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Psychology of Decision Making

Year 2018, Issue: 35, 607 - 640, 01.07.2018


Decision making is a high level cognitive process. It takes place when different mental and psychological functions work together. It is one of the most important skills of human beings, and a significant place in the systematization decision making. Human brain has the capacity for perfection, and it also has the potential reasoning. In this sense, the process of decision making has been analyzed with a psychology based approach. This study aims to constitute an essential scientific reference for judges. At the same time this study has aimed to raise multiple awareness in forming a common ground by benefiting both from psychology and law literature. Decision making is far more crucial for judges who have the responsibility to make crucial decisions.


  • Aikman Alexander B., “The Need for Leaders in Court Administration”, s. 10- 15, Akcan Recep, “Hâkimin Vasıfları”, S.D.Ü. Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi MİHBİR Özel Sayısı, s. 271-300
  • Akın İbrahim, Akın Tansu, Yargı Etiği, Ankara Barosu Yayını, Ankara, 2014
  • Alvarez Julie A., Emory Eugene, “Executive Function and The Frontal Lobes: A Meta - Analytic Review”, Neuropsychology Review, 2006, Volume 16, Issue 1, s. 17–42
  • Amoko Arach, “The Art of Decision Making In Trial Courts”, A Paper Presented at The January 2016 Annual Judges Conference, s. 1-9
  • Anderberg Rozita H., Hansson Caroline, Fenander Maya, Richard Jennifer E., Dickson Suzanne L., Nissbrandt Hans, Bergquist Filip, Skibicka Karolina P., “The Stomach Derived Hormone Ghrelin Increases Impulsive Behavior”, Neuropsychopharmacology, 2015, 41 (5), s. 1199-1209, DOI: 10.1038/ npp.2015.297
  • Andreasen Nancy C., Cesur Yeni Beyin, Çeviren: Yıldırım B. Doğan, Okuyan Us Yayın, İstanbul, 2003
  • Aritz Jolanta, Walker Robyn, Cardon Peter, Li Zhang, “Discourse of Leadership: The Power of Questions in Organizational Decision Making”, International Journal of Business Communication, 2017, Volume, 54 (2), s. 161–181
  • Avcı Mustafa, “Mecelle’ye Göre Hâkimin Nitelikleri ve Yargılama Etiği”, Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, Yıl: 7, Sayı: 27, s. 33-58
  • Averbeck Bruno B., Duchaine Brad, “Integration of Social and Utilitarian Factors in Decision Making”, Emotion, 2009, 9, s. 599–608
  • Awh Edward, Gehring William J., “The Anterior Cingulate Cortex Lends a Hand in Response Selection”, Nature Neuroscience, 1999, 2, s. 853 – 854, doi:10.1038/13145
  • Baum Lawrence, “Motivation and Judicial Behavior: Expanding The Scope of Inquiry”, Working Paper Presented at The Workshop on Exploring The Judicial Mind, University of Virginia, 2007, s. 1-33
  • Bechara Antoine, “The Role of Emotion in Decision-Making: Evidence From Neurological Patients With Orbitofrontal Damage”, Brain and Cognition, 2004, 55, s. 30–40
  • Bechara Antoine, Damasio Hanna, Damasio Antonio R., “Emotion, Decision Making and The Orbitofrontal Cortex”, Cereb Cortex, 2000, 10 (3), s. 295-307
  • Bouyssou Denis, Dubois Didier, Pirlot Marc, Prade Henri, “Human Decision: Recognition Plus Reasoning”, Decision Making Process: Concepts and Methods - Chapter 4, 2009, s. 157-197
  • Burke C. Shawn, Sims Dana E., Lazzara Elizabeth H., Salas Eduardo, “Trust in Leadership: A Multi - Level Review and Integration”, The Leadership Quarterly, 2007, 18, s. 606–632
  • Burns Kylie, “Judges, ‘Common Sense’ and Judicial Cognition”, Griffith Law Review, 2016, 25:3, s. 319-351
