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Bir Üniversite Hastanesindeki Sağlık Çalışanlarında Ramazan Orucunun Ruh Sağlığı Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2021, , 337 - 346, 29.06.2021


Amaç: Ramazan orucunun hem fiziksel hem de ruh sağlığı üzerinde değişikliğe sebep olduğu bilinmektedir. Ramazan orucunun genç erişkin sağlık çalışanlarında ruh sağlığına etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışma İnönü Üniversitesi Turgut Özal Araştırma Hastanesi genç erişkin (25-45 yaş) sağlık çalışanlarında 2019 yılı ramazan ayından bir hafta önce ve bir hafta sonrasında katılımcılara sosyodemografik veri formu, Genel Sağlık Anketi ve Kısa Semptom envanteri doldurtularak gerçekleştirildi. Verilerin analizinde SPSS 22 istatistiksel paket program kullanıldı. p<0.05 değeri önemli olarak kabul edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Çalışmamıza 37’si (%48.1) erkek, 40’ı (%52.0) kadın toplam 77 sağlıklı gönüllü sağlık personeli katılmıştır. Ramazan öncesine göre ramazan sonrasında paranoid düşünce (%23,4’den %14,3’e) ve psikotizm semptomlu (%28,6’dan %19,5’e) denek sayısında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı azalma olduğu saptandı. Katılımcıların Ramazan sonrası obsesif kompulsif belirti ve paranoid düşünce alt ölçekleri ve global indekslerden Rahatsızlık Ciddiyeti İndeksi ve Semptom Rahatsızlık indeksinde, ramazan öncesine göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı azalma olduğu gözlendi. Ramazan ayının paranoid düşünce ve semptom rahatsızlık indeksine küçük düzeyde etki gösterdiği saptandı. Erkeklerde Genel Sağlık Anketi ve Kısa Semptom Envanateri alt ölçeklerinden kişiler arası duyarlılık, depresyon, paranoid düşünce ve KSE global ölçeklerin ortalama puanları ramazan öncesine göre ramazan ayı sonrasında anlamlı derecede düşük saptanmıştır.
Sonuç: Ramazan orucu sonrası kadınlarda psikiyatrik belirtilerde anlamlı değişiklik gözlenmezken, erkeklerde bazı psikiyatrik belirtilerde iyileşme gözlenmesinin daha geniş örneklem grubunun dahil edildiği çalışımalarla desteklenmesi önerilir.


