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Ters Yüz Öğrenme Modeline Yönelik Ders Planı Önerisi: Kitle İletişiminde Arapça Dersi Örneği

Year 2023, , 1562 - 1579, 29.12.2023


Ters yüz öğrenme modeli, öğretmenlerin belirlediği dijital kaynakları öğrencilere sınıf dışında kullanılabilir bir platform aracılığıyla aktardığı, geleneksel öğretim yöntemlerinden farklı bir öğrenme yaklaşımıdır. Bu model, geleneksel eğitim yaklaşımını tamamen tersine çevirme fikrine dayanmaktadır. Diğer bir deyişle normalde öğrencilerin sınıf içinde yaptıkları, sınıf dışında yaptıkları ile yer değiştirilir. Bu modelin temel prensibi, öğrencilerin sınıf dışında öğrendiği içeriğin, sınıf içinde öğretmenlerinin rehberliğinde daha iyi anlamaları ve pekiştirmelerini sağlamaktır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, ters yüz öğrenme modelinin “Kitle İletişiminde Arapça” dersi için kullanılabilirliğine yönelik bir haftalık ders planı önerisi sunmaktır. Bu çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden doküman analizi tekniği kullanılmıştır. Doküman analizi için ters yüz öğrenme modeli ile ilgili alanyazın taraması yapılmış olup Yükseköğretim kurumlarında Arap Dili Eğitimi bölümlerinde okutulan “Kitle İletişiminde Arapça” dersinin öğrenme kazanımları ve ders içeriği incelenmiştir. Elde edilen veriler ışığında ters yüz öğrenme modelinin “ders öncesi süreç tasarımı, sınıf içi süreç tasarımı, sınıf dışı süreç tasarımı, ölçme ve değerlendirme” aşamaları odak alınarak bir haftalık ders planı tasarlanmıştır. Bu aşamalar takip edilerek hazırlanan ders planı uygulandığında öğrencilerin başarısının ve motivasyonunun artacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Al-Arabiya. (2023). للصبر حدود.. السويداء تهتف غاضبة الفساد في كل مكان.للصبر حدود.. السويداء تهتف غاضبة "الفساد في كل مكان" sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • Basal, A. (2015). The implementation of a flipped classroom in foreign language teaching. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 16(4), 28-37.
  • Bergmann, J. & Sams, A. (2012). Flip your classroom: reach every student in every class every day. Eugene & Alexandria: International Society for Technology in Education.
  • Betihavas, V., Bridgman, H., Kornhaber, R. & Cross, M. (2015). The evidence for ‘flipping out’: A systematic review of the flipped classroom in nursing education. Nurse Education Today, 6, 15–21.
  • Bishop, J. L. & Verleger, M. A. (2013). The flipped classroom: A survey of the research. 120th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, 30, 1-18.
  • Brame, C. J. (2013). Flipping the classroom. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching. sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • Crouch, C. & Mazur, E. (2001). Peer instruction: Ten years of experience and results. American Journal of Physics, 69, 970-977.
  • Demetry, C. (2010). Work in progress- An innovation merging “classroom flip” and team-based learning. 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference’de sunulmuş bildiri, Arlington, Virginia, USA.
  • Flipped Learning Network. (2014). The four pillars of F-L-I-P. Flipped Learning Network. sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • Galway, L. P., Corbett, K. K., Takaro, T. K., Tairyan, K. & Frank, E. (2014). A novel integration of online and flipped classroom instructional models in public health higher education. BMC Medical Education, 14, 181-190.
  • Gilboy, M. B., Heinerichs, S. & Pazzaglia, G. (2015). Enhancing student engagement using the flipped classroom. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 47, 109-114.
  • Graziano, K. J. (2017). Peer teaching in a flipped teacher education classroom. TechTrends, 61(2), 121-129.