  • Casey Pamela, Burke Kevin, Leben Steve, “Minding The Court: Enhancing The Decision Making Process”, International Journal For Court Administration, 2013, s. 1-10
  • Centel Nur, Hâkimin Tarafsızlığı, İstanbul, 1996
  • Centel Nur, “Hâkimin Tarafsızlığı ve Güvenceleri”, s.1-4, makaleler/guncelhukuktarafsizlik.pdf
  • Charpentier Caroline J., Neve Jan-Emmanuel De, Li Xinyi, Roiser Jonathan P., Sharot Tali, “Models of Affective Decision Making: How Do Feelings Predict Choice?”, Psychological Science, 2016, Vol. 27(6), s. 763–775
  • Çift Pelin, Şimşirgil Ahmet, Adalet Ustaları, Destek Yayınları: 878, İstanbul, 2017
  • Devitt Edward J., “Ten Commandments for The New Judge, American Bar Association Journal”, 1979, 65, s. 574-576
  • Dinçkol Abdullah, “Karar Verme Süreci İçinde Hükmün Oluşması ve Hâkimin Fonksiyonu”, Hukuka Felsefi ve Sosyolojik Bakışlar – V Sempozyum Kitabı, İstanbul Barosu Yayınları, İstanbul, 2012, s. 172-187
  • Dorsen David M., “Federal Court Jurisdiction”, Henry Friendly – Greatest Judge of His Era, Chapter 22, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Amerika, 2012
  • Dunlosy John, Metcalfe Janet, Metacognition, Sage Publications, Amerika, 2009
  • Epstein Lee, Knight Jack, The Choices Justices Make, CQ Press, Washington, 1998
  • Ergeneli Azize, Örgüt ve İnsan, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara, 2006
  • Evans Kay, “A Story of Leadership and Management Development: How The Judicial College in England and Wales Supports Modern Judges in Their Roles As Leaders and Managers”, Questione Giustizia, 2016, 1, s. 1-7
  • Findley Jessica D., Sales Bruce D., The Science of Attorney Advocacy, American Psychological Assocation, Washington, 2012
  • Forgas Joseph P., Feeling and Thinking: The Role of Affect in Social Cognition, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2000
  • Gavison Ruth, “The Implications of Jurisprudential Theories for Judicial Election”, Selection, and Accountability, Southern California Law Review, 1987-1988, Volume 61, s. 1623-1624
  • George Tracey E., Epstein Lee, “On The Nature of Supreme Court Decision Making”, The American Political Science Review, 1992, Volume 86, No. 2, s. 323-337
  • Gigerenzer Gerd, Goldstein Daniel G., “Reasoning The Fast and Frugal Way: Models of Bounded Rationality”, Psychological Review, 1996, Volume 103, No. 4, s. 650-669
  • Gomes Adalmir Oliveira, Guimaraes Tomas Aquino, De Souza Eda Castro Lucas, “Judicial Work and Judges’ Motivation: The Perceptions of Brazilian State Judges”, Law & Policy, 2016, Volume 38, No. 2, s. 162-176
  • Guthrie Chris, Rachlinski Jeffrey J., Wistrich Andrew J., “Blinking on The Bench: How Judges Decide Cases”, Cornell Law Faculty Publications, 2007, Paper 917, s. 1-43
  • Guthrie Chris, Rachlinski Jeffrey J., Wistrich Andrew J., “Inside The Judicial Mind”, Cornell Law Faculty Publications, 2001, Paper 814, s. 778-830
  • Güngör Zerrin, “Danıştay Başkanı ile Söyleşi”, Akademi & Kürsü, 2017, Sayı 2, s. 9
  • Hinterberger Thilo, “The Science of Consciousness – Basics, Models, and Visions”, Journal of Physiology – Paris, 2015, 109, s. 143–151
  • Hornak Anne M., Mitchell Regina L. Garza, “Changing Times, Complex Decisions: Presidential Values and Decision Making”, Community College Review, 2016, Volume 44 (2), s. 119–134
  • Humprey Nicholas, “Consciousness as Art”, Scientific American, Summer 2017, Volume 26, No. 3, s. 4-9
  • Irwin John F., Real Daniel L., “Unconscious Influences on Judicial DecisionMaking: The Illusion of Objectivity”, McGeorge Law Review, 2010, Volume 43, s. 1-20
  • İpek Kenan, “Sempozyum Açılış Konuşması Metni”, Uluslararası Yargı Etiği Sempozyumu Kitabı, 2017, Adalet Bakanlığı Strateji Geliştirme Başkanlığı Yayın No: 56
