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Again, new, Afresh: Electric Injuries In Children

Year 2014, Volume: 4 Issue: 4, 182 - 185, 01.12.2014


OBJECTIVESIn this study, we planned to determine the factors affecting the mortality, and morbidity of electrical injuries.Electric injuries, is cause of high morbidity and mortality, major burns, leading to cardiac and orthopedic problems and trauma, in all age groups are at risk type.This study of children presenting with electric injuries to determine the demographic characteristics, can be taken to reduce mortality and morbidity measures were planned to be discussed.MATERIAL AND METHODSIn our study, Inonu University Turgut Ozal Medical Center Department of Pediatrics in 1 January 2008 to 1 August 2013 between the dates of electric injuries stemming from 57 patients, demographics, exposure of the current voltage, degree of burn, CPK, CK-MB values were analyzed in terms.RESULTSElectric injuries from the 57 cases with 39 men (68.5% ) and 18 girls (31.5%), mean age was 11.1 years. The distribution according to age groups 0-3 years age group 4 (7%), in the 4-6 age group 5 (9%) in the 7-9 age group, 14 (24.5%), 10-12 age group, 12 (21%) the 13-15 age group, 14 (24.5%), 16-18 age group, 8 (14%) patients were injured. 28 of the patients (49.1% ) high- voltage, 29 (50.9 %) were exposed to low voltage. The number of burn patients 26 (45.5 %), respectively, of which 9 (34.6%) first degree, and 5 (19.2%) second degree, 12 (46.2%) had third-degree burns. CK enzyme elevation and 37 (64.9 %) patients, CK-MB enzyme elevation and 53 (92.9%) patients, respectively. 6 Number of patients who developed arrhythmia (10.5%), respectively. 3 of our cases (5.26 %) died.CONCLUSIONElectric injuries, a large portion of patients who presented with preventive medicine practices in public education and preventive medicine practices can be prevented with the effective implementation of this kind are important in terms of reducing accidents.


  • Kimmo T, Jyrki V, Sirpa AS. Health status after recovery from burn injury. Burns 1998;24:293-8.
  • Duggan D, Quine S. Burn injuries and characteristics of burn patients in New South Wales, Australia. Burns 1995;21:83-9.
  • Fernandez-Morales E, Galvez-Alcaraz L, Fernandez-Crehuet-Navajas J, Gomez-Gracia E, Salinas-Martinez JM. Epidemiology of burns in Malaga, Spain. Burns 1997;23:323-32.
  • Anlatici R, Ozerdem OR, Dalay C, Kesiktas E, Acarturk S, Seydaoglu G. A retrospective analysis of 1083 Turkish patients with serious burns. Burns 2002;28:231-37.
  • Lawrence JC. Burns and scalds: aetiology and prevention. In: Settle JAD (eds). Principles and practice of burns management. New York: Churchill Livingstone;1996. p.3–25.
  • Bouter LM, Knipschild PG, van Rijn JL, Meertens RM. How to study the aetiology of burn injury: the epidemiological approach. Burns 1989;15:162-6
  • Jensen PJ, Thomsen PE, Bagger JP, Norgaard A, Baandrup U. Electrical injury causing ventricular arrhythmias. Br Heart J 1987;57:279-83.
  • Fish RM. Electric injury, part I: treatment priorities, subtle diagnostic factors and burns. J Emerg Med 1999;17:977-83.
  • Fish RM. Electric injury, Part II: Specific injuries. J Emerg Med 2000;18:27-34
  • Koumbourlis, Anastassios C. MD. MPH, Electrical injuries from the Division of Critical Care, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York Presbyterian. New York: Lippincott Williams&Wilkins; 2002. p.424-430.
  • Hammond JS, Ward CG. High-voltage electrical injuries:management and outcome of 60 cases. South Med J 1988;81:1351-2.
  • Karadaş S, Gönüllü H, Öncü MR, Işık D, Canbaz Y. Elektrik çarpmalarında voltaj farkının komplikasyonlar ve miyopati üzerine etkisi. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2011;17(4):349-53
  • Rai J, Jeschke MG, Barrow RE, Herndon DN. Electrical injuries: a 30-year review. J Trauma 1999;46:933-6.
  • Haberal M, Ucar N, Bilgin N. Epidemiological survey of burns treated in Ankara, Turkey and desirable burn-prevention strategies. Burns 1995;21:601-6.
  • Turegun M, Sengezer M, Selmanpakoglu N, Celikoz B, Nisanci M. The last 10 years in a burn centre in Ankara, Turkey: an analysis of 5264 cases. Burns 1997;23:584-90.
  • Adamo C, Esposito G, Lissia M, Vonella M, Zagaria N, Scuderi N. Epidemiological data on burn injuries in Angola: a retrospective study of 7230 patients. Burns 1995;21:536-8.
  • Liu EH, Khatri B, Shakya YM, Richard BM. A 3 year prospective audit of burns patients treated at the Western Regional Hospital of Nepal. Burns 1998;24:129-33.
  • Nursal TZ, Yildirim S, Tarim A, Caliskan K, Ezer A, Noyan T. Burns in southern Turkey: electrical burns remain a major problem. J Burn Care Rehabil 2003;24:309-14.
  • Fish R. Electric shock, Part I: Physics and pathophysiology. J Emerg Med 1993;11:309-12.
  • Cooper MA. Electrical and lightning injuries. Emerg Med Clin North Am 1984;2:489-501.
  • Kopp J, Loos B, Spilker G, Horch RE. Correlation between serum creatinine kinase levels and extent of muscle damage in electrical burns. Burns 2004;30:680-3
  • Arrowsmith J, Usgaocar RP, Dickson WA. Electrical injury and the frequency of cardiac complications. Burns 1997;23:576-8.
  • Al B, Aldemir M, Güloğlu C, Kara IH, Girgin S. Epidemiological characteristics of electrical injuries of patients applied to the emergency department. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2006;12:135-42.

