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Tasarım Sürecinde Katılımcı Yaklaşımlara Dair Bir Değerlendirme İstanbul Levent Bölgesinde Alan Çalışması

Year 2010, , 21 - 53, 14.07.2016


Çalışma; tasarım süreçlerinde, toplummimarlık ilişkisini katılımcı yaklaşımlar bağlamında irdelemektedir. Tasarım sürecinde demokratik bir yöntem olarak nitelendirilen ve tasarımcı – kentli – yerel yönetimlerin işbirliği ile uygulanan kullanıcı katılımı kavramının günümüz yaşam biçimindeki gerekliliği vurgulanmakta ve konu ile ilgili yöntemler birarada sunumaktadır. Katılımcı yaklaşımlar, mekansal oluşumlarda toplum-mimarlık ilişkilerinin güçlenmesi için köprü görevi taşımaktadır. Bu bağlamda toplumlar, küresel düzene uygun araç ve yöntemler doğrultusunda, kentlerdeki tasarım süreçlerinde söz hakkına sahip olabilmelidir. Katılımcı yaklaşımlar olarak tanımlanan ve kentlileri tasarım sürecine dahil etmeyi amaçlayan uygulamalar, değişen dünya düzeni ile farklı boyutlar kazanmıştır. Çalışmada, küreselleşme sonrası katılımcı yaklaşımların tarihsel süreç içinde geldiği durum değerlendirmektedir. Katılım politikalarının sahip olması gereken güncel özellikler ortaya koyulmakta ve konu günümüze ait değerler çerçevesinde ele alınmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında sunulan kuramsal veriler; İstanbul Levent’de belirlenen pilot bölgede gerçekleştirilen alan çalışması ile birleştirilerek somut veriler ortaya koyulmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, İstanbul Levent’de bulunan “pilot bölgeye dair bir kullanıcı katılımı sistem önerisi” sunulmakta ve işleyiş yöntemi açıklanmaktadır. Önerme kapsamında; kuramsal veriler, geleneksel yöntemlerin çağımıza uyarlanması ile kentin güncel dinamikleri bir arada değerlendirilmektedir


