Writing Rules

Three different types of studies can be submitted to our journal: theoretical, empirical (applied / experimental) and case studies from tourism businesses.

Theoretical studies; are the studies that present suggestions to tourism enterprises by synthesizing the literature written on a subject. In these studies, the conclusion and suggestions part are important.

Empirical (applied) studies; These are studies prepared by collecting data from tourism enterprises with scientific data collection techniques on a subject. The important part in these studies is the findings, discussion and suggestion sections. Therefore, it is recommended that the authors keep the literature and method sections short.

Case studies in the sector;
These are the studies explaining how top and middle level managers in tourism businesses solve a problem they encounter in their businesses (such as crisis or personnel turnover rate etc.), how they apply a new management technique (eg total quality etc.) and how they have achieved an organizational change in their businesses. In these studies, what the managers learned from their experiences and their suggestions on this matter are important. Journal editors and editorial assistants will show the necessary support for writing and editing to managers who wish to submit this type of study. In addition, academics can prepare and send this type of study in the form of articles or interviews with a manager from the sector.

Note: The ethics committee approval must be obtained for the studies sent to our Soid journal and this approval must also be documented.
Note: Our journal has requested an Extended Summary for the candidate studies to be sent as of 2020. The extended abstract should be between 600 and 800 words. The extended abstract should be in English and should include Purpose, Background, Method, Findings, Results (27 April 2020).


• A Turkish abstract is prepared, each of which does not exceed 100 (one hundred) words.
• In the abstract, the purpose of the study, the research method (if any), the research findings and the results and suggestions obtained from the research are summarized.
• A maximum of 5 keywords are added on the subject.

English Title and English Abstract
• Title and summary of the study are given in English under Turkish summary.


• General information about the subject is given in the introduction section.
• The importance of the subject in terms of literature and tourism enterprises is briefly emphasized. Some basic definitions can be given.
• Purpose or objectives of the study are given.
• The sections of the study are listed.
• It should not be more than 2 pages.

• It can be a single section, or it may consist of sub-sections.
• The subject is discussed based on scientific sources.
• The content and subject integrity of the message is more important than the number of references.
• Different opinions about the subject are presented and comparisons are made.
• The problems encountered in the application of the subject in businesses and their reasons can be discussed.
• Literature review should not be like a book chapter (defining - explaining).
• Literature review should be written in a writing style that further analyzes, interprets, gives insight into the application, comments, criticizes and compares the findings of previous studies.
• Authors should avoid unnecessary definitions and explanations.
• Unnecessary numbers, explanations and definitions should be explained in tables and figures if possible.
• It is recommended to keep this section short (maximum 4 pages) in empirical (applied) studies.

• This section is not expected to be in theoretical studies and studies in the industry.
• The data collection techniques used should be explained reasonably why and how they were used.
• Research sample and reasons for choosing this sample should be justified.
• How and by which data analysis techniques are analyzed or interpreted should be explained.
• The limitations of the applied method and research findings can be given.

• This section is not expected to be present in theoretical studies and case studies in the sector.
• Empirical (experimental / applied) data obtained in this section are presented with the help of tables and figures.
• The repetition of the data presented in tables and figures with the same sentences in the text should definitely be avoided. (Example of the wrong presentation generally made: As presented in Table 1, 31% of the participants participated in the study absolutely agree with the related proposition, 49% agree and 15% disagree and 10% strongly disagree, and the remaining 5% Example of preferred or recommended presentation: As presented in Table 1, a significant part of the researchers (70%) participated in the relevant proposition.

• In this section, empirical (practical / experimental) findings of the research are discussed in the light of the literature in this field.
• Making a simple, superficial and unrealistic defense in this area or similar areas, as this type of research has not been done before, can be considered as the most important reason for the rejection of a study.
• To what extent the findings obtained support or do not support previous studies in this field and their reasons are discussed.
• The effects of research findings on relevant practices in tourism enterprises can be discussed.
• The problems faced by tourism businesses and the real causes of these problems can be discussed.
• In this section, repeating the research findings exactly or in other sentences should be avoided.

Conclusion and Suggestions
• General results arising from the study are clearly listed.
• What is meant by the results is not the exact duplication of the research findings. Literature is the general conclusions that emerge as a result of findings and discussion.
• The presented findings should be related to the purpose and scope of the research.
• Conclusions and comments that do not directly concern the research objective and are not related to the research findings and discussion should be avoided.
• In the light of the findings of the study, suggestions are made to tourism businesses. These suggestions should definitely be applicable.
• New research topics recommended in the future should be proposed in this field.
Note: Finders and discussion sections or discussion and conclusion sections can be combined when necessary. However, it should not be forgotten that serious consideration and follow-up of the above issues will significantly facilitate the acceptance of the studies sent to SOID.


• A Turkish abtract is prepared, each of which does not exceed 100 (one hundred) words.
• Brief information about the purpose of the study and case study is given.
• The general results obtained from the study are listed briefly.
• A maximum of 5 keywords are added on the subject.

English Title and English Abstract
• Title and abstract of the study are given in English under Turkish summary.

• The purpose of the study is emphasized.
• Information about the business is given.
• It is expressed how many parts the case stduy consists of.
• Case Study (problem, applied management technique, organizational change made)
• It can consist of one section or several sub-sections.
• Descriptive information is given about the case study.
• Why and how questions are tried to be answered.
• The positive and negative results obtained, and their reasons are explained.

Conclusion and Suggestions
• The results and experiences obtained from the events experienced are listed.
• For example, if the same experience is experienced again, the question of what would be done differently can be answered. Again, what can be learned from this experience can be emphasized.
• Based on the experience, suggestions are made to similar tourism businesses.


