Research Article
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Turizmde Teknoloji Konulu Araştırmaların Eğilimleri: Bibliyometrik ve İçerik Analizi

Year 2025, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 108 - 127, 27.03.2025


Bu çalışma, turizm sektöründe teknoloji kapsamındaki çalışmaların güncel eğilimlerini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Web of Science'da indekslenen akademik kaynaklarda yer alan 'Turizm ve Teknoloji' ile ilgili 611 çalışmanın tamamına yönelik bibliyometrik haritalama analizi yapılmıştır. Elde edilebilen ve ulaşılabilen toplam 203 makale ise içerik analizi yöntemi ile analiz edilmiştir. Metodoloji açısından bakıldığında çalışmaların büyük çoğunluğunun nitel yöntem deseninde tasarlandığı ve veri toplamada anket tekniğinin daha çok tercih edildiği görülmektedir. Konunun son zamanlarda daha popüler hale geldiği ve ilgili çalışmaların sayısının yıllar itibariyle arttığı gözlemlenmiştir. Bu araştırma hem konuyla ilgilenen araştırmacılara hem de uygulayıcılara “turizm ve teknoloji” çalışmalarının yönü ve sonuçları hakkında bilgi sağlayacaktır.

Ethical Statement

Çalışma için Etik Kurul onayı gerekmemektedir.

