Research Article
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Year 2012, , 53 - 59, 01.08.2012


The purpose of the study is to compare leisure motivations of physical education and sport teachers in Kayseri according to gender, frequency of leisure participation, active or passive participation in social/cultural/sport activities. Also the relationship between life satisfaction, leisure motivation and frequency of leisure participation will be determined. Population of the study consists of 300 physical education and sport teachers working in primary and secondary schools. Accordingly the sample of the study consisted of 166 men (Mage=34.14±5.46) and 59 women (Mage=31.34±5.04) totaling 225 teachers (Mage=33.41±5.488). For testing the life satisfaction “Life Satisfaction Scale” which was developed by Diener (1985) and adapted to Turkish language by Köker (1991) and Yetim (1991) was utilized. For measuring leisure motivation “Leisure motivation scale” that was developed by Pelletier et al. (1991) and adapted to Turkish language by Mutlu (2008) was used. In statistical analyses; descriptive statistics, Pearson and Spearman Correlation analysis, Mann Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis Variance and One-way Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) tests were used. As a result; life satisfaction, leisure motivation and frequency of leisure participation yielded positive significant correlation. Significant differences were obtained in leisure motivation according to gender, frequency of leisure participation, active/passive participation in sport activities, meanwhile no significant difference was found according to active/passive participation in social/cultural activities


