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The Importance Of Metacognition In Medical Education

Year 2015, Volume: 14 Issue: 43, 5 - 12, 10.12.2015


Metacognition can be defined as knowing the cognition. It is a very important cognitive process that is also beneficial in becoming expert physicians and lifelong learners. Medical students can enhance their performance by assessing and monitoring themselves and can learn from their own and as well as others’ experiences as learners. This will need self-knowledge, and knowing and controlling their cognitive processes. In this context, progress on educating sentient individuals started with emerging of metacognition and studies about this concept. Many researchers showed that metacognitive capabilities can be enhanced by training. Informing the students about metacognition and life-long learning, helping the educators in realizing the importance of metacognition and using educational methods for improving metacognitive skills can help the students learn how to learn and increase metacognitive capabilities. During curriculum development of medical schools, medical educators should focus on learning to learn and high order thinking procedures beside the content and this will bring development of metacognitive skills and enhance the awareness.Metacogniton can be defined as knowing the cognition. It is a very important cognitive process that is also beneficial in becoming expert physicians and lifelong learners. Medical students can enhance their performance by assessing and monitoring themselves and can learn from their own and as well as others’ experiences as learners. This will need self-knowledge, and knowing and controlling their cognitive processes. In this context, progress on educating sentient individuals started with emerging of metacognition and studies about this concept. Many researchers showed that metacognitive capabilities can be enhanced by training. Informing the students about metacognition and life-long learning, helping the educators in realizing the importance of metacognition and using educational methods for improving metacognitive skills can help the students learn how to learn and increase metacognitive capabilities. During curriculum development of medical schools, medical educators should focus on learning to learn and high order thinking procedures beside the content and this will bring development of metacognitive skills and enhance the awareness.


  • Kuhn D, Dean DJr. Metacognition: A Bridge between Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice. Theory Into Practice 2004;43(4):268-273.
  • Georghiades P. From the general to the situated: three decades of metacognition. International Journal of Science Education 2004;26(3):365-383.
  • Akın A, Abacı R, Çetin B. The Validity and Reliability Study of the Turkish Version of The Metacognitive Awareness Inventory. Educational Science. Theory and Practice 2007;7(2):655-680.
  • Schraw G, Dennison RS. Assessing Metacognitive Awareness. Contemporary Educational Psychology 1994;19:460-475.
  • Schraw G, Moshman D. Metacognitive Theories. Educational Psychology 1995;7(4):351-371
  • Schraw G. Promoting general metacognitive awareness. Instructional Science 1998;26:113-125
  • Schmidt AM, Ford JK. Learning within a learner control training environment: the interactive effects of goal orientation and metacognitive instruction on learning outcomes. Personal Psychology 2003;56:405-429.
  • Azevedo R. Theoretical, Conceptual, Methodological, and Instructional Issues In Research On Metacognition And Self-Regulated Learning: A Discussion. Metacognition and Learning 2009;4:87-95.
  • Paris SG, Paris AH. Classroom Applications of Research on Self-Regulated Learning. Educational Psychologist 2001;36(2):89-101.
  • Shamir A, Mevarech ZR, Gida C. The assessment of meta-cognition in different contexts: individualized vs. peer assisted learning. Metacognition and Learning 2009;4:47-61.
  • Dunlosky J, Thiede KW. What makes people study more? An evaluation of factors that affect self-paced study, Acta Psychologica 1998; 98:37-56
  • Thiede KW, Anderson MCM, Therriault D. Accuracy of Metacognitive Monitoring Affects Learning of Texts. Journal of Educational Psychology 2003; 95(1): 66-73
  • Coutinho S, Wiemer-Hastings K, Skowronski J, Britt M. Metacognition, need for cognition and use of explanations during ongoing learning and problem solving. Learning and Individual Differences 2005;15:321–337
  • Arslan S, Akin A. Metacognition: As a Predictor of One’s Academic Locus of Control. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice 2014;14(1):33-39
  • Quirk M. Intuition and Metacogniton in Medical Education; Keys to developing expertise. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2006.
  • Cutting MF, Saks NS. Twelve tips for utilizing principles of learning to support medical education. Med Teach 2012;34:20‑4.
  • Mitchell R, Liu PL. A Study of Resident Learning Behaviour. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 1995;7(4),233-240.
  • Zimmerman BJ. Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement: An Overview. Educational Psychologist 1990;25(1),3-17.
  • Tuysuzoglu BB, Greene JA. An investigation of the role of contingent metacognitive behavior in self-regulated learning. Metacognition Learning 2015;10:77–98.
  • Maudsley G, Strivens J, ‘Science’, ‘critical thinking’ and ‘competence’ for Tomorrow’s Doctors. A review of terms and concepts. Medical Education 2000;34,53-60.
  • Croskerry P. The Importance of Cognitive Errors in Diagnosis and Strategies to Minimize Them. Academic Medicine 2003;78(8),775-780.
  • Hartman HJ. Metacognition in teaching and learning: Theory, Research and Practice. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Second Printing, 2002.
  • Schellenberg S, Negishi M, Eggen P. The Effects of Metacognition and Concrete Encoding Strategies on Depth of Understanding in Educational Psychology. Teaching Educational Psychology 2011;7(2),17-24.
  • Veenman MVJ, Van Hout-Wolters BAM, Afflerbach P. Metacognition and learning: conceptual and methodological considerations Metacognition and Learning 2006;1,3-14.
  • Kramarski B, Mevarech ZR. Enhancing Mathematical Reasoning in the Classroom: The Effects of Cooperative Learning and Metacognitive Training. American Educational Research Journal 2003;40 (1),281-310.
  • Pressley M, Gaskins IW. Metacognitively competent reading comprehension is constructively responsive reading: how can such reading be developed in students? Metacognition Learning 2006;1,99-113.
  • Hmelo-Silver CE. Problem-based learning: What and how do students learn? Educational Psychology Review 2004;16(3).235–266.

