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Türkiye’de Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsaması: Nahar-Inder Yakınsama Testinden Kanıtlar

Year 2024, Volume: 32 Issue: 62, 495 - 521


Çalışmada, 2004:1-2022:1 döneminde Türkiye’de İstatistiki Bölge Birimleri Sınıflaması (İBBS) bazında 26 Düzey-2 bölgenin enflasyon oranları için yakınsama hipotezinin varlığının Nahar-Inder(2002) yakınsama testi yaklaşımı ile sınanması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu yaklaşım, incelenen serilerin durağan olmaması durumunda bile yakınsamanın varlığını tespit edebilen ve incelenen grup içerisinde farklı davranış biçimleri gösteren birimlerin belirlenmesine imkân sağlayan polinom tipi bir yakınsama tekniği olarak tanımlanmaktadır. İlgili literatürde söz konusu tekniğin ilk defa kullanıldığı çalışmada elde edilen bulgular, inceleme döneminde Türkiye’de bölgeler arasında güçlü bir enflasyon yakınsaması bulunduğunu ve uygulanan para politikasının etkin bir şekilde kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir.

Supporting Institution

Destekleyen Kurum Bulunmamaktadır.

Project Number

Çalışma bir projeden türetilmemiştir.


  • Aginta, H. (2021), “Spatial Dynamics of Consumer Price in Indonesia: Convergence Clubs and Conditioning Factors”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, 5, 427-451.
  • Akdi, Y. & A. Şahin (2007), “Enflasyon Yakınsaması: Türkiye Örneği”, Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar, 44(514), 69-74.
  • Altissimo, F. et al. (2006), “Inflation Persistence and Price-Setting Behavior in The Euro Area: A Summary of The IPN Evidence”, European Central Bank Occasional Paper Series, No. 46.
  • Anoruo, E. & V.N. Murthy (2014), “Testing Nonlinear Inflation Convergence for the Central African Economic and Monetary Community”, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 4(1), 1-7.
  • Arestis, P. et al. (2014), “Inflation Targeting and Inflation Convergence: International Evidence”, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 31, 285-295.
  • Balassa, B. (1964), “The Purchasing Power Parity Doctrine: A Reappraisal”, Journal of Political Economy, 72(6), 584-596.
  • Barro, R.J. & X. Sala-i-Martin (1992), “Convergence”, Journal of Political Economy, 100(2), 223-251.
  • Barro, R.J. & X. Sala-i-Martin (2004), Economic Growth, The MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England.
  • Beck, G.W. et al. (2006), “Regional Inflation Dynamics within and Across Euro Area Countries and a Comparison with the US”, ECB Working Paper, No. 681.
  • Belke, M. & İ. Al (2019), “Türkiye’de Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsaması: Panel Birim Kök Testlerinden Kanıtlar”, Uluslararası Ekonomi ve Yenilik Dergisi, 5(2), 301-323.
  • Bernard, A.B. & S.N. Durlauf (1996), “Interpreting Tests of the Convergence Hypothesis”, Journal of Econometrics, 71, 161-173.
  • Bolat, S. et al. (2017), “Testing the Inflation Rates in MENA Countries: Evidence from Quantile Regression Approach and Seasonal Unit Root Test”, Research in International Business and Finance, 42, 1089-1095.
  • Busetti, F. et al. (2007), “Inflation Convergence and Divergence within the European Monetary Union”, International Journal of Central Banking, 3(2), 95-121.
  • Cassel, G. (1918), “Abnormal Deviations in International Exchanges”, Economic Journal, 28(112), 413-415.
  • Cechetti, S.G. et al. (2002), “Price Index Convergence among United States Cities”, International Economic Review, 43(4), 1081-1099.
  • Ceylan, R. (2010), “OECD Ülkelerinde İmalat Sanayinde Birim Emek Maliyetleri Yakınsıyor mu?”, Marmara Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, XXVIII(1), 105-119.
  • Chiang, S-H. et al. (2021), “Exploring the Sources of Inflation Dynamics: New Evidence from China”, Economic Analysis and Policy, 70, 313-332.
  • Cuestas, J.C. et al. (2016), “Inflation Convergence in Central and Eastern Europe vs. The Eurozone: Non-Linearities and Long Memory”, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 63(5), 519-538.
