Research Article
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Ayrımcılık, Türleri, Nedenleri ve Sonuçları: Otel Çalışanlarının Bakış Açısıyla Bir İnceleme

Year 2023, , 288 - 307, 29.08.2023


Bu çalışmada, kıyı otelleri çalışanlarının ayrımcılık konusuna ilişkin algıları incelenmiştir. Amaçlı ve kartopu örneklem yöntemi kullanılarak Marmaris’teki kıyı otellerinin 21 çalışanından yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği ile veri toplanmıştır. Veriler içerik analizi yapılarak incelenmiştir. Araştırma bulguları a) ayrımcılık türlerine ilişkin algı, b) ayrımcılığın nedenlerine ilişkin algı ve c) ayrımcılığın sonuçlarına (etkilerine) ilişkin algı olmak üzere üç tema altında sunulmuştur. Araştırmada otel işletmelerinde en çok cinsiyet ve nepotizm türlerinde ayrımcılık yaşandığı, ayrımcılığa genellikle gruplaşmanın sebep olduğu ve ayrımcılığın en fazla iş yoğunluğu artışı ve motivasyon kaybı ile sonuçlandığı belirlenmiştir.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • Aslan, S. ve Aslan, A. (2018). “Uzun İnce Bir Yoldayım, Sürüyorum Gündüz Gece: Tur Şoförlerinin Çalışma Pratikleri”, Çalışma ve Toplum, 3, 1509-1530.
  • Asunakutlu, T. ve Avcı, Y. (2010). “Aile İşletmelerinde Nepotizm Algısı ve İş Tatmini İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 15 (2), 93-109.
  • Australian Human Rights Commission. (2012). “Disability Discrimination- Know Your Rights”.
  • Avcı, U., Gümüş Dönmez, F. ve Artun, C. (2017). “Mesleki Doyum Ve Mesleği Bırakma Niyeti İlişkisi: Turizm Çalışanları Üzerine Görgül Bir Araştırma”. Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 3 (3), 111-127.
  • Balcı, A. (2016). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntem, Teknik ve İlkeler, 12. Baskı, Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Baybora, D. (2010). “Çalışma Yaşamında Yaş Ayrımcılığı ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde Yaş Ayrımcılığı Düzenlemesi Üzerine”, Çalışma ve Toplum, 1,33-57.
  • Behera, K. R. (2018). “Racial Discrimination: A social Injustice”, İçinde D. (Editörler.), Complexion Based Discriminations: Global Insights. Notion Press, ISBN 978-1-64324-232-3.
  • Bolat, O.İ., Bolat, T., Seymen, O. ve Katı, Y. (2017). “The Relationship between Nepotism and Turnover Intention in the Hotels: The Mediating Effect of Career Plateau”, MANAS Journal of Social Studies, 6(3), 157-180.
  • Castro, A. B., Gee, G. C. ve Takeuchi, D. T. (2008). “Workplace Discrimination and Health among Filipinos in the United States”, American Journal of Public Health, 98(3): 520-526.
  • Centeno, M. A. (2010). Discrimination in An Unequal World, İçinde M. A. Centeno ve K. S. Newman (Editörler), Discrimination in An Unequal World, 23-44, Oxford University Press.
  • Chassagne, N. ve Everingham, P. (2019). “Buen Vivir: Degrowing Extractivism and Growing Wellbeing through Tourism”, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 27(12):1909-1925.
  • Cheung, H. K., King, E., Lindsey, A., Membere, A. Markell, H. ve Kilcullen, M. (2016). “Understanding and Reducing Workplace Discrimination”, Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, 34, 1-93.
  • Creswell, J. W. ve Miller, D. L. (2000). “Determining Validity in Qualitative Inquiry”, Theory Into Practice, 39(3): 124-130.
  • Dalkıranoğlu, T. ve Çetinel, F. G. (2008). “Konaklama İşletmelerinde Kadın ve Erkek Yöneticilerin Cinsiyet Ayrımcılığına Karşı Tutumlarının Karşılaştırılması”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20, 277-298.
  • Dalton, D. W., Cohen, J. R., Harp, N. L. ve McMillan, J. J. (2014). “Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Gender Discrimination in the Audit Profession”, A Journal of Practice &Theory, 33(3): 1-32.