Supporting Institution





  • Anaya, G. J. & Lehto, X. (2020), Traveler-facing technology in the tourism experience: A historical perspective, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 37(3), 317-331. 10.1080/10548408.2020.1757561.
  • Azis, N., Amin, M., Chan, S. & Aprilia, C. (2020), How smart tourism technologies affect tourist destination loyalty, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 11(4), 603-625.
  • Bilotta, E., Bertacchini, F., Gabriele, L., Giglio, S., Pantano, P.,S. & Romita, T. (2021), Industry 4.0 technologies in tourism education: Nurturing students to think with technology, Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 29, p. 100275.
  • Buhalis, D. (1998), Strategic use of information technologies in the tourism industry, Tourism Management, 9(5), 409-421. /10.1016/S0261-5177 (98)00038-7.
  • Buhalis, D. (2020), Technology in tourism-from information communication technologies to eTourism and smart tourism towards ambient intelligence tourism: a perspective article, Tourism Review, 75(1), 267-272.
  • Buhalis, D. & Law, R. (2008), Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the internet: The state of eTourism research, Tourism Management, 29, 609–623.
  • Buhalis, D. & O'Connor, P. (2005), Information communication technology revolutionizing tourism, Tourism Recreation Research, 30(3), 7-16.
  • Brantlinger, E., Jimenez, R., Klingner, J., Marleen, P. & Virginia, R. (2005), Qualitative studies in special education. Exceptional Children, 71 (2), 95-207.
  • Cai, W. & McKenna, B. (2021), Knowledge creation in information technology and tourism research, Journal of Travel Research, 60(4), 912– 915.
  • Cai, W., Richter, S. & Brad McKenna. B. (2019), Progress on technology use in tourism, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 10(4), 651-672.
  • Camprubí, R. & Coromina, L. (2016), Content analysis in tourism research, Tourism Management Perspectives, 18, 134-140.
  • Cárdenas, D.L.B., Huerta, R.M., Castro, E.L. & Valenzuela, K.C.S. (2022), Innovation management in small and medium enterprises: A bibliometric analysis approach between 1985 and 2019, Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión, 22(2), 155-166. 10.5295/cdg.211551el
  • Çelik, A. (2021), Turizmde teknoloji çalışmaları, Journal of Tourism Intelligence and Smartness, 4(2), 270-295.
  • Germann Molz, J. (2013). Social networking technologies and the moral economy of alternative tourism: The case of, Annals of Tourism Research, 43, 210–230.
  • Gore, S., Borde, N. & Desai, P.H (2021), Assessment of technology strategies for sustainable tourism planning, Foresight, 23(2), 172-187.
  • Gössling, S. (2021), Technology, ICT and tourism: from big data to the big picture, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 29(5), 849-858.
  • Gretzel, U. & Koo, C. (2021), Smart tourism cities: A duality of place where technology supports the convergence of touristic and residential experiences, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 26(4), 352-364.
  • Huang, D. C., Goo, J., Nam, K. & Yoo, C.W. (2017). Smart tourism technologies in travel planning: The role of exploration and exploitation, Information & Management, 54, 757–770. 10.1016/
  • Kelly, P. & Lawlor, J. (2021), Adding or destroying value? User experiences of tourism self-service technologies, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 4(3), 300-317. 10.1108/JHTI-08-2018-0051.
  • Kessler, M. M. (1963), Bibliographic coupling between scientific papers, American Documentation, 14(1), 10-25.
  • Law, R., Buhalis, D. & Cobanoglu, C. (2014), Progress on information and communication technologies in hospitality and tourism, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(5), 727-750. 10.1108/IJCHM-08-2013-0367.
  • Law, R., Leung, R. & Buhalis, D. (2009), Information technology applications in hospitality and tourism: A review of publications from 2005 to 2007, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 26, 5-6, 599-623.
  • Lee, H., Lee, J., Chung, N. & Koo, C. (2018), Tourists’ happiness: Are there smart tourism technology effects? Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(5), 486-501.
  • Marco, J.N., Ruiz-Gómez, L.M. & Sevilla, C.S. (2018), Progress in information technology and tourism management: 30 years on and 20 years after the internet - Revisiting Buhalis & Law's landmark study about eTourism, Tourism Management, 69, 460–470.
  • Mazikana, Anthony Tapiwa (2003). How business can use information technology to increase switching costs (March 3, 2023). Available at SSRN: or
  • Merriam, S. B. (2013). Nitel araştırma desen ve uygulama için bir rehber (3. Baskı). (Çev. S. Turan). Ankara: Nobel yayıncılık.
  • Navio-Marco, J., Ruiz-Gómez, L. M. & Sevilla-Sevilla, C. (2019), Progress in wireless technologies in hospitality and tourism, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 10(4), 587-599.