  • Çakır, M. & L. Gündüz (2022), “Price Level Convergence in Turkey”, Applied Economics Letters, 29(20), 1921-1926.
  • Çakır, M. (2022), “Regional Inflation Spillovers in Turkey”, Economic Change and Restructuring, 56, 959-980.
  • Duran, H.E. (2016), “Inflation Differentials Across Regions in Turkey”, Southeast European Journal of Economics and Business, 11(1), 7-17.
  • ECB (European Central Bank) (2003), ECB Monthly Bulletin (April 2003), Frankfurt: European Central Bank.
  • ECB (European Central Bank) (2003), Inflation Differentials in The Euro Area: Potential Causes and Policy Implications, Frankfurt: European Central Bank.
  • Engel, C. & J.H. Rogers (1996), “How Wide is the Border?”, American Economic Review, 86, 1112-1125.
  • Gezici, F. & G.J.D. Hewings (2007), “Spatial Analysis of Regional Inequalities in Turkey”, European Planning Studies, 15(3), 383-403.
  • Giannellis, N. (2013), “Asymmetric Behavior of Inflation Differentials in The Euro Area: Evidence from A Threshold Unit Root Test”, Research in Economics, 67(2), 133-144.
  • Gözgör, G. (2013), “Unemployment Persistence and Inflation Convergence: Evidence from Regions of Turkey”, Regional and Sectorial Economic Studies, 13(1), 55-64.
  • Günçavdı, Ö. (2024), Nasıl Büyüdük ? 2001 Sonrası Büyümenin Analitik Bir İncelemesi, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları 731, Ekonomi 24, İstanbul.
  • Haan, J. (2010), “Inflation Differentials in the Euro Area: A Survey”, in: J. Haan & H. Berger (eds.), The European Central Bank at Ten (11-32), Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Hatemi-J, A. (2008), “Tests for Cointegration with Two Unknown Regime Shifts with an Application to Financial Market Integration”, Empirical Economics, 35, 497-505.
  • Hepsağ, A. (2017), “Inflation Convergence among the Next Eleven Economies: Evidence from Asymmetric Nonlinear Unit Root Test”, Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4(613), 43-52.
  • Holmes, M.J. (2002), “Panel Data Evidence on Inflation Convergence in the European Union”, Applied Economics Letters, 9(3), 155-158.
  • Hussain, S. & S. Malik (2011), “Inflation and Economic Growth: Evidence from Pakistan”, International Journal of Economics and Finance, 3(5), 262-276.
  • Hyvonen, M. (2004), “Inflation Convergence across Countries”, Economic Research Department Research Discussion Paper, Reserve Bank of Australia, 2004-04.
  • İncekara, A. & Y. Erönal (2023), “Regional Analysis of Inflation Convergence in Türkiye with a Nonlinear Approach”, in: M. Baykal et al. (eds.), Post Covid Era: Future of Economies and World Order an Interdisciplinary Approach, Istanbul University Press.
  • Karademir, C. (2022), “Seçili AB Ülkelerinde Enflasyon Oranı Yakınsaması Analizi: Nahar-Inder Tekniğinden Kanıtlar”, Üçüncü Sektör Sosyal Ekonomi Dergisi - Third Sector Social Economic Review, 57(4), 3030-3041.
  • Kisswani, K.M. & S.A. Nusair (2014), “Nonlinear Convergence in Asian Interest and Inflation Rates: Evidence from Asian Countries”, Economic Change and Restructuring, 47(3), 155-186.
  • Kocenda, E. & D.H. Papell (1997), “Inflation Convergence within The European Union: A Panel Data Analysis”, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2(3), 189-198.
  • Kocenda, E. et al. (2006), “Pilgrims to the Eurozone: How Far, How Fast?”, Economic Systems, 30(4), 311-327.
  • Lee, K. & F. Mercurelli (2014), “Convergence in the Core Euro Zone under the Global Financial Crisis”, Journal of Economic Integration, 29(1), 20-63.
  • Liu, T.-Y. & C.-C. Lee (2021), “Global Convergence of Inflation Rates”, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 58, 101501.
  • Lopez, C. & D.H. Papell (2012), “Convergence of Euro Area Inflation Rates”, Journal of International Money and Finance, 31(6), 1440-1458.
  • Mollavelioğlu, M.Ş. & R. Ceylan (2010), “Türkiye ve AB Ülkelerinde Tarımsal Toplam Faktör Verimliliği ve Yakınsama Analizi”, Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, (20), 86-103.
  • Nagayasu, J. & N. Inakura (2009), “PPP: Further Evidence From Japanese Regional Data”, International Review of Economics and Finance, 18, 419-427.