  • Demir, M. (2011). “İş Yaşamında Ayrımcılık: Turizm Sektörü Örneği”, Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(1), 762-784.
  • Dipboye, R. L. ve Collella, A. (2005). “An Introduction”, İçinde R. L. Dipboye ve A. Collella (Editörler.), Discrimination at Work: The Psychological and Organizational Bases, 1-10, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Dovidio, J. F. ve Hebl, M. R. (2005). “Discrimination at the Level of the Individual: Cognitive and Affective Factors”, İçinde R. L. Dipboye ve A. Collella (Editörler.), Discrimination at Work: The Psychological and Organizational Bases, 11-36, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • EEOC, (2021). "The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978,
  • Elei, G. C. U. (2016). “Effects of Workplace Discrimination on Employee Performance”, Texila International Journal of Management, 2(2), 1-7.
  • Fiske, Susan T., Monica Lin, ve Steven L. Neuberg. (1999). "The Continuum Model: Ten Years Later." İçinde S. Chaiken ve Y. Trope (Editörler), “Dual Process Theories in Social Psychology”, 231-54, New York: Guilford Press.
  • Ghumman, S., Ryan, A. M., Barclay, L. A. ve Markel, K. S. (2013). “Religious Discrimination in the Workplace: A Review and Examination of Current and Future Trends”, Journal of Business and Psychology, 28, 439–454.
  • Glesne, C. (2016). Becoming Qualitative Researchers: An Introduction, New Jersey.
  • Goldman, B. M., Gutek, B. A., Stein, J. Lewis, K. (2006). “Employment Discrimination in Organizations: Antecedents and Consequences”, Journal of Management, (32(6): 786-830.
  • Gümüş Dönmez, F. ve Aylan, S. (2022). “Social-Psychological Background of Discrimination and Its Reflections on Tourism”, İçinde Dogan Gursoy ve Sedat Çelik (Editörler), Routledge Handbook of Social Psychology of Tourism.
  • Günel, Ö. D. (2009). “Mevsimsellik, Mevsimlik İstihdam Ve Örgütsel Bağlılık: Konaklama İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma”, İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(2):199-219.
  • Hamilton, D., Goldsmith, A. H. & Darity W. J. (2009). “Shedding “Light” on Marriage: The Influence of Skin Shade on Marriage for Black Females”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 72, 30–50.
  • Harris, C. ve Small, J. (2013). “Obesity and Hotel Staffing: Are Hotels Guilty of ‘Lookism’?, Hospitality and Society, 3(2),111-127.
  • Hsu, C.H.C. ve Chen, N. (2019). “Resident Attribution and Tourist Stereotypes”, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 43(4), 489-516.
  • ILO. (2007). Equality at work: tackling the challenges: Report of the director-general global report under the follow-up to the ILO declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work. webdev/documents/publication/wcms_082607.pdf
  • Kateri, E., Papastylianou, D. ve Karademas, E. (2022). “Perceived Discrimination and Psychological Well-Being Among Immigrants Living in Greece: Separation as Mediator and Interdependence as Moderator”, Europe's Journal of Psychology, 18(1), 70–83.
  • Kılınçarslan, Ö. ve Avcı, U. (2021). “Aile İşletmelerinin Devamlılığında Nepotizm Uygulamalarına Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 18(1):56-84.
  • Legal Encyclopedia. (2021). Can employers discriminate based on political beliefs or affiliation?,trait%2C%20like%20race%20or%20religion.
  • Li, S., Li, G., Law, R. ve Paradies, Y. (2020). “Racism in Tourism Reviews”, Tourism Management, 80, 104100.
  • Liz, D. ve Lindsay, S. (1998). “The Gap between Male and Female Pay: What Does the Case of Hotel and Catering Tell Us?” Service Industries Journal, 18(4), 126-144.
  • Low, P. K. C. ve Ang, S. L. (2013). “Ageism”, Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility.
  • Mcnair, S. ve Flynn, M. (2007). Managing an ageing workforce in hospitality: A report for employers.