  • referans 1. Şentürk L, Yazıcı S. Diyanet İslam İlmihali, 7.baskı, Ankara: 2000:240.
  • referans 2. Karaağaoğlu N, Yücecan S. Oruç Tutan Bireylerin Ramazan’da ve Ramazan Bayramı’nda Besin Tüketim Durumları. Beslenme ve Diyet Dergisi 1999; 28: 29-38.
  • referans 3. Ovayolu Ö, Ovayolu N, Taşan E. Does Ramadan fasting affect fatigue in nurses?. Holis Nurs Pract 2016; 30:222-226.
  • referans 4. Erdem O. The investigation of the effects of Ramadan fasting on the mood state of healthy volunteer persons. Family Practice and Palliative Care 2018; 3:1-6.
  • referans 5. Beshyah SA, Hajjaji IM, Ibrahim WH, et al. The year in Ramadan fasting research (2017): a narrative review. Ibnosina J Med Biomed Sci 2018; 10:39–53.
  • referans 6. Chehovich C, Demler TL, Leppien E. Impact of Ramadan fasting on medical and psychiatric health. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2019; 34:317-322.
  • referans 7. Mattson MP, Longo VD, Harvie M. Impact of intermittent fasting on health and disease processes. Ageing Res Rev 2017; 39:46-58.
  • referans 8. Cherif A, Roelands B, Meeusen R, Chamari K. (2016). Effects of intermittent fasting, caloric restriction, and Ramadan intermittent fasting on cognitive performance at rest and during exercise in adults. Sports Med 2016; 46: 35-47.
  • referans 9. Mager DE, Wan R, Brown M, Cheng A, Wareski P, Abernethy DR, Mattson MP. Caloric restriction and intermittent fasting alter spectral measures of heart rate and blood pressure variability in rats. FASEB J 2006; 20:631-637.
  • referans 10. Halagappa VKM, Guo Z, Pearson M et al. Intermittent fasting and caloric restriction ameliorate age-related behavioral deficits in the triple-transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Dis 2007; 26: 212-220.
  • referans 11. Fond G, Macgregor A, Leboyer M, Michalsen A. Fasting in mood disorders: neurobiology and effectiveness. A review of the literature. Psychiatry Res 2013; 209: 253-258.
  • referans 12. Shojaie M, Ghanbari F, Shojaie N. Intermittent fasting could ameliorate cognitive function against distress by regulation of inflammatory response pathway. J Adv Res 2017; 8:697-701.
  • referans 13. Nikolai S, Pallauf K, Huebbe P, Rimbach G. Energy restriction and potential energy restriction mimetics. Nutr Res Rev 2015;28:100-120.
  • referans 14. Goldberg DP. The detection of psychiatric illness by questionnaire. Maudsley monograph 1972; 21.
  • referans 15. Kılıç C. Genel Sağlık Anketi: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Turk Psikiyatri Derg 1996; 7:3-11.
  • referans 16. Derogatis LR. The Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI): Administration, scoring and procedures manual. Minneapolis, MN, National Computer System, 1993.
  • referans 17. Sahin, N, Durak A. Kisa Semptom Envanteri (Brief Symptom Invetory-BSI): Turk Gencleri Icin Uyarlanmasi. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 1994.
  • referans 18. Sahın NH, Batigün AD, Uğurtaş S. Kisa Semptom Envanteri (KSE): Ergenler İçin Kullaniminin Geçerlik, Güvenilirlik ve Faktör Yapisi. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 2002.
  • referans 19. Kazemi M, Karimi S I M A, Ansari A, Negahban T, Hosseini S H, Vazirinejad R. The Effect of Ramadan Fasting on Psychological Health and Depression in Sirjan Azad University Students. Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences 2006; 5:117-122.
  • referans 20. Gilavand A, Fatahiasl J. Studying effect of fasting during Ramadan on mental health of university students in Iran: A review. J Res Med Dent Sci 2018; 6: 205-9.
  • referans 21. Javanbakht M, Ziaee SA, Homam SM, Rahnama A. Effect of Ramadan Fasting on Self‐Esteem and Mental Health of Students. The Quarterly Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health 2010; 11: 266-73.
  • referans 22. Moghadamnia M, Maghsoudi SH. A survey of effects of fasting in Ramadan on the level of stress. Journal Of Guilan University Of Medical Sciences 2004; 3: 54-60.
  • referans 23. Nikfarjam M, Noormohammadi MR, Mardanpour Shahrekordi E, Esmaeili Vardanjani S A, HasanPour-Dehkordi, A. The effect of fasting on emotional intelligence in clergies in Shahrekord seminary. Journal of Shahrekord Uuniversity of Medical Sciences 2013;15.
  • referans 24. Shafie N, Allahtavakoli M, Rafati F, Kazemi MAJID. Effect of Ramadan Fasting on Mental Health of Nursing Students in Jiroft Nursing College. Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences 2007; 6: 73-78.
  • referans 25. Martin B, Mattson MP, Maudsley S. Caloric restriction and intermittent fasting: two potential diets for successful brain aging. Ageing Res Rev 2006; 5: 332-353.
  • referans 26. Mattson MP. Diet-induced hormesis and longevity. Ageing Res Rev 2008;7:43–48
  • referans 27. Yılmaz S. Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rollerinin Günlük Hayattaki Yansımaları: Çorum/Alaca Örneği. İmgelem 2018; 2:59-79.
  • referans 28. Iqbal M, Jamea AA, Alonso-Alonso M, Al-Regaiey KA, Bashir S. Cortical thickness, neurocognitive, and body composition effects of fasting during Ramadan. J Res Med Sci 2019; 24.
  • referans 29. Boukhris O, Trabelsi K, Shephard RJ, et al. Sleep patterns, alertness, dietary intake, muscle soreness, fatigue, and mental stress recorded before, during and after Ramadan observance. Sports 2019; 7: 118.
  • referans 30. Nugraha B, Ghashang SK, Hamdan I, Gutenbrunner C. Effect of Ramadan fasting on fatigue, mood, sleepiness, and health-related quality of life of healthy young men in summer time in Germany: A prospective controlled study. Appetite 2017; 111:38-45.
  • referans 31. Ghayour Najafabadi M, Rahbar Nikoukar L, Memari A, Ekhtiari H, Beygi S. Does ramadan fasting adversely affect cognitive function in young females?. Scientifica 2015; 2015.
  • referans 32. Steyn FJ, Tolle V, Chen C, Epelbaum J. Neuroendocrine regulation of growth hormone secretion. Comprehensive Physiology 2011; 6: 687-735.
  • referans 33. De Lauzon B, Romon M, Deschamps V et al. The Fleurbaix Laventie Ville Sante (FLVS) study group: the three-factor eating questionnaire-R18 is able to distinguish among different eating patterns in a general population. J. Nutr 2004; 2380: 2372-2004.
  • referans 34. Del Parigi ANGELO, Gautier JF, Chen K et al. Neuroimaging and obesity: mapping the brain responses to hunger and satiation in humans using positron emission tomography. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2002; 967:389-397.
Year 2021, , 337 - 346, 29.06.2021