  • Afrassiabi, A.H., 1985. Design Participation in the Context of Urban Renewal, Proceedings of the International Design Participation Conference – Design Coalition Team, TU/e, Eindhoven, 22-24 Nisan 1985, V:1.
  • Amin, A., Thrift, N., 1994. Living the Global, Globalization, Institutions and Regional Development in Europe, s 1-22, Eds. Amin, A., Thrift, N., Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Aren, H., 1989. Local Development Planning – Experiences from the Swedish West Coast, When People Matter, s.96-99, Eds. Törnqvist, A., Ullmark, P., The Swedish Council for Building and Research, Sweden.
  • Armillas, I., 1971. Gaming – Simulation: An Approach to User Participation Design, Design Participation – Proceedings of Design Research Society’s Conference, Academy Editions, Manchester, Eylül 1971.
  • Baheshti, M.R., 1985. Introduction, Proceedings of the International Design Participation Conference – Design Coalition Team, TU/e, Eindhoven, 22-24 Nisan 1985, s. vi.
  • Batty, M., 1990. Invisible Cities, Environment and Planning B, 17, 127-130.
  • Besiktas Belediye Baskanligi, 1998. Dünden Bugüne Besiktas. Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakfi, Istanbul, s 1.
  • Bosma, K., Hoogstraten, D.,v., Vos, M., 2000. Housing fort he Miilons: John Habraken and the SAR (1960-2000). NAI Publishers, Rotterdam.
  • Brenner, N., 2004. New State Spaces: Urban Governance and the Rescaling of Statehood. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Castells, M., 1989. The Informational City: Information Technology, Economic Restructuring and the Urban-Regional Process, Basil Blackwell, Oxford.
  • Cullingworth, J.,B., 1970. Town and Country Planning in England and Wales. George Allen & Unvin Ltd, London.
  • Day C., Parnell, R., 2003. Consensus Design: Socially Inclusive Process. Architectural Press, London.
  • Fezer, J., Heyden, M., 2007. The Ambivalance of Participation and Situational Urbanism, Urban Act, pp. 329-336, Eds. Petcou, C., & Petrescu, D., & Marchand, N., Moutot Imprimeurs, Montrouge, France.
  • Fung, A., 2004. Empowered Participation: Reinventing Urban Democracy. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
  • Giddens, A., 2000. Elimizden Kaçip Giden Dünya - Küresellesme Hayatimizi Nasil Yeniden Sekillendiriyor? Çeviri:Osman Akinhay. Alfa Yayinlari, Istanbul.
  • Goffman, E., 1963. Behavior in Public Places: Notes on the Social Organization of Gatherings. The Free Press, New York.
  • Goetze, R., 1972. Urban Housing Rehabilitation: Two Approaches Constrasted to Illustrate Productive and Meaningful Dweller Participation, Freedom to Build: Dweller Control of the Housing Process, s.53-63, Ed. Turner, J.F.C. & Fichter, R., The Macmillian Company, New York.
  • Grieves, J., 1989. User-Oriented Design of Workstations, When People Matter, s.108-111, Eds. Törnqvist, A., Ullmark, P., The Swedish Council for Building and Research, Sweden.
  • Grossman, L., 1995. Maintaining Diversity in the Electronic Republic, Technology Review, November/December 1995, 23-26.
  • Habraken, J.N., 1998. The Structure of the Ordinary. Ed. Teicher, J., The MIT Press, Cambridge.
  • Habraken, J.N., 1985. The Appearance of the Form. Awater Press, Cambridge.
  • Habraken, J.N., 1985. Who is Participating? Towards a Professional Role, Proceedings of the International Design Participation Conference – Design Coalition Team, TU/e, Eindhoven, 22-24 Nisan 1985, V:1.
  • Habraken, J.N., 1982. Transformations of the Site. Awater Press, Cambridge.
  • Habraken, J.N., 1979. General Principles About the Way Built Environments Exist. Blue Cover Series, Stiching Architecten Research, Eindhoven.
  • Habraken, J.N., 1978. Build as Before, Open House, Volume 3, No:1.
  • Hardwick, W.G., Hardwick D.F., 1974. Civic Government: Corporate, Cunsaltative or Participatory, Community Participation and the Spatial Order of the City, s. 89-95, Ed. Ley, D., The University of British Columbia, Vancuver, B.C.