  • Muñoz-Bullón, F. (2009). “The Gap between Male and Female Pay in Spanish Tourism Industry”, Tourism Management, 30, 638-649.
  • O’Brien, K.S., Latner, J.D., ve Halberstadt, J. (2008). “Do Antifat Attitudes Predict Antifat Behaviors?” Obesity, 16(2), 87-93.
  • Özen Kutanis, R. ve Ulu, S. (2016). “İşgücü Piyasalarında Ayrımcılığın Kaynakları”, Selçuk Ün. Sos. Bil. Ens. Der., 35: 359-372.
  • Rudolph, C.W., Wells, C.L. ve Weller, M. D. (2009). “A Meta-analysis of Empirical Studies of Weight-based Bias in the Workplace”, Journal of Vocational Behavior 74, 1-10.
  • Pelit, E., İstanbullu Dinçer, F. ve Kılıç İ. (2015). “The Effect of Nepotism on Organizational Silence, Alienation and Commitment: A Study on Hotel Employees in Turkey”, Journal of Management Research, 7(4), 82-110.
  • Ramiah, A., Hewstone, M., Dovidio, J. F., ve Penner, L. A. (2010). “The Social Psychology of Discrimination: Theory, Measurement, and Consequences, İçinde H. Russell, L. Bond, ve F. McGinnity (Editörler), Making Equality Count: Irish and International Approaches to Measuring Discrimination 84-112, Liffey Press.
  • Reskin, B. F. (2000). “The Proximate Causes of Employment Discrimination”, Contemporary Sociology, 29(2):319-328.
  • Rusche, S. ve Brewster, Z. (2008). “Because They Tip for Shit!: The Social Psychology of Everyday Racism in Restaurants”, Sociology Compass, 2(6), 2008-2029.
  • Shum, C., Gatling, A. ve Garlington, J. (2020). “All People are Created Equal? Racial Discrimination and Its Impact on Hospitality Career Satisfaction”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 89, 1-10.
  • Sullivan, T. J. (2003). Introduction to Social Problems, Sixth Edition, Pearson Education.
  • Surgevil, O. ve Mayaturk-Akyol, E. (2011). “Discrimination Against People Living with HIV/AIDS in the Workplace: Turkey Context”, Equality Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 30(6), 463-481.
  • Şahin-Taşğın, N. (2021). “Irkçılık ve Ayrımcılığın Önlenmesi: Türkiye’deki Mevcut Durum ve Sosyal Hizmet İçin Öneriler”, Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 32(1), 293-315.
  • Strauss, A. ve Corbin, J. (1994). “Grounded theory methodology”, İçinde N. K. Denzin ve Y. S. Lincoln, (Editörler), Handbook of Qualitative Research, 273-285, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Tilly, C. (1998). Durable Inequality, Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • UNWTO, (2022).
  • Wan, Y.K.P., Wong, I.A., Kong, W.H. (2014). “Student Career Prospect and Industry Commitment: The Roles of Industry Attitude, Perceived Social Status and Salary Expectations”, Tourism Management, 40, 1–14.
  • Wen, H. ve Madera, J. M. (2013). “Perceptions Of Hospitality Careers Among Ethnic Minority Students”, Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport ve Tourism Education, 13, 161–167.
  • Weisskopf, T. E. (2010). “Reflections on Globalization, Discrimination and Affirmative Action”, İçinde M. A. Centeno ve K. S. Newman (Editörler), Discrimination In An Unequal World, 23-44, Oxford University Press.
  • Yeşiltaş, M., Arslan, Ö. E. ve Temizkan, R. (2012). “Political Discrimination in the Process of Employee Recruitment and Work Life in the Organization: A Study at Hotel Establishments”, Journal of Business Research-Turk, 4(1), 94-117
  • Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2013). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Zhang, Y., & Wildemuth, B. M. (2009). Qualitative Analysis of Content. USA: Libraries Unlimited Inc.
  • Zhou, L., Liu, J. ve Liu, D. (2022). “How Does Discrimination Ocur in Hospitality and Tourism Services, and What Shall We Do? A Critical Literature Review”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34(3), 1037-1061.