  • Kim, B., Heo, J., Chun, S., Lee, L., “Validation of the Leisure Facilitator Scale”, Leisure/Loisir, 35(4), p.p. 391-405, 2011.
  • Öztürk, Z. Dündar, H., “Örgütsel Motivasyon ve Kamu Çalışanlarını Motive Eden Faktörler”, C.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 4(2), p.p. 57-67, 2003.
  • Carroll, B., Alexandris, K., “Perception of Constraints and Strength of Motivation: Their Relationship to Recreational Sport Participation”, Journal of Leisure Research, 29(3), p.p. 279-299, 1997.
  • Fawcett, L.M., Garton, A.F., Dandy, J., “Role of Motivation Self-efficacy and Parent Support Adolescent Structured Leisure Activity Participation”, Australian Journal of Psychology, 61(3), p.p. 175-182, 2009.
  • Dillard, J.E., Bates, D.L., “Leisure Motivation Revisited: Why People Recreate”, Managing Leisure, 16(4), p.p. 253-268, 2011.
  • Pelletier, L.G., Fortier, M.S., Vallerand, R.J., Tuson, K.M., Brière, N.M., Blais, M.R., “Toward a New Measure of Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, and Amotivation in Sports: The Sport Motivation Scale (SMS)”, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 17, p.p. 35-53, 1995.
  • Vallerand, R.J., Pelletier, L.G., Blais, M.R., Brière, N.M., Senécal, C. B., Vallières, E.F., “The Academic Motivation Scale: A Measure of Intrinsic, Extrinsic, and Amotivation in Education”, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 52, p.p. 1003-1017, 1992.
  • Hong, S.M., Giannakopoulos, E., “The Relationship of Satisfaction with Life to Personality Characteristics”, Journal of Psychology Interdisciplinary & Applied, 128(5), p.p. 547-558, 1994.
  • Diener, E., Emmons, R.A., Larsen, R.J., Griffin, S., “The Satisfaction with Life Scale”, Journal of Personality Assessment, 49, p.p. 71-75, 1985.
  • Cutillo-Schmitter, T.A., Zisselman, M., Woldow, A., “Life Satisfaction in Centenarians Residing in Long-term Care”, Annals of Long Term Care, 7(12), p.p. 437-442. 1999.
  • Brown, B., Frankel, B.G., “Activity through the Years: Leisure, Leisure Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction”, Sociology of Sport Journal, 10, p.p.1-17, 1993.
  • Huang, C.Y., Carleton, B., “The Relationships among Leisure Participation, Leisure Satisfaction, and Life Satisfaction of College Students in Taiwan”, Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 1(2), p.p. 129-132, 2003.
  • Heo, J., Lee, Y., “Serious Leisure, Health Perception, Dispositional Optimism, and Life Satisfaction among Senior Games Participants”, Educational Gerontology, 36, p.p. 112-126, 2010.
  • Nimrod, G., “Retirees’ Leisure: Activities, Benefits, and their Contribution to Life Satisfaction”, Leisure Studies, 26(1), p.p. 65-80, 2007.
  • Poulsen, A.A., Ziviani, J.M., Cuskelly, M., “General Self-concept and Life Satisfaction for Boys with Differing Levels of Physical Coordination: The Role of Goal Orientations and Leisure Participation”, Human Movement Science, 25, p.p. 839-860, 2006.
  • Şener, A., Terzioğlu, R.G., Karabulut, E., “Life Satisfaction and Leisure Activities during Men’s Retirement: A Turkish Sample”, Aging & Mental Health, 11(1), p.p. 30-36, 2007.
  • Poulsen, A.A, Ziviani, J.M., Johnson, H., Cuskelly, M., “Loneliness and Life Satisfaction of Boys with Developmental Coordination Disorder: The Impact of Leisure Participation and Perceived Freedom in Leisure”, Human Movement Science, 27, p.p. 325-343, 2008.
  • Guinn, B., “Leisure Behaviour Motivation and the Life Satisfaction of Retired Persons”, Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 23(4), p.p. 13-20, 1999.
  • Karaküçük, S., Rekreasyon, Gazi Kitapevi, Ankara, 2005.
  • Caldwell, L., Smith, E., Weissenger E., “The Relationship of Leisure Activities and Perceived Health of College Students”, Society and Leisure, 15(2), p.p. 545–556, 1992.
  • Murphy, H., “Exploring Leisure and Psychological Health and Wellbeing: Some Problematic Issues in the Case of Northern Ireland”, Leisure Studies, 22(1), p.p. 37–50, 2003.
  • Şener, A., “Yaşlılık, Yaşam Doyumu ve Boş Zaman Faaliyetleri”, Çağın Polisi Dergisi, 93,
  •, 2009.
  • Köker, S., Normal ve Sorunlu Ergenlerin Yaşam Doyumu Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması, Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek LisansTezi, Ankara, 1991.
  • Yetim, Ü., Kişisel Projelerin Organizasyonu ve Örüntüsü Açısından Yaşam Doyumu, Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İzmir, 1991.
  • Pelletier, L.G., Vallerand, R.J., Briere, N.M., Blais, M.R., Construction Et Validiation de I’Échelle de Motivation Vis-á-Vis des Loisirs (EML), Communication Présentée au Congrès Annual de la SQRP, Octobre, 1989.
  • Pelletier, L.G., Vallerand, R.J., Blais, M.R., Brière, N.M., “Leisure Motivation Scale (LMS–28)”,, 1991.
  • Mutlu, İ., Egzersiz Yapan Kişilerin Boş Zamanlarına Yönelik Tutumları Üzerine bir Araştırma (Kayseri İli Örneği), Niğde Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Niğde, 2008.
  • Gungormus, H.A., “The Study of Validity and Reliability of Turkish Version of Leisure Motivation Scale”, Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 4(3), p.p. 1209-1216, 2012.
  • Mutlu, İ., Yılmaz, B., Güngörmüş, H.A., Sevindi, T., Gürbüz, B., “Bireyleri Rekreasyonel Amaçlı Egzersize Motive Eden Faktörlerin Çeşitli Değişkenlere Göre Karşılaştırılması”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilim Dergisi, 13(1), p.p. 54-61, 2011.
  • Fortier, M.S., Vallerand, R.J., Briere, N.M., Provencher, P.J., “Competitive and Recreational Sport Structures and Gender: A Test of Their Relationship with Sport Motivation”, International Journal of Sport Psychology, 26, p.p. 24-39, 1995.
  • Wang, C.C., Leisure Participation, Leisure Motivation, and Life Satisfaction for Elders in Public Senior Resident Homes in Taiwan, The University of Incarnate Word, Doctoral Dissertation, 2008.
  • Chiu, L.K., Kayat, K., “Psychological Determinants of Leisure Time Physical Activity Participation among Public University Students in Malaysia”, AJTLHE, 2(2), p.p. 33-45, 2010.
  • Morrison, K.S., Moving beyond Constraints: Understanding How and Why Physically Active Women make Leisure a Priority, The University of New Brunswick, Master Dissertation, 2008.
  • İşlertaş, N., Spor Tesislerinden Yararlanan Beden Eğitimi Öğretmenlerinin İstek ve Beklentileri (Kayseri İli Örneği), Niğde Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Niğde, 2006.