  • Harvey, D., 1989. The Condition of Postmodernity. Blackwell Publishing, USA.
  • Healey, P., 1997. Collaborative Planning: Shaping Places in Fragmented Societies. UBC Press, Canada.
  • Kernohan, D., Gray, J., Daish, J., Joiner, D., 1992. User Participation in Building Design and Management. Butterworth-Heineman Ltd Linacre House, Oxford.
  • Keyder, Ç., 2000, Istanbul Küresel ile Yerel Arasinda Istanbul Metropoliten Planlama ve Kentsel Tasarim Merkezi Yayinlari.
  • Kruisheer, I.J.E., 1985. User Participation in the Design of Health Care Facilities, Proceedings of the International Design Participation Conference – Design Coalition Team, TU/e, Eindhoven, 22-24 Nisan 1985, V:3.
  • Law, J., Bijker, W., 1992. Postscript Technology, Stability and Social Theory, Shaping Technology: Building Society Studies in Socio-technical Change, Eds. Law, J., Bijker, W., MIT Press, London.
  • Malbert, B., 1998. Urban Planning Participation: Linking Practice and Theory. Department of Urban Design and Planning School of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • Marx, K., 1857. The Grundrisse. F.L. Publishers, Germany.
  • Maze, R., 2007. Occupying Time: Design, Technology, and The Form of Interaction. PhD Thesis, School of Arts and Communication, Malmö University, Sweden.
  • Mimarlar Odasi, 2009. Kent, Mimarlik, Çevre, Kültür ve Demokrasi Politiklari Raporu, Mimarlik Haberler, 126, s.2-5, TMMOB Mimarlar Odasi, Ankara.
  • Murdock, G., 1993. Communications and the Constitution of Modernity, Media, Culture and Society, 15: s.521-539.
  • Negroponte, N., 1971. Aspects of Living in an Architecture Machine, Design Participation – Proceedings of Design Research Society’s Conference, Academy Editions, Manchester, Eylül 1971.
  • O’Riordan, T., 1976. Attitudes, Behavior, and Environmental Policy Issues, Human Behavior and Environment: Advances in Thory and Research Volume one, s. 1-36, Ed. Altman, I., Wohlwill, J.F., Plenum Press, New York.
  • Petric, J. , Maver T. , Jonti G. , Ucelli G., 2002. Virtual Reality in the Service of User Participation in Architecture, CIB w78 Conference, Aarus School of Architecture, Aarus, 12-14 June 2002.
  • Randen, A.v., 1985. “Open Building” – An Overall Strategy for Participation as in action in the Netherlands, Proceedings of the International Design Participation Conference – Design Coalition Team, TU/e, Eindhoven, 22-24 Nisan 1985, V:2.
  • Sander, A., 2004. Mimarlik Egitiminde Katilimci Tasarim Denemesi, Tasarim Kuram Elestiri Dergisi,2, 18-19.
  • Steinbuch, K., 2000. Communication in the Year 2000, Mankind 2000, s.165-170, Eds. Jungk, R., Galtung, J., George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London.
  • Sudra, T., 1979. Self-Help Housing: Towards the Support of a Popular Process and the Role of Government Intervention, Open House, Volume 4, No:4.
  • Tomlinson, J., 2004. Küresellessme ve Kültür, Çeviri: Arzu Eker. Ayrinti Yayinlari, Istanbul.
  • Tuna, B.H., 2007. Metropoller ve Mimarlik, Kent, Kültür, Çevre, Mimarlik ve Demokrasi Için Mimarlara Mektup, 104, 4-6.
  • Turner, J.F.C., 1978. Mass Housing and User Participation, Open House, Volume 3, No:3.
  • Turner, J.F.C., 1976. Housing by People: Towards Autonomy in Building Environments. Marion Boyars Publication, London.
  • Weckerle, C., 1991. Telematiques, Action Locale et I’espace Public, Espaces et Societes, 62(3), s.163-211.
  • Wennerhag, M., 2008. The Spatial Transformations of Grassroots Activism, Global Cities, s.49-58, Ed. Betancour, A., Architecturmuseet, Stockholm.
  • Wirth, L., 1964. The Scope and Problems of the Community, Louis Wirth on Cities and Social Life, s.165-177, Ed. Reiss, A., J., University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  • Wulz, F., 1985. The Concept of Participation, Proceedings of the International Design Participation Conference – Design Coalition Team, TU/e, Eindhoven, 22-24 Nisan 1985, V:1.