  • Nagayasu, J. & Y. Liu (2008), “Relative Prices and Wages in China: Evidence From a Panel of Provincial Data”, Journal of Economic Integration, 23, 183-203.
  • Nagayasu, J. (2011), “Heterogeneity and Convergence of Regional Inflation (Prices)”, Journal of Macroeconomics, 33(4), 711-723.
  • Nagayasu, J. (2017), “Regional Inflation, Spatial Location and The Balassa-Samuelson Effect”, Urban Studies, 54(6), 1482-1499.
  • Nahar, S. & B. Inder (2002), “Testing Convergence in Economic Growth for OECD Countries”, Applied Economics, 34(16), 2011-2022.
  • Özmen, M. & F.İ. Baktemur (2015), “Enflasyon Yakınsamasının Mekânsal Ekonometrik Analizi”, Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi, 4(2), 187-194.
  • Parsley, D.C. & S-J. Wei (1996), “Convergence to the Law of One Price without Trade Barriers or Currency Fluctuations”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 111, 1211-1236.
  • Purwono, R. et al. (2020), “Explaining Regional Inflation Programmes in Indonesia: Does Inflation Rate Converge?”, Economic Change and Restructuring, 53, 571-590.
  • Samuelson, P.A. (1964), “Theoretical Notes on Trade Problems”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 46(2), 145-154.
  • Sara-Zaror, F. (2024), “Inflation, Price Dispersion, and Welfare: The Role of Consumer Search”, Finance and Economics Discussion Series, Federal Reserve Board, Washington.
  • SEGE (2019), İllerin ve Bölgelerin Sosyo-Ekonomik Gelişmişlik Sıralaması Araştırması SEGE-2017, Kalkınma Ajansları Genel Müdürlüğü Yayını Sayı: 3.
  • SEGE (2022), İlçelerin Sosyo-Ekonomik Gelişmişlik Sıralaması Araştırması, Kalkınma Ajansları Genel Müdürlüğü Yayını Sayı: 35.
  • Siklos, P.L. (2010), “Meeting Maastricht: Nominal Convergence of The New Member States Toward EMU”, Economic Modelling, 27(2), 507-515.
  • Solow, R.M. (1956), “A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 70, 65-94.
  • Swan, T.W. (1965), “Economic Growth and Capital Accumulation”, Economic Record, 32, 334-361.
  • TCMB (2022), <>, 20.09.2022.
  • TDK (2019), Ekonometri Terimleri Sözlüğü Ekonometri Terimleri Çalışma Grubu, Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları: 1287, Ankara.
  • Temiz, M. & G. Konat (2019), “Euro Bölgesi Ülkeleri için Enflasyon Yakınsamasının Panel Birim Kök Testi ile İncelenmesi”, İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 11(3), 2333-2337.
  • Tıraşoğlu, M. & İ.M. Yurttagüler (2018), “Inflation Convergence in BRICS Countries: A Comprehensive Unit Root Test Analysis”, Alphanumeric Journal, 6(2), 311-324.
  • Tunay, K.B. & A.A. Silpagar (2007), “Dinamik Mekan-Zaman Panel Veri Modelleriyle Türkiye’de Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsamasının Analizi”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 9/1, 1-27.
  • Tunay, K.B. & A.M. Silpagar (2008), “Türkiye’de Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsamasının Analizi”, Öneri, 8(29), 177-186.
  • Ünsal, E.M. (2016), İktisadi Büyüme, BB101Yayınları: 10, Ankara.
  • Vaona, A. (2010), “Intra-national Purchasing Power Parity and Balassa-Samuelson Effects in Italy”, Economics Department, University of Verona Working Papers, No. 12.
  • Weber, A.A. & G.W. Beck (2005), “Inflation Rate Dispersion and Convergence in Monetary and Economic Unions: Lessons for the ECB”, CFS Working Paper, No. 2005/31.
  • Yazgan, M.E. & H. Yılmazkuday (2014), “High versus Low Inflation: Implications for Price-Level Convergence”, Koç University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum Working Paper Series, 1412.
  • Yeşilyurt, F. (2014), “Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsaması: Türkiye Örneği”, Ege Akademik Bakış, 14(2), 305-314.
  • Yıldırım, J. et al. (2009), “Income Inequality and Economic Convergence in Turkey: A Spatial Effect Analysis”, International Regional Science Review, 32(2), 221-254.
  • Yılmazkuday, H. (2013), “Inflation Targeting, Flexible Exchange Rates and Inflation Convergence”, Applied Economics, 45(5), 593-603.

