Background: The present study was undertaken to determine the opinions of students regarding the advantages and limitations of Problem-based learning (PBL) practices in Ankara University School of Medicine (AUSM). Methods: The study was conducted on 132 (95,7%) second term students who attended PBL sessions during 2003- 2004 academic year at AUSM using a questionnaire. Findings: Results were highly supportive for advantages of PBL such as integration of clinical and basic sciences, improvement of biopsychosocial approach to humans, getting prepared to professional life from the beginning of education, motivation for effective learning in a small group, improvement of communication between students and faculty. But, the results are also highly supportive of the limitations of PBL practice such as the difficulties experienced for adaptation to a new learning approach and to be an independent learner. Conclusions: Program implementations supporting adaptation to PBL and personel development of students and improving tutorial process can be proposed to overcome the limitations of PBL. Enriching the learning environment and learning sources can support students’ self-dependent learning skills.
Saban A. Öğrenme Öğretme Süreci-Yeni Teori ve Yaklaşımlar. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, 2000.
Institute For International Medical Education. “Global Minumum Essential Requirements in Medical Education.”, Medical Teacher, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2002: 130-135.
Gürpınar E, Musal B. Tıp Eğitiminin Gelişim Süreci. Toplum ve Hekim 2003; Cilt 18: Sayı 6:446-51.
Davis MH, Harden RM. AMEE Medical Education Guide No.15: Problem-based Learning: A Practical Guide. Medical Teacher 1999; 21:2:130-140.
Harden RM. The Integration Ladder: A Tool For Curriculum Planning and Evaluation. Medical Education. 2000; 34: 7:551-7.
Musal B, Taşkıran C, Kelson A. Opinions of Tutors and Students of PBL in Dokuz Eylul University School of Medicine. Medical Education Online 2003;8:16:1-5.
Demirel Yılmaz E, Akan H, Arda B, Dökmeci F, Karahan ST, Kemahlı S, Özyurda F, Palaoğlu Ö, Ayhan İA. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinin Genel Değerlendirme Anketleri. II. Uluslararası Tıp Eğitimi Kongresi Özet Kitabı 2001:89.
Antepohl W ve ark. A Follow-up Medical Graduates Curriculum. Medical Education. 2003;37:155-162.
Alimoğlu MK, Gürpınar E, Şenol Y, Çubukçu S, Aktekin M. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dönem I Öğrencilerinin Probleme Dayalı Öğrenim Uygulamalarına Konusundaki Memnuniyetleri. Tıp Eğitimi Dünyası. 2004;14:8-15.
Peters AS, Greenber-Rosovsky RG, Crowder C, Block SD, Moore GT. Long-term Outcomes of the New Pathway Program at Harvard Medical School: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Academic Medicine. 2000;75:470-479.
Khoo Hoon E. Implementation of Problem-based Learning in Asian Medical Schools and Students’ Perceptions of Their Experience. Medical Education. 2003;37:401-409.
Vernon DTA. Attitutes and Opinions of Faculty Tutors About Problem-based Learning. Academic Medicine. 1995;70:3:216-223.
Wood DF. Problem Based Learning. British Medical Journal, 2003;326:328-330.
Virtanen PJ, Kosunen EAL, Holmerg-Martilla DMH., Virjo IO. What Happens in PBL Tutorial Sessions? Analysis of Medical Students’ Written Accounts. Medical Teacher. 1999; 21:3:270-276.
Das, M, Mpofu DJS, Hasan MY, Stewart TS. Student Perceptions of Tutor Skills in Problem-based Learning. Medical Education. 2002;36: 272-278.
Holen A. The PBL Group: Self-reflections and feedback for Improved learning and Growth. Medical Teacher. 2000; 22:5:485-488.
Mpofu DJS ve ark. Perceptions of Group Dynamics in Problem-Based learning Sessions: A Time to Reflect on Group Issues. Medical Teacher. 1998:20:5:421-427.
Blue AV ve arkadaşları, Faculty Members’ Expectations of Student Behavior in the Small-Group Setting. Medical Education Online, 1998;3:5.
Miflin BM, Campell CB, Price DA. A Conceptual Framework to Guide the Development of Self- directed, Lifelong Learning in Problem-based Medical Curricula. Medical Education. 2000;34:299- 306.