An Evaluation Concerning Participatory Approaches in Design Process: A Case Study in Istanbul - Levent Region

Year 2010, , 21 - 53, 14.07.2016


This article examines the relationship of society and architecture under the context of participative approaches in design processes. Participation methodologies are described as democratic enterprises in design process and user participation is a notion which can be realized by the collaboration of designer – city dweller (user) – local authorities. In this study the demand of user participation in contemporary life-style is emphasized and different participation methods are assessed together. Participative approaches strengthen the relations between society and architecture in spatial organizations. In this context, city dwellers (society) may have the right to have place in designing their environment by the contemporary participation methods and media. User participation approaches gained different dimensions with parallel to the changing of world. In the article, new understandings of user participation in design process are re-evaluated with historical and contemporary epochs. In this study, contemporary participation models will be analyzed by the help of theoretic postulations. Then the issue will be discussed in concern to Istanbul. Relation between city and city dweller in Istanbul will be introduced by a "case study in Levent" (globally developing region). Results of public survey in Levent regarding user participation will be presented. Article concludes with a participation proposal for Levent which discusses the methods of participation in pilot region and the social Dynamics of city-dwellers in Levent.


  • Afrassiabi, A.H., 1985. Design Participation in the Context of Urban Renewal, Proceedings of the International Design Participation Conference – Design Coalition Team, TU/e, Eindhoven, 22-24 Nisan 1985, V:1.
  • Amin, A., Thrift, N., 1994. Living the Global, Globalization, Institutions and Regional Development in Europe, s 1-22, Eds. Amin, A., Thrift, N., Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Aren, H., 1989. Local Development Planning – Experiences from the Swedish West Coast, When People Matter, s.96-99, Eds. Törnqvist, A., Ullmark, P., The Swedish Council for Building and Research, Sweden.
  • Armillas, I., 1971. Gaming – Simulation: An Approach to User Participation Design, Design Participation – Proceedings of Design Research Society’s Conference, Academy Editions, Manchester, Eylül 1971.
  • Baheshti, M.R., 1985. Introduction, Proceedings of the International Design Participation Conference – Design Coalition Team, TU/e, Eindhoven, 22-24 Nisan 1985, s. vi.
  • Batty, M., 1990. Invisible Cities, Environment and Planning B, 17, 127-130.
  • Besiktas Belediye Baskanligi, 1998. Dünden Bugüne Besiktas. Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakfi, Istanbul, s 1.
  • Bosma, K., Hoogstraten, D.,v., Vos, M., 2000. Housing fort he Miilons: John Habraken and the SAR (1960-2000). NAI Publishers, Rotterdam.
  • Brenner, N., 2004. New State Spaces: Urban Governance and the Rescaling of Statehood. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Castells, M., 1989. The Informational City: Information Technology, Economic Restructuring and the Urban-Regional Process, Basil Blackwell, Oxford.
  • Cullingworth, J.,B., 1970. Town and Country Planning in England and Wales. George Allen & Unvin Ltd, London.
  • Day C., Parnell, R., 2003. Consensus Design: Socially Inclusive Process. Architectural Press, London.
  • Fezer, J., Heyden, M., 2007. The Ambivalance of Participation and Situational Urbanism, Urban Act, pp. 329-336, Eds. Petcou, C., & Petrescu, D., & Marchand, N., Moutot Imprimeurs, Montrouge, France.
  • Fung, A., 2004. Empowered Participation: Reinventing Urban Democracy. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
  • Giddens, A., 2000. Elimizden Kaçip Giden Dünya - Küresellesme Hayatimizi Nasil Yeniden Sekillendiriyor? Çeviri:Osman Akinhay. Alfa Yayinlari, Istanbul.
  • Goffman, E., 1963. Behavior in Public Places: Notes on the Social Organization of Gatherings. The Free Press, New York.
  • Goetze, R., 1972. Urban Housing Rehabilitation: Two Approaches Constrasted to Illustrate Productive and Meaningful Dweller Participation, Freedom to Build: Dweller Control of the Housing Process, s.53-63, Ed. Turner, J.F.C. & Fichter, R., The Macmillian Company, New York.
  • Grieves, J., 1989. User-Oriented Design of Workstations, When People Matter, s.108-111, Eds. Törnqvist, A., Ullmark, P., The Swedish Council for Building and Research, Sweden.
  • Grossman, L., 1995. Maintaining Diversity in the Electronic Republic, Technology Review, November/December 1995, 23-26.
  • Habraken, J.N., 1998. The Structure of the Ordinary. Ed. Teicher, J., The MIT Press, Cambridge.