Tıp Eğitiminde Metabilişin Önemi

Year 2015, Volume: 14 Issue: 43, 5 - 12, 10.12.2015


Metabiliş, kısaca bilişi bilme olarak tanımlanabilir. Yaşam boyu öğrenme paradigmasının gerçekleşmesi ve mesleğini uygulamada başarılı tıp doktoru olmak için metabiliş önemli ve gerekli bir bilişsel süreçtir. Tıp öğrencilerinden öğrenen olarak istenen, kendi ve başkalarının deneyimlerinden, sürekli olarak yeni bilgi edinme yeterliğine sahip olabilmeleri ve kendini değerlendirerek, izleyip-denetleyerek performanslarını artırmalarıdır. Bunun için de bireylerin kendi kendilerini tanıması, zihinsel süreçlerini bilmesi ve kontrol etmesi gerekmektedir. Bu bağlamda eğitimde bilinçli bireyler yetiştirme çabaları, metabiliş kavramının ortaya çıkması ve bu konuda yapılan çalışmalarla birlikte hız kazanarak ilerlemeye başlamıştır. Öğrencilere tekrarlanan, yönlendirilmiş uygulamalarla metabilişsel becerilerini geliştirilebileceği çok sayıda araştırmacı tarafından gösterilmiştir. Öğrencileri metabiliş ve yaşam boyu öğrenme konusunda bilgilendirerek, eğiticilerin de bu konuda bilinçlenmesine yardımcı olarak ve metabilişsel becerileri geliştirici eğitim yöntemleri kullanılarak öğrencilerin bundan sonraki gelişimlerine, öğrenmeyi öğrenmelerine katkı sağlanacaktır. Tıp eğitiminde yapılacak eğitim planlanırken, içeriğin öğretilmesi yanında öğrenmeyi öğretmeye ya da üst düzey düşünme yöntemlerinin öğretilmesine odaklanılması, metabilişsel becerilerin geliştirilmesini ve farkındalığın arttırılmasını da beraberinde getirecektir.Metabiliş, kısaca bilişi bilme olarak tanımlanabilir. Yaşam boyu öğrenme paradigmasının gerçekleşmesi ve mesleğini uygulamada başarılı tıp doktoru olmak için metabiliş önemli ve gerekli bir bilişsel süreçtir. Tıp öğrencilerinden öğrenen olarak istenen, kendi ve başkalarının deneyimlerinden, sürekli olarak yeni bilgi edinme yeterliğine sahip olabilmeleri ve kendini değerlendirerek, izleyip-denetleyerek performanslarını artırmalarıdır. Bunun için de bireylerin kendi kendilerini tanıması, zihinsel süreçlerini bilmesi ve kontrol etmesi gerekmektedir. Bu bağlamda eğitimde bilinçli bireyler yetiştirme çabaları, metabiliş kavramının ortaya çıkması ve bu konuda yapılan çalışmalarla birlikte hız kazanarak ilerlemeye başlamıştır. Öğrencilere tekrarlanan, yönlendirilmiş uygulamalarla metabilişsel becerilerini geliştirilebileceği çok sayıda araştırmacı tarafından gösterilmiştir. Öğrencileri metabiliş ve yaşam boyu öğrenme konusunda bilgilendirerek, eğiticilerin de bu konuda bilinçlenmesine yardımcı olarak ve metabilişsel becerileri geliştirici eğitim yöntemleri kullanılarak öğrencilerin bundan sonraki gelişimlerine, öğrenmeyi öğrenmelerine katkı sağlanacaktır. Tıp eğitiminde yapılacak eğitim planlanırken, içeriğin öğretilmesi yanında öğrenmeyi öğretmeye ya da üst düzey düşünme yöntemlerinin öğretilmesine odaklanılması, metabilişsel becerilerin geliştirilmesini ve farkındalığın arttırılmasını da beraberinde getirecektir.


