This research aims to read psychological states through Islamic knowledge that includes the method of hadith criticism. Because, in the hadith studies, we understand that the critic makes evaluations in the field of cognitive psychology. The implementations of these scientific rules related to the science of cognitive psychology, which isThis research deals with reading the psychological states through Islamic knowledge that includes the method of hadith criticism. Because, in the hadith studies, we understand that the critic makes evaluations in the field of cognitive psychology even though he or she doesn’t use psychological terms. The implementations of these scientific rules related to the science of cognitive psychology, which is used to accept or reject hadiths, reveals that there is a similarity between these two sciences because their subject is human knowledge. Scholars of both sciences were compared in terms of cognitive processes such as attention, memorization, memory and measurement tests, and some subjects related to human psychology, which are the focus of these processes, such as their abilities, motivations and the imbalances that affect them. After that, examples from the studies of the hadith scholars and researchers in the science of psychology were presented in the method of criticism in order to determine the points where they converged and diverged. As a result, although they differ in terms of starting point and result, it was concluded that there is a partial similarity between the two sciences in terms of subjects related to mental actions. The condition for the Zabt of the Thiqa definition of hadith critics includes the meaning of attention that psychologists talk about. However, the hadith scholars were more selective in this regard due to the Shari’a reasons such as good deeds and sins. In cognitive psychology, researchers have proven that people’s mental abilities play a role in attention and focus. The attention of hadith critics, who made comparisons among the narrators, concentrated on this point in order to distinguish the acceptable one from the others. used to accept or reject hadiths, reveals that there is a close relationship between these two sciences because their subject is human knowledge. Scholars of both sciences were compared in terms of cognitive processes such as attention, memorization, memory and measurement tests, and some subjects related to human psychology, which are the focus of these processes, such as their abilities, motivations and the imbalances that affect them. After that, examples from the studies of the hadith scholars and researchers in the science of psychology were presented in the method of criticism in order to determine the points where they converged and diverged. As a result, although they differ in terms of starting point and result, it was concluded that there is a partial similarity between the two sciences in terms of subjects related to mental actions. The condition for the Zabt of the Thiqa definition of hadith critics includes the meaning of attention that psychologists talk about. However, the hadith scholars were more selective in this regard due to the Shari’a reasons such as good deeds and sins. In cognitive psychology, researchers have proven that people’s mental abilities play a role in attention and focus. The attention of hadith critics, who made comparisons among the narrators, concentrated on this point in order to distinguish the acceptable one from the others.
Bu araştırma, hadis tenkit yöntemini içeren İslami bilgiler aracılığıyla psikolojik durumları okumayı ele almaktadır. Çünkü uygulamalı hadis çalışmaları münekkidin, psikolojik terimleri kullanmasa da bilişsel psikoloji alanına yönelik değerlendirmeler yaptığına işaret ediyor. Hadisleri kabul veya reddetmede bilişsel psikoloji ilmiyle ilgili bu bilimsel kuralların uygulanması, konularının insan olması sebebiyle bu iki ilim arasında bir benzerlik olduğunu ortaya koyar. Dikkat, ezber, hafıza ve ölçüm testleri gibi bilinçsel süreçlerle ilgili bazı hususlar ve bu süreçlerin odak noktası olan insan psikolojisiyle ilgili, yetenekler, motivasyonlar ve onları etkileyen dengesizlikler gibi konularda her iki ilim karşılaştırıldı. Sonra birleştikleri ve ayrıldıkları noktaları tespit etmek için tenkit yönteminde muhaddislerden ve psikoloji ilmindeki araştırmacıların çalışmalarından örnekler sunuldu. Sonuç olarak çıkış noktası ve sonuç bakımından farklılıklar gösterseler de zihinsel eylemler ile ilgili konular bakımından iki ilim arasında kısmi bir benzerlik olduğu sonucuna ulaşıldı. Hadis münekkitlerinin sika tarifinin gerçekleşmesi için zabt şartı, psikologların bahsettiği dikkat anlamını içermektedir. Ancak sevap ve günah gibi şeri' sebeblerden dolayı muhaddisler bu konuda daha seçici davranmışlardır. Bilişsel psikolojide araştırmacılar, insanın zihinsel becerilerinin dikkat ve odaklanma becerisinde rol oynadığını kanıtlamışlardır. Ravilerden makbul olanı diğerlerinden ayırt etmek için raviler arasında karşılaştırma yapan hadis münekkitlerinin dikkati de bu noktada yoğunlaşmıştır.
تتناول الدراسة قراءة الظاهرة النفسية بأدوات معرفية إسلامية متمثلة بمنهج النقد الحديثي، إذ تشير الدراسات التطبيقية لأصول المنهج النقدي الحديثي، إلى معرفة الناقد بموضوعات علم النفس المعرفي دون مصطلحاتها التي استقرت لاحقًا، وإن تطبيق تلك القواعد العلمية المتعلقة بعلم النفس المعرفي في أهم مداخل قبول الأحاديث أو ردها يبين بأن ثمة تشابه بين هذين العلمين من حيث الموضوع ألا وهو المعرفة الإنسانية. حيث قارنت بين الشكل الذي تناول فيه أهل العلمين بعض الموضوعات المتعلقة بالعمليات المعرفية كالانتباه والحفظ والذاكرة واختبارات قياسها، والموضوعات المتعلقة بالنفس الإنسانية التي هي محور هذه العمليات واستعداداتها ودوافعها وما يصيبها من اختلال، ثم مثلت لها بتطبيقات عملية من استعمالات المحدثين في المنهج النقدي والباحثين في علم النفس المعرفي لتحرير مواطن الاتفاق والاختلاف بينهما. وأخيرًا خلصت إلى أن ثمة تشابه جزئي بين العلمين من حيث الموضوعات المتعلقة بالعمليات العقلية وإن افترقا في الدافع والنتيجة. فشرط الضبط عند نقاد الحديث لتحقق وصف الثقة يتضمن معنى الانتباه الذي تحدث عنه علماء النفس، غير أن علماء الحديث كانوا أكثر تشددًا فيه لدواعٍ شرعية تتعلق بالثواب والعقاب. كما أثبت الباحثون في علم النفس المعرفي أن القدرات العقلية التي يتمتع بها الإنسان تلعب دورًا في مدى قدرته على الانتباه والتركيز، وهذا ما تنبه إليه نقاد الحديث الذين عمدوا إلى المقايسة بين الرواة لتمييز المقبول منهم من غيره
Primary Language | Arabic |
Subjects | Religious Studies |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 31, 2022 |
Submission Date | July 27, 2022 |
Acceptance Date | October 4, 2022 |
Published in Issue | Year 2022 Volume: 8 Issue: 2 |