  • Kahneman Daniel, Thinking, Fast and Slow, New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2011
  • Kahneman Daniel, Tversky Amos, “Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk”, Econometrica, 1979, Volume 47, No. 2, s. 263-291
  • Karakaş Sirel, Kognitif Nörobilimler, Bölüm 1, MN Medikal & Nobel, Ankara, 2008
  • Kelloway E. Kevin, Barling Julian, “Leadership Development as An Intervention in Occupational Health Psychology”, Work & Stress, 2010, Volume 24, No. 3, s. 260-279
  • Kennerley Steven W., Walton Mark E., Behrens Timothy E. J., Buckley Mark J., Rushworth Matthew F. S., “Optimal Decision Making and The Anterior Cingulate Cortex”, Nature Neuroscience, 2006, Volume 9, No. 7, s. 940-947
  • Kim Pauline T., Schlanger Margo, Boyd Christina L., Martin Andrew D., “How Should We Study District Judge Decision Making?”, Washington University Journal of Law & Policy, 2009, 29, s. 82-112
  • Klein David, Gregory Mitchell, The Psychology of Judicial Decision Making, Oxford University Press, New York, 2010
  • Kunda Ziva, “The Case for Motivated Reasoning”, Psychological Bulletin, 1990, 108-3, s. 480-498
  • Küçükay Alper, “İş Etiği Eğitimi: Veriler ve Değerlendirme (yayımlanmamış) Raporu”, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara, 2016, s. 1-14
  • Lerner Jennifer S., Li Ye, Valdesolo Piercarlo, Kassam Karim S., “Emotion and Decision Making”, Annual Review of Psychology, 2015, 66, s. 799-823
  • Levi Daniel, Group Dynamics for Teams, Sage Publications, USA, 2007
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  • Maroney Terry A., “Emotional Regulation and Judicial Behavior”, California Law Review, Volume 99, s. 1481-1552
  • Michael Koenigsa, Jordan Grafman, “The Functional Neuroanatomy of Depression: Distinct Roles for Ventromedial and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex”, Behavioural Brain Research, 2009, 201, s. 239–2
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  • Morewedge Carey K., Yoon Haewon, Scopelliti Irene, Symborski Carl W., Korris James H., Kassam Karim S., “Debiasing Decisions: Improved Decision Making With a Single Training Intervention”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2015, Vol. 2(1), s. 129–140, DOI: 10.1177/2372732215600886
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Karar Vermenin Psikolojisi

Year 2018, Issue: 35, 607 - 640, 01.07.2018


Karar verme, üst düzey bilişsel bir süreçtir. Farklı zihinsel ve psikolojik fonksiyonların birlikte çalışması ile ortaya çıkmaktadır. Karar verme, insanın sahip olduğu en önemli yeteneklerden birisi olup insanın düşünce sistematiği içerisinde de önemli bir yere sahiptir. Psikolojik faktörler ve kabiliyetlerle beraber insan beyni düşünme, muhakeme yapma ve karar verme için mükemmele yakın bir kapasite ve donanıma sahiptir. Bu şekilde, karar verme hem psikolojik hem de beyin temelli yaklaşımlarla incelenmiş, karar verme üzerinde etkili olan çeşitli varsayımlar ve değişkenler ile ilgili çalışmalar değerlendirilmiş ve hukukçulara yönelik temel bilimsel bir referans oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır. Aynı zamanda hem psikoloji hem de hukuk literatüründen faydalanarak ortak bir zeminde çok yönlü bir farkındalık sağlamak amaçlanmıştır. Karar verme süreci çok sayıda faktör tarafından etkilenmektedir. Karar verme her ne kadar tüm insanların sahip olduğu bir yetenek olsa da zorlukları, çok boyutlu olması, mesuliyeti ve sonuçları bakımından, meslekleri gereği üst düzey karar verme yetkisine sahip hâkimler açısından daha çok önem taşımaktadır.