Discrimination, Its Types, Causes and Consequences: A Study from the Perspective of Hotel Employees

Year 2023, , 288 - 307, 29.08.2023


This study deals with the perception of the employees of the resort hotels on the issue of discrimination. The data were collected from 21 employees of the coastal hotels in Marmaris selected by using purposeful and snowball sampling methods with the help of semi-structured interview technique for the research. The data were analyzed within content analysis. The findings are presented in three themes; a) types of discrimination, b) perception of the causes of discrimination and c) consequences (effects) of discrimination. It has been determined that discrimination types of gender and nepotism is experienced the most, grouping is caused mostly and is resulted in workload and loss of motivation in the highest in hospitality services.

Project Number



  • Aslan, S. ve Aslan, A. (2018). “Uzun İnce Bir Yoldayım, Sürüyorum Gündüz Gece: Tur Şoförlerinin Çalışma Pratikleri”, Çalışma ve Toplum, 3, 1509-1530.
  • Asunakutlu, T. ve Avcı, Y. (2010). “Aile İşletmelerinde Nepotizm Algısı ve İş Tatmini İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 15 (2), 93-109.
  • Australian Human Rights Commission. (2012). “Disability Discrimination- Know Your Rights”.
  • Avcı, U., Gümüş Dönmez, F. ve Artun, C. (2017). “Mesleki Doyum Ve Mesleği Bırakma Niyeti İlişkisi: Turizm Çalışanları Üzerine Görgül Bir Araştırma”. Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 3 (3), 111-127.
  • Balcı, A. (2016). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntem, Teknik ve İlkeler, 12. Baskı, Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Baybora, D. (2010). “Çalışma Yaşamında Yaş Ayrımcılığı ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde Yaş Ayrımcılığı Düzenlemesi Üzerine”, Çalışma ve Toplum, 1,33-57.
  • Behera, K. R. (2018). “Racial Discrimination: A social Injustice”, İçinde D. (Editörler.), Complexion Based Discriminations: Global Insights. Notion Press, ISBN 978-1-64324-232-3.
  • Bolat, O.İ., Bolat, T., Seymen, O. ve Katı, Y. (2017). “The Relationship between Nepotism and Turnover Intention in the Hotels: The Mediating Effect of Career Plateau”, MANAS Journal of Social Studies, 6(3), 157-180.
  • Castro, A. B., Gee, G. C. ve Takeuchi, D. T. (2008). “Workplace Discrimination and Health among Filipinos in the United States”, American Journal of Public Health, 98(3): 520-526.
  • Centeno, M. A. (2010). Discrimination in An Unequal World, İçinde M. A. Centeno ve K. S. Newman (Editörler), Discrimination in An Unequal World, 23-44, Oxford University Press.
  • Chassagne, N. ve Everingham, P. (2019). “Buen Vivir: Degrowing Extractivism and Growing Wellbeing through Tourism”, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 27(12):1909-1925.
  • Cheung, H. K., King, E., Lindsey, A., Membere, A. Markell, H. ve Kilcullen, M. (2016). “Understanding and Reducing Workplace Discrimination”, Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, 34, 1-93.
  • Creswell, J. W. ve Miller, D. L. (2000). “Determining Validity in Qualitative Inquiry”, Theory Into Practice, 39(3): 124-130.
  • Dalkıranoğlu, T. ve Çetinel, F. G. (2008). “Konaklama İşletmelerinde Kadın ve Erkek Yöneticilerin Cinsiyet Ayrımcılığına Karşı Tutumlarının Karşılaştırılması”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20, 277-298.
  • Dalton, D. W., Cohen, J. R., Harp, N. L. ve McMillan, J. J. (2014). “Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Gender Discrimination in the Audit Profession”, A Journal of Practice &Theory, 33(3): 1-32.
  • Demir, M. (2011). “İş Yaşamında Ayrımcılık: Turizm Sektörü Örneği”, Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(1), 762-784.
