Erkek Bakış Açısıyla Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliğine Yönelik Sosyolojik Bir Değerlendirme
Year 2024,
Volume: 8 Issue: Eğitim Bilimleri Özel Sayısı, 223 - 245, 31.12.2024
İpek Beyza Altıparmak
Gülçin Cebecioğlu
Barış Pekmezci
Günümüzde toplumsal cinsiyete yönelik çalışmaların önemi gittikçe artmaktadır. Gerek uluslararası gerekse ulusal düzeyde yapılan araştırmalar toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği ve toplumsal gelişme arasında çok yönlü bir ilişkinin olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği beraberinde eğitim düzenin yükselmesi, toplumsal ve ekonomik gelişmişlik seviyesinin artması gibi pek çok mikro ve makro etkiyi içinde barındırmaktadır. Ülkelerin sosyal ve ekonomik kalkınma planları arasında cinsiyet eşitliğine yönelik alınması gereken tedbirlerin olduğu ortadadır. Bu yönüyle konuyla ilgili çalışmaların yapılması gereklilik olarak karşımızda durmaktadır. Buradan hareketle yapılan çalışma toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğini erkek bakış açısıyla ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Nitel araştırma yöntemi ile tasarlanan araştırma kapsamında 21 erkek ile derinlemesine mülakat gerçekleştirilmiş ve elde edilen veriler MAXQDA bilgisayar programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma İstanbul’un Şişli ilçesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan çalışmanın bulguları değerlendirildiğinde İstanbul’un en gelişmiş ilçesi olan Şişli’de toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğine yönelik olumlu bir yaklaşımın olduğu saptanmıştır. Ancak buna rağmen bireyin sahip olduğu eğitim düzeyinin ve memleketinin cinsiyet eşitliğine yönelik algı üzerinde oldukça belirleyici olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Özellikle ilköğretim ve ortaöğretim mezunu ve memleketi Güneydoğu Anadolu ve Karadeniz bölgesinde yer alan erkeklerin geleneksel rol kalıplarını daha fazla benimsedikleri saptanmıştır.
- Allen, D. G. (1996). Discourse knowledge, politics, culture, and gender: A discourse perspective. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research Archive, 95-102.
- Archer, J. (2006). Cross-cultural differences in physical aggression between partners: A social-role analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 10(2), 133-153.
- Artar, T., & Tekdal Fildis, A. (2021). Gender equality discourse and practices in Türkiye: Comparative analysis. Marmara University Journal of Women and Gender Studies, 5(1), 1-18.
- Bardakcı, S., & Oglak, S. (2022). Gender inequality index and Türkiye. Journal of Social Policy, 3(1), 71-90.
- Basar, F. (2017). Gender inequality: Impact on women's health. Acıbadem University Journal of Health Sciences, 3, 131-137.
- Bilgili, N., & Vural, G. (2011). The most severe form of violence against women: Honor killings. Anatolian Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 14(1), 67-72.
- Bozok, M. (2018). Fatherhood in Türkiye shaped in between patriarchy, capitalism and masculinities. Fe Magazine, 10(2), 30-42.
- Casad, B. J., Garasky, C. E., Jancetic, T. R., Brown, A. K., Franks, J. E., & Bach, C. R. (2022). US women faculty in the social sciences also face gender inequalities. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1-14.
- Coe, I. R., Wiley, R., & Bekker, L. G. (2019). Organizational best practices towards gender equality in science and medicine. The Lancet, 393(10171), 587-593.
- Collins, W. A., & Russell, G. (1991). Mother-child and father-child relationships in middle childhood and adolescence: A developmental analysis. Developmental Review, 11, 99–136.
- Celebi, E. (2022). The effect of media on gender roles. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 21(82), 822-829.
Dedeoglu, S. (2009). Equality or discrimination? Social state, gender equality policies and women's employment in Türkiye. Work and Society, 2(21), 41-54.
- Dinc Kahraman, S. (2010). Determination of the opinions of women against social gender inequality. Journal of Dokuz Eylül University School of Nursing, 3(1), 30-35.
- Dirimese, E. (2022). Gender policies of the European union and the status of Roma women in Türkiye: The case of Zonguldak. Journal of Romani Language and Culture Research Institute, 3(1), 1-19.