Yine, Yeni, Yeniden: Çocuklarda Elektrik Çarpmaları

Year 2014, Volume: 4 Issue: 4, 182 - 185, 01.12.2014


AMAÇElektrik çarpması, yüksek mortalite ve morbiditeye neden olan, başlıca yanık, kardiyak ve ortopedik sorunlara yol açan ve tüm yaş gruplarının risk altında olduğu bir travma türüdür.Bu çalışma, elektrik çarpmaları ile başvuran çocukların demografik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi, mortalite ve morbiditeyi azaltmaya yönelik alınabilecek önlemlerin tartışılması için planlandı.GEREÇ VE YÖNTEMÇalışmamızda, İnönü Üniversitesi Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Bölümüne 1 Ocak 2008–1 Ağustos 2013 tarihleri arasında elektrik çarpması nedeniyle getirilen 57 olgu, demografik özellikleri, maruz kalınan akımın voltajı, yanık dereceleri, CPK, CK-MB değerleri açısından incelendi.BULGULARElektrik çarpması ile gelen 57 olgunun 39'u erkek (%68,5), 18'i kız (%31,5), yaş ortalaması 11,1 yıl idi. Yaş gruplarına göre dağılımı ise; 0–3 yaş grubunda 4 (%7), 4–6 yaş grubunda 5 (%9) 7–9 yaş grubunda 14 (%24,5), 10–12 yaş grubunda 12 (%21), 13–15 yaş grubunda 14 (%24,5), 16–18 yaş grubunda ise 8 (%14) olgu şeklindeydi. Olguların 28'i (%49,1) yüksek voltaja, 29'u (%50,9) düşük voltaja maruz kalmıştı. Yanık oluşan olgu sayısı 26 (%45,5) idi; bunların 9'u (%34,6) birinci derece, 5'i (%19,2) ikinci derece, 12'si (%46,2) üçüncü derece yanıktı. CK enzim yüksekliği 37 (%64,9) olguda, CK-MB enzim yüksekliği ise 53 (%92,9) olguda saptandı. Aritmi gelişen olgu sayısı 6 (%10,5) idi. Olgularımızın 3'ü (%5,26) kaybedildi.SONUÇ: Elektrik çarpmalarıyla başvuran olguların büyük bir kısmı koruyucu hekimlik uygulamaları ile önlenebileceğinden halk eğitimi ve koruyucu hekimlik uygulamalarının etkin bir şekilde uygulanması bu türden kazaları azaltmak açısından önem arz etmektedir.