Regional Inflation Convergence in Türkiye: Evidence from Nahar-Inder Convergence Test

Year 2024, Volume: 32 Issue: 62, 495 - 521


This study aims to test the existence of the convergence hypothesis for the inflation rates of 26 NUTS-2 regions based on the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) in Türkiye in the period 2004:1-2022:1 using the Nahar-Inder (2002) convergence test approach. This approach is defined as a polynomial-type convergence technique that can detect the presence of convergence even when the series studied are not stationary and allow the determination of units that show different behaviour patterns within the examined group. The study’s findings, in which this technique was used for the first time in the relevant literature, indicate a strong inflation convergence among regions in Türkiye during the review period and that the implemented monetary policy can be effectively used.

Project Number

Çalışma bir projeden türetilmemiştir.


  • Aginta, H. (2021), “Spatial Dynamics of Consumer Price in Indonesia: Convergence Clubs and Conditioning Factors”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, 5, 427-451.
  • Akdi, Y. & A. Şahin (2007), “Enflasyon Yakınsaması: Türkiye Örneği”, Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar, 44(514), 69-74.
  • Altissimo, F. et al. (2006), “Inflation Persistence and Price-Setting Behavior in The Euro Area: A Summary of The IPN Evidence”, European Central Bank Occasional Paper Series, No. 46.
  • Anoruo, E. & V.N. Murthy (2014), “Testing Nonlinear Inflation Convergence for the Central African Economic and Monetary Community”, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 4(1), 1-7.
  • Arestis, P. et al. (2014), “Inflation Targeting and Inflation Convergence: International Evidence”, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 31, 285-295.
  • Balassa, B. (1964), “The Purchasing Power Parity Doctrine: A Reappraisal”, Journal of Political Economy, 72(6), 584-596.
  • Barro, R.J. & X. Sala-i-Martin (1992), “Convergence”, Journal of Political Economy, 100(2), 223-251.
  • Barro, R.J. & X. Sala-i-Martin (2004), Economic Growth, The MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England.
  • Beck, G.W. et al. (2006), “Regional Inflation Dynamics within and Across Euro Area Countries and a Comparison with the US”, ECB Working Paper, No. 681.
  • Belke, M. & İ. Al (2019), “Türkiye’de Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsaması: Panel Birim Kök Testlerinden Kanıtlar”, Uluslararası Ekonomi ve Yenilik Dergisi, 5(2), 301-323.
  • Bernard, A.B. & S.N. Durlauf (1996), “Interpreting Tests of the Convergence Hypothesis”, Journal of Econometrics, 71, 161-173.
  • Bolat, S. et al. (2017), “Testing the Inflation Rates in MENA Countries: Evidence from Quantile Regression Approach and Seasonal Unit Root Test”, Research in International Business and Finance, 42, 1089-1095.
  • Busetti, F. et al. (2007), “Inflation Convergence and Divergence within the European Monetary Union”, International Journal of Central Banking, 3(2), 95-121.
  • Cassel, G. (1918), “Abnormal Deviations in International Exchanges”, Economic Journal, 28(112), 413-415.
  • Cechetti, S.G. et al. (2002), “Price Index Convergence among United States Cities”, International Economic Review, 43(4), 1081-1099.
  • Ceylan, R. (2010), “OECD Ülkelerinde İmalat Sanayinde Birim Emek Maliyetleri Yakınsıyor mu?”, Marmara Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, XXVIII(1), 105-119.
  • Chiang, S-H. et al. (2021), “Exploring the Sources of Inflation Dynamics: New Evidence from China”, Economic Analysis and Policy, 70, 313-332.
  • Cuestas, J.C. et al. (2016), “Inflation Convergence in Central and Eastern Europe vs. The Eurozone: Non-Linearities and Long Memory”, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 63(5), 519-538.
  • Çakır, M. & L. Gündüz (2022), “Price Level Convergence in Turkey”, Applied Economics Letters, 29(20), 1921-1926.