- Eccles, J. S. (1994). Understanding women’s educational and occupational choices: Applying the Eccles et al. model of achievement-related choices. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 18, 585–609.
- Erzeybek B., & Gokcearslan Ciftci E. (2019). Gender roles and marital adjustment of women’s in academia. Journal of Social Work, 3(1), 61-80.
- Giddens, A. (2000). Sociology (Trans. H. Guzel & H. Ozel). Istanbul: Ayrac Publication.
- Giuliano, P. (2020). Gender and culture. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 36(4), 944-961.
- Gökdemir, O., Cabrita, A. L., Pavlov, R., & Bhattacharya, S. (2022). Domestic violence: Rehabilitation program for the victim and violent/predator. Social Work in Public Health, 37(5), 448-455.
- Gören, Z. (2016). Common principle of equality. Marmara University Faculty of Law Journal of Legal Research, 22(3), 3279-3301.
- Haas, L. (1990). Gender equality and social policy: Implications of a study of parental leave in Sweden. Journal of Family Issues, 11(4), 401-423.
- Hayward, F. M., & Karim, R. (2019). The Struggle for higher education gender equity policy in Afghanistan: Obstacles, challenges and achievements. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 27(139), 1-25.
- Herdman, E., & Badir, A. (2008). Gender equality or patriarchal dividend: Structural change in Turkish nursing. Nursing & Health Sciences, 10(2), 159-163.
- Hossen, M. S. (2020). Patriarchy practice and women’s subordination in the society of Bangladesh: An analytical review. Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2, 51-60.
- UN (2023). Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Retrieved June 16, 2023, from
- UNICEF (2023). Gender equality. Retrieved June 16, 2023, from
Icli, G. (2018). Gender equality policies and globalization. Pamukkale University Social Sciences Institute Journal, 30, 133-143.
- İnce Yenilmez, M. (2015). Female employment and gender inequality: Challenges and opportunities in Türkiye. Hacettepe University Journal of Economics & Administrative Sciences, 26(1), 131-147.
- Karataş, Z. (2015). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Journal of Spiritually Based Social Work Research, 1(1), 62-80.
- Kashdarma, E. (2018). Gender inequality: An analysis based on socio-psychological elements and system justification theory. OPUS, 9(16), 2438-2460.
- Kaya, H. E., & Yasar, C. (2021). Gender status during COVID-19: Men staying at home. Istanbul University Journal of Women's Studies, 22, 1-30.
- Kılıç, D., & Öztürk, S. (2014). The barriers to the labor force participation of women in Türkiye and solution suggestions: An empirical application. Public Administration Journal, 47(1), 107-130.
- Klasen, S. (2020). From ‘MeToo’to Boko Haram: A survey of levels and trends of gender inequality in the world. World Development, 128, 1-10.
- Lerner, G. (1969). The lady and the mill girl: Changes in the status of women in the age of Jackson. Midcontinent American Studies Journal, 10(1), 5-15.
- Leye, E., D’Souza, H., & Meurens, N. (2021). The added value of and resistance to the Istanbul convention: A comparative study in 27 European member states and Türkiye. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 3, 1-22.
- McDermott, R. (2020). The role of gender in political violence. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 34, 1-5.
- Mensah, E. O. (2023). Husband is a priority: Gender roles, patriarchy and the naming of female children in Nigeria. Gender Issues, 40(1), 44-64.
- Merriam, S. B. (2014). Qualitative research: A guide to design and practice. (Trans. S. Duman). Nobel Academic Publishing.
- Mshweshwe, L. (2020). Understanding domestic violence: Masculinity, culture, traditions. Heliyon, 6(10), 1-5.
- O’Connor, P. (2020). Why is it so difficult to reduce gender inequality in male-dominated higher educational organizations? A feminist institutional perspective. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 45(2), 207-228.
- Ökten, Ş. (2009). Gender and power: The system of gender in Southeastern Anatolia. Journal of International Social Research, 2(8), 302-312.
- Ors, M., & Kaya, H. E. (2021). Social justice and gender equality from the perspective of lifelong learning. Trakya Education Journal, 11(3), 1703-1716.
- Psaki, S. (2016). Addressing child marriage and adolescent pregnancy as barriers to gender parity and equality in education. Prospects, 46, 109-129.