  • Aikman Alexander B., “The Need for Leaders in Court Administration”, s. 10- 15, Akcan Recep, “Hâkimin Vasıfları”, S.D.Ü. Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi MİHBİR Özel Sayısı, s. 271-300
  • Akın İbrahim, Akın Tansu, Yargı Etiği, Ankara Barosu Yayını, Ankara, 2014
  • Alvarez Julie A., Emory Eugene, “Executive Function and The Frontal Lobes: A Meta - Analytic Review”, Neuropsychology Review, 2006, Volume 16, Issue 1, s. 17–42
  • Amoko Arach, “The Art of Decision Making In Trial Courts”, A Paper Presented at The January 2016 Annual Judges Conference, s. 1-9
  • Anderberg Rozita H., Hansson Caroline, Fenander Maya, Richard Jennifer E., Dickson Suzanne L., Nissbrandt Hans, Bergquist Filip, Skibicka Karolina P., “The Stomach Derived Hormone Ghrelin Increases Impulsive Behavior”, Neuropsychopharmacology, 2015, 41 (5), s. 1199-1209, DOI: 10.1038/ npp.2015.297
  • Andreasen Nancy C., Cesur Yeni Beyin, Çeviren: Yıldırım B. Doğan, Okuyan Us Yayın, İstanbul, 2003
  • Aritz Jolanta, Walker Robyn, Cardon Peter, Li Zhang, “Discourse of Leadership: The Power of Questions in Organizational Decision Making”, International Journal of Business Communication, 2017, Volume, 54 (2), s. 161–181
  • Avcı Mustafa, “Mecelle’ye Göre Hâkimin Nitelikleri ve Yargılama Etiği”, Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, Yıl: 7, Sayı: 27, s. 33-58
  • Averbeck Bruno B., Duchaine Brad, “Integration of Social and Utilitarian Factors in Decision Making”, Emotion, 2009, 9, s. 599–608
  • Awh Edward, Gehring William J., “The Anterior Cingulate Cortex Lends a Hand in Response Selection”, Nature Neuroscience, 1999, 2, s. 853 – 854, doi:10.1038/13145
  • Baum Lawrence, “Motivation and Judicial Behavior: Expanding The Scope of Inquiry”, Working Paper Presented at The Workshop on Exploring The Judicial Mind, University of Virginia, 2007, s. 1-33
  • Bechara Antoine, “The Role of Emotion in Decision-Making: Evidence From Neurological Patients With Orbitofrontal Damage”, Brain and Cognition, 2004, 55, s. 30–40
  • Bechara Antoine, Damasio Hanna, Damasio Antonio R., “Emotion, Decision Making and The Orbitofrontal Cortex”, Cereb Cortex, 2000, 10 (3), s. 295-307
  • Bouyssou Denis, Dubois Didier, Pirlot Marc, Prade Henri, “Human Decision: Recognition Plus Reasoning”, Decision Making Process: Concepts and Methods - Chapter 4, 2009, s. 157-197
  • Burke C. Shawn, Sims Dana E., Lazzara Elizabeth H., Salas Eduardo, “Trust in Leadership: A Multi - Level Review and Integration”, The Leadership Quarterly, 2007, 18, s. 606–632
  • Burns Kylie, “Judges, ‘Common Sense’ and Judicial Cognition”, Griffith Law Review, 2016, 25:3, s. 319-351
  • Casey Pamela, Burke Kevin, Leben Steve, “Minding The Court: Enhancing The Decision Making Process”, International Journal For Court Administration, 2013, s. 1-10
  • Centel Nur, Hâkimin Tarafsızlığı, İstanbul, 1996
  • Centel Nur, “Hâkimin Tarafsızlığı ve Güvenceleri”, s.1-4, makaleler/guncelhukuktarafsizlik.pdf
  • Charpentier Caroline J., Neve Jan-Emmanuel De, Li Xinyi, Roiser Jonathan P., Sharot Tali, “Models of Affective Decision Making: How Do Feelings Predict Choice?”, Psychological Science, 2016, Vol. 27(6), s. 763–775
  • Çift Pelin, Şimşirgil Ahmet, Adalet Ustaları, Destek Yayınları: 878, İstanbul, 2017
  • Devitt Edward J., “Ten Commandments for The New Judge, American Bar Association Journal”, 1979, 65, s. 574-576