  • Kimmo T, Jyrki V, Sirpa AS. Health status after recovery from burn injury. Burns 1998;24:293-8.
  • Duggan D, Quine S. Burn injuries and characteristics of burn patients in New South Wales, Australia. Burns 1995;21:83-9.
  • Fernandez-Morales E, Galvez-Alcaraz L, Fernandez-Crehuet-Navajas J, Gomez-Gracia E, Salinas-Martinez JM. Epidemiology of burns in Malaga, Spain. Burns 1997;23:323-32.
  • Anlatici R, Ozerdem OR, Dalay C, Kesiktas E, Acarturk S, Seydaoglu G. A retrospective analysis of 1083 Turkish patients with serious burns. Burns 2002;28:231-37.
  • Lawrence JC. Burns and scalds: aetiology and prevention. In: Settle JAD (eds). Principles and practice of burns management. New York: Churchill Livingstone;1996. p.3–25.
  • Bouter LM, Knipschild PG, van Rijn JL, Meertens RM. How to study the aetiology of burn injury: the epidemiological approach. Burns 1989;15:162-6
  • Jensen PJ, Thomsen PE, Bagger JP, Norgaard A, Baandrup U. Electrical injury causing ventricular arrhythmias. Br Heart J 1987;57:279-83.
  • Fish RM. Electric injury, part I: treatment priorities, subtle diagnostic factors and burns. J Emerg Med 1999;17:977-83.
  • Fish RM. Electric injury, Part II: Specific injuries. J Emerg Med 2000;18:27-34
  • Koumbourlis, Anastassios C. MD. MPH, Electrical injuries from the Division of Critical Care, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York Presbyterian. New York: Lippincott Williams&Wilkins; 2002. p.424-430.
  • Hammond JS, Ward CG. High-voltage electrical injuries:management and outcome of 60 cases. South Med J 1988;81:1351-2.
  • Karadaş S, Gönüllü H, Öncü MR, Işık D, Canbaz Y. Elektrik çarpmalarında voltaj farkının komplikasyonlar ve miyopati üzerine etkisi. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2011;17(4):349-53
  • Rai J, Jeschke MG, Barrow RE, Herndon DN. Electrical injuries: a 30-year review. J Trauma 1999;46:933-6.
  • Haberal M, Ucar N, Bilgin N. Epidemiological survey of burns treated in Ankara, Turkey and desirable burn-prevention strategies. Burns 1995;21:601-6.
  • Turegun M, Sengezer M, Selmanpakoglu N, Celikoz B, Nisanci M. The last 10 years in a burn centre in Ankara, Turkey: an analysis of 5264 cases. Burns 1997;23:584-90.
  • Adamo C, Esposito G, Lissia M, Vonella M, Zagaria N, Scuderi N. Epidemiological data on burn injuries in Angola: a retrospective study of 7230 patients. Burns 1995;21:536-8.
  • Liu EH, Khatri B, Shakya YM, Richard BM. A 3 year prospective audit of burns patients treated at the Western Regional Hospital of Nepal. Burns 1998;24:129-33.
  • Nursal TZ, Yildirim S, Tarim A, Caliskan K, Ezer A, Noyan T. Burns in southern Turkey: electrical burns remain a major problem. J Burn Care Rehabil 2003;24:309-14.
  • Fish R. Electric shock, Part I: Physics and pathophysiology. J Emerg Med 1993;11:309-12.
  • Cooper MA. Electrical and lightning injuries. Emerg Med Clin North Am 1984;2:489-501.
  • Kopp J, Loos B, Spilker G, Horch RE. Correlation between serum creatinine kinase levels and extent of muscle damage in electrical burns. Burns 2004;30:680-3
  • Arrowsmith J, Usgaocar RP, Dickson WA. Electrical injury and the frequency of cardiac complications. Burns 1997;23:576-8.
  • Al B, Aldemir M, Güloğlu C, Kara IH, Girgin S. Epidemiological characteristics of electrical injuries of patients applied to the emergency department. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2006;12:135-42.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Habip Almiş This is me

Cengiz Yakıncı This is me

Eda Kayhan This is me

Fatih Kaplan This is me

Cemşit Karakurt This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2014
Submission Date September 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 4 Issue: 4


AMA Almiş H, Yakıncı C, Kayhan E, Kaplan F, Karakurt C. Yine, Yeni, Yeniden: Çocuklarda Elektrik Çarpmaları. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. December 2014;4(4):182-185. doi:10.5505/sakaryamj.2014.35762


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