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Year 2015, Issue: 34, 185 - 196, 01.08.2015


Etik, işletmeler için geçmişte sadece bir seçenek iken tüketicilerin bilgilenmesi ve artan rekabet koşullarınedeniyle artık bir zorunluluk haline gelmiştir. İşletmeler kurum içerisinde etik ve kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk bilincinin gelişmesi için politikalar ve kurallar geliştirmektedirler. Etik ve kurumsal sosyalsorumluluk anlayışıişletmenin mikro ve makro çevresiyle olan ilşkilerini uzun dönemli ve kârlıolacak şekilde geliştirmesine yardımcıolmaktadır. Bu çevrede önemli bir role sahip olan tüketiciler, isteklerinin ve ihtiyaçlarının giderilmesinin yanısıra artık ürün veya hizmet satın aldıklarıorganizasyonlardan etik ve sosyal sorumluluk davranışlarınıetkin bir şekilde uygulamalarınıbeklemektedirler. Küreselleşme ve teknolojideki hızlıgelişmeler tüketicilerin daha fazla bilinçlenmelerini sağlamışolup tüketiciler artık üründen alınacak temel faydanın ötesinde, ürünün ve işletmenin uzun dönemde sosyal refahıarttırıcıfaaliyetlerde bulunmalarınıbeklemektedirler. Bu bağlamda işletmelerin etik davranışsergilemeleri tüketici isteğine cevap verebilecek ve dolayısıyla işletmenin pazarda daha uzun süre varlığınıdevam ettirebilmesine katkısağlayacaktır. Literatürde etik ve kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk konularıile ilgili yapılan çok sayıda çalışma bulunmaktadır. Öte yandan, pazarlama ve tüketici davranışıaçısından etik ve kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk konularınıinceleyen araştırmalar ise görece daha az sayıda olmakla birlikte, bu konularda yapılan çalışmaların çoğu pazarlama etiği, tüketici ahlakıgibi genel bakışaçılarıyla incelenmiştir. Etik ile tüketici davranışınıbirleştiren ve işletme etiğini tüketici bakışaçısıyla inceleyen çalışma sayısıise oldukça azdır. Bu çalışmada genel olarak tüketici bakışaçısıyla işletme etiği, bir başka deyişle işletmelerin sergiledikleri etik davranışların müşteri algısıüzerindeki etkisi irdelenmektedir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı“Gıda sektöründe faaliyet gösteren işletmelerin sergiledikleri etik davranışların üniversite öğrencilerinin satın alma davranışıüzerindeki etkisini” incelemektir. Bu kapsamda araştırmada “işletme etiği beklenti boyutu” ile “işletme etiği önem boyutu” tüketici bakışaçısıyla değerlendirilmişve iki boyut arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Ayrıca tüketicinin işletme etik davranışlarınıödüllendirme ve cezalandırma eğilimleri tartışılmıştır. Bunun yanında, tüketicilerin etik olan ve olmayan işletmeler hakkındaki düşünceleri, etik olan ve olmayan işletmelere yönelik satın alma davranışlarıda araştırma kapsamında incelenmiştir