  • referans 1. Şentürk L, Yazıcı S. Diyanet İslam İlmihali, 7.baskı, Ankara: 2000:240.
  • referans 2. Karaağaoğlu N, Yücecan S. Oruç Tutan Bireylerin Ramazan’da ve Ramazan Bayramı’nda Besin Tüketim Durumları. Beslenme ve Diyet Dergisi 1999; 28: 29-38.
  • referans 3. Ovayolu Ö, Ovayolu N, Taşan E. Does Ramadan fasting affect fatigue in nurses?. Holis Nurs Pract 2016; 30:222-226.
  • referans 4. Erdem O. The investigation of the effects of Ramadan fasting on the mood state of healthy volunteer persons. Family Practice and Palliative Care 2018; 3:1-6.
  • referans 5. Beshyah SA, Hajjaji IM, Ibrahim WH, et al. The year in Ramadan fasting research (2017): a narrative review. Ibnosina J Med Biomed Sci 2018; 10:39–53.
  • referans 6. Chehovich C, Demler TL, Leppien E. Impact of Ramadan fasting on medical and psychiatric health. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2019; 34:317-322.
  • referans 7. Mattson MP, Longo VD, Harvie M. Impact of intermittent fasting on health and disease processes. Ageing Res Rev 2017; 39:46-58.
  • referans 8. Cherif A, Roelands B, Meeusen R, Chamari K. (2016). Effects of intermittent fasting, caloric restriction, and Ramadan intermittent fasting on cognitive performance at rest and during exercise in adults. Sports Med 2016; 46: 35-47.
  • referans 9. Mager DE, Wan R, Brown M, Cheng A, Wareski P, Abernethy DR, Mattson MP. Caloric restriction and intermittent fasting alter spectral measures of heart rate and blood pressure variability in rats. FASEB J 2006; 20:631-637.
  • referans 10. Halagappa VKM, Guo Z, Pearson M et al. Intermittent fasting and caloric restriction ameliorate age-related behavioral deficits in the triple-transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Dis 2007; 26: 212-220.
  • referans 11. Fond G, Macgregor A, Leboyer M, Michalsen A. Fasting in mood disorders: neurobiology and effectiveness. A review of the literature. Psychiatry Res 2013; 209: 253-258.
  • referans 12. Shojaie M, Ghanbari F, Shojaie N. Intermittent fasting could ameliorate cognitive function against distress by regulation of inflammatory response pathway. J Adv Res 2017; 8:697-701.
  • referans 13. Nikolai S, Pallauf K, Huebbe P, Rimbach G. Energy restriction and potential energy restriction mimetics. Nutr Res Rev 2015;28:100-120.
  • referans 14. Goldberg DP. The detection of psychiatric illness by questionnaire. Maudsley monograph 1972; 21.
  • referans 15. Kılıç C. Genel Sağlık Anketi: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Turk Psikiyatri Derg 1996; 7:3-11.
  • referans 16. Derogatis LR. The Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI): Administration, scoring and procedures manual. Minneapolis, MN, National Computer System, 1993.
  • referans 17. Sahin, N, Durak A. Kisa Semptom Envanteri (Brief Symptom Invetory-BSI): Turk Gencleri Icin Uyarlanmasi. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 1994.
  • referans 18. Sahın NH, Batigün AD, Uğurtaş S. Kisa Semptom Envanteri (KSE): Ergenler İçin Kullaniminin Geçerlik, Güvenilirlik ve Faktör Yapisi. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 2002.
  • referans 19. Kazemi M, Karimi S I M A, Ansari A, Negahban T, Hosseini S H, Vazirinejad R. The Effect of Ramadan Fasting on Psychological Health and Depression in Sirjan Azad University Students. Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences 2006; 5:117-122.
  • referans 20. Gilavand A, Fatahiasl J. Studying effect of fasting during Ramadan on mental health of university students in Iran: A review. J Res Med Dent Sci 2018; 6: 205-9.