  • Kuhn D, Dean DJr. Metacognition: A Bridge between Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice. Theory Into Practice 2004;43(4):268-273.
  • Georghiades P. From the general to the situated: three decades of metacognition. International Journal of Science Education 2004;26(3):365-383.
  • Akın A, Abacı R, Çetin B. The Validity and Reliability Study of the Turkish Version of The Metacognitive Awareness Inventory. Educational Science. Theory and Practice 2007;7(2):655-680.
  • Schraw G, Dennison RS. Assessing Metacognitive Awareness. Contemporary Educational Psychology 1994;19:460-475.
  • Schraw G, Moshman D. Metacognitive Theories. Educational Psychology 1995;7(4):351-371
  • Schraw G. Promoting general metacognitive awareness. Instructional Science 1998;26:113-125
  • Schmidt AM, Ford JK. Learning within a learner control training environment: the interactive effects of goal orientation and metacognitive instruction on learning outcomes. Personal Psychology 2003;56:405-429.
  • Azevedo R. Theoretical, Conceptual, Methodological, and Instructional Issues In Research On Metacognition And Self-Regulated Learning: A Discussion. Metacognition and Learning 2009;4:87-95.
  • Paris SG, Paris AH. Classroom Applications of Research on Self-Regulated Learning. Educational Psychologist 2001;36(2):89-101.
  • Shamir A, Mevarech ZR, Gida C. The assessment of meta-cognition in different contexts: individualized vs. peer assisted learning. Metacognition and Learning 2009;4:47-61.
  • Dunlosky J, Thiede KW. What makes people study more? An evaluation of factors that affect self-paced study, Acta Psychologica 1998; 98:37-56
  • Thiede KW, Anderson MCM, Therriault D. Accuracy of Metacognitive Monitoring Affects Learning of Texts. Journal of Educational Psychology 2003; 95(1): 66-73
  • Coutinho S, Wiemer-Hastings K, Skowronski J, Britt M. Metacognition, need for cognition and use of explanations during ongoing learning and problem solving. Learning and Individual Differences 2005;15:321–337
  • Arslan S, Akin A. Metacognition: As a Predictor of One’s Academic Locus of Control. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice 2014;14(1):33-39
  • Quirk M. Intuition and Metacogniton in Medical Education; Keys to developing expertise. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2006.
  • Cutting MF, Saks NS. Twelve tips for utilizing principles of learning to support medical education. Med Teach 2012;34:20‑4.
  • Mitchell R, Liu PL. A Study of Resident Learning Behaviour. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 1995;7(4),233-240.
  • Zimmerman BJ. Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement: An Overview. Educational Psychologist 1990;25(1),3-17.
  • Tuysuzoglu BB, Greene JA. An investigation of the role of contingent metacognitive behavior in self-regulated learning. Metacognition Learning 2015;10:77–98.
  • Maudsley G, Strivens J, ‘Science’, ‘critical thinking’ and ‘competence’ for Tomorrow’s Doctors. A review of terms and concepts. Medical Education 2000;34,53-60.
  • Croskerry P. The Importance of Cognitive Errors in Diagnosis and Strategies to Minimize Them. Academic Medicine 2003;78(8),775-780.
  • Hartman HJ. Metacognition in teaching and learning: Theory, Research and Practice. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Second Printing, 2002.
  • Schellenberg S, Negishi M, Eggen P. The Effects of Metacognition and Concrete Encoding Strategies on Depth of Understanding in Educational Psychology. Teaching Educational Psychology 2011;7(2),17-24.
  • Veenman MVJ, Van Hout-Wolters BAM, Afflerbach P. Metacognition and learning: conceptual and methodological considerations Metacognition and Learning 2006;1,3-14.
  • Kramarski B, Mevarech ZR. Enhancing Mathematical Reasoning in the Classroom: The Effects of Cooperative Learning and Metacognitive Training. American Educational Research Journal 2003;40 (1),281-310.
  • Pressley M, Gaskins IW. Metacognitively competent reading comprehension is constructively responsive reading: how can such reading be developed in students? Metacognition Learning 2006;1,99-113.
  • Hmelo-Silver CE. Problem-based learning: What and how do students learn? Educational Psychology Review 2004;16(3).235–266.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Review

İpek Gönüllü

Publication Date December 10, 2015
Submission Date December 10, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 14 Issue: 43


Vancouver Gönüllü İ. The Importance Of Metacognition In Medical Education. TED. 2015;14(43):5-12.