 mg/dl) önemli derecede yüksek (P<0.05) bulunmuştur. Yüzde 0.20 KP içeren rasyona fitaz ilavesi, CA, CAA ve PK'nü doğrusal olmamakla beraber önemil derecede (P<0.01) artırırken SFS'ni önemli derecede ve doğrusal bir şekilde arttırmıştır. Diğer gruplarla karşılaştırıldığında % 0.20 KP ve enzimsiz rasyonla beslenen broylerler, ölçülen bütün değişkenler bakımından en düşük değerleri verirken % 0.35 ve 0.50 KP İçeren rasyonlara fitaz ilavesi hiç bir değişkeni önemli derecede etkilememiştir.

Supporting Institution



  • Anonymous, 1993 a. Finase F in animal feed. Alko Biotechnology. Application Sheet, Rajomöki, Finland.
  • Anonymous, 1993 b. Finase FP 500. Alko Biotechnology, Product sheet. Rajomöki, Finland.
  • Chesson, A., 1987. Supplementary enzymes to improve the utilization of poultry and pig diets. Recent Advances in Animal Nut. Editors, W. Haresign and D.J.A. Cole. Butterworth. London, 71-89. Concon, S.M., 1988. Naturally occuring antinutritive substances. Food Toxicology Part A: Principles and Concepts. Marcell Dekker Inc. New York.
  • Düzgüneş, O., 1975. İstatistik Metodları, A.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları: 578.
  • Edwards, H.M., 1991. Effect of phytase on phytate utilization by monogastric ani- mals. Georgia Nut. Conf. for the Feed Industry, 1-8.
  • Edwards, H.M., 1992. Minimizing phosphorus excreation in poultry. Georgia Nut. Conf. for the Feed Industry. 124-127.
  • Fritz, S.C. and Y.T. Roberts, 1969. Use of toe ash as a measure of calcification in the chick. J. of the A.O.A.C., 51 (3): 591-594.
  • Han, Y.W., 1989. Use of microbial fitaz in improving the feed quality of soyabean meal. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 24: 345-350.
  • Hardland, B.F. and D. Oberleas, 1978. A Modified method for phytate analysis using on lon-exchange procedure: Application to textured vegetable proteins. Ce- real Chem. 54:827-832.
  • Leeson, S., 1989. Feeding meat-birds for reduced maintanence cost. Maryland Nut. Conf. for Feed manufacturers. 113-119.
  • Mohammed, Ab., M.S. Gibney, T.G. Taylor, 1981. The effect of dietary levels of inor- ganic phosphorus, calcium and cholecalciferol on digestibility of phytate by the chick. Br. J. Nut. 66: 251-255.
  • Moore, R.S. and T.V. Veum, 1983. Adaptive increase in phytate digestibility by phos- phorus-deprived rats and the relationships of intestinal phytase and alkalin phosphotase to phytate utilization, Br. J. Nut. 49: 145-152. Nelson, T.S., 1967. The utilization of phytate phosphorus by poultry. A review. Poult. Scl. 46: 862-871.
  • Nelson, T.S., C.W. Ferrara and N.C. Stroner, 1968. Phytate phosphorus content of feed ingredient derived from plants. Poult. Sci. 47: 1372-1374.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Poultry Farming and Treatment
Journal Section Research Article

Yilmaz Bahtiyarca This is me

Mehmet Öküz This is me

Publication Date December 31, 1996
Submission Date January 1, 1996
Published in Issue Year 1996 Volume: 10 Issue: 13


EndNote Bahtiyarca Y, Öküz M (December 1, 1996) Effect of Phytase Addition at Different Levels to Rations Containing Normal and Lower Levels of Available Phosphorus on Performance of Broiler Chicks and Utilization of Phosphorus. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 10 13 57–71.

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