  • Çakır, M. (2022), “Regional Inflation Spillovers in Turkey”, Economic Change and Restructuring, 56, 959-980.
  • Duran, H.E. (2016), “Inflation Differentials Across Regions in Turkey”, Southeast European Journal of Economics and Business, 11(1), 7-17.
  • ECB (European Central Bank) (2003), ECB Monthly Bulletin (April 2003), Frankfurt: European Central Bank.
  • ECB (European Central Bank) (2003), Inflation Differentials in The Euro Area: Potential Causes and Policy Implications, Frankfurt: European Central Bank.
  • Engel, C. & J.H. Rogers (1996), “How Wide is the Border?”, American Economic Review, 86, 1112-1125.
  • Gezici, F. & G.J.D. Hewings (2007), “Spatial Analysis of Regional Inequalities in Turkey”, European Planning Studies, 15(3), 383-403.
  • Giannellis, N. (2013), “Asymmetric Behavior of Inflation Differentials in The Euro Area: Evidence from A Threshold Unit Root Test”, Research in Economics, 67(2), 133-144.
  • Gözgör, G. (2013), “Unemployment Persistence and Inflation Convergence: Evidence from Regions of Turkey”, Regional and Sectorial Economic Studies, 13(1), 55-64.
  • Günçavdı, Ö. (2024), Nasıl Büyüdük ? 2001 Sonrası Büyümenin Analitik Bir İncelemesi, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları 731, Ekonomi 24, İstanbul.
  • Haan, J. (2010), “Inflation Differentials in the Euro Area: A Survey”, in: J. Haan & H. Berger (eds.), The European Central Bank at Ten (11-32), Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Hatemi-J, A. (2008), “Tests for Cointegration with Two Unknown Regime Shifts with an Application to Financial Market Integration”, Empirical Economics, 35, 497-505.
  • Hepsağ, A. (2017), “Inflation Convergence among the Next Eleven Economies: Evidence from Asymmetric Nonlinear Unit Root Test”, Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4(613), 43-52.
  • Holmes, M.J. (2002), “Panel Data Evidence on Inflation Convergence in the European Union”, Applied Economics Letters, 9(3), 155-158.
  • Hussain, S. & S. Malik (2011), “Inflation and Economic Growth: Evidence from Pakistan”, International Journal of Economics and Finance, 3(5), 262-276.
  • Hyvonen, M. (2004), “Inflation Convergence across Countries”, Economic Research Department Research Discussion Paper, Reserve Bank of Australia, 2004-04.
  • İncekara, A. & Y. Erönal (2023), “Regional Analysis of Inflation Convergence in Türkiye with a Nonlinear Approach”, in: M. Baykal et al. (eds.), Post Covid Era: Future of Economies and World Order an Interdisciplinary Approach, Istanbul University Press.
  • Karademir, C. (2022), “Seçili AB Ülkelerinde Enflasyon Oranı Yakınsaması Analizi: Nahar-Inder Tekniğinden Kanıtlar”, Üçüncü Sektör Sosyal Ekonomi Dergisi - Third Sector Social Economic Review, 57(4), 3030-3041.
  • Kisswani, K.M. & S.A. Nusair (2014), “Nonlinear Convergence in Asian Interest and Inflation Rates: Evidence from Asian Countries”, Economic Change and Restructuring, 47(3), 155-186.
  • Kocenda, E. & D.H. Papell (1997), “Inflation Convergence within The European Union: A Panel Data Analysis”, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2(3), 189-198.
  • Kocenda, E. et al. (2006), “Pilgrims to the Eurozone: How Far, How Fast?”, Economic Systems, 30(4), 311-327.
  • Lee, K. & F. Mercurelli (2014), “Convergence in the Core Euro Zone under the Global Financial Crisis”, Journal of Economic Integration, 29(1), 20-63.
  • Liu, T.-Y. & C.-C. Lee (2021), “Global Convergence of Inflation Rates”, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 58, 101501.
  • Lopez, C. & D.H. Papell (2012), “Convergence of Euro Area Inflation Rates”, Journal of International Money and Finance, 31(6), 1440-1458.
  • Mollavelioğlu, M.Ş. & R. Ceylan (2010), “Türkiye ve AB Ülkelerinde Tarımsal Toplam Faktör Verimliliği ve Yakınsama Analizi”, Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, (20), 86-103.
  • Nagayasu, J. & N. Inakura (2009), “PPP: Further Evidence From Japanese Regional Data”, International Review of Economics and Finance, 18, 419-427.
