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Zika Virüs'e Genel Bakış

Year 2019, Volume: 45 Issue: 1, 1 - 9, 30.04.2019


Uganda’nın Zika
ormanlarından izole edilmiş ve bulunduğu ormanın ismini alarak Zika virüsü
demişlerdir. İlk büyük salgın 2007 yılında Pasifik okyanusunun güneyinde Yap
adasında patlak vermiştir. Zika virüsü Flaviviridae ailesinin bir üyesi tek
iplikçikli bir RNA virüsüdür. Sarıhumma virüsü, Dang virüsü, Batı Nil virüsü,
St. Louis ensefalit virüsüne benzemektedir. Zika virüsünün teşhis konulmasında
diğer virüslerin neden olduğu hastalıklar olan Dang Humması ve Chikungunya
hastalığı ile karıştırıldığı düşünülmektedir. Zika virüsü genellikle Aedes aegytpi sivrisineklerinin ısırması
sonucu bulaşmaktadır. Sivrisinek ısırığının dışında, insandan insana, anneden
fetüse, cinsel yolla ve kan transfüzyonuyla bulaşabilmektedir. Enfeksiyonun
klinik belirtileri ateş, baş ağrısı, retro-orbital ağrı, eklem ağrısı, kronik
yorgunluk, halsizlik, miyalji, anoreksi, döküntü, ödem, lenfadenopati ve
diyaredir. Teşhis, IgG ve IgM antikorlarının saptaması ile
gerçekleştirilebilir. 2015 yılında Brezilya’da ZIKV (zika virüsü) enfeksiyonu
görülmesinden sonra doğum öncesi obstetrik ultrasonda ve doğumdan sonra
mikrosefali oluşumlarında artışlar gözlenmiştir. 


  • Al-Qahtani AA, Nazir N, Al-Anazi MR, Rubino S, Al-Ahdal MN (2016). Zika virus: a new pandemic threat, The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 10, 201-207.
  • Buckley A, Gould EA (1988). Detection of virus-specific antigen in the nuclei or nucleoli of cells infected with Zika or Langat virüs, Journal of general virology 69, 1913-1920.
  • Cao-Lormeau VM ve ark. (2016). Guillain-Barré Syndrome outbreak associated with Zika virus infection in French Polynesia: a case-control study, The Lancet 387, 1531-1539.
  • Dick GWA, Kitchen SF, Haddow AJ (1952). Zika Virus (I). Isolations and serological specificity, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Volume 46(5), 509-520.
  • Dick, GWA, (1952). "Zika virus (II). Pathogenicity and physical properties." Transactions of the royal society of tropical medicine and hygiene, 46(5), 521-534.
  • Duffy MR, Chen TH, Hancock WT, Powers AM, Kool JL, Lanciotti RS, et al. Zika virus outbreak on Yap Island, Federated States of Micronesia. N Engl J Med. 2009 Jun 11;360(24):2536–43. PMID:19516034
  • Eren H, Yağcı Ş, Tanyüksel M, (1996). Ankara yöresinde bulunan sivrisinek(díptera:culícídae) türleri, Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi, 25. Anthony S, Fauci MD, David M. Morens MD, (2016). Zika virus in the Americas-yet another arbovirus threat, New England Journal of Medicine 374(7), 601-604.
  • Gourinat, AC, (2015). Detection of Zika Virus in Urine, Emerging Infectious Disease journal 21(1), 84-86.
  • Haddow AD, ve ark., (2012). Genetic characterization of Zika virus strains: geographic expansion of the Asian lineage, PLoS Negl Trop Dis., 6(2), 1477.
  • Hamel R, ve ark., (2015). Biology of Zika virus infection in human skin cells, Journal of virology, 89(17), 8880-8896.
  • Morgan Hennessey DVM, Marc Fischer MD, J. Erin Staples MD, (2016). Zika virus spreads to new areas-region of the Americas, May 2015–January 2016, American Journal of Transplantation 16(3), 1031-1034.
  • Pinto Junior VL, Luz K, Parraeira R, Ferinho P. (2015). Zika virus: a review to clinicians, Acta Medica Portuguesa 28(6), 760-765.
  • Kuno G, Chang GJ, (2007). Full-length sequencing and genomic characterization of Bagaza, Kedougou, and Zika viruses, Arch Virol. 152(4), 687-96.
  • Kuno G, Chang GJ, Tsuchiya KR, Karabatsos N, Cropp CB, (1998). Phylogeny of the genus Flavivirus, Journal of Virology 72 (1), 73-83.
  • Kutsuna S, ve ark., (2014). Two cases of Zika fever imported from French Polynesia to Japan, December 2013 to January 2014, Euro Surveill 19(4), 20683.
  • Lanciotti RS, ve ark., (2008). Genetic and Serologic Properties of Zika Virus Associated with an Epidemic, Yap State, Micronesia, Emerging Infectious Disease Journal, 14(8), 1232-1239.
  • Macnamara FN, (1954). Zika virus: a report on three cases of human infection during an epidemic of jaundice in Nigeria, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 48(2), 139-145.
  • Maharajan MK, ve ark., (2016). Zika virus infection: current concerns and perspectives, Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology 51(3), 383-394.
  • Marano G, Pupella S, Vaglio S, Liumbruno GM, Grazzini G, (2016). Zika virus and the never-ending story of emerging pathogens and transfusion medicine, Blood Transfusion 14(2), 95.
  • Musso D, Roche C, Nhan TX, Robin E, Teissier A, Cao-Lormeau VM, (2015). Detection of Zika virus in saliva, Journal of Clinical Virology 68, 53-55.
  • Rasmussen SA, ve ark., (2016). Zika virus and birth defects-reviewing the evidence for causality, New England Journal of Medicine 374(20), 1981-1987.
  • Simpson DI, (1964). Zika virus infection in man, Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg., 58(4), 335–338.
  • Smithburn KC, (1952). Neutralizing antibodies against certain recently isolated viruses in the sera of human beings residing in East Africa, The Journal of Immunology 69(2), 223-234.
  • Song H, ve ark., (2016). Zika virus NS1 structure reveals diversity of electrostatic surfaces among flaviviruses, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 23(5), 456-459.
  • Wong SJ, ve ark., (2017). A Multiplex Microsphere Immunoassay for Zika Virus Diagnosis, EBioMedicine 16, 136-140.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Areas with Zika. Available at: Accessed December. 9, 2016. (Erişim Tarihi : 11.02.2018)
  • (Erişim Tarihi : 11.02.2018)
  • Revised diagnostic testing for Zika, Chikungunya, and dengue viruses in US Public Health Laboratories (2016) (Erişim Tarihi : 11.02.2018)
  •,3489/zika-virusu-hastaligina-iliskin-basin-aciklamasi-25122015.html (Erişim Tarihi : 02.06.2017)
  • (Erişim Tarihi: 02.06.2017)