- Say, G. (1998). The female dimension in political change. Kurtis Printing House.
- Scambor, E., Bergmann, N., Wojnicka, K., Belghiti-Mahut, S., Hearn, J., Holter, O. G., Gartner, M., Hrzenjak, M., Scambor, C., & White, A. (2014). Men and gender equality: European insights. Men and Masculinities, 17(5), 552-577.
- Shannon, G., Jansen, M., Williams, K., Cáceres, C., Motta, A., Odhiambo, A., & Mannell, J. (2019). Gender equality in science, medicine, and global health: Where are we at and why does it matter? The Lancet, 393(10171), 560-569.
- Şahin, S., & Bayhan A. C. (2020). Economic dimension of gender inequality in Türkiye. Lectio Socialis, 4(1), 59-74.
- Şenol, D., & Calar, V. (2018). To be a male in Batman in the context of gender. Journal of Social and Cultural Research, 1, 1-16.
- Ministry of Technology and Industry (2022). Socio-economic development ranking research of districts.
- Ullah, S., & Naz, A. (2017). The implication of patriarchy and gender roles socialization on the socio-economic status of women, in district dir upper. Pakistan Journal of Society, Education and Language, 3(1), 32-53.
- Unuvar, P., & Tagay, O. (2015). Employed married women: Gender roles, life satisfaction, job satisfaction and marital adjustment. Kadin/Woman 2000, 16(1), 21-44.
- Vandello, J. A., & Cohen, D. (2008). Culture, gender, and men's intimate partner violence. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2(2), 652-667.
- Vatandaş, C. (2007). Perception of gender and gender roles. Istanbul Journal of Sociological Studies, (35), 29-56.
- Vepa, S. S. (2007). Gender equity & human development. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 126(4), 328-340.
- WEF (2022). The global gender gap report 2022. Switzerland: World Economic Forum.
- Yaşar Dinçer, F. C., & Yirmibesoglu, G. (2020). Evaluation of the economic impacts of COVID-19 in the context of gender equality. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 19, 780-792.
- Yavuz, S., & Yucesahin, M. M. (2012). Changes in household compositions and regional variations in Türkiye. Journal of Sociological Research, 15(1), 75-118.
- Yelsalı Parmaksiz, P. M. (2019). Thirty years of gender and women's studies in Türkiye. Women's Studies International Forum, 77(102279), 1-9.
- Yeşil, F., & Yıldırım, A. (2019). Gender and its discourse in the media: Marriage programs. Selçuk Communication, 12(1), 232-254.
- Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2000). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Seckin Publishing.
A Sociological Assessment on Gender Equality From A Male’s Perspective
Year 2024,
Volume: 8 Issue: Eğitim Bilimleri Özel Sayısı, 223 - 245, 31.12.2024
İpek Beyza Altıparmak
Gülçin Cebecioğlu
Barış Pekmezci
Nowadays the importance of researches on gender is increasing day by day. Both foreign and domestic researches reveal that there is a multifaceted relationship between gender equality and social development. Gender equality includes such many micro and macro effects as the increase in the education system and the level of social and economic development. It is obvious that there are some precautions taken for gender equality in the social and economic development plans of countries. In this respect, it is necessary to carry out studies on the subject. From this point of view, it is aimed to reveal gender equality from a male perspective in this paper. Within the scope of the research designed with the qualitative research method, indepth interviews were conducted with 21 men and the obtained data were analyzed with the computer program MAXQDA. The study was carried out in Şişli district of Istanbul. When the findings of the research are evaluated, it has been determined that there is an awareness of gender and a positive approach towards gender equality in Şişli, the most developed district of Istanbul. However, despite this, it has been concluded that the education level of the individual and his hometown are quite determinative on the perception of gender equality. It has been determined that men who are elementary and high school graduates and whose hometown is located in Southeastern Anatolia and the Black Sea region adopt traditional role patterns more.
- Allen, D. G. (1996). Discourse knowledge, politics, culture, and gender: A discourse perspective. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research Archive, 95-102.
- Archer, J. (2006). Cross-cultural differences in physical aggression between partners: A social-role analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 10(2), 133-153.
- Artar, T., & Tekdal Fildis, A. (2021). Gender equality discourse and practices in Türkiye: Comparative analysis. Marmara University Journal of Women and Gender Studies, 5(1), 1-18.
