1. Articles must be written in Microsoft Office format (post-2010), using the "Palatino Linotype" font, with a font size of 10 points. Explanatory footnotes (excluding in-text citations) should be written in 8-point font size with single paragraph spacing. The page size should be set to A4, with margins of 2.5 cm on all sides. Header and footer margins should be set to 1.25 cm. Text alignment should be justified, with paragraph settings adjusted to 0 before and after, and a "special first line" indent of 1.25 cm. There should be a 6-point space before and after paragraphs, and single line spacing should be used. Page numbers should not be included. For numbered lists in the article, a 2-point spacing should be left between items.
2. Articles submitted to the journal must adhere to the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) format.
3. Titles in both Turkish and English should be centered above the abstracts in bold, 10-point Palatino Linotype font, with the first letters capitalized. For Turkish articles, the Turkish title should appear first in bold, while for English articles, the English title should come first in bold. After the peer-review process and acceptance, the author(s) name(s) should be aligned to the right with specific footnote symbols (*/**…). At the bottom of the page, details should include the corresponding author's name-surname, institution, email address, and ORCID number, followed by those of any co-authors.
4. On the first page of the article, an abstract (150–200 words) outlining the aim, method, and findings/conclusions of the study must be included below the Turkish and English titles. For Turkish articles, the sequence should be the Turkish abstract first, followed by the English abstract; for English articles, the English abstract should come first, followed by the Turkish abstract. Below the abstract, there should be 5 keywords in both Turkish and English. The abstract should be written in single line spacing, 10-point font, justified, and without first-line indent. For Turkish articles, a 500–750-word extended abstract in English must be included at the end of the article. For English articles, the extended abstract should be written in Turkish.
5. When uploading articles to the system, all components (article title, Turkish and English abstracts, keywords, main text, catalog or similar sections if applicable, bibliography, and extended abstract) should be combined into a single file.
6. Section and subsection headings should be written in 10-point bold font, aligned to the left, with only the first letters capitalized. Sections should be numbered starting from the introduction using a decimal system (e.g., 1., 1.1., 1.1.1.).
7. Table and figure titles should be written in 10-point font, centered, with only the first letters capitalized. Each table and figure must have a bold sequence number (e.g., Table 1:, Table 2:, Figure 1:, Figure 2:) and complete bibliographic and source information provided underneath in 10-point font. Text within tables and figures should be between 8 and 9 points.
8. All visual materials must be submitted separately in TIFF format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. They should not be embedded in the Microsoft Word file. In-text references to figures should use the abbreviation "Fig."
9. The "References" section should be written in 12-point font, bold, and aligned to the left, with only the first letters capitalized. No section number should be assigned to this heading. All sources cited in the article must be listed under this section, starting from the page following the article's conclusion, in 10-point font. Sources should be ordered alphabetically by the authors' last names. In cases of multiple authors, all names should be included. Spacing between references should be set to 6 points. When citing multiple works by the same author, they should be listed chronologically, starting with the oldest publication. For multiple works by the same author in the same year, alphabetical labeling (e.g., 2023a, 2023b, 2023c) should be used.
Click here to download the sample article template.