  • Nikoli G. & Lazakidou A. (2019), The impact of information and communication technology on the tourism sector, Almatourism, 19, 45-68.‐5195/8553.
  • Pansiri, J. & Courvisanos, J. (2010), Attitude to risk in technology-based strategic alliances for tourism, International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 11 (3), 275-302.
  • Pesonen, J. & Horster, E. (2012), Near field communication technology in tourism, Tourism Management Perspectives, 4, 11–18.
  • Rahimizhian, S., Ozturen, A. & Ilkan, M. (2020), Emerging realm of 360-degree technology to promote tourism destination, Technology in Society, 63, 101411.
  • Rashideh, W. (2020), Blockchain technology framework: Current and future perspectives for the tourism industry, Tourism Management, 80, 104125.
  • Razzaq, A., Sharif, A., Ahmad, P. & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2020). Asymmetric role of tourism development and technology innovation on carbon dioxide emission reduction in the Chinese economy: Fresh insights from QARDL approach, Sustainable Development, 29:176–193. 10.1002/sd.2139
  • Șchiopu, A., F., Pădurean, A.M., Țală, M.L. & Nica, A.M. (2016), The influence of new technologies on tourism consumption behavior of the millennials, Amfiteatru Economic, 18 (Special Issue No. 10), pp. 829-846
  • Seyitoğlu, F. & Ivanov, S.(2022), The 'new normal' in the (post-)viral tourism: The role of technology, Tourism An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 70(2), 151 – 167.
  • Shoval, N. & Ahas, R. (2016) The use of tracking technologies in tourism research: The first decade, Tourism Geographies, 18(5), 587-606.
  • Stamboulis, Y. & Skayannis, P. (2003), Innovation strategies and technology for experience-based tourism, Tourism Management, 24, 35–43,
  • Stankov, U. & Filimonau, V. (2019), Reviving calm technology in the e-tourism context, The Service Industries Journal, 39 (5-6), 343-360.
  • Topaloğlu, M. & Koç, H. (2010). Yönetim ve Organizasyon (Kavramlar – Teoriler – Yaklaşımlar), Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Türkmendağ, Z. (2021), A Bibliometric analysis of information technology research in tourism and hospitality journals in the SSCI, Journal of Yasar University, 16, 94-110.
  • Oral, S. (2023). Turizm teknolojileri ile ilgili araştırmalarının kavramsallaştırılması: VOSviewer ile bibliyometrik analiz, Journal of Global Tourism And Technology Research, 4(2): 115-128
  • Ukpabi, D. & Karjaluoto, H. (2017), Consumers’ acceptance of information and communications technology in tourism: A review, Telematics and Informatics, 34(5), 618-644. 10.1016/j.tele.2016.12.002.
  • Üstüner, M. ve Dilek, S. E. (2024). Turizm ve Teknoloji İlişkisi: Uluslararası Turizm Dergilerindeki Makalelere Yönelik Bibliyometrik Bir Değerlendirme, Journal of Tourism Intelligence and Smartness, 7(1), 36-50.
  • Van Eck, N.J. & Waltman, L. (2010), Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping, Scientometrics, 84(2), 523-538. 10.1007/s11192-009-0146-3.
  • Varshabi N., Arslan Selçuk S. & Mutlu Avinç G. (2022), Biomimicry for energy-efficient building design: A bibliometric analysis, Biomimetics, 7(1), 21. 10.3390/biomimetics7010021.
  • Wan, C. K. B. (2017), Flourishing through smart tourism: experience patterns for co-designing technology-mediated traveller experiences, The Design Journal, 21(1), 163–173.
  • Wang C., Guan D., Li Z., Yang Y., Yang K. (2022), Emerging trends and frontier research on recurrent implantation failure: A bibliometric analysis, Annals of Translational Medicine, 10(6), p.307. 10.21037/atm-22-703.
  • Wu, J., Wang, F., Wang, Z., Hu, H., Yang, L. & Fu, H. (2022), Global performance and trends of research on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) between 2001 and 2018 using bibliometric analysis, Chemosphere, 295, 133853. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.133853.
  • Xiang, Z. (2018), From digitization to the age of acceleration: On information technology and tourism, Tourism Management Perspectives, 25, 147–150.
  • Xiang, Z., Magnini, P.V., Fesenmaier, D.R. (2015). Information technology and consumer behavior in travel and tourism: Insights from travel planning using the internet, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22, 244–249. 10.1016/j.jretconser.2014.08.005
  • Yavorska, V. V., Hevko, I. V., Sych, V. A., Potapchuk, O.I. & Kolomiyets, K. V (2019), Features of application of information technologies in modern tourism, Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology, 28(3), 591–599.
  • Zhang, T., Wei, W., Fu, X., Hua, N. & Wang, Y. (2019), Exploring the roles of technology, people, and organization in building a tourism destination experience: Insights from the 2nd USA-China tourism research summit and industry dialogue, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 12, 130–135.