- Bardakcı, S., & Oglak, S. (2022). Gender inequality index and Türkiye. Journal of Social Policy, 3(1), 71-90.
- Basar, F. (2017). Gender inequality: Impact on women's health. Acıbadem University Journal of Health Sciences, 3, 131-137.
- Bilgili, N., & Vural, G. (2011). The most severe form of violence against women: Honor killings. Anatolian Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 14(1), 67-72.
- Bozok, M. (2018). Fatherhood in Türkiye shaped in between patriarchy, capitalism and masculinities. Fe Magazine, 10(2), 30-42.
- Casad, B. J., Garasky, C. E., Jancetic, T. R., Brown, A. K., Franks, J. E., & Bach, C. R. (2022). US women faculty in the social sciences also face gender inequalities. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1-14.
- Coe, I. R., Wiley, R., & Bekker, L. G. (2019). Organizational best practices towards gender equality in science and medicine. The Lancet, 393(10171), 587-593.
- Collins, W. A., & Russell, G. (1991). Mother-child and father-child relationships in middle childhood and adolescence: A developmental analysis. Developmental Review, 11, 99–136.
- Celebi, E. (2022). The effect of media on gender roles. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 21(82), 822-829.
Dedeoglu, S. (2009). Equality or discrimination? Social state, gender equality policies and women's employment in Türkiye. Work and Society, 2(21), 41-54.
- Dinc Kahraman, S. (2010). Determination of the opinions of women against social gender inequality. Journal of Dokuz Eylül University School of Nursing, 3(1), 30-35.
- Dirimese, E. (2022). Gender policies of the European union and the status of Roma women in Türkiye: The case of Zonguldak. Journal of Romani Language and Culture Research Institute, 3(1), 1-19.
- Eccles, J. S. (1994). Understanding women’s educational and occupational choices: Applying the Eccles et al. model of achievement-related choices. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 18, 585–609.
- Erzeybek B., & Gokcearslan Ciftci E. (2019). Gender roles and marital adjustment of women’s in academia. Journal of Social Work, 3(1), 61-80.
- Giddens, A. (2000). Sociology (Trans. H. Guzel & H. Ozel). Istanbul: Ayrac Publication.
- Giuliano, P. (2020). Gender and culture. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 36(4), 944-961.
- Gökdemir, O., Cabrita, A. L., Pavlov, R., & Bhattacharya, S. (2022). Domestic violence: Rehabilitation program for the victim and violent/predator. Social Work in Public Health, 37(5), 448-455.
- Gören, Z. (2016). Common principle of equality. Marmara University Faculty of Law Journal of Legal Research, 22(3), 3279-3301.
- Haas, L. (1990). Gender equality and social policy: Implications of a study of parental leave in Sweden. Journal of Family Issues, 11(4), 401-423.
- Hayward, F. M., & Karim, R. (2019). The Struggle for higher education gender equity policy in Afghanistan: Obstacles, challenges and achievements. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 27(139), 1-25.
- Herdman, E., & Badir, A. (2008). Gender equality or patriarchal dividend: Structural change in Turkish nursing. Nursing & Health Sciences, 10(2), 159-163.
- Hossen, M. S. (2020). Patriarchy practice and women’s subordination in the society of Bangladesh: An analytical review. Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2, 51-60.
- UN (2023). Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Retrieved June 16, 2023, from
- UNICEF (2023). Gender equality. Retrieved June 16, 2023, from
Icli, G. (2018). Gender equality policies and globalization. Pamukkale University Social Sciences Institute Journal, 30, 133-143.
- İnce Yenilmez, M. (2015). Female employment and gender inequality: Challenges and opportunities in Türkiye. Hacettepe University Journal of Economics & Administrative Sciences, 26(1), 131-147.
- Karataş, Z. (2015). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Journal of Spiritually Based Social Work Research, 1(1), 62-80.
- Kashdarma, E. (2018). Gender inequality: An analysis based on socio-psychological elements and system justification theory. OPUS, 9(16), 2438-2460.
- Kaya, H. E., & Yasar, C. (2021). Gender status during COVID-19: Men staying at home. Istanbul University Journal of Women's Studies, 22, 1-30.
- Kılıç, D., & Öztürk, S. (2014). The barriers to the labor force participation of women in Türkiye and solution suggestions: An empirical application. Public Administration Journal, 47(1), 107-130.
