Research Article
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Comparative Analysis of Regional and Transregional Organizations in Terms of Decision-Making Mechanisms: The Case of APEC and ASEM

Year 2022, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 104 - 113, 30.04.2022


The decision-making process is a theoretical inference used to name the process of choosing the options that can provide optimum benefit in the situations that international actors face and the policies they want to put into practice, within the framework of decision unit theory. The structural differences of the actors also bring about different applications in the decision-making mechanisms. The international actors formed by the coming together of the states also lead the development and implementation of a number of policies on a regional and global scale. International organizations have intra-regional and trans-regional effects within the scope of regionalization activities. This study will be compared within the framework of Asian-based APEC and ASEM decision-making structures, which carry out interstate cooperation operations in Asia and Europe, with the goal of revealing various applications at the regional scale. The extent to which these two international organizations make decisions, the types of decisions that are made, and the existence of follow-up and sanction procedures during the implementation phase of decisions made at the member, regional, and global levels were all assessed.


  • Allison, Graham T., (1971). The Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis, Glenview, Scott, Foresman and Company.
  • APEC (1991). Third APEC ministerial meeting – Seoul declaration, Seoul, Korea, 12–14November.»/media/Files/MinisterialStatements/Annual/1991/91_amm_jms.pdf
  • ASEM (1996). ASEM 1: Chairman’s Statement of the First ASEM Meeting. Available at, E.T. 17.12.2017.
  • ASEM II (1998). Second Asia-Europe Meeting: Chairman’s Statement, London. Available at, E.T. 17.12.2017.
  • ASEM (2000). Chairman’s Statement of the Third ASEM Meeting, 20-21 October, Seoul. Available at, E.T. 17.12.2017.
  • ASEM (2002). ‘Chairman’s Statement of the Fourth ASEM Meeting’, 22-24 September 2002, Copenhagen. Available at, E.T. 17.12.2017.
  • ASEM (2004). Chairman’s Statement, 8-9 October, Hanoi. Available at, E.T. 17.12.2017.
  • ASEM 6 (2006). Chairman’s Statement of the Sixth ASEM Meeting, Helsinki. Available at:, last accessed on 6 January 2010.
  • ASEM (2008). ASEM 7: Chairman’s Statement of the Seventh ASEM Meeting, Beijing. Available at, E.T. 18.12.2017.
  • ASEM, (2010). ASEM 8: Chair’s Statement and Brussels Declaration, 4-5 October 2010, Brussels, pp. 1-20. Available at cent208per cent20Chairper cent27sper cent20Statement.pdf, E.T. 18.12.2017.
  • ASEM, (2012). The 9th ASEM Summit of Heads of State, 5-6 November 2012,, E.T. 18.12.2017.
  • ASEM, (2014). The 10th ASEM Summit of Heads of State, 16-17 October 2014,, E.T. 18.12.2017.
  • ASEM, (2016). The 11th ASEM Summit of Heads of State, 15-16 July 2016,, E.T. 18.12.2017.
  • ASEM, (2017)., E.T. 22.12.2017.
  • Bisley, N. (2012). APEC: Asia-Pacific economic cooperation. In Mark Beeson & Richard Stubbs (Eds.), Routledge handbook of Asian regionalism (pp. 350–363). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Camroux, D. (2006) The Rise and Decline of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM): Asymmetric Bilateralism and the Limitations of Interregionalism. Centre d’études européennes: Cahiers Européens, p. 5.
  • Damond, J. (2003). The APEC Decision-Making Process for Trade Policy Issues: The Experience and Lessons of 1994-2001. In R. Feinberg (Ed.), APEC as an Institution: Multilateral Governance in the Asia-Pacific (pp. 85-110). ISEAS–Yusof Ishak Institute.
  • European Commission (1994). Towards a New Asia Strategy, Brussels, 13 July 1994. Available at E.T. 10.12.2017.
  • F. Cooper & Richard Stubbs (2017): Contending regionalisms: hubs and challengers in the Americas and the Asia-Pacific, The Pacific Review, DOI: 10.1080/09512748.2017.1332083
  • Gilson, J. (2004). ‘Weaving a New Silk Road: Europe Meets Asia’, in V. Aggarwal and E. Fogarty, EU Trade Strategies: Between Regionalism and Globalism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 69-71.
  • Hanns W. Maull and Nuria Okfen, (2006), Comparing Interregionalism, Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation and Asia Europe Meeting, Interregionalism and International Relations Edited by Heiner Hänggi, Ralf Roloff and Jürgen Rüland pp. 220.
  • Hermann, M. (2001).How Decision Units Shape Foreign Policy: A Theoretical Framework, International Studies Review, 3(2), 47-81.
  • Holland, M. (2002). The European Union and The Third World. New York: Palgrave, p. 59-84.
  • Kettunen, E. (2004). Regionalism and the Geography of Trade Policies in EU-ASEAN Trade. Helsinki: Helsinki School of Economics, p. 314.
  • Köllner, Patrick (2000) Whither ASEM? Lessons from APEC and the Future of Transregional Cooperation Between Asia and Europe, Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, Volume 19, pp. 425 – 434.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Republic of Korea (2000). Asia-Europe Meeting, 19-21 October, Seoul. Available at, E.T. 17.12.2017.
  • Mintz ve DeRouen, (2010), Understanding Foreign Policy Decision Making, ISBN-13 978-0-511-71254-8 eBook (NetLibrary).
  • Morgenthau, Hans J., (1978), Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace, New York, Alfred A. Knopf.
  • Pakpahan, B. (2010). ‘Contemporary Trans-regional Cooperation between Europe and Asia in a Changing World’, Journal of Contemporary European Research. Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 514-534.
  • Ravenhill, John (1995), ‘Bringing Politics Back in: The Political Economy of APEC’ manuscript of a paper presented at the Third Conference on Economic Cooperation in Asia-Pasific Community, Institute of East and West Studies, Yonsei University.
  • Ravenhill, J. (2001). APEC and the construction of pacific rim regionalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Karar Alma Mekanizmaları Açısından Bölgesel ve Bölgeler Ötesi Örgütlerin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi: APEC ve ASEM Örneği