Year 2012, , 53 - 59, 01.08.2012


Bu çalışmanın amacı; Kayseri’de görev yapan beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmenlerinin serbest zaman motivasyonlarının cinsiyet, serbest zaman aktivitelerine katılım sıklığı ile sportif, sosyal ve sanatsal/kültürel aktivitelere aktif/pasif katılım değişkenlerine göre karşılaştırılması ve yaşam tatmini, serbest zaman motivasyonu, serbest zaman aktivitelerine katılım sıklığı arasındaki ilişkiyi saptanmasıdır. Araştırmanın evreni Kayseri merkez ilçelerdeki ilk ve ortaöğretim okullarında görev yapan 300 beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmeninden oluşmaktadır. Buna göre; çalışmanın örneklemini Kayseri’de beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmeni olan 166 erkek (Ortyaş=34.14±5.46) ve 59 kadın (Ortyaş=31.34±5.04) toplam 225 (Ortyaş=33.41±5.488) katılımcı oluşturmaktadır. Katılımcıların; yaşam tatmininin belirlenmesinde Diener ve ark. (1985) tarafından geliştirilen ve Köker (1991) ve Yetim (1991) tarafından Türkçe ’ye uyarlanan “Yaşam Tatmini Ölçeği”, serbest zaman motivasyonlarını belirlemek amacıyla Pelletier ve ark. (1991) tarafından geliştirilen ve Mutlu (2008) tarafından Türkçe’ye uyarlanan “Boş Zaman Motivasyon Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde Pearson ve Spearman Korelasyon Analizi, Mann Whitney U testi, Kruskal Wallis Varyans Analizi ve Tek Yönlü Çok Değişkenli Varyans Analizi (Manova) kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak; yaşam tatmini, serbest zaman motivasyonu ve serbest zaman aktivitelerine katılım sıklığı arasında pozitif doğrusal ilişki saptanmıştır. Cinsiyete, serbest zaman aktivitelerine katılım sıklığına ve sportif aktivitelere aktif/pasif katılıma göre serbest zaman motivasyonu arasında fark anlamlı bulunurken,sosyal ve sanatsal/kültürel aktivitelere aktif/pasif katılıma göre anlamlı fark bulunamamıştır


