- Article Preparation
. Language of Publication
Articles written in Turkish or English are accepted to be published in this journal.
. Submission of Articles
Articles should be submitted online at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/journal/1707/submission/step/manuscript/new.
In addition, all processes and correspondence regarding the articles will be carried out through the DergiPark system.
In the Journal of SineFilozofi submission system, articles submitted in Word format should not contain the author's name in their full texts. Users are required to use their own names when submitting articles through the member accounts they have created.
Along with the articles, the Journal of SineFilozofi Article Information Form*, which indicates the article type and contains information about the article, the journal of SineFilozofi Copyright and Author Agreement* form (with a signature on it) and a plagiarism report from Turnitin or iThenticate programs should be uploaded.
General Rules
. The full text of the articles in Word format that are uploaded to the Journal of SineFilozofi system should not include author(s)' name(s). Users must use their own names in the member accounts they open to post articles.
. Articles should have Turkish and English abstracts. The English title of the article should be placed before the English abstract. Abstracts should be between 150-250 words.
. In the articles, there should be 5 Turkish keywords representing the content of the study under the Turkish abstract, and 5 English keywords representing the content of the study under the English abstract.
. Your work that is written in Turkish language should include an Extended Abstract of 600-800 words, which briefly summarizes the work. Extended abstract in English is only required for Turkish articles.
. It is recommended that you follow the following order in your studies: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Title in Foreign Language, Abstract, Keywords, Extended Abstract (if the study is in Turkish), Introduction, Main Text, (Method, Results, Discussion - Optional), Conclusion and Bibliography.
. It is recommended that the total word count of the articles (Research articles/Case Study/Review articles) be in the range of 6000-8000 words.
. Photographs, drawings, pictures, etc. used in articles should be named in the layout 'Image 1: name or description of the image'.
The table and figure titles should be numbered and written boldly above the table/figure. The table title should have the initial letters capitalized.
Notes and references should be separated. Notes should be numbered within the text and presented as 'footnotes.' References, on the other hand, should be organized according to the APA system.
. The names of the films mentioned in the articles, when used for the first time in the text, should be given in their original form and in parentheses in Turkish. In addition, the director of the film and the release year should be specified. For example: Das Cabinet Des Dr. Caligari (Dr. Caligari's Practice, Robert Wiene, 1920). For references made after the first use, the Turkish or original name of the film may be preferred, provided that it is consistent within the text. In addition, references to the film after the first use do not have to include the director's name and the year of production. All movie, book, newspaper, journal, TV program names in the text should be written in italics. All movies, books, journals, newspapers, TV programs referenced in the text should also be included in the bibliography in accordance with the APA style.
Rules for the Formal Arrangement of the Article
Arrengement of Titles
The first letters of the main title should be capitalized and it should have a font size of 13 points and it should be in bold,
The first letters of Introduction, Abstract, Conclusion and Bibliography should be capitalized, they should be aligned left, twelve font size and in bold,
The first letters of titles should be capitalized and they should be aligned left, twelve font size and in bold,
The first letters of the headings should be capitalized and they should be written in italics, aligned to the paragraph, in 12 font size and in bold
Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word and page dimensions should be arranged as follows:
Paper Size: A4 Vertical
Top Margin: 3 cm
Bottom Margin: 2.5 cm
Left Margin: 2.5 cm
Right Margin: 2.5 cm
Paragraph Indentation: 1 cm
Block Quote: Left 1 cm
Font: Book Antiqua
Font Style: Normal
Main Text Size: 11 points
Block Quote: 10 point
Endnote Text Size: 9 points
In-Table Data: 10 point
Paragraph Spacing: 6 pt
Line Spacing: One (1.25)
Article Writing Rules
The Journal of SineFilozofi has adopted the APA (7.0) reference order. The reference format of the submitted works should be in accordance with the APA (7.0) style. For information about APA rules:
The Turkish Language Association Spelling Guide should be the basis for spelling and punctuation in the works: https://www.tdk.gov.tr/tdk/kurumsal/yazim-kilavuzu.
Notes and references should be separated. Notes should be numbered in the text and given as “footnotes”. References should be arranged according to the APA system.
Rules for Citation and Source Attribution
In the bibliography, only sources cited/referenced in the text should be included.
All the sources used in the article should be listed at the end of the text under the heading 'References' as a separate section, alphabetically and hanging indented according to the authors' surnames.
If multiple publications from the same author and same year are utilized, the publications should be distinguished by using the labels 'a, b, c,...' sequentially. This practice should be applied both in-text during citation and in the bibliography section.
Exp: In the text: (Erkılıç, 2018a, p. 10),….(Erkılıç, 2018b). In the “Works Cited” part: Erkılıç, H. (2018a). ….. Erkılıç, H. (2018b). …..
Direct quotations of less than 40 words should be enclosed in quotation marks. Direct quotations exceeding 40 words, however, should be presented as a separate paragraph, indented 1 cm from the left in block format, using 10-point font. In such cases, quotation marks should not be used.
When quoting directly from an original work, the omitted word(s)/sentence(s) are indicated with square brackets and three dots inside […].
If the primary source quoted in the text has not been personally read by the author and is being used through a secondary source, it should be indicated as follows: (Bergson, as cited in Sönmez, 2020, p. 48).