  • Hamdan, N., McKnight, P., McKnight, K. & Arfstrom, K. M. (2013). A review of flipped learning. sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • Hayırsever, F. & Orhan, A. (2018). Ters yüz edilmiş öğrenme modelinin kuramsal analizi. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(2), 572-596.
  • Herreid, C. & Schiller, N. (2013). Case studies and the flipped classroom. Journal of College Science Teaching, 42, 62-66.
  • Hsu, T. C. (2017). Behavioural sequential analysis of using an instant response application to enhance peer interactions in a flipped classroom. Interactive Learning Environments, 26(1), 91-105.
  • Johnston, B. M. (2017). Implementing a flipped classroom approach in a university numerical methods mathematics course. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 48(4), 485-498.
  • Kara, C. O. (2016). Flipped classroom. Tıp Eğitimi Dünyası, 15(45), 12-26.
  • Lage, M. J., Platt, G. J. & Treglia, M. (2000). Inverting the classroom: A gateway to creating an inclusive learning environment. The Journal of Economic Education, 31(1), 30-43.
  • Moravec, M., Williams, A., Aguilar-Roca, N. & O'Dowd, D. K. (2010). Learn before lecture: A strategy that improves learning outcomes in a large introductory biology class. CBE - Life Sciences Education, 9(4), 473-481.
  • Mortensen, C. J. & Nicholson, A. M. (2015). The flipped classroom stimulates greater learning and is a modern 21st century approach to teaching today’s undergraduates. Journal of Animal Science, 93, 3722-3731.
  • Pierce, R. & Fox, J. (2012). Vodcasts and active-learning exercises in a “flipped classroom” model of a renalpharmacotherapy module. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 76(10), 196-201.
  • Roehling, P. V., Root-Luna, L. M., Richie, F. J. & Shaughnessy, J. J. (2017). The benefits, drawbacks, and challenges of using the flipped classroom in an introduction to psychologycourse. Teaching of Psychology, 44(3), 183-192.
  • Sams, A. & Bergmann, J. (2014). Flipped learning: gateway to student engagement. Eugene & Alexandria: International Society for Technology in Education.
  • Sherer, P. & Shea, T. (2011). Using online video to support student learning and engagement. College Teaching, 59(2), 56-59.
  • Song, Y. & Kapur, M. (2017). How to flip the classroom: "Productive failure or traditional flipped classroom" pedagogical design? Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 20(1), 292-305.
  • Strayer, J. F. (2012). How learning in an inverted classroom influences cooperation, innovation and task orientation. Learning Environments Research, 15(2), 171-193.
  • Toto, R. & Nguyen, H. (2009). Flipping the work design in an industrial engineering course. The ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference’de sunulmuş bildiri, San Antonio, TX.
  • Wach, E. & Ward, R. (2013). Learning about qualitative document analysis. IDS Practice Paper in Brief, 13, 1-11.
  • Yaman, B. & Yüksel, N. (2017). Ters-yüz sınıflarda matematik uygulamaları örneği: kuadrikler. H. F. Odabaşı, B. Akkoyunlu & A. İşman (Ed.), Eğitim teknolojileri okumaları 2017 içinde (s. 707-723). Ankara: Vadi Yayınları.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2011). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi.
  • Zengin, Y. (2017). Investigating the use of the Khan Academy and mathematics software with a flipped classroom approach in mathematics teaching. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 20(2), 89-100.
  • Zownorega, J. S. (2013). Effectiveness of flipping the classroom in a honors level, mechanics-based physics class. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). theses sayfasından erişilmiştir.

