Abstracting and Indexing

1. Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI): https://mjl.clarivate.com/search-results 

2. ERIH PLUS: European Reference Index for the Humanitie: https://kanalregister.hkdir.no/publiseringskanaler/erihplus/periodical/info.action?id=503576

3. EBSCO: Academic Search Ultimate: https://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/aph-journals.htm

4. EBSCO Essentials: https://essentials.ebsco.com/search/eds/details/el-mes%C3%A2ilu-s-seferiyye-fi-n-na%E1%B8%A5v-i%CC%87simli-eser-ba%C4%9Flam%C4%B1nda-i%CC%87bn-hi%C5%9F%C3%A2m-%C4%B1n-baz%C4%B1-mans%C3%BBb-kelimeleri-ele?query=%C5%9E%C4%B1rnak%20University%20Journal%20of%20Divinity%20Faculty&requestCount=2&db=edb&an=157507650

5. Index Copernicus : https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/search/details?id=48666

6. Atla Religion Database (Atla RDB)- Officially accepted. It will be added to the 2023 quarter list.


1. ULAKBİM TR DİZİN Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Veri Tabanı: https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/dergi/detay/843/sirnak-universitesi-ilahiyat-fakultesi-dergisi

1. İdealonline Akademik Dergiler Veri Tabanı: https://www.idealonline.com.tr/IdealOnline/lookAtPublications/journalDetail.xhtml?uId=464

2. DRJI: http://olddrji.lbp.world/JournalProfile.aspx?jid=2667-6575

3. ResearchBib (Academic Research Index): https://journalseeker.researchbib.com/view/issn/2667-6575

4. MIAR: https://miar.ub.edu/issn/2146-4901

5. Gateway Bayern: https://gateway-bayern.de/BV047332360

6. CiteFactor: https://www.citefactor.org/journal/index/29765/%C5%9E%C4%B1rnak-university-journal-of-divinity-faculty#.Y7gsaXZBxmM

7. Sobiad Atıf Dizini: https://atif.sobiad.com/index.jsp?modul=dergi-sayfasi&ID=0&magazinename=%C5%9E%C4%B1rnak%20%C3%9Cniversitesi%20%C4%B0lahiyat%20Fak%C3%BCltesi%20Dergisi

8. BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine: https://www.base-search.net/Search/Results?lookfor=%C5%9E%C4%B1rnak+University+Journal+of+Divinity+Faculty&name=&oaboost=1&newsearch=1&refid=dcbasen

Şırnak University Journal of Theology Faculty, National or International?

According to UAK, "Published Article" that can be used in the application for Associate Professorship is "an original printed or published article on condition that it has contributed to science in its field". According to this definition, original articles published in a printed or e-journal can be used in the application for associate professorship. (Source: UAK).
Associate professorship application requirements vary according to the field of science.

Basic Field of Educational Sciences
Basic Field of Science and Mathematics
Philology Basic Field
Fine Arts Basic Area
Basic Area of Law
Basic Field of Theology
Architecture, Planning and Design Fundamentals
Engineering Fundamentals
Basic Field of Health Sciences
Basic Area of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Base Area
Basic Field of Sport Sciences
In general, there are two categories in the application requirements: "National Article" and "International Article".

Considering these conditions in the "Science of Theology", there are two sub-categories of the national article:
a) Article published in national refereed journals scanned by ULAKBİM - 10 POINTS
b) Articles published in national refereed journals other than item a - 5 POINTS
According to this table, our journal is in the National/a category of the Journal of the Faculty of Theology of Şırnak University, as of 2014, and its point value is 10.

There are three sub-categories of the international article in the field of "Theology Science Field":
a) Articles published in journals within the scope of SSCI, SCI, SCI-Expanded and AHCI excluding letter to the editor, abstract or book review - 20 POINTS
b) Article published in journals scanned in international indexes, excluding letter to the editor, abstract or book review - 10 POINTS
c) In the publications within the scope of subparagraph a or b of this article, the article that contributes to the science in its field is criticized - SCORE
According to this table, the point value of our journal in the international article category in the applications for associate professorship of the Journal of the Faculty of Theology of Şırnak University is 10 points in the b category as of 2022.

Last Update Time: 10/21/23, 5:59:40 PM

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