Year 2022, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 104 - 113, 30.04.2022


Karar alma süreci, karar birimi kuramı çerçevesiyle uluslararası aktörlerin karşılaştıkları durumlar ile uygulamaya koymak istedikleri politikalarda optimum faydayı sağlayabilecekleri seçenekleri tercih etme sürecini adlandırmakta kullanılan teorik bir çıkarsamadır. Aktörlerin yapısal farklılıkları karar alma mekanizmalarında da farklı uygulamaları beraberinde getirmektedir. Devletlerin bir araya gelerek oluşturdukları uluslararası aktörler de bölgesel ve küresel ölçekte bir takım politikaların geliştirilmesi ve uygulamasında öncülük etmektedirler. Uluslararası örgütlerin bölgeselleşme faaliyetleri kapsamında bölge içi ve bölgeler ötesi etkileri bulunmaktadır. Bölgeler ölçeğinde farklı uygulamaları ortaya koymaya amaçlayan bu çalışmada Asya ve Avrupa’da devletlerarası işbirliği faaliyetlerinde bulunan Asya merkezli APEC ve ASEM karar alma mekanizmaları çerçevesinde karşılaştırmalı olarak analiz edilecektir. Bu iki uluslararası organizasyonda hangi kapsamda kararlar alınmakta, ne tür kararlar uygulanmakta, üye, bölge ve küresel düzeyde alınan kararların uygulama aşamasında takip ve yaptırım mekanizmalarının varlığı değerlendirilmiştir.