  • Brickly, J. A., Smith, C. W., ve Zimmerman, J. L. (2002). Business Ethics and Organizational Architecture. Journal of Banking&Finance, s: 1821-1835.
  • Carrigan, Marylyn; Attalla, Ahmad. (2001). The Myth of the Ethical Consumer – Do Ethics Matter in Purchase Behaviour? Journal of Consumer Marketing, s: 560-578
  • Carroll, A. B. (2003). The Four Faces of Corporate Citizenship. Business Ethics , s: 187-191.
  • Clarkson, M. (1995). A Stakeholder Framework for Analyzing and Evaluating Corporate Social Performance. Academy of Management Review, s: 92-117.
  • Creyer, E. H. (1997). The Influence of Firm Behavior on Purchase Intention: Do Consumers Really Care About Business Ethics. Journal of Consumer Marketing, s: 421-432.
  • Ditlev Simonsen, Caroline. D. (2010). From Corporate Social Responsibility Awareness to Action. Social Responsibility Journal, s: 452-468.
  • Folkes, V.S., M.A. Kamins ( 1999). Effects of information about firms’ ethical and unethical actions on consumer attitudes. Journal of Consumer Psychology, s: 243 259
  • Forte, M., Lamont, B.T. (1998). The bottom line effects of greening: implications of environmental awareness. Academy of Management, s: 89 90
  • Green, T., ve Peloza, J. (2011). How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Create Value for Consumers? Journal of Consumer Marketing, s: 48-56.
  • Holme, C. (2008). Business ethics – Part One: Does it matter? Industrial and Commercial Training, s:248- 252.
  • Kotler, P., ve Armstrong, G. (2012). Principles of Marketing
  • Francesco Perrini. (2006). Review of Corporate Social Responsibility: Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause. Academy of Management Perspectives, s: 90–93
  • Lere, J. C., ve Gaumnitz, B. R. (2007). Changing Behavior by Improving Codes of Ethics. American Journal of Business,, s: 7-18.
  • Maignan, I., Ferrell, O., ve Ferrell, L. (2005). A stakeholder model for implementing social responsibility in marketing. European Journal of Marketing, s: 956-977.
  • Manning, Louise (2013). Corporate and consumer social responsibility in the food supply chain. British Food Journal, s: 9-29
  • Mason, T. (2000). The importance of being ethical. Marketing, s: 27
  • Moir, Lance (2001). What do we mean by corporate social responsibility?. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, s: 16-22.
  • Nakip, M. (2013). Pazarlama Araştırmalarana Giriş.
  • Perreault, W. D., vd. (2013). Pazarlamanın Temelleri. (A. G. Önce, Çev.)
  • Peter, J., ve Donnelly, J. H. (2013). Marketing Management
  • Roberts, H. (2004). Externalities Management: A Strategic Approach to Improving Corporate Social Responsibility”,. (
  • Entropy International, 2.
  • Robin, D. P., ve Reidenbach, R. E. (1987). Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Marketing Strategy: Closing the Gap between Concept and Application , s: 44-58
  • Rundle Thiele, S., Ball, K., ve Gillespie, M. (2008). Raising the Bar: From Corporate Social Responsibility to Corporate Social Performance. Journal of Consumer Marketing, s: 245-253.
  • Sherwin, D. S. (1983). The Ethical Roots of Business System. Harward Business Review, s: 183-192.
  • Simon, F.L. (1995). Global Corporate Philanthropy: A Strategic Framework. International Marketing Review, s: 20 37
  • Smith, N. C. (2003). Corporate Social Responsibility: Whether or How? California Management Review, s: 52-76.
  • Solomon, M. R. (2013). Consumer Behavior
  • Takala, T. (2006). Editorial: An Ethical Enterprise- What is it? Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies, Vol 11, s: 4
  • Tsalikis, J., ve Fritzsche, D. J. (1989). Business Ethics A Literature Review with a Focus on Marketing Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, s: 695-743.
  • Tsoutsoura, M. (2004). Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance. Center for Responsible Business, Working Paper Series, 3.
  • Yazıcıoğlu, Y. ve Erdoğan, S. (2004). Spss uygulamalı bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.

Business Ethics From Consumer Point Of View An Empirical Research

Year 2015, Issue: 34, 185 - 196, 01.08.2015


Although ethics was only a choice in near past, now it has become an obligation for companies due to increasing global competition, and consumers’ increasing and changing needs and expectations. Firms are developing code of ethics and corporate social responsibility policies within the corporate in order to encourage such behaviors. Ethics and corporate social responsibility approaches help firms to improve relationship of firms with its micro and macro environment. As an important player of this environment, consumers aside from satisfying needs, they expect from businesses to be socially responsible and, develop and implement code of ethics and morals in all business activities. As a result of rapid globalization and technological developments today’s consumers are more informed about their environment. Thus, beside core benefits of products they expect from products and firms to contribute well-being of society and encourage sustainable development. There have been in large number of researches in literature about ethics and corporate social responsibility. On the other hand in the literature, as well as number of researches on ethics and corporate social responsibility in the field marketing, and consumer behavior is few, mostly studies have been made on marketing and marketers ethics, and consumer ethics. Hovewer, there are too few researches that addresses business ethics from consumers point of view. In this study business ethic from consumer perspective, in other words effect of business ethics on consumers’ perceptions will be examined. In this regard, main objective of study is’’ Analyzing the university students’ perception degree of firms’ business ethic activities in food industry’’. Within this framework in the study ’’business ethics expectation dimension’’ and “business ethics importance dimesnsion’’ are evaluated from consumer point of view. Furthermore, relationship between two dimensions is explained and consumers’ tendency of punishing and rewarding businesses is argued. Besides that, consumers’ thoughts and buying decisions regarding ethical and nonethical businesses are examined in the study