  • Dinçkol Abdullah, “Karar Verme Süreci İçinde Hükmün Oluşması ve Hâkimin Fonksiyonu”, Hukuka Felsefi ve Sosyolojik Bakışlar – V Sempozyum Kitabı, İstanbul Barosu Yayınları, İstanbul, 2012, s. 172-187
  • Dorsen David M., “Federal Court Jurisdiction”, Henry Friendly – Greatest Judge of His Era, Chapter 22, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Amerika, 2012
  • Dunlosy John, Metcalfe Janet, Metacognition, Sage Publications, Amerika, 2009
  • Epstein Lee, Knight Jack, The Choices Justices Make, CQ Press, Washington, 1998
  • Ergeneli Azize, Örgüt ve İnsan, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara, 2006
  • Evans Kay, “A Story of Leadership and Management Development: How The Judicial College in England and Wales Supports Modern Judges in Their Roles As Leaders and Managers”, Questione Giustizia, 2016, 1, s. 1-7
  • Findley Jessica D., Sales Bruce D., The Science of Attorney Advocacy, American Psychological Assocation, Washington, 2012
  • Forgas Joseph P., Feeling and Thinking: The Role of Affect in Social Cognition, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2000
  • Gavison Ruth, “The Implications of Jurisprudential Theories for Judicial Election”, Selection, and Accountability, Southern California Law Review, 1987-1988, Volume 61, s. 1623-1624
  • George Tracey E., Epstein Lee, “On The Nature of Supreme Court Decision Making”, The American Political Science Review, 1992, Volume 86, No. 2, s. 323-337
  • Gigerenzer Gerd, Goldstein Daniel G., “Reasoning The Fast and Frugal Way: Models of Bounded Rationality”, Psychological Review, 1996, Volume 103, No. 4, s. 650-669
  • Gomes Adalmir Oliveira, Guimaraes Tomas Aquino, De Souza Eda Castro Lucas, “Judicial Work and Judges’ Motivation: The Perceptions of Brazilian State Judges”, Law & Policy, 2016, Volume 38, No. 2, s. 162-176
  • Guthrie Chris, Rachlinski Jeffrey J., Wistrich Andrew J., “Blinking on The Bench: How Judges Decide Cases”, Cornell Law Faculty Publications, 2007, Paper 917, s. 1-43
  • Guthrie Chris, Rachlinski Jeffrey J., Wistrich Andrew J., “Inside The Judicial Mind”, Cornell Law Faculty Publications, 2001, Paper 814, s. 778-830
  • Güngör Zerrin, “Danıştay Başkanı ile Söyleşi”, Akademi & Kürsü, 2017, Sayı 2, s. 9
  • Hinterberger Thilo, “The Science of Consciousness – Basics, Models, and Visions”, Journal of Physiology – Paris, 2015, 109, s. 143–151
  • Hornak Anne M., Mitchell Regina L. Garza, “Changing Times, Complex Decisions: Presidential Values and Decision Making”, Community College Review, 2016, Volume 44 (2), s. 119–134
  • Humprey Nicholas, “Consciousness as Art”, Scientific American, Summer 2017, Volume 26, No. 3, s. 4-9
  • Irwin John F., Real Daniel L., “Unconscious Influences on Judicial DecisionMaking: The Illusion of Objectivity”, McGeorge Law Review, 2010, Volume 43, s. 1-20
  • İpek Kenan, “Sempozyum Açılış Konuşması Metni”, Uluslararası Yargı Etiği Sempozyumu Kitabı, 2017, Adalet Bakanlığı Strateji Geliştirme Başkanlığı Yayın No: 56
  • Kahneman Daniel, Thinking, Fast and Slow, New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2011
  • Kahneman Daniel, Tversky Amos, “Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk”, Econometrica, 1979, Volume 47, No. 2, s. 263-291
  • Karakaş Sirel, Kognitif Nörobilimler, Bölüm 1, MN Medikal & Nobel, Ankara, 2008
  • Kelloway E. Kevin, Barling Julian, “Leadership Development as An Intervention in Occupational Health Psychology”, Work & Stress, 2010, Volume 24, No. 3, s. 260-279