Citation in the Text
Single author works: (Makal, 2014, pp. 201-202)
Works with two authors; (Neyzi & Demirci, 2011, p. 72)
Works with three, four and five authors; (Connerton, Wayne & West, 2010, pp. 12–13) In repetitive uses in the text; (Connerton et al., 2010)
Works with six or more authors: (Mutlu et al., 2013)
Institutional names: First citation in the text: (World Health Organization [WHO], 2023). Repeated citations: (WHO, 2023)
Presentation of Sources in the Works Cited Section
All sources used in the article should be listed under the title of Bibliography at the end of the text, as a separate section, alphabetically and hanging according to the surnames of the authors.
For more information, please check: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples
General Rule: Author(s) Last Name, First Initial. (Publication Year). Title of the Work (If there is an Edition). (If it's a translated book, Translator's Name). Publisher.
Note: In APA 7, there is no information about the "place of publication" in book references. If there is a DOI number, it should be appended to the end as "http...". In APA 7, the format "DOI: ..." has been removed, and the new rule requires writing the entire address starting with "http."
Note: In books with a single editor, use (Editor). In books with multiple editors, use (Editors). In APA 7, the format "DOI: ..." has been removed, and the new rule requires writing the entire address starting with "http.
General Rule: Author's Last Name, First Initial. (Publication Year). Article Title. Journal Name, Volume Number (If Available, Issue Number), Page Numbers of the Article.
Öztürk, S. (2022). Sinema ve düşünce ilişkisi üzerine bir tartışma: Beden sinema ve beyin sinema. İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 60 (1), 93-118. https://doi.org/10.47998/ikad.1174359
Sobchack, V. (1990). Active eye: Optical movement: Transformations of attention. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 21-36.
Note: In APA 7, the format "DOI: ..." has been removed, and the new rule requires writing the entire address starting with "http." If the article has a DOI number, it should be included."
General Rule: Author's Last Name, First Initial. (Publication Year). Thesis Title. (Unpublished Master's/Doctoral Thesis). Institute Name, City.
Üşümezgezer, Ç. (2019). Haneke sinemasının yaralanabilir seyircisi. (Unpublished Master's Thesis). Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul.
World Health Organization. (2018, May 24). The top 10 causes of death. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/the-top-10-causes-of-death.
General Rule: Director's Last Name, First Initial. (Director). (Year of Production). Title of the Film [Film]. Country: Studio.
Tarantino, Q. (Director). (1994). Pulp fiction [Motion Picture]. USA: Miramax.
An Episode in a TV Series:
General Rule: Screenwriter's Last Name, First Initial. (Screenwriter) & Director's Last Name, First Initial. (Director). (Year of Publication). Episode Title [Television Series Episode]. Producer's First Initial., Last Name (Producer), Name of the Series. Country: Studio.
Armstrong, J. (Screenwriter) & Welsh, B. (Director). (2011). The Entire History of You [Television Series Episode]. C. Brooker (Producer), Black Mirror. United Kingdom: Channel 4.
*For other citation examples needed, you can visit the following address: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples/
Article Final Checklist
Make sure that you do not have a deficiency in the following items:
• Articles should be submitted to the following adress: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/journal/1707/submission/step/manuscript/new.
• The text of the articles should be in Word format and the author(s)’s names should not be included in any part of the text in accordance with double-blind peer-review policy.
• Make sure that the APA(7.0) reference system is used in your article and that your article is compatible with the publication policies, manifesto, purpose and scope. Also be sure that the main text of the article includes a Turkish and an English title, abstracts in both Turkish and English language and keywords, and an Extended Abstract if your article is in Turkish.
• Journal of SineFilozofi Article Information Form, Journal of SineFilozofi Copyright and Author Agreement and Plagiarism Report should be uploaded to the system as separate files along with the main text of the article.
Article Evaluation Process
The articles should be written in accordance with the journal's writing guidelines and in an academic language.
The papers should be original works that have not been published elsewhere and are not submitted for publication elsewhere.
Only one article per author will be published within the same year. If an author submits another article and it is accepted for publication, it will be queued for publication in the following year.
The works should demonstrate consistency in terms of purpose, topic, and content.
The papers should not contain plagiarism, and a plagiarism report from Turnitin or iThenticate programs should be uploaded to the system along with the paper. In order for the papers to be considered for evaluation, the plagiarism report from Turnitin or iThenticate should be below 20%. For questions and issues regarding plagiarism reports, please email asli.sahinkaya@gmail.com.
Papers that do not comply with these rules will be rejected by the editorial board without entering the peer review process.
Once the articles pass through the editorial evaluation, the peer review process begins. In the assignment of referees, the compatibility of the referee's expertise with the subject of the article is taken into consideration.
The papers submitted to the journal are evaluated through a double-blind peer review system.
The Chief Editor makes the assignments for the study in accordance with the principle of not allowing conflicts of interest among authors, editors, and referees. The papers are sent to at least two referees according to the double-blind peer review system. Referees are expected to conduct the evaluation processes fairly and adhere to the principle of impartiality. Referees should keep all information regarding the evaluated paper confidential. Statements, information, and discussions about these papers should not be made in different media. The evaluation reports should not contain offensive or derogatory language. If a referee believes that they are faced with a conflict of interest during the evaluation process, they should inform the journal editor and refuse to review the paper.
If both referee reports are positive, the paper can be published; if they are negative, the paper will be rejected. In case one report is positive and the other is negative, a third referee is consulted. Based on the report of the third referee, the paper will be accepted or rejected. Authors may be requested to make changes and/or corrections to the paper based on the review and evaluation processes. Papers whose peer review process is not completed will be considered for evaluation in the next issue. The decision to publish is made by the Chief Editor after the authors have made the requested revisions and the peer review process is completed.
***Important Information: All the rules and processes mentioned above apply in the same manner to the published/planned Special Issues of the Journal of SineFilozofi.