  • Habraken, J.N., 1985. The Appearance of the Form. Awater Press, Cambridge.
  • Habraken, J.N., 1985. Who is Participating? Towards a Professional Role, Proceedings of the International Design Participation Conference – Design Coalition Team, TU/e, Eindhoven, 22-24 Nisan 1985, V:1.
  • Habraken, J.N., 1982. Transformations of the Site. Awater Press, Cambridge.
  • Habraken, J.N., 1979. General Principles About the Way Built Environments Exist. Blue Cover Series, Stiching Architecten Research, Eindhoven.
  • Habraken, J.N., 1978. Build as Before, Open House, Volume 3, No:1.
  • Hardwick, W.G., Hardwick D.F., 1974. Civic Government: Corporate, Cunsaltative or Participatory, Community Participation and the Spatial Order of the City, s. 89-95, Ed. Ley, D., The University of British Columbia, Vancuver, B.C.
  • Harvey, D., 1989. The Condition of Postmodernity. Blackwell Publishing, USA.
  • Healey, P., 1997. Collaborative Planning: Shaping Places in Fragmented Societies. UBC Press, Canada.
  • Kernohan, D., Gray, J., Daish, J., Joiner, D., 1992. User Participation in Building Design and Management. Butterworth-Heineman Ltd Linacre House, Oxford.
  • Keyder, Ç., 2000, Istanbul Küresel ile Yerel Arasinda Istanbul Metropoliten Planlama ve Kentsel Tasarim Merkezi Yayinlari.
  • Kruisheer, I.J.E., 1985. User Participation in the Design of Health Care Facilities, Proceedings of the International Design Participation Conference – Design Coalition Team, TU/e, Eindhoven, 22-24 Nisan 1985, V:3.
  • Law, J., Bijker, W., 1992. Postscript Technology, Stability and Social Theory, Shaping Technology: Building Society Studies in Socio-technical Change, Eds. Law, J., Bijker, W., MIT Press, London.
  • Malbert, B., 1998. Urban Planning Participation: Linking Practice and Theory. Department of Urban Design and Planning School of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • Marx, K., 1857. The Grundrisse. F.L. Publishers, Germany.
  • Maze, R., 2007. Occupying Time: Design, Technology, and The Form of Interaction. PhD Thesis, School of Arts and Communication, Malmö University, Sweden.
  • Mimarlar Odasi, 2009. Kent, Mimarlik, Çevre, Kültür ve Demokrasi Politiklari Raporu, Mimarlik Haberler, 126, s.2-5, TMMOB Mimarlar Odasi, Ankara.
  • Murdock, G., 1993. Communications and the Constitution of Modernity, Media, Culture and Society, 15: s.521-539.
  • Negroponte, N., 1971. Aspects of Living in an Architecture Machine, Design Participation – Proceedings of Design Research Society’s Conference, Academy Editions, Manchester, Eylül 1971.
  • O’Riordan, T., 1976. Attitudes, Behavior, and Environmental Policy Issues, Human Behavior and Environment: Advances in Thory and Research Volume one, s. 1-36, Ed. Altman, I., Wohlwill, J.F., Plenum Press, New York.
  • Petric, J. , Maver T. , Jonti G. , Ucelli G., 2002. Virtual Reality in the Service of User Participation in Architecture, CIB w78 Conference, Aarus School of Architecture, Aarus, 12-14 June 2002.
  • Randen, A.v., 1985. “Open Building” – An Overall Strategy for Participation as in action in the Netherlands, Proceedings of the International Design Participation Conference – Design Coalition Team, TU/e, Eindhoven, 22-24 Nisan 1985, V:2.
  • Sander, A., 2004. Mimarlik Egitiminde Katilimci Tasarim Denemesi, Tasarim Kuram Elestiri Dergisi,2, 18-19.
  • Steinbuch, K., 2000. Communication in the Year 2000, Mankind 2000, s.165-170, Eds. Jungk, R., Galtung, J., George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London.
  • Sudra, T., 1979. Self-Help Housing: Towards the Support of a Popular Process and the Role of Government Intervention, Open House, Volume 4, No:4.
  • Tomlinson, J., 2004. Küresellessme ve Kültür, Çeviri: Arzu Eker. Ayrinti Yayinlari, Istanbul.
  • Tuna, B.H., 2007. Metropoller ve Mimarlik, Kent, Kültür, Çevre, Mimarlik ve Demokrasi Için Mimarlara Mektup, 104, 4-6.
  • Turner, J.F.C., 1978. Mass Housing and User Participation, Open House, Volume 3, No:3.
  • Turner, J.F.C., 1976. Housing by People: Towards Autonomy in Building Environments. Marion Boyars Publication, London.
  • Weckerle, C., 1991. Telematiques, Action Locale et I’espace Public, Espaces et Societes, 62(3), s.163-211.
  • Wennerhag, M., 2008. The Spatial Transformations of Grassroots Activism, Global Cities, s.49-58, Ed. Betancour, A., Architecturmuseet, Stockholm.
  • Wirth, L., 1964. The Scope and Problems of the Community, Louis Wirth on Cities and Social Life, s.165-177, Ed. Reiss, A., J., University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  • Wulz, F., 1985. The Concept of Participation, Proceedings of the International Design Participation Conference – Design Coalition Team, TU/e, Eindhoven, 22-24 Nisan 1985, V:1.
There are 52 citations in total.