Year 2006,
Volume: 23 Issue: 23, 33 - 40, 01.06.2006
Amaç: Bu çalışma, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nde (AÜTF) Probleme Dayalı Öğrenme (PDÖ) uygulamalarının üstünlük ve sınırlılıklarına ilişkin öğrenci görüşlerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma, 2003-2004 Eğitim-Öğretim Yılında AÜTF’de PDÖ uygulamalarına devam eden 132 (%95,7) Dönem 2 öğrencisine anket formu uygulanarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bulgular: PDÖ’nün; temel ve klinik bilimlerin entegrasyonunu sağlaması, insana biyopsikososyal yönden yaklaşımı geliştirmesi, ilk yıldan itibaren mesleğe hazırlaması, küçük gruplarda öğrenmenin etkili ve güdüleyici olması, öğrenci ve fakülte çalışanlarını yakınlaştırması en çok desteklenen özellikleri arasındadır. Ancak, bulgular, yeni bir öğrenme yaklaşımına uyum ve bağımsız öğrenenler olma sürecinde yaşanan zorluklar gibi PDÖ uygulamalarının sınırlılıklarını da yüksek oranda desteklemektedir. Sonuç: PDÖ’nün sınırlılıklarının üstesinden gelinmesinde, öğrencilere yönelik kişisel gelişim ve PDÖ’ye uyum programları ile PDÖ yönlendirilicilik süreçlerinin geliştirilmesine yönelik programların uygulanması önerilebilir. Öğrenme ortamlarının ve kaynaklarının zenginleştirilmesi ile kendi kendine yönlendirilen öğrenme becerilerinin kazanımı desteklenebilir.
Saban A. Öğrenme Öğretme Süreci-Yeni Teori ve Yaklaşımlar. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, 2000.
Institute For International Medical Education. “Global Minumum Essential Requirements in Medical Education.”, Medical Teacher, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2002: 130-135.
Gürpınar E, Musal B. Tıp Eğitiminin Gelişim Süreci. Toplum ve Hekim 2003; Cilt 18: Sayı 6:446-51.
Davis MH, Harden RM. AMEE Medical Education Guide No.15: Problem-based Learning: A Practical Guide. Medical Teacher 1999; 21:2:130-140.
Harden RM. The Integration Ladder: A Tool For Curriculum Planning and Evaluation. Medical Education. 2000; 34: 7:551-7.
Musal B, Taşkıran C, Kelson A. Opinions of Tutors and Students of PBL in Dokuz Eylul University School of Medicine. Medical Education Online 2003;8:16:1-5.
Demirel Yılmaz E, Akan H, Arda B, Dökmeci F, Karahan ST, Kemahlı S, Özyurda F, Palaoğlu Ö, Ayhan İA. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinin Genel Değerlendirme Anketleri. II. Uluslararası Tıp Eğitimi Kongresi Özet Kitabı 2001:89.
Antepohl W ve ark. A Follow-up Medical Graduates Curriculum. Medical Education. 2003;37:155-162.
Alimoğlu MK, Gürpınar E, Şenol Y, Çubukçu S, Aktekin M. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dönem I Öğrencilerinin Probleme Dayalı Öğrenim Uygulamalarına Konusundaki Memnuniyetleri. Tıp Eğitimi Dünyası. 2004;14:8-15.
Peters AS, Greenber-Rosovsky RG, Crowder C, Block SD, Moore GT. Long-term Outcomes of the New Pathway Program at Harvard Medical School: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Academic Medicine. 2000;75:470-479.
Khoo Hoon E. Implementation of Problem-based Learning in Asian Medical Schools and Students’ Perceptions of Their Experience. Medical Education. 2003;37:401-409.
Vernon DTA. Attitutes and Opinions of Faculty Tutors About Problem-based Learning. Academic Medicine. 1995;70:3:216-223.
Wood DF. Problem Based Learning. British Medical Journal, 2003;326:328-330.
Virtanen PJ, Kosunen EAL, Holmerg-Martilla DMH., Virjo IO. What Happens in PBL Tutorial Sessions? Analysis of Medical Students’ Written Accounts. Medical Teacher. 1999; 21:3:270-276.
Das, M, Mpofu DJS, Hasan MY, Stewart TS. Student Perceptions of Tutor Skills in Problem-based Learning. Medical Education. 2002;36: 272-278.
Holen A. The PBL Group: Self-reflections and feedback for Improved learning and Growth. Medical Teacher. 2000; 22:5:485-488.
Mpofu DJS ve ark. Perceptions of Group Dynamics in Problem-Based learning Sessions: A Time to Reflect on Group Issues. Medical Teacher. 1998:20:5:421-427.
Blue AV ve arkadaşları, Faculty Members’ Expectations of Student Behavior in the Small-Group Setting. Medical Education Online, 1998;3:5.
Miflin BM, Campell CB, Price DA. A Conceptual Framework to Guide the Development of Self- directed, Lifelong Learning in Problem-based Medical Curricula. Medical Education. 2000;34:299- 306.