  • Nagayasu, J. & Y. Liu (2008), “Relative Prices and Wages in China: Evidence From a Panel of Provincial Data”, Journal of Economic Integration, 23, 183-203.
  • Nagayasu, J. (2011), “Heterogeneity and Convergence of Regional Inflation (Prices)”, Journal of Macroeconomics, 33(4), 711-723.
  • Nagayasu, J. (2017), “Regional Inflation, Spatial Location and The Balassa-Samuelson Effect”, Urban Studies, 54(6), 1482-1499.
  • Nahar, S. & B. Inder (2002), “Testing Convergence in Economic Growth for OECD Countries”, Applied Economics, 34(16), 2011-2022.
  • Özmen, M. & F.İ. Baktemur (2015), “Enflasyon Yakınsamasının Mekânsal Ekonometrik Analizi”, Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi, 4(2), 187-194.
  • Parsley, D.C. & S-J. Wei (1996), “Convergence to the Law of One Price without Trade Barriers or Currency Fluctuations”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 111, 1211-1236.
  • Purwono, R. et al. (2020), “Explaining Regional Inflation Programmes in Indonesia: Does Inflation Rate Converge?”, Economic Change and Restructuring, 53, 571-590.
  • Samuelson, P.A. (1964), “Theoretical Notes on Trade Problems”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 46(2), 145-154.
  • Sara-Zaror, F. (2024), “Inflation, Price Dispersion, and Welfare: The Role of Consumer Search”, Finance and Economics Discussion Series, Federal Reserve Board, Washington.
  • SEGE (2019), İllerin ve Bölgelerin Sosyo-Ekonomik Gelişmişlik Sıralaması Araştırması SEGE-2017, Kalkınma Ajansları Genel Müdürlüğü Yayını Sayı: 3.
  • SEGE (2022), İlçelerin Sosyo-Ekonomik Gelişmişlik Sıralaması Araştırması, Kalkınma Ajansları Genel Müdürlüğü Yayını Sayı: 35.
  • Siklos, P.L. (2010), “Meeting Maastricht: Nominal Convergence of The New Member States Toward EMU”, Economic Modelling, 27(2), 507-515.
  • Solow, R.M. (1956), “A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 70, 65-94.
  • Swan, T.W. (1965), “Economic Growth and Capital Accumulation”, Economic Record, 32, 334-361.
  • TCMB (2022), <>, 20.09.2022.
  • TDK (2019), Ekonometri Terimleri Sözlüğü Ekonometri Terimleri Çalışma Grubu, Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları: 1287, Ankara.
  • Temiz, M. & G. Konat (2019), “Euro Bölgesi Ülkeleri için Enflasyon Yakınsamasının Panel Birim Kök Testi ile İncelenmesi”, İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 11(3), 2333-2337.
  • Tıraşoğlu, M. & İ.M. Yurttagüler (2018), “Inflation Convergence in BRICS Countries: A Comprehensive Unit Root Test Analysis”, Alphanumeric Journal, 6(2), 311-324.
  • Tunay, K.B. & A.A. Silpagar (2007), “Dinamik Mekan-Zaman Panel Veri Modelleriyle Türkiye’de Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsamasının Analizi”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 9/1, 1-27.
  • Tunay, K.B. & A.M. Silpagar (2008), “Türkiye’de Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsamasının Analizi”, Öneri, 8(29), 177-186.
  • Ünsal, E.M. (2016), İktisadi Büyüme, BB101Yayınları: 10, Ankara.
  • Vaona, A. (2010), “Intra-national Purchasing Power Parity and Balassa-Samuelson Effects in Italy”, Economics Department, University of Verona Working Papers, No. 12.
  • Weber, A.A. & G.W. Beck (2005), “Inflation Rate Dispersion and Convergence in Monetary and Economic Unions: Lessons for the ECB”, CFS Working Paper, No. 2005/31.
  • Yazgan, M.E. & H. Yılmazkuday (2014), “High versus Low Inflation: Implications for Price-Level Convergence”, Koç University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum Working Paper Series, 1412.
  • Yeşilyurt, F. (2014), “Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsaması: Türkiye Örneği”, Ege Akademik Bakış, 14(2), 305-314.
  • Yıldırım, J. et al. (2009), “Income Inequality and Economic Convergence in Turkey: A Spatial Effect Analysis”, International Regional Science Review, 32(2), 221-254.
  • Yılmazkuday, H. (2013), “Inflation Targeting, Flexible Exchange Rates and Inflation Convergence”, Applied Economics, 45(5), 593-603.
There are 71 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Articles