  • Brickly, J. A., Smith, C. W., ve Zimmerman, J. L. (2002). Business Ethics and Organizational Architecture. Journal of Banking&Finance, s: 1821-1835.
  • Carrigan, Marylyn; Attalla, Ahmad. (2001). The Myth of the Ethical Consumer – Do Ethics Matter in Purchase Behaviour? Journal of Consumer Marketing, s: 560-578
  • Carroll, A. B. (2003). The Four Faces of Corporate Citizenship. Business Ethics , s: 187-191.
  • Clarkson, M. (1995). A Stakeholder Framework for Analyzing and Evaluating Corporate Social Performance. Academy of Management Review, s: 92-117.
  • Creyer, E. H. (1997). The Influence of Firm Behavior on Purchase Intention: Do Consumers Really Care About Business Ethics. Journal of Consumer Marketing, s: 421-432.
  • Ditlev Simonsen, Caroline. D. (2010). From Corporate Social Responsibility Awareness to Action. Social Responsibility Journal, s: 452-468.
  • Folkes, V.S., M.A. Kamins ( 1999). Effects of information about firms’ ethical and unethical actions on consumer attitudes. Journal of Consumer Psychology, s: 243 259
  • Forte, M., Lamont, B.T. (1998). The bottom line effects of greening: implications of environmental awareness. Academy of Management, s: 89 90
  • Green, T., ve Peloza, J. (2011). How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Create Value for Consumers? Journal of Consumer Marketing, s: 48-56.
  • Holme, C. (2008). Business ethics – Part One: Does it matter? Industrial and Commercial Training, s:248- 252.
  • Kotler, P., ve Armstrong, G. (2012). Principles of Marketing
  • Francesco Perrini. (2006). Review of Corporate Social Responsibility: Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause. Academy of Management Perspectives, s: 90–93
  • Lere, J. C., ve Gaumnitz, B. R. (2007). Changing Behavior by Improving Codes of Ethics. American Journal of Business,, s: 7-18.
  • Maignan, I., Ferrell, O., ve Ferrell, L. (2005). A stakeholder model for implementing social responsibility in marketing. European Journal of Marketing, s: 956-977.
  • Manning, Louise (2013). Corporate and consumer social responsibility in the food supply chain. British Food Journal, s: 9-29
  • Mason, T. (2000). The importance of being ethical. Marketing, s: 27
  • Moir, Lance (2001). What do we mean by corporate social responsibility?. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, s: 16-22.
  • Nakip, M. (2013). Pazarlama Araştırmalarana Giriş.
  • Perreault, W. D., vd. (2013). Pazarlamanın Temelleri. (A. G. Önce, Çev.)
  • Peter, J., ve Donnelly, J. H. (2013). Marketing Management
  • Roberts, H. (2004). Externalities Management: A Strategic Approach to Improving Corporate Social Responsibility”,. (
  • Entropy International, 2.
  • Robin, D. P., ve Reidenbach, R. E. (1987). Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Marketing Strategy: Closing the Gap between Concept and Application , s: 44-58
  • Rundle Thiele, S., Ball, K., ve Gillespie, M. (2008). Raising the Bar: From Corporate Social Responsibility to Corporate Social Performance. Journal of Consumer Marketing, s: 245-253.
  • Sherwin, D. S. (1983). The Ethical Roots of Business System. Harward Business Review, s: 183-192.
  • Simon, F.L. (1995). Global Corporate Philanthropy: A Strategic Framework. International Marketing Review, s: 20 37
  • Smith, N. C. (2003). Corporate Social Responsibility: Whether or How? California Management Review, s: 52-76.
  • Solomon, M. R. (2013). Consumer Behavior
  • Takala, T. (2006). Editorial: An Ethical Enterprise- What is it? Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies, Vol 11, s: 4
  • Tsalikis, J., ve Fritzsche, D. J. (1989). Business Ethics A Literature Review with a Focus on Marketing Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, s: 695-743.
  • Tsoutsoura, M. (2004). Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance. Center for Responsible Business, Working Paper Series, 3.
  • Yazıcıoğlu, Y. ve Erdoğan, S. (2004). Spss uygulamalı bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Vural Çağlıyan This is me

Ömer Akkaya This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Issue: 34


APA Çağlıyan, V., & Akkaya, Ö. (2015). TÜKETİCİ BAKIŞAÇISIYLA İŞLETMELERİN ETİK DAVRANIŞLARIÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(34), 185-196.

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