Lesson Plan Proposal for Flipped Learning Model: The Course of Arabic in Mass Communication

Year 2023, , 1562 - 1579, 29.12.2023


The flipped learning model is a learning approach that differs from traditional teaching methods in which the teachers present the digital resources determined by the teachers to the students through a platform available outside the classroom. This model is based on the idea of completely flipping the traditional approach to education. In other words, what students normally do in the classroom is replaced by what they do outside the classroom. The basic principle of this model is that the content learned by students outside the classroom is better understood and reinforced in the classroom under the guidance of the teacher. This study aims to offer a proposal for a weekly lesson plan for the usability of the flipped learning model for the course "Arabic in Mass Communication". In this study, the document analysis technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The literature on the flipped learning model was reviewed for document analysis. The learning outcomes and content of the "Arabic in Mass Communication" course in Arabic Language Education departments in higher education institutions were analyzed. According to all findings, a weekly lesson plan was designed by focusing on the stages of "pre-course process design, in-class process design, out-of-class process design, measurement and evaluation" of the flipped learning model. It is considered that students' success and motivation will increase when these stages in the process design are followed and the lesson plan is implemented.


  • Al-Arabiya. (2023). للصبر حدود.. السويداء تهتف غاضبة الفساد في كل مكان.للصبر حدود.. السويداء تهتف غاضبة "الفساد في كل مكان" sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • Basal, A. (2015). The implementation of a flipped classroom in foreign language teaching. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 16(4), 28-37.
  • Bergmann, J. & Sams, A. (2012). Flip your classroom: reach every student in every class every day. Eugene & Alexandria: International Society for Technology in Education.
  • Betihavas, V., Bridgman, H., Kornhaber, R. & Cross, M. (2015). The evidence for ‘flipping out’: A systematic review of the flipped classroom in nursing education. Nurse Education Today, 6, 15–21.
  • Bishop, J. L. & Verleger, M. A. (2013). The flipped classroom: A survey of the research. 120th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, 30, 1-18.
  • Brame, C. J. (2013). Flipping the classroom. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching. sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • Crouch, C. & Mazur, E. (2001). Peer instruction: Ten years of experience and results. American Journal of Physics, 69, 970-977.
  • Demetry, C. (2010). Work in progress- An innovation merging “classroom flip” and team-based learning. 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference’de sunulmuş bildiri, Arlington, Virginia, USA.
  • Flipped Learning Network. (2014). The four pillars of F-L-I-P. Flipped Learning Network. sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • Galway, L. P., Corbett, K. K., Takaro, T. K., Tairyan, K. & Frank, E. (2014). A novel integration of online and flipped classroom instructional models in public health higher education. BMC Medical Education, 14, 181-190.
  • Gilboy, M. B., Heinerichs, S. & Pazzaglia, G. (2015). Enhancing student engagement using the flipped classroom. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 47, 109-114.
  • Graziano, K. J. (2017). Peer teaching in a flipped teacher education classroom. TechTrends, 61(2), 121-129.
  • Hamdan, N., McKnight, P., McKnight, K. & Arfstrom, K. M. (2013). A review of flipped learning. sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • Hayırsever, F. & Orhan, A. (2018). Ters yüz edilmiş öğrenme modelinin kuramsal analizi. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(2), 572-596.
  • Herreid, C. & Schiller, N. (2013). Case studies and the flipped classroom. Journal of College Science Teaching, 42, 62-66.
  • Hsu, T. C. (2017). Behavioural sequential analysis of using an instant response application to enhance peer interactions in a flipped classroom. Interactive Learning Environments, 26(1), 91-105.
  • Johnston, B. M. (2017). Implementing a flipped classroom approach in a university numerical methods mathematics course. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 48(4), 485-498.
  • Kara, C. O. (2016). Flipped classroom. Tıp Eğitimi Dünyası, 15(45), 12-26.
  • Lage, M. J., Platt, G. J. & Treglia, M. (2000). Inverting the classroom: A gateway to creating an inclusive learning environment. The Journal of Economic Education, 31(1), 30-43.
  • Moravec, M., Williams, A., Aguilar-Roca, N. & O'Dowd, D. K. (2010). Learn before lecture: A strategy that improves learning outcomes in a large introductory biology class. CBE - Life Sciences Education, 9(4), 473-481.
  • Mortensen, C. J. & Nicholson, A. M. (2015). The flipped classroom stimulates greater learning and is a modern 21st century approach to teaching today’s undergraduates. Journal of Animal Science, 93, 3722-3731.
  • Pierce, R. & Fox, J. (2012). Vodcasts and active-learning exercises in a “flipped classroom” model of a renalpharmacotherapy module. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 76(10), 196-201.
  • Roehling, P. V., Root-Luna, L. M., Richie, F. J. & Shaughnessy, J. J. (2017). The benefits, drawbacks, and challenges of using the flipped classroom in an introduction to psychologycourse. Teaching of Psychology, 44(3), 183-192.
  • Sams, A. & Bergmann, J. (2014). Flipped learning: gateway to student engagement. Eugene & Alexandria: International Society for Technology in Education.
  • Sherer, P. & Shea, T. (2011). Using online video to support student learning and engagement. College Teaching, 59(2), 56-59.
  • Song, Y. & Kapur, M. (2017). How to flip the classroom: "Productive failure or traditional flipped classroom" pedagogical design? Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 20(1), 292-305.
  • Strayer, J. F. (2012). How learning in an inverted classroom influences cooperation, innovation and task orientation. Learning Environments Research, 15(2), 171-193.
  • Toto, R. & Nguyen, H. (2009). Flipping the work design in an industrial engineering course. The ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference’de sunulmuş bildiri, San Antonio, TX.
  • Wach, E. & Ward, R. (2013). Learning about qualitative document analysis. IDS Practice Paper in Brief, 13, 1-11.
  • Yaman, B. & Yüksel, N. (2017). Ters-yüz sınıflarda matematik uygulamaları örneği: kuadrikler. H. F. Odabaşı, B. Akkoyunlu & A. İşman (Ed.), Eğitim teknolojileri okumaları 2017 içinde (s. 707-723). Ankara: Vadi Yayınları.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2011). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi.
  • Zengin, Y. (2017). Investigating the use of the Khan Academy and mathematics software with a flipped classroom approach in mathematics teaching. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 20(2), 89-100.
  • Zownorega, J. S. (2013). Effectiveness of flipping the classroom in a honors level, mechanics-based physics class. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). theses sayfasından erişilmiştir.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Other Fields of Education (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Meryem Melike Güngenci 0000-0002-1885-0551

Early Pub Date November 26, 2023
Publication Date December 29, 2023
Submission Date August 31, 2023
Acceptance Date October 17, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Güngenci, M. M. (2023). Ters Yüz Öğrenme Modeline Yönelik Ders Planı Önerisi: Kitle İletişiminde Arapça Dersi Örneği. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 21(3), 1562-1579.

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