Research Trends in The Use of Technology in The Tourism: Bibliometric and Content Analysis

Year 2025, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 108 - 127, 27.03.2025


This study aims to reveal the current trends of the studies within the scope of technology in the tourism sector. Bibliometric mapping analysis was conducted, which included all 611 studies related to 'Tourism and Technology' in academic resources indexed in Web of Science. A total of 203 articles that could be obtained and reached were analyzed by content analysis method. In terms of methodology, it is seen that the majority of the studies were designed in the qualitative method pattern and the questionnaire/survey technique was more preferred in data collection. This research will provide both researchers and practitioners with information about the direction and outcomes of “tourism and technology” studies.

Ethical Statement

Çalışma için Etik Kurul onayı gerekmemektedir.


  • Anaya, G. J. & Lehto, X. (2020), Traveler-facing technology in the tourism experience: A historical perspective, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 37(3), 317-331. 10.1080/10548408.2020.1757561.
  • Azis, N., Amin, M., Chan, S. & Aprilia, C. (2020), How smart tourism technologies affect tourist destination loyalty, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 11(4), 603-625.
  • Bilotta, E., Bertacchini, F., Gabriele, L., Giglio, S., Pantano, P.,S. & Romita, T. (2021), Industry 4.0 technologies in tourism education: Nurturing students to think with technology, Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 29, p. 100275.
  • Buhalis, D. (1998), Strategic use of information technologies in the tourism industry, Tourism Management, 9(5), 409-421. /10.1016/S0261-5177 (98)00038-7.
  • Buhalis, D. (2020), Technology in tourism-from information communication technologies to eTourism and smart tourism towards ambient intelligence tourism: a perspective article, Tourism Review, 75(1), 267-272.
  • Buhalis, D. & Law, R. (2008), Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the internet: The state of eTourism research, Tourism Management, 29, 609–623.
  • Buhalis, D. & O'Connor, P. (2005), Information communication technology revolutionizing tourism, Tourism Recreation Research, 30(3), 7-16.
  • Brantlinger, E., Jimenez, R., Klingner, J., Marleen, P. & Virginia, R. (2005), Qualitative studies in special education. Exceptional Children, 71 (2), 95-207.
  • Cai, W. & McKenna, B. (2021), Knowledge creation in information technology and tourism research, Journal of Travel Research, 60(4), 912– 915.
  • Cai, W., Richter, S. & Brad McKenna. B. (2019), Progress on technology use in tourism, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 10(4), 651-672.
  • Camprubí, R. & Coromina, L. (2016), Content analysis in tourism research, Tourism Management Perspectives, 18, 134-140.
  • Cárdenas, D.L.B., Huerta, R.M., Castro, E.L. & Valenzuela, K.C.S. (2022), Innovation management in small and medium enterprises: A bibliometric analysis approach between 1985 and 2019, Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión, 22(2), 155-166. 10.5295/cdg.211551el
  • Çelik, A. (2021), Turizmde teknoloji çalışmaları, Journal of Tourism Intelligence and Smartness, 4(2), 270-295.
  • Germann Molz, J. (2013). Social networking technologies and the moral economy of alternative tourism: The case of, Annals of Tourism Research, 43, 210–230.
  • Gore, S., Borde, N. & Desai, P.H (2021), Assessment of technology strategies for sustainable tourism planning, Foresight, 23(2), 172-187.
  • Gössling, S. (2021), Technology, ICT and tourism: from big data to the big picture, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 29(5), 849-858.
  • Gretzel, U. & Koo, C. (2021), Smart tourism cities: A duality of place where technology supports the convergence of touristic and residential experiences, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 26(4), 352-364.
  • Huang, D. C., Goo, J., Nam, K. & Yoo, C.W. (2017). Smart tourism technologies in travel planning: The role of exploration and exploitation, Information & Management, 54, 757–770. 10.1016/
  • Kelly, P. & Lawlor, J. (2021), Adding or destroying value? User experiences of tourism self-service technologies, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 4(3), 300-317. 10.1108/JHTI-08-2018-0051.
  • Kessler, M. M. (1963), Bibliographic coupling between scientific papers, American Documentation, 14(1), 10-25.
  • Law, R., Buhalis, D. & Cobanoglu, C. (2014), Progress on information and communication technologies in hospitality and tourism, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(5), 727-750. 10.1108/IJCHM-08-2013-0367.
  • Law, R., Leung, R. & Buhalis, D. (2009), Information technology applications in hospitality and tourism: A review of publications from 2005 to 2007, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 26, 5-6, 599-623.
  • Lee, H., Lee, J., Chung, N. & Koo, C. (2018), Tourists’ happiness: Are there smart tourism technology effects? Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(5), 486-501.
  • Marco, J.N., Ruiz-Gómez, L.M. & Sevilla, C.S. (2018), Progress in information technology and tourism management: 30 years on and 20 years after the internet - Revisiting Buhalis & Law's landmark study about eTourism, Tourism Management, 69, 460–470.
  • Mazikana, Anthony Tapiwa (2003). How business can use information technology to increase switching costs (March 3, 2023). Available at SSRN: or
  • Merriam, S. B. (2013). Nitel araştırma desen ve uygulama için bir rehber (3. Baskı). (Çev. S. Turan). Ankara: Nobel yayıncılık.