- Klasen, S. (2020). From ‘MeToo’to Boko Haram: A survey of levels and trends of gender inequality in the world. World Development, 128, 1-10.
- Lerner, G. (1969). The lady and the mill girl: Changes in the status of women in the age of Jackson. Midcontinent American Studies Journal, 10(1), 5-15.
- Leye, E., D’Souza, H., & Meurens, N. (2021). The added value of and resistance to the Istanbul convention: A comparative study in 27 European member states and Türkiye. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 3, 1-22.
- McDermott, R. (2020). The role of gender in political violence. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 34, 1-5.
- Mensah, E. O. (2023). Husband is a priority: Gender roles, patriarchy and the naming of female children in Nigeria. Gender Issues, 40(1), 44-64.
- Merriam, S. B. (2014). Qualitative research: A guide to design and practice. (Trans. S. Duman). Nobel Academic Publishing.
- Mshweshwe, L. (2020). Understanding domestic violence: Masculinity, culture, traditions. Heliyon, 6(10), 1-5.
- O’Connor, P. (2020). Why is it so difficult to reduce gender inequality in male-dominated higher educational organizations? A feminist institutional perspective. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 45(2), 207-228.
- Ökten, Ş. (2009). Gender and power: The system of gender in Southeastern Anatolia. Journal of International Social Research, 2(8), 302-312.
- Ors, M., & Kaya, H. E. (2021). Social justice and gender equality from the perspective of lifelong learning. Trakya Education Journal, 11(3), 1703-1716.
- Psaki, S. (2016). Addressing child marriage and adolescent pregnancy as barriers to gender parity and equality in education. Prospects, 46, 109-129.
- Say, G. (1998). The female dimension in political change. Kurtis Printing House.
- Scambor, E., Bergmann, N., Wojnicka, K., Belghiti-Mahut, S., Hearn, J., Holter, O. G., Gartner, M., Hrzenjak, M., Scambor, C., & White, A. (2014). Men and gender equality: European insights. Men and Masculinities, 17(5), 552-577.
- Shannon, G., Jansen, M., Williams, K., Cáceres, C., Motta, A., Odhiambo, A., & Mannell, J. (2019). Gender equality in science, medicine, and global health: Where are we at and why does it matter? The Lancet, 393(10171), 560-569.
- Şahin, S., & Bayhan A. C. (2020). Economic dimension of gender inequality in Türkiye. Lectio Socialis, 4(1), 59-74.
- Şenol, D., & Calar, V. (2018). To be a male in Batman in the context of gender. Journal of Social and Cultural Research, 1, 1-16.
- Ministry of Technology and Industry (2022). Socio-economic development ranking research of districts.
- Ullah, S., & Naz, A. (2017). The implication of patriarchy and gender roles socialization on the socio-economic status of women, in district dir upper. Pakistan Journal of Society, Education and Language, 3(1), 32-53.
- Unuvar, P., & Tagay, O. (2015). Employed married women: Gender roles, life satisfaction, job satisfaction and marital adjustment. Kadin/Woman 2000, 16(1), 21-44.
- Vandello, J. A., & Cohen, D. (2008). Culture, gender, and men's intimate partner violence. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2(2), 652-667.
- Vatandaş, C. (2007). Perception of gender and gender roles. Istanbul Journal of Sociological Studies, (35), 29-56.
- Vepa, S. S. (2007). Gender equity & human development. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 126(4), 328-340.
- WEF (2022). The global gender gap report 2022. Switzerland: World Economic Forum.
- Yaşar Dinçer, F. C., & Yirmibesoglu, G. (2020). Evaluation of the economic impacts of COVID-19 in the context of gender equality. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 19, 780-792.
- Yavuz, S., & Yucesahin, M. M. (2012). Changes in household compositions and regional variations in Türkiye. Journal of Sociological Research, 15(1), 75-118.
- Yelsalı Parmaksiz, P. M. (2019). Thirty years of gender and women's studies in Türkiye. Women's Studies International Forum, 77(102279), 1-9.
- Yeşil, F., & Yıldırım, A. (2019). Gender and its discourse in the media: Marriage programs. Selçuk Communication, 12(1), 232-254.
- Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2000). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Seckin Publishing.