Zika Virus Overview

Year 2019, Volume: 45 Issue: 1, 1 - 9, 30.04.2019


It was isolated in Zika forests of Uganda and they
call Zika virus by receiving the name of the forest which it was found. The
first big epidemic was erupted in Yap island, the south of Pacific Ocean in
2007. Zika virus is the member of Flaviviridae family which is a
single-stranded RNA virus. It is similar to Yellow fewer virus, Dang virus,
West Nile virus, St. Louis encephalitis virus. Diagnosis of Zika virus is
thought to be confused with Dang Hummus and Chikungunya disease, the diseases
caused by other viruses. Zika virus is usually transmitted with biting of Aedes aegytpi mosquitoes. Apart from the
mosquito bite, it can be transmitted from human to human, from mother to fetus,
sexually and through blood transfusion. Clinical symptoms of the infection are
fever, headache, retro-orbital pain, arthralgia, chronic fatigue, asthenia, myalgia,
anorexia, eruption, edema, lymphadenopathy and diary. Diagnosis can be
performed through determination of IgG and IgM antibodies. After the ZIKV (zika
virus) infection was seen in Brazil, it was seen increments on prenatal
obstetric ultrasound and postnatal microcephaly formations.


  • Al-Qahtani AA, Nazir N, Al-Anazi MR, Rubino S, Al-Ahdal MN (2016). Zika virus: a new pandemic threat, The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 10, 201-207.
  • Buckley A, Gould EA (1988). Detection of virus-specific antigen in the nuclei or nucleoli of cells infected with Zika or Langat virüs, Journal of general virology 69, 1913-1920.
  • Cao-Lormeau VM ve ark. (2016). Guillain-Barré Syndrome outbreak associated with Zika virus infection in French Polynesia: a case-control study, The Lancet 387, 1531-1539.
  • Dick GWA, Kitchen SF, Haddow AJ (1952). Zika Virus (I). Isolations and serological specificity, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Volume 46(5), 509-520.
  • Dick, GWA, (1952). "Zika virus (II). Pathogenicity and physical properties." Transactions of the royal society of tropical medicine and hygiene, 46(5), 521-534.
  • Duffy MR, Chen TH, Hancock WT, Powers AM, Kool JL, Lanciotti RS, et al. Zika virus outbreak on Yap Island, Federated States of Micronesia. N Engl J Med. 2009 Jun 11;360(24):2536–43. PMID:19516034
  • Eren H, Yağcı Ş, Tanyüksel M, (1996). Ankara yöresinde bulunan sivrisinek(díptera:culícídae) türleri, Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi, 25. Anthony S, Fauci MD, David M. Morens MD, (2016). Zika virus in the Americas-yet another arbovirus threat, New England Journal of Medicine 374(7), 601-604.
  • Gourinat, AC, (2015). Detection of Zika Virus in Urine, Emerging Infectious Disease journal 21(1), 84-86.
  • Haddow AD, ve ark., (2012). Genetic characterization of Zika virus strains: geographic expansion of the Asian lineage, PLoS Negl Trop Dis., 6(2), 1477.
  • Hamel R, ve ark., (2015). Biology of Zika virus infection in human skin cells, Journal of virology, 89(17), 8880-8896.
  • Morgan Hennessey DVM, Marc Fischer MD, J. Erin Staples MD, (2016). Zika virus spreads to new areas-region of the Americas, May 2015–January 2016, American Journal of Transplantation 16(3), 1031-1034.
  • Pinto Junior VL, Luz K, Parraeira R, Ferinho P. (2015). Zika virus: a review to clinicians, Acta Medica Portuguesa 28(6), 760-765.
  • Kuno G, Chang GJ, (2007). Full-length sequencing and genomic characterization of Bagaza, Kedougou, and Zika viruses, Arch Virol. 152(4), 687-96.
  • Kuno G, Chang GJ, Tsuchiya KR, Karabatsos N, Cropp CB, (1998). Phylogeny of the genus Flavivirus, Journal of Virology 72 (1), 73-83.
  • Kutsuna S, ve ark., (2014). Two cases of Zika fever imported from French Polynesia to Japan, December 2013 to January 2014, Euro Surveill 19(4), 20683.