  • referans 21. Javanbakht M, Ziaee SA, Homam SM, Rahnama A. Effect of Ramadan Fasting on Self‐Esteem and Mental Health of Students. The Quarterly Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health 2010; 11: 266-73.
  • referans 22. Moghadamnia M, Maghsoudi SH. A survey of effects of fasting in Ramadan on the level of stress. Journal Of Guilan University Of Medical Sciences 2004; 3: 54-60.
  • referans 23. Nikfarjam M, Noormohammadi MR, Mardanpour Shahrekordi E, Esmaeili Vardanjani S A, HasanPour-Dehkordi, A. The effect of fasting on emotional intelligence in clergies in Shahrekord seminary. Journal of Shahrekord Uuniversity of Medical Sciences 2013;15.
  • referans 24. Shafie N, Allahtavakoli M, Rafati F, Kazemi MAJID. Effect of Ramadan Fasting on Mental Health of Nursing Students in Jiroft Nursing College. Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences 2007; 6: 73-78.
  • referans 25. Martin B, Mattson MP, Maudsley S. Caloric restriction and intermittent fasting: two potential diets for successful brain aging. Ageing Res Rev 2006; 5: 332-353.
  • referans 26. Mattson MP. Diet-induced hormesis and longevity. Ageing Res Rev 2008;7:43–48
  • referans 27. Yılmaz S. Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rollerinin Günlük Hayattaki Yansımaları: Çorum/Alaca Örneği. İmgelem 2018; 2:59-79.
  • referans 28. Iqbal M, Jamea AA, Alonso-Alonso M, Al-Regaiey KA, Bashir S. Cortical thickness, neurocognitive, and body composition effects of fasting during Ramadan. J Res Med Sci 2019; 24.
  • referans 29. Boukhris O, Trabelsi K, Shephard RJ, et al. Sleep patterns, alertness, dietary intake, muscle soreness, fatigue, and mental stress recorded before, during and after Ramadan observance. Sports 2019; 7: 118.
  • referans 30. Nugraha B, Ghashang SK, Hamdan I, Gutenbrunner C. Effect of Ramadan fasting on fatigue, mood, sleepiness, and health-related quality of life of healthy young men in summer time in Germany: A prospective controlled study. Appetite 2017; 111:38-45.
  • referans 31. Ghayour Najafabadi M, Rahbar Nikoukar L, Memari A, Ekhtiari H, Beygi S. Does ramadan fasting adversely affect cognitive function in young females?. Scientifica 2015; 2015.
  • referans 32. Steyn FJ, Tolle V, Chen C, Epelbaum J. Neuroendocrine regulation of growth hormone secretion. Comprehensive Physiology 2011; 6: 687-735.
  • referans 33. De Lauzon B, Romon M, Deschamps V et al. The Fleurbaix Laventie Ville Sante (FLVS) study group: the three-factor eating questionnaire-R18 is able to distinguish among different eating patterns in a general population. J. Nutr 2004; 2380: 2372-2004.
  • referans 34. Del Parigi ANGELO, Gautier JF, Chen K et al. Neuroimaging and obesity: mapping the brain responses to hunger and satiation in humans using positron emission tomography. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2002; 967:389-397.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Fatma Kartal 0000-0002-5379-0021

Sümeyye Demirbay 0000-0003-0643-3619

Burak Mete 0000-0002-0780-6176

Cemal Özcan 0000-0002-6759-7556

Süheyla Ünal 0000-0003-3266-6256

Publication Date June 29, 2021
Submission Date October 16, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


AMA Kartal F, Demirbay S, Mete B, Özcan C, Ünal S. Bir Üniversite Hastanesindeki Sağlık Çalışanlarında Ramazan Orucunun Ruh Sağlığı Üzerine Etkileri. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. June 2021;11(2):337-346. doi:10.31832/smj.811781


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