  • Kim, B., Heo, J., Chun, S., Lee, L., “Validation of the Leisure Facilitator Scale”, Leisure/Loisir, 35(4), p.p. 391-405, 2011.
  • Öztürk, Z. Dündar, H., “Örgütsel Motivasyon ve Kamu Çalışanlarını Motive Eden Faktörler”, C.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 4(2), p.p. 57-67, 2003.
  • Carroll, B., Alexandris, K., “Perception of Constraints and Strength of Motivation: Their Relationship to Recreational Sport Participation”, Journal of Leisure Research, 29(3), p.p. 279-299, 1997.
  • Fawcett, L.M., Garton, A.F., Dandy, J., “Role of Motivation Self-efficacy and Parent Support Adolescent Structured Leisure Activity Participation”, Australian Journal of Psychology, 61(3), p.p. 175-182, 2009.
  • Dillard, J.E., Bates, D.L., “Leisure Motivation Revisited: Why People Recreate”, Managing Leisure, 16(4), p.p. 253-268, 2011.
  • Pelletier, L.G., Fortier, M.S., Vallerand, R.J., Tuson, K.M., Brière, N.M., Blais, M.R., “Toward a New Measure of Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, and Amotivation in Sports: The Sport Motivation Scale (SMS)”, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 17, p.p. 35-53, 1995.
  • Vallerand, R.J., Pelletier, L.G., Blais, M.R., Brière, N.M., Senécal, C. B., Vallières, E.F., “The Academic Motivation Scale: A Measure of Intrinsic, Extrinsic, and Amotivation in Education”, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 52, p.p. 1003-1017, 1992.
  • Hong, S.M., Giannakopoulos, E., “The Relationship of Satisfaction with Life to Personality Characteristics”, Journal of Psychology Interdisciplinary & Applied, 128(5), p.p. 547-558, 1994.
  • Diener, E., Emmons, R.A., Larsen, R.J., Griffin, S., “The Satisfaction with Life Scale”, Journal of Personality Assessment, 49, p.p. 71-75, 1985.
  • Cutillo-Schmitter, T.A., Zisselman, M., Woldow, A., “Life Satisfaction in Centenarians Residing in Long-term Care”, Annals of Long Term Care, 7(12), p.p. 437-442. 1999.
  • Brown, B., Frankel, B.G., “Activity through the Years: Leisure, Leisure Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction”, Sociology of Sport Journal, 10, p.p.1-17, 1993.
  • Huang, C.Y., Carleton, B., “The Relationships among Leisure Participation, Leisure Satisfaction, and Life Satisfaction of College Students in Taiwan”, Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 1(2), p.p. 129-132, 2003.
  • Heo, J., Lee, Y., “Serious Leisure, Health Perception, Dispositional Optimism, and Life Satisfaction among Senior Games Participants”, Educational Gerontology, 36, p.p. 112-126, 2010.
  • Nimrod, G., “Retirees’ Leisure: Activities, Benefits, and their Contribution to Life Satisfaction”, Leisure Studies, 26(1), p.p. 65-80, 2007.
  • Poulsen, A.A., Ziviani, J.M., Cuskelly, M., “General Self-concept and Life Satisfaction for Boys with Differing Levels of Physical Coordination: The Role of Goal Orientations and Leisure Participation”, Human Movement Science, 25, p.p. 839-860, 2006.
  • Şener, A., Terzioğlu, R.G., Karabulut, E., “Life Satisfaction and Leisure Activities during Men’s Retirement: A Turkish Sample”, Aging & Mental Health, 11(1), p.p. 30-36, 2007.
  • Poulsen, A.A, Ziviani, J.M., Johnson, H., Cuskelly, M., “Loneliness and Life Satisfaction of Boys with Developmental Coordination Disorder: The Impact of Leisure Participation and Perceived Freedom in Leisure”, Human Movement Science, 27, p.p. 325-343, 2008.
  • Guinn, B., “Leisure Behaviour Motivation and the Life Satisfaction of Retired Persons”, Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 23(4), p.p. 13-20, 1999.
  • Karaküçük, S., Rekreasyon, Gazi Kitapevi, Ankara, 2005.
  • Caldwell, L., Smith, E., Weissenger E., “The Relationship of Leisure Activities and Perceived Health of College Students”, Society and Leisure, 15(2), p.p. 545–556, 1992.
  • Murphy, H., “Exploring Leisure and Psychological Health and Wellbeing: Some Problematic Issues in the Case of Northern Ireland”, Leisure Studies, 22(1), p.p. 37–50, 2003.
  • Şener, A., “Yaşlılık, Yaşam Doyumu ve Boş Zaman Faaliyetleri”, Çağın Polisi Dergisi, 93,
  •, 2009.
  • Köker, S., Normal ve Sorunlu Ergenlerin Yaşam Doyumu Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması, Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek LisansTezi, Ankara, 1991.
  • Yetim, Ü., Kişisel Projelerin Organizasyonu ve Örüntüsü Açısından Yaşam Doyumu, Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İzmir, 1991.
  • Pelletier, L.G., Vallerand, R.J., Briere, N.M., Blais, M.R., Construction Et Validiation de I’Échelle de Motivation Vis-á-Vis des Loisirs (EML), Communication Présentée au Congrès Annual de la SQRP, Octobre, 1989.
  • Pelletier, L.G., Vallerand, R.J., Blais, M.R., Brière, N.M., “Leisure Motivation Scale (LMS–28)”,, 1991.
  • Mutlu, İ., Egzersiz Yapan Kişilerin Boş Zamanlarına Yönelik Tutumları Üzerine bir Araştırma (Kayseri İli Örneği), Niğde Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Niğde, 2008.
  • Gungormus, H.A., “The Study of Validity and Reliability of Turkish Version of Leisure Motivation Scale”, Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 4(3), p.p. 1209-1216, 2012.
  • Mutlu, İ., Yılmaz, B., Güngörmüş, H.A., Sevindi, T., Gürbüz, B., “Bireyleri Rekreasyonel Amaçlı Egzersize Motive Eden Faktörlerin Çeşitli Değişkenlere Göre Karşılaştırılması”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilim Dergisi, 13(1), p.p. 54-61, 2011.
  • Fortier, M.S., Vallerand, R.J., Briere, N.M., Provencher, P.J., “Competitive and Recreational Sport Structures and Gender: A Test of Their Relationship with Sport Motivation”, International Journal of Sport Psychology, 26, p.p. 24-39, 1995.
  • Wang, C.C., Leisure Participation, Leisure Motivation, and Life Satisfaction for Elders in Public Senior Resident Homes in Taiwan, The University of Incarnate Word, Doctoral Dissertation, 2008.
  • Chiu, L.K., Kayat, K., “Psychological Determinants of Leisure Time Physical Activity Participation among Public University Students in Malaysia”, AJTLHE, 2(2), p.p. 33-45, 2010.
  • Morrison, K.S., Moving beyond Constraints: Understanding How and Why Physically Active Women make Leisure a Priority, The University of New Brunswick, Master Dissertation, 2008.
  • İşlertaş, N., Spor Tesislerinden Yararlanan Beden Eğitimi Öğretmenlerinin İstek ve Beklentileri (Kayseri İli Örneği), Niğde Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Niğde, 2006.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Other ID JA95KB64UJ
Journal Section Research Article

Lapa Tennur Yerlisu This is me

Evren Ağyar This is me

Ziya Bahadır This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012



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Ankara Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi

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