Reşat Ceylan 0000-0003-3727-6644

Şekip Yazgan 0000-0003-1006-668X

Cihat Karademir 0000-0001-9074-0915

Project Number Çalışma bir projeden türetilmemiştir.
Early Pub Date October 13, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date February 19, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 32 Issue: 62


APA Ceylan, R., Yazgan, Ş., & Karademir, C. (2024). Türkiye’de Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsaması: Nahar-Inder Yakınsama Testinden Kanıtlar. Sosyoekonomi, 32(62), 495-521.
AMA Ceylan R, Yazgan Ş, Karademir C. Türkiye’de Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsaması: Nahar-Inder Yakınsama Testinden Kanıtlar. Sosyoekonomi. October 2024;32(62):495-521.
Chicago Ceylan, Reşat, Şekip Yazgan, and Cihat Karademir. “Türkiye’de Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsaması: Nahar-Inder Yakınsama Testinden Kanıtlar”. Sosyoekonomi 32, no. 62 (October 2024): 495-521.
EndNote Ceylan R, Yazgan Ş, Karademir C (October 1, 2024) Türkiye’de Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsaması: Nahar-Inder Yakınsama Testinden Kanıtlar. Sosyoekonomi 32 62 495–521.
IEEE R. Ceylan, Ş. Yazgan, and C. Karademir, “Türkiye’de Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsaması: Nahar-Inder Yakınsama Testinden Kanıtlar”, Sosyoekonomi, vol. 32, no. 62, pp. 495–521, 2024.
ISNAD Ceylan, Reşat et al. “Türkiye’de Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsaması: Nahar-Inder Yakınsama Testinden Kanıtlar”. Sosyoekonomi 32/62 (October 2024), 495-521.
JAMA Ceylan R, Yazgan Ş, Karademir C. Türkiye’de Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsaması: Nahar-Inder Yakınsama Testinden Kanıtlar. Sosyoekonomi. 2024;32:495–521.
MLA Ceylan, Reşat et al. “Türkiye’de Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsaması: Nahar-Inder Yakınsama Testinden Kanıtlar”. Sosyoekonomi, vol. 32, no. 62, 2024, pp. 495-21.
Vancouver Ceylan R, Yazgan Ş, Karademir C. Türkiye’de Bölgesel Enflasyon Yakınsaması: Nahar-Inder Yakınsama Testinden Kanıtlar. Sosyoekonomi. 2024;32(62):495-521.