  • Kennerley Steven W., Walton Mark E., Behrens Timothy E. J., Buckley Mark J., Rushworth Matthew F. S., “Optimal Decision Making and The Anterior Cingulate Cortex”, Nature Neuroscience, 2006, Volume 9, No. 7, s. 940-947
  • Kim Pauline T., Schlanger Margo, Boyd Christina L., Martin Andrew D., “How Should We Study District Judge Decision Making?”, Washington University Journal of Law & Policy, 2009, 29, s. 82-112
  • Klein David, Gregory Mitchell, The Psychology of Judicial Decision Making, Oxford University Press, New York, 2010
  • Kunda Ziva, “The Case for Motivated Reasoning”, Psychological Bulletin, 1990, 108-3, s. 480-498
  • Küçükay Alper, “İş Etiği Eğitimi: Veriler ve Değerlendirme (yayımlanmamış) Raporu”, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara, 2016, s. 1-14
  • Lerner Jennifer S., Li Ye, Valdesolo Piercarlo, Kassam Karim S., “Emotion and Decision Making”, Annual Review of Psychology, 2015, 66, s. 799-823
  • Levi Daniel, Group Dynamics for Teams, Sage Publications, USA, 2007
  • Levinson Harry, Liderlik Psikolojisi, Çeviren: Dinç Tayanç, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul, 2008
  • Malleson Kate, Russel Peter H., Appointing Judges In An Age of Judicial Power: Critical Perspectives From Around The World, University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division, Toronto, 2006
  • Maroney Terry A., “Emotional Regulation and Judicial Behavior”, California Law Review, Volume 99, s. 1481-1552
  • Michael Koenigsa, Jordan Grafman, “The Functional Neuroanatomy of Depression: Distinct Roles for Ventromedial and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex”, Behavioural Brain Research, 2009, 201, s. 239–2
  • Missier Fabio Del, Mäntylä Timo, Bruin Wändi Bruine de, “Executive Functions in Decision Making: An Individual Differences Approach”, Thinking & Reasoning, 2010, 16: 2, s. 69-97
  • Morewedge Carey K., Yoon Haewon, Scopelliti Irene, Symborski Carl W., Korris James H., Kassam Karim S., “Debiasing Decisions: Improved Decision Making With a Single Training Intervention”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2015, Vol. 2(1), s. 129–140, DOI: 10.1177/2372732215600886
  • Mowbray Derek, “Psychologically Healthy Workplaces”, 2014, http://www.
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There are 92 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Alper Küçükay

Publication Date July 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Issue: 35


APA Küçükay, A. (2018). Karar Vermenin Psikolojisi. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi(35), 607-640.
AMA Küçükay A. Karar Vermenin Psikolojisi. TAAD. July 2018;(35):607-640.
Chicago Küçükay, Alper. “Karar Vermenin Psikolojisi”. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, no. 35 (July 2018): 607-40.
EndNote Küçükay A (July 1, 2018) Karar Vermenin Psikolojisi. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi 35 607–640.
IEEE A. Küçükay, “Karar Vermenin Psikolojisi”, TAAD, no. 35, pp. 607–640, July 2018.
ISNAD Küçükay, Alper. “Karar Vermenin Psikolojisi”. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi 35 (July 2018), 607-640.
JAMA Küçükay A. Karar Vermenin Psikolojisi. TAAD. 2018;:607–640.
MLA Küçükay, Alper. “Karar Vermenin Psikolojisi”. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, no. 35, 2018, pp. 607-40.
Vancouver Küçükay A. Karar Vermenin Psikolojisi. TAAD. 2018(35):607-40.