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Acute appendicitis presenting with small intestinal obstruction findings - 2 cases report

Year 2014, , 89 - 92, 01.06.2014


Acute appendicitis and small intestinal obstructions are frequent surgical problems encountered by emergency departments. Acute appendicitis rarely presents as a finding of small intestinal obstruction. A sixty-eight-year-old woman and a forty-two-year-old man consulted the emergency department with findings of intestinal obstruction. The reasons for intestinal obstructions were paralytic in one patient, due to perforated appendix; in the other, mechanic, due to the obstruction of the terminal ileum by a long appendix. Both cases underwent appendectomies, and their post-operational periods were uncomplicated. As the most frequent surgical acute abdominal syndrome etiology, appendicitis may appear with unexpected clinical manifestations.


  • Macari M, Megibow A. Imaging of suspected acute small bowel obstruction. Semin Roentgenol 2001; 36(2):108-17.
  • Gupta S, Vaidya M. Mechanical small bowel obstruction cased by acute appendicitis. Am Surg 1969; 35(9):670-4.
  • Assenza M, Ricci G, Bartolucci P, Modini C. Mechanical small bowel obstruction due to an inflamed appendix wrapping around the last loop of ileum. G Chir 2005; 26(6-7): 261-6.
  • Peck JJ, Milleson T, Phelan J. The role of computed tomography with contrast and small bowel follow-through in management of small bowel obstruction. Am J Surg 1999; 177(5):375-8.
  • Hawkes F. III.The prevention of intestinal obstruction following operation for appendicitis. Ann Surg 1909; 49(2):192-207.
  • Deshmukh SN, Maske AN, Bote SM, Parashi HS. Small bowel obstruction caused by appendiceal tourniquet. Am J Surg 2011; 201(2):e21-2.
  • Balthazar EJ, Liebeskind ME, Macari M. Intestinal ischemia in patients whom small bowel obstruction is suspected: evaluation of accuracy, limitations, and clinical implications of CT in diagnosis. Radiology 1997; 205(2):519-22.

İnce barsak obstrüksiyonu bulguları ile başvuran akut apandisit - 2 olgu sunumu

Year 2014, , 89 - 92, 01.06.2014


Akut apandisit ve ince barsak obstrüksiyonları acil servislerde sık karşılaşılan cerrahi problemlerdir. Akut apandisit nadiren ince barsak obstrüksiyonu bulguları ile prezente olabilir. 68 yaşında kadın ve 42 yaşında erkek hastalar intestinal obstrüksiyon bulguları nedeniyle acil serviste değerlendirildi. Hastaların birinde obstrüksiyon nedeni perfore apandisit nedenli paralitik iken, diğerinde uzun apendiksin terminal ileuma basısı nedeniyle mekanikti. Her iki hastaya da apendektomi uygulandı ve ameliyat sonrası dönemleri sorunsuz seyretti. Akut apandisit en sık karşılaşılan akut karın sendromu etyolojisi olmasına rağmen nadiren beklenmedik klinik bulgularla prezente olabilir.


  • Macari M, Megibow A. Imaging of suspected acute small bowel obstruction. Semin Roentgenol 2001; 36(2):108-17.
  • Gupta S, Vaidya M. Mechanical small bowel obstruction cased by acute appendicitis. Am Surg 1969; 35(9):670-4.
  • Assenza M, Ricci G, Bartolucci P, Modini C. Mechanical small bowel obstruction due to an inflamed appendix wrapping around the last loop of ileum. G Chir 2005; 26(6-7): 261-6.
  • Peck JJ, Milleson T, Phelan J. The role of computed tomography with contrast and small bowel follow-through in management of small bowel obstruction. Am J Surg 1999; 177(5):375-8.
  • Hawkes F. III.The prevention of intestinal obstruction following operation for appendicitis. Ann Surg 1909; 49(2):192-207.
  • Deshmukh SN, Maske AN, Bote SM, Parashi HS. Small bowel obstruction caused by appendiceal tourniquet. Am J Surg 2011; 201(2):e21-2.
  • Balthazar EJ, Liebeskind ME, Macari M. Intestinal ischemia in patients whom small bowel obstruction is suspected: evaluation of accuracy, limitations, and clinical implications of CT in diagnosis. Radiology 1997; 205(2):519-22.
There are 7 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

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Publication Date June 1, 2014
Submission Date September 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014


AMA Altıntoprak F, Dikicier E, Çakmak G, Yalkın Ö, Akbulut G, Dilek ON. İnce barsak obstrüksiyonu bulguları ile başvuran akut apandisit - 2 olgu sunumu. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. June 2014;4(2):89-92. doi:10.5505/sakaryamj.2014.76588


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