  • Dipboye, R. L. ve Collella, A. (2005). “An Introduction”, İçinde R. L. Dipboye ve A. Collella (Editörler.), Discrimination at Work: The Psychological and Organizational Bases, 1-10, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Dovidio, J. F. ve Hebl, M. R. (2005). “Discrimination at the Level of the Individual: Cognitive and Affective Factors”, İçinde R. L. Dipboye ve A. Collella (Editörler.), Discrimination at Work: The Psychological and Organizational Bases, 11-36, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • EEOC, (2021). "The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978,
  • Elei, G. C. U. (2016). “Effects of Workplace Discrimination on Employee Performance”, Texila International Journal of Management, 2(2), 1-7.
  • Fiske, Susan T., Monica Lin, ve Steven L. Neuberg. (1999). "The Continuum Model: Ten Years Later." İçinde S. Chaiken ve Y. Trope (Editörler), “Dual Process Theories in Social Psychology”, 231-54, New York: Guilford Press.
  • Ghumman, S., Ryan, A. M., Barclay, L. A. ve Markel, K. S. (2013). “Religious Discrimination in the Workplace: A Review and Examination of Current and Future Trends”, Journal of Business and Psychology, 28, 439–454.
  • Glesne, C. (2016). Becoming Qualitative Researchers: An Introduction, New Jersey.
  • Goldman, B. M., Gutek, B. A., Stein, J. Lewis, K. (2006). “Employment Discrimination in Organizations: Antecedents and Consequences”, Journal of Management, (32(6): 786-830.
  • Gümüş Dönmez, F. ve Aylan, S. (2022). “Social-Psychological Background of Discrimination and Its Reflections on Tourism”, İçinde Dogan Gursoy ve Sedat Çelik (Editörler), Routledge Handbook of Social Psychology of Tourism.
  • Günel, Ö. D. (2009). “Mevsimsellik, Mevsimlik İstihdam Ve Örgütsel Bağlılık: Konaklama İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma”, İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(2):199-219.
  • Hamilton, D., Goldsmith, A. H. & Darity W. J. (2009). “Shedding “Light” on Marriage: The Influence of Skin Shade on Marriage for Black Females”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 72, 30–50.
  • Harris, C. ve Small, J. (2013). “Obesity and Hotel Staffing: Are Hotels Guilty of ‘Lookism’?, Hospitality and Society, 3(2),111-127.
  • Hsu, C.H.C. ve Chen, N. (2019). “Resident Attribution and Tourist Stereotypes”, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 43(4), 489-516.
  • ILO. (2007). Equality at work: tackling the challenges: Report of the director-general global report under the follow-up to the ILO declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work. webdev/documents/publication/wcms_082607.pdf
  • Kateri, E., Papastylianou, D. ve Karademas, E. (2022). “Perceived Discrimination and Psychological Well-Being Among Immigrants Living in Greece: Separation as Mediator and Interdependence as Moderator”, Europe's Journal of Psychology, 18(1), 70–83.
  • Kılınçarslan, Ö. ve Avcı, U. (2021). “Aile İşletmelerinin Devamlılığında Nepotizm Uygulamalarına Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 18(1):56-84.
  • Legal Encyclopedia. (2021). Can employers discriminate based on political beliefs or affiliation?,trait%2C%20like%20race%20or%20religion.
  • Li, S., Li, G., Law, R. ve Paradies, Y. (2020). “Racism in Tourism Reviews”, Tourism Management, 80, 104100.
  • Liz, D. ve Lindsay, S. (1998). “The Gap between Male and Female Pay: What Does the Case of Hotel and Catering Tell Us?” Service Industries Journal, 18(4), 126-144.
  • Low, P. K. C. ve Ang, S. L. (2013). “Ageism”, Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility.
  • Mcnair, S. ve Flynn, M. (2007). Managing an ageing workforce in hospitality: A report for employers.
  • Muñoz-Bullón, F. (2009). “The Gap between Male and Female Pay in Spanish Tourism Industry”, Tourism Management, 30, 638-649.
  • O’Brien, K.S., Latner, J.D., ve Halberstadt, J. (2008). “Do Antifat Attitudes Predict Antifat Behaviors?” Obesity, 16(2), 87-93.
  • Özen Kutanis, R. ve Ulu, S. (2016). “İşgücü Piyasalarında Ayrımcılığın Kaynakları”, Selçuk Ün. Sos. Bil. Ens. Der., 35: 359-372.
