He was born in Ankara in 1983. He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Languages, History, and Geography, Department of History, in 2007. Between 2008 and 2011, he worked as a Research Assistant at the Department of History, Faculty of Letters, Muğla University. From 2011 to 2017, he served in the same capacity at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of History. Since 2018, he has been working at Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of History. His research focuses on General Turkish History, Caucasian History, and Russian History.
He was born in Ankara in 1983. He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Languages, History, and Geography, Department of History, in 2007. Between 2008 and 2011, he worked as a Research Assistant at the Department of History, Faculty of Letters, Muğla University. From 2011 to 2017, he served in the same capacity at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of History. Since 2018, he has been working at Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of History. His research focuses on General Turkish History, Caucasian History, and Russian History.
Dr. Philol (PhD) in Applied Linguistics
2024-present Deputy Dean, Faculty of Humanities (FoH), University of Latvia (UL)
2019-2024 Dean, FoH, UL
2023-present Acting Head, Centre for Applied Linguistics, FoH, UL
2013-2019 Head, Centre for Applied Linguistics, FoH, UL
2008-2018 Head, Department of English Studies, Faculty of Modern Languages (FML), FoH, UL
2015-2027 Professor, FoH, UL
2010-2025 Senior researcher, FoH, UL
2023-2025. Nordplus project Teacher Research Literacy (TREL): comparative Trajectories in the Nordic-Baltic Region NPHz'2023/10004, senior researcher.
2022.-2024. State research project Diversity of Latvian Language in Time and Space. VPP-LETONIKA-2021/4-0003 UL No. VPP2021/24
2021 Promoting Easy-to-Read Language for Social Inclusion, Erasmus+, senior researcher.
12.2018-2020. State research project Latvian language, UL 2018-2021 No. VPP-IZM-2018/2-002, UL. No. VPP2018/12018, senior researcher.
02.2019-03.2020 UL Study direction Education, pedagogy and sport - motivated, modern and competitive academic personnel, lead expert.
2020-2023 Erasmus+ Strategic partnership project: Mitigate the Impact of Fourth Industrial Revolution on Indian Society: EDUcation REFORM for Future and In-Service School Teachers, 609699-EPP-1-2019-1-IN-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, senior researcher
01.2016-12.2019 ERASMUS+ KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Capacity Building for Higher Education project Developing Content and Language Integrated Learning – Resource and Training Centre for A multilingual India CLIL@India No. 573884-EPP-1-2016-1IN-EPPKA2-CBHE, senior researcher
01.2016-11.2019 Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships Transversal Skills in Dentistry: Content and Language Integrated Learning, No – 2015-1-LV01-KA203-013401, lead expert.
1. Scientific editorial board member. Issues and Ideas in Education, ISSN Print 2320-7655, ISSN Online: 2320-8805, RNI No.: CHAENG/2013/49611, zinātniskās redkolēģijas loceklis. Indexed in NewJour, Directory of Research Journals Indexing, SJIF, Google Scholar, Erih+.
2. Scientific advisory board member. Anglica Wratislaviensia LIV, Poland, Wroclaw: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, DOAJ, EBSCO, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA, ProQuest), ERIH Plus, etc http://awr.wuwr.pl/
3. Scientific editorial board member Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture. Riga: University of Latvia. WoS, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Erich+.
4 2024. Member, Regional Advisory Committee, the Council of Antropological Linguistics at SOAS, University of London. Regional Advisory Committee | SOAS GLOCAL
5 2024. Member, The International Ecolinguistics Association.
6. Scientific advisory board member. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, international peer-reviewed, Süleyman Demirel University, Turkey, since 2024, TÜBİTAK ULAKBIM TR Index, MLA International Bibliography, EBSCO.