  • Allison, Graham T., (1971). The Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis, Glenview, Scott, Foresman and Company.
  • APEC (1991). Third APEC ministerial meeting – Seoul declaration, Seoul, Korea, 12–14November.»/media/Files/MinisterialStatements/Annual/1991/91_amm_jms.pdf
  • ASEM (1996). ASEM 1: Chairman’s Statement of the First ASEM Meeting. Available at, E.T. 17.12.2017.
  • ASEM II (1998). Second Asia-Europe Meeting: Chairman’s Statement, London. Available at, E.T. 17.12.2017.
  • ASEM (2000). Chairman’s Statement of the Third ASEM Meeting, 20-21 October, Seoul. Available at, E.T. 17.12.2017.
  • ASEM (2002). ‘Chairman’s Statement of the Fourth ASEM Meeting’, 22-24 September 2002, Copenhagen. Available at, E.T. 17.12.2017.
  • ASEM (2004). Chairman’s Statement, 8-9 October, Hanoi. Available at, E.T. 17.12.2017.
  • ASEM 6 (2006). Chairman’s Statement of the Sixth ASEM Meeting, Helsinki. Available at:, last accessed on 6 January 2010.
  • ASEM (2008). ASEM 7: Chairman’s Statement of the Seventh ASEM Meeting, Beijing. Available at, E.T. 18.12.2017.
  • ASEM, (2010). ASEM 8: Chair’s Statement and Brussels Declaration, 4-5 October 2010, Brussels, pp. 1-20. Available at cent208per cent20Chairper cent27sper cent20Statement.pdf, E.T. 18.12.2017.
  • ASEM, (2012). The 9th ASEM Summit of Heads of State, 5-6 November 2012,, E.T. 18.12.2017.
  • ASEM, (2014). The 10th ASEM Summit of Heads of State, 16-17 October 2014,, E.T. 18.12.2017.
  • ASEM, (2016). The 11th ASEM Summit of Heads of State, 15-16 July 2016,, E.T. 18.12.2017.
  • ASEM, (2017)., E.T. 22.12.2017.
  • Bisley, N. (2012). APEC: Asia-Pacific economic cooperation. In Mark Beeson & Richard Stubbs (Eds.), Routledge handbook of Asian regionalism (pp. 350–363). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Camroux, D. (2006) The Rise and Decline of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM): Asymmetric Bilateralism and the Limitations of Interregionalism. Centre d’études européennes: Cahiers Européens, p. 5.
  • Damond, J. (2003). The APEC Decision-Making Process for Trade Policy Issues: The Experience and Lessons of 1994-2001. In R. Feinberg (Ed.), APEC as an Institution: Multilateral Governance in the Asia-Pacific (pp. 85-110). ISEAS–Yusof Ishak Institute.
  • European Commission (1994). Towards a New Asia Strategy, Brussels, 13 July 1994. Available at E.T. 10.12.2017.
  • F. Cooper & Richard Stubbs (2017): Contending regionalisms: hubs and challengers in the Americas and the Asia-Pacific, The Pacific Review, DOI: 10.1080/09512748.2017.1332083
  • Gilson, J. (2004). ‘Weaving a New Silk Road: Europe Meets Asia’, in V. Aggarwal and E. Fogarty, EU Trade Strategies: Between Regionalism and Globalism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 69-71.
  • Hanns W. Maull and Nuria Okfen, (2006), Comparing Interregionalism, Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation and Asia Europe Meeting, Interregionalism and International Relations Edited by Heiner Hänggi, Ralf Roloff and Jürgen Rüland pp. 220.
  • Hermann, M. (2001).How Decision Units Shape Foreign Policy: A Theoretical Framework, International Studies Review, 3(2), 47-81.
  • Holland, M. (2002). The European Union and The Third World. New York: Palgrave, p. 59-84.
  • Kettunen, E. (2004). Regionalism and the Geography of Trade Policies in EU-ASEAN Trade. Helsinki: Helsinki School of Economics, p. 314.
  • Köllner, Patrick (2000) Whither ASEM? Lessons from APEC and the Future of Transregional Cooperation Between Asia and Europe, Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, Volume 19, pp. 425 – 434.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Republic of Korea (2000). Asia-Europe Meeting, 19-21 October, Seoul. Available at, E.T. 17.12.2017.
  • Mintz ve DeRouen, (2010), Understanding Foreign Policy Decision Making, ISBN-13 978-0-511-71254-8 eBook (NetLibrary).
  • Morgenthau, Hans J., (1978), Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace, New York, Alfred A. Knopf.
  • Pakpahan, B. (2010). ‘Contemporary Trans-regional Cooperation between Europe and Asia in a Changing World’, Journal of Contemporary European Research. Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 514-534.
  • Ravenhill, John (1995), ‘Bringing Politics Back in: The Political Economy of APEC’ manuscript of a paper presented at the Third Conference on Economic Cooperation in Asia-Pasific Community, Institute of East and West Studies, Yonsei University.
  • Ravenhill, J. (2001). APEC and the construction of pacific rim regionalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Original Research Articles

Hasan Hakses 0000-0002-7018-1340

Publication Date April 30, 2022
Submission Date October 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 25 Issue: 1


APA Hakses, H. (2022). Karar Alma Mekanizmaları Açısından Bölgesel ve Bölgeler Ötesi Örgütlerin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi: APEC ve ASEM Örneği. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 25(1), 104-113.

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