About of SOID


The Journal of Travel and Hotel Business aims to foster communication and collaboration among travel, toruism and hospitality managers, scholars, students and researchers to create a fruitful platfrom where new ideas are generated and shared to bring solutions to ongoing managerial and theoretical issues.

SOID’s publication principles are listed below for your perusal:

• Published three times a year, in Turkish and /or English.

• Along with conceptual studies, empirical (practial/experimental) research is a priority and sectoral reviews are welcome.

• Manuscripts submitted to SOID for publications must be original, should not be published before and should not be simultaneously submitted for publication consideration in another journal.

• Manuscripts submitted to SOID are examined against plagiarism using the iThenticate program.

• Manuscripts submitted to SOID for publication consideration are subjected to plagiarism programs to ensure scholarly ethic is sustained. The whole responsibility of opinions expressed in published studies entirely belong to the authors.

• SOID is indexed in Ulakbim Dergipark, an open access system. All published articles are freely accessible as the Journal strongly supports the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).
• The authors submitting manuscripts to the journal are considered to accept the terms and conditions outlined here in advance.

• Ethical committee approval must be obtained for candidate articles sent to our journal the SOID that require an ethical committee decision. In addition, this approval document should be specified in the method section of the article and should be added to the end of the study.

• Except stated otherwise, academic content of this online version of the journal by SİDAS Publishing is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC 4.0).

Last Update Time: 4/5/23, 3:18:14 PM

Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği (Journal of Travel Business) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).


Our journal is indexed by EBSCOhost, Index Copernicus, Ulakbim,  DRJI, Research Bible, SOBİAD and ASOS.