  • Navio-Marco, J., Ruiz-Gómez, L. M. & Sevilla-Sevilla, C. (2019), Progress in wireless technologies in hospitality and tourism, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 10(4), 587-599.
  • Nikoli G. & Lazakidou A. (2019), The impact of information and communication technology on the tourism sector, Almatourism, 19, 45-68.‐5195/8553.
  • Pansiri, J. & Courvisanos, J. (2010), Attitude to risk in technology-based strategic alliances for tourism, International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 11 (3), 275-302.
  • Pesonen, J. & Horster, E. (2012), Near field communication technology in tourism, Tourism Management Perspectives, 4, 11–18.
  • Rahimizhian, S., Ozturen, A. & Ilkan, M. (2020), Emerging realm of 360-degree technology to promote tourism destination, Technology in Society, 63, 101411.
  • Rashideh, W. (2020), Blockchain technology framework: Current and future perspectives for the tourism industry, Tourism Management, 80, 104125.
  • Razzaq, A., Sharif, A., Ahmad, P. & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2020). Asymmetric role of tourism development and technology innovation on carbon dioxide emission reduction in the Chinese economy: Fresh insights from QARDL approach, Sustainable Development, 29:176–193. 10.1002/sd.2139
  • Șchiopu, A., F., Pădurean, A.M., Țală, M.L. & Nica, A.M. (2016), The influence of new technologies on tourism consumption behavior of the millennials, Amfiteatru Economic, 18 (Special Issue No. 10), pp. 829-846
  • Seyitoğlu, F. & Ivanov, S.(2022), The 'new normal' in the (post-)viral tourism: The role of technology, Tourism An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 70(2), 151 – 167.
  • Shoval, N. & Ahas, R. (2016) The use of tracking technologies in tourism research: The first decade, Tourism Geographies, 18(5), 587-606.
  • Stamboulis, Y. & Skayannis, P. (2003), Innovation strategies and technology for experience-based tourism, Tourism Management, 24, 35–43,
  • Stankov, U. & Filimonau, V. (2019), Reviving calm technology in the e-tourism context, The Service Industries Journal, 39 (5-6), 343-360.
  • Topaloğlu, M. & Koç, H. (2010). Yönetim ve Organizasyon (Kavramlar – Teoriler – Yaklaşımlar), Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Türkmendağ, Z. (2021), A Bibliometric analysis of information technology research in tourism and hospitality journals in the SSCI, Journal of Yasar University, 16, 94-110.
  • Oral, S. (2023). Turizm teknolojileri ile ilgili araştırmalarının kavramsallaştırılması: VOSviewer ile bibliyometrik analiz, Journal of Global Tourism And Technology Research, 4(2): 115-128
  • Ukpabi, D. & Karjaluoto, H. (2017), Consumers’ acceptance of information and communications technology in tourism: A review, Telematics and Informatics, 34(5), 618-644. 10.1016/j.tele.2016.12.002.
  • Üstüner, M. ve Dilek, S. E. (2024). Turizm ve Teknoloji İlişkisi: Uluslararası Turizm Dergilerindeki Makalelere Yönelik Bibliyometrik Bir Değerlendirme, Journal of Tourism Intelligence and Smartness, 7(1), 36-50.
  • Van Eck, N.J. & Waltman, L. (2010), Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping, Scientometrics, 84(2), 523-538. 10.1007/s11192-009-0146-3.
  • Varshabi N., Arslan Selçuk S. & Mutlu Avinç G. (2022), Biomimicry for energy-efficient building design: A bibliometric analysis, Biomimetics, 7(1), 21. 10.3390/biomimetics7010021.
  • Wan, C. K. B. (2017), Flourishing through smart tourism: experience patterns for co-designing technology-mediated traveller experiences, The Design Journal, 21(1), 163–173.
  • Wang C., Guan D., Li Z., Yang Y., Yang K. (2022), Emerging trends and frontier research on recurrent implantation failure: A bibliometric analysis, Annals of Translational Medicine, 10(6), p.307. 10.21037/atm-22-703.
  • Wu, J., Wang, F., Wang, Z., Hu, H., Yang, L. & Fu, H. (2022), Global performance and trends of research on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) between 2001 and 2018 using bibliometric analysis, Chemosphere, 295, 133853. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.133853.
  • Xiang, Z. (2018), From digitization to the age of acceleration: On information technology and tourism, Tourism Management Perspectives, 25, 147–150.
  • Xiang, Z., Magnini, P.V., Fesenmaier, D.R. (2015). Information technology and consumer behavior in travel and tourism: Insights from travel planning using the internet, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22, 244–249. 10.1016/j.jretconser.2014.08.005
  • Yavorska, V. V., Hevko, I. V., Sych, V. A., Potapchuk, O.I. & Kolomiyets, K. V (2019), Features of application of information technologies in modern tourism, Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology, 28(3), 591–599.
  • Zhang, T., Wei, W., Fu, X., Hua, N. & Wang, Y. (2019), Exploring the roles of technology, people, and organization in building a tourism destination experience: Insights from the 2nd USA-China tourism research summit and industry dialogue, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 12, 130–135.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Hasan Cinnioğlu 0000-0001-7826-619X

Sait Doğan 0000-0003-4486-8699

Ahmet Tayfur Akcan 0000-0001-8210-7327

Early Pub Date March 25, 2025
Publication Date March 27, 2025
Submission Date October 7, 2024
Acceptance Date January 2, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 22 Issue: 1


APA Cinnioğlu, H., Doğan, S., & Akcan, A. T. (2025). Research Trends in The Use of Technology in The Tourism: Bibliometric and Content Analysis. Seyahat Ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 22(1), 108-127.

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