  • Lanciotti RS, ve ark., (2008). Genetic and Serologic Properties of Zika Virus Associated with an Epidemic, Yap State, Micronesia, Emerging Infectious Disease Journal, 14(8), 1232-1239.
  • Macnamara FN, (1954). Zika virus: a report on three cases of human infection during an epidemic of jaundice in Nigeria, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 48(2), 139-145.
  • Maharajan MK, ve ark., (2016). Zika virus infection: current concerns and perspectives, Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology 51(3), 383-394.
  • Marano G, Pupella S, Vaglio S, Liumbruno GM, Grazzini G, (2016). Zika virus and the never-ending story of emerging pathogens and transfusion medicine, Blood Transfusion 14(2), 95.
  • Musso D, Roche C, Nhan TX, Robin E, Teissier A, Cao-Lormeau VM, (2015). Detection of Zika virus in saliva, Journal of Clinical Virology 68, 53-55.
  • Rasmussen SA, ve ark., (2016). Zika virus and birth defects-reviewing the evidence for causality, New England Journal of Medicine 374(20), 1981-1987.
  • Simpson DI, (1964). Zika virus infection in man, Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg., 58(4), 335–338.
  • Smithburn KC, (1952). Neutralizing antibodies against certain recently isolated viruses in the sera of human beings residing in East Africa, The Journal of Immunology 69(2), 223-234.
  • Song H, ve ark., (2016). Zika virus NS1 structure reveals diversity of electrostatic surfaces among flaviviruses, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 23(5), 456-459.
  • Wong SJ, ve ark., (2017). A Multiplex Microsphere Immunoassay for Zika Virus Diagnosis, EBioMedicine 16, 136-140.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Areas with Zika. Available at: Accessed December. 9, 2016. (Erişim Tarihi : 11.02.2018)
  • (Erişim Tarihi : 11.02.2018)
  • Revised diagnostic testing for Zika, Chikungunya, and dengue viruses in US Public Health Laboratories (2016) (Erişim Tarihi : 11.02.2018)
  •,3489/zika-virusu-hastaligina-iliskin-basin-aciklamasi-25122015.html (Erişim Tarihi : 02.06.2017)
  • (Erişim Tarihi: 02.06.2017)
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Research Articles

Mustafa Onur Aladağ

Ahmet Demirdelen

Rüstem Duman

Publication Date April 30, 2019
Submission Date April 18, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 45 Issue: 1


APA Aladağ, M. O., Demirdelen, A., & Duman, R. (2019). Zika Virüs’e Genel Bakış. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi, 45(1), 1-9.
AMA Aladağ MO, Demirdelen A, Duman R. Zika Virüs’e Genel Bakış. sufefd. April 2019;45(1):1-9.
Chicago Aladağ, Mustafa Onur, Ahmet Demirdelen, and Rüstem Duman. “Zika Virüs’e Genel Bakış”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 45, no. 1 (April 2019): 1-9.
EndNote Aladağ MO, Demirdelen A, Duman R (April 1, 2019) Zika Virüs’e Genel Bakış. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 45 1 1–9.
IEEE M. O. Aladağ, A. Demirdelen, and R. Duman, “Zika Virüs’e Genel Bakış”, sufefd, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 1–9, 2019.
ISNAD Aladağ, Mustafa Onur et al. “Zika Virüs’e Genel Bakış”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 45/1 (April 2019), 1-9.
JAMA Aladağ MO, Demirdelen A, Duman R. Zika Virüs’e Genel Bakış. sufefd. 2019;45:1–9.
MLA Aladağ, Mustafa Onur et al. “Zika Virüs’e Genel Bakış”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi, vol. 45, no. 1, 2019, pp. 1-9.
Vancouver Aladağ MO, Demirdelen A, Duman R. Zika Virüs’e Genel Bakış. sufefd. 2019;45(1):1-9.

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It was first published in 1981 as "S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi" and was published under this name until 1984 (Number 1-4).
In 1984, its name was changed to "S.Ü. Fen-Edeb. Fak. Fen Dergisi" and it was published under this name as of the 5th issue.
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