  • Rudolph, C.W., Wells, C.L. ve Weller, M. D. (2009). “A Meta-analysis of Empirical Studies of Weight-based Bias in the Workplace”, Journal of Vocational Behavior 74, 1-10.
  • Pelit, E., İstanbullu Dinçer, F. ve Kılıç İ. (2015). “The Effect of Nepotism on Organizational Silence, Alienation and Commitment: A Study on Hotel Employees in Turkey”, Journal of Management Research, 7(4), 82-110.
  • Ramiah, A., Hewstone, M., Dovidio, J. F., ve Penner, L. A. (2010). “The Social Psychology of Discrimination: Theory, Measurement, and Consequences, İçinde H. Russell, L. Bond, ve F. McGinnity (Editörler), Making Equality Count: Irish and International Approaches to Measuring Discrimination 84-112, Liffey Press.
  • Reskin, B. F. (2000). “The Proximate Causes of Employment Discrimination”, Contemporary Sociology, 29(2):319-328.
  • Rusche, S. ve Brewster, Z. (2008). “Because They Tip for Shit!: The Social Psychology of Everyday Racism in Restaurants”, Sociology Compass, 2(6), 2008-2029.
  • Shum, C., Gatling, A. ve Garlington, J. (2020). “All People are Created Equal? Racial Discrimination and Its Impact on Hospitality Career Satisfaction”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 89, 1-10.
  • Sullivan, T. J. (2003). Introduction to Social Problems, Sixth Edition, Pearson Education.
  • Surgevil, O. ve Mayaturk-Akyol, E. (2011). “Discrimination Against People Living with HIV/AIDS in the Workplace: Turkey Context”, Equality Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 30(6), 463-481.
  • Şahin-Taşğın, N. (2021). “Irkçılık ve Ayrımcılığın Önlenmesi: Türkiye’deki Mevcut Durum ve Sosyal Hizmet İçin Öneriler”, Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 32(1), 293-315.
  • Strauss, A. ve Corbin, J. (1994). “Grounded theory methodology”, İçinde N. K. Denzin ve Y. S. Lincoln, (Editörler), Handbook of Qualitative Research, 273-285, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Tilly, C. (1998). Durable Inequality, Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • UNWTO, (2022).
  • Wan, Y.K.P., Wong, I.A., Kong, W.H. (2014). “Student Career Prospect and Industry Commitment: The Roles of Industry Attitude, Perceived Social Status and Salary Expectations”, Tourism Management, 40, 1–14.
  • Wen, H. ve Madera, J. M. (2013). “Perceptions Of Hospitality Careers Among Ethnic Minority Students”, Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport ve Tourism Education, 13, 161–167.
  • Weisskopf, T. E. (2010). “Reflections on Globalization, Discrimination and Affirmative Action”, İçinde M. A. Centeno ve K. S. Newman (Editörler), Discrimination In An Unequal World, 23-44, Oxford University Press.
  • Yeşiltaş, M., Arslan, Ö. E. ve Temizkan, R. (2012). “Political Discrimination in the Process of Employee Recruitment and Work Life in the Organization: A Study at Hotel Establishments”, Journal of Business Research-Turk, 4(1), 94-117
  • Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2013). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Zhang, Y., & Wildemuth, B. M. (2009). Qualitative Analysis of Content. USA: Libraries Unlimited Inc.
  • Zhou, L., Liu, J. ve Liu, D. (2022). “How Does Discrimination Ocur in Hospitality and Tourism Services, and What Shall We Do? A Critical Literature Review”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34(3), 1037-1061.
There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Tourism Policy
Journal Section Articles

Zeynep Güven 0009-0009-1411-6681

Filiz Gümüş Dönmez 0000-0003-1661-3277

Project Number 1919B012101167
Early Pub Date August 29, 2023
Publication Date August 29, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Güven, Z., & Gümüş Dönmez, F. (2023). Ayrımcılık, Türleri, Nedenleri ve Sonuçları: Otel Çalışanlarının Bakış Açısıyla Bir İnceleme. Seyahat Ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 20(2), 288-307.

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