Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Publication Ethics Statement

All parties involved in the publication process (authors, editorial board, and reviewers) must make decisions in accordance with ethical behavior standards. To ensure high ethical standards, the Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature has developed international standards for all parties. The Journal expects all parties to comply with these standards. The best publication ethics standards are supported, and all necessary measures are taken to prevent publication malpractices. As a publisher, the Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature takes its guardianship role at all stages of publishing very seriously and accepts its ethical and other responsibilities.

International Standards for Authors
The Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature does not require a signed submission letter from the authors of articles, nor does it impose prescriptive practices on authors. All authors submitting to the Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature are expected to voluntarily adhere to international standards (ethical principles established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): must confirm that their works are original. Plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, duplicate publication, data production, etc., are prohibited. Authors must ensure that their research does not cause physical or legal harm to participants and should not engage in psychological abuse. Authors must also guarantee the privacy and anonymity of participants in their research. Authors must identify individuals or institutions (sponsors) supporting their research. Authors must confirm that the article has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration elsewhere. Authors must ensure that all sources used in the preparation of their article are included in the reference list. If an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, they must immediately notify the Journal’s editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the article. Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest to the Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature.

International Standards for the Editorial Board
The editor and members of the Editorial Board must adhere to international standards. The editor and members of the Editorial Board of the Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature are expected to voluntarily comply with international standards (ethical principles established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):
The Editorial Board must keep information about submitted articles confidential.
The Editorial Board is responsible for making publication decisions regarding submitted articles.
The Editorial Board should strive to meet the needs of both readers and authors.
The Editorial Board should make efforts to improve the quality of the Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature.
The Editorial Board must prioritize scientific quality and originality at the highest level.
The Editorial Board should always be ready to publish corrections, explanations, retractions, and apologies when necessary.

International Standards for Reviewers
Once reviewers accept an invitation to review, they must comply with international peer review standards. Reviewers of the Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature are expected to voluntarily adhere to international standards (ethical principles established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):
Reviewers must keep information regarding the article confidential.
Reviewers must inform the Editorial Board of any information that could result in the rejection of the article’s publication.
Reviewers must evaluate articles scientifically.
Reviewers must assess articles impartially based on their originality, significance, and relevance to the Journal’s fields.
Reviewers must notify the Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature of any conflicts of interest.
All articles are subjected to plagiarism checks by the Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature using various plagiarism detection tools.
Authors must strictly avoid plagiarism, including self-plagiarism.
Articles with similarity reports exceeding 12% will not be published by the Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature.
Articles submitted to the Turkish World Journal of Language and Literature must be original, unpublished, and not submitted for publication elsewhere.
The editor is responsible for determining the publication of articles and preventing misconduct. If a research work is identified as malicious, the author is responsible for retracting or correcting the article according to feedback from the editor and reviewers.

Approval Policy
The author or authors must comply with ethical and legal standards, and participants in the research must be informed about the following:
• That the research will be conducted about them,
• That participation is voluntary, there is no penalty for refusal, and participants can withdraw at any time without facing any penalty,
• The purpose of the research and the procedures to be followed in the research,
• The contact information where they can reach out to ask questions about the research,
• Any risks or discomforts that may affect them if they agree to participate,
• Any potential direct benefits from participation (e.g., receiving a copy of the article or chapter),
• How their confidentiality will be protected.

Please e-mail and notify us through once you come across unethical situations.

Last Update Time: 11/5/24, 2:10:04 PM