• The study should be written in  "Word for Windows".
• Arial (10 font size) should be used as the font.
• The margins of the pages should be 3 cm, line spacing should be 1.5 and the text should be right-to-left blocks.
• Studies submitted to the journal should not exceed 25 pages and 6000 words.

Cover, Summary and Titles
• The first page should include the title of the study, the name of the author and the full address.
• On the second page, the title of the study should be rewritten and a summary in Turkish and English should not exceed 100 'words. The title of the manuscript should be given in English before the English summary.
• The main text of the study should start from the third page and all pages (including bibliography, annexes, tables and drawing sections) should be placed in the middle lower corner with the page number.
• The main topics should be used for the main parts of the study.
• Titles should be written in capital letters, in the middle of the line and in bold.
• Signs such as numbers, italics and underscores should not be used in titles.

Tables and Figures
Tables and figures should be included in the text.
Numbers and tables should be given in the text (such as Table 2 or Figure 3)

Citations in the Text (References)
• Citations must be given in parentheses as the name of the author and the year of publication. For example, some studies support this view (Sönmez, 1998; Yılmaz and Candan, 2001).
• If the author's name does not appear in the sentence, it should be indicated in parentheses with the year and page number.
• Citations should be given in alphabetical order, considering the surnames of the authors.
• When quoted directly, author name, publication year and page number should be given after (:) sign. For example, “strategic planning is an imperative to be fulfilled in hotel operations” (Yüksel, 2000: 24).
• More than four lines, direct quotations must be taken from the right and left and must be given separately from the main text.
• In references to sources with more than two authors, the surname of the first author and “et al.” must be used. For example (Tekin et al., 1984).

• Sources referred to in the text include the surname of the author (or compiler), the surname of the first author if it is multi-author, if the source belongs to an institution (eg Ministry of Tourism) or alphabetical, taking into account the initial letter of the institution or periodical. It is arranged in order.
• If reference is made to more than one publication of an author or group of authors, these sources are listed starting from the date of publication. If these sources were published in the same year, letters such as a, b, c are listed next to the year of publication.

• Mercek, K. (2000), Tourism Business Management, 2nd Edition, Istanbul: Beta.

• Olsen, M., Tse, E., and West, J. (1998), Strategic Management in the Hospitality Industry, 2nd Edition, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Book Chapter

• Zhao, J. ve Merna, K. (1992), ‘Impact Analysis and the International Environment’ inside R. Teare and M. Olsen (Editors), International Hospitality Management: Corporate Strategy in Practice, pp. 3-30, London: Pitman.

• Okumuş, F. (2003), “İşletmelerde Kriz Yönetimi ve Krizlerin İşletmeler Üzerine Etkileri”, Atatürk University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 17 (1), pp. 199-212.
• Taylor, M. and Enz, C. (2002),  "Voices from the Field GMs' Responses to the Events of September 11, 2001", Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 43 (1), pp. 7-20.

Candan, H. (1999), Personnel Education in Small Scale Companies and A Field Research in Muğla Region, Unpublished Master Thesis, Mugla University, Institute of Social Sciences, Mugla.

Articles from magazines and similar magazines
• Tourism Request (2002, September). Economist, 21, pp. 47-52.

Newspaper article (without author)
• ·Tourism and Environment (2003, May 15) Hürriyet, p. 1.7.

Electronic Article
• Vanden, G., Knapp, S., and Doe, J. (2001). Role of Reference Elements in the Selection of Resources by Psychology Undergraduates [electronic version]. Journal of Bibliographic Research, 5, 117-123.

Citation from the Internet
• Hürriyet (2003), 'Banks', www.hurriyetim.com.tr/haber (24.10.2003).


SOID is a refereed journal and the studies submitted are examined in a three-stage evaluation process.

1.Pre-assessment: The editor examines the study sent to the journal in terms of content and form and decides whether it is worth sending to the referees. If he does not find it worth sending to the referees,
• Recommend some improvements to the author (or authors) that should be made in the study, or
• Notifies the author (or authors) that the study is not eligible for SOID.
• If the editor finds it worthy to send the study to the referees, he will forward the study to three referees who are experts in the field.

2. Referee Evaluation: The referees evaluate the study considering the journals’ Evaluation Guide, prepare their reports and send them to the editor. The referees evaluate the study according to the method of double-blind review.

3. Final Evaluation: The editor makes the final evaluation, taking into account the reports from the referees and sends the referee reports together with his or her own report to the author (or summers). When a correction is requested from the author as a result of the final evaluation, all the stages of the evaluation process are applied to the manuscripts sent by the author by correction. In order for a study to be accepted, at least two referees are required to have a positive report. The authors are advised to keep the referee reports sent to them and all their correspondence with the editor.
It is certain that the studies submitted by the authors will also contribute significantly to the issues listed above, to shorten the evaluation process and to accept their studies.


In case the Candidate Manuscript sent to SOID is rejected in the preliminary evaluation to be made by the editorial board, the application fee is not paid from the authors.. If the manuscript passes the preliminary evaluation by the editorial board, an evaluation fee of 40 Dolars must be deposited into the bank account to be notified by the publisher in order to cover the costs for the journal (01.01.2023).


 Please submit a new manuscript via Dergipark platform.


Cover Page

Main Document (Draft)

Publishing Agreement

Response to Reviewers

Last Update Time: 1/11/25, 8:53:13 PM

Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği (Journal of Travel Business) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).


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