Other ID JA39ZC67ZG
Journal Section Articles

Ece Ceylan Baba This is me

Publication Date July 14, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2010


APA Baba, E. C. (2016). Tasarım Sürecinde Katılımcı Yaklaşımlara Dair Bir Değerlendirme İstanbul Levent Bölgesinde Alan Çalışması. Tasarım + Kuram, 6(9), 21-53.
AMA Baba EC. Tasarım Sürecinde Katılımcı Yaklaşımlara Dair Bir Değerlendirme İstanbul Levent Bölgesinde Alan Çalışması. Tasarım + Kuram. July 2016;6(9):21-53. doi:10.23835/tasarimkuram.240689
Chicago Baba, Ece Ceylan. “Tasarım Sürecinde Katılımcı Yaklaşımlara Dair Bir Değerlendirme İstanbul Levent Bölgesinde Alan Çalışması”. Tasarım + Kuram 6, no. 9 (July 2016): 21-53.
EndNote Baba EC (July 1, 2016) Tasarım Sürecinde Katılımcı Yaklaşımlara Dair Bir Değerlendirme İstanbul Levent Bölgesinde Alan Çalışması. Tasarım + Kuram 6 9 21–53.
IEEE E. C. Baba, “Tasarım Sürecinde Katılımcı Yaklaşımlara Dair Bir Değerlendirme İstanbul Levent Bölgesinde Alan Çalışması”, Tasarım + Kuram, vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 21–53, 2016, doi: 10.23835/tasarimkuram.240689.
ISNAD Baba, Ece Ceylan. “Tasarım Sürecinde Katılımcı Yaklaşımlara Dair Bir Değerlendirme İstanbul Levent Bölgesinde Alan Çalışması”. Tasarım + Kuram 6/9 (July 2016), 21-53.
JAMA Baba EC. Tasarım Sürecinde Katılımcı Yaklaşımlara Dair Bir Değerlendirme İstanbul Levent Bölgesinde Alan Çalışması. Tasarım + Kuram. 2016;6:21–53.
MLA Baba, Ece Ceylan. “Tasarım Sürecinde Katılımcı Yaklaşımlara Dair Bir Değerlendirme İstanbul Levent Bölgesinde Alan Çalışması”. Tasarım + Kuram, vol. 6, no. 9, 2016, pp. 21-53, doi:10.23835/tasarimkuram.240689.
Vancouver Baba EC. Tasarım Sürecinde Katılımcı Yaklaşımlara Dair Bir Değerlendirme İstanbul Levent Bölgesinde Alan Çalışması. Tasarım + Kuram. 2016;6(9):21-53.