Writing Rules

 The article which is to be sent to the journal must not be the one that was published in anywhere before or the one which is under publication process in another journal.
In addition to Turkish articles, English ones can also be published in the journal.
After it is examined in terms of its suitability for the publication (the articles which are seen as unsuitable for the publication are not included to the process), the article sent to the journal is sent to two referees. The article that receives the issuable report by the two referees after their assessments is published in the following issue. If one of the reports is positive and the other one is negative, the article is sent to a third referee. In such a case, whether the article is published or not is determined by the report of the third referee.
Articles are forwarded to the referees directly through the system (without any change on the file loaded by the writer). In order to provide the writer-referee secrecy, there must not be any information about the writer on the article. Therefore, there should not be any writer name/names neither in the article nor on the file.
You need to use the template file when submitting the article. TEMPLATE
The article which is to be sent to the magazine must certainly include Turkish and English abstracts, and keywords. In the title page of the article, Turkish heading, abstract, keywords, English heading, abstract and keywords must be included respectively. In all headings in the article, just the first letters of the words must be capital.
The article must be prepared as MS Word file. The format must be in this way:
Text size
Footnote size
Paragraph spacing
Top margin
Bottom margin
Right margin
Left margin
Line spacing
11 font
9 font
6 nk
1.25 cm
3 cm
3 cm
3 cm
3 cm

In the article, Times New Roman must be used as text font. However, during the writing if a special font is used as the necessity of some fields, these fonts must be sent together with the article.
In the abbreviations used in the article, TLS (Turkish Language Society) guide must be based on.

Citation in the Article
APA system is adobted for the citation in the articles sent to our journal. Therefore, the articles to be sent must be suitable for the citation system below:

In the books
Within the text: (Gemalmaz, 2010, s. 24)
In the bibliography: Gemalmaz, E. (2010). Türkçenin derin yapısı. Ankara: Belen Yayıncılık.
In the articles
Within the text: (Mert, 2003, s. 25)
In the bibliography: Mert, O. (2003). Türkçede hâl kategorisi ve öğretimi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21, 25-32.
In the thesis
Within the text: (Durukan, 2011, s. 119)
In the bibliography: Durukan, E. (2011). İlköğretim 6. Sınıfta Bilgisayar Destekli Dil Bilgisi Öğretiminin Başarı ve Tutuma Etkisi. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü.

All of the sources used must be given under the heading “Works Cited”.

Table numbers and explanations must be written on the table with the size of 10 font in this way:
Tablo 1: …………………..
And must be centered.
The texts must be 9 font, line spacing must be 1, and paragraph spacing must be 0 nk.
Table must be centered on the page.

Form numbers and explanations must be written down the form with the size of 10 font in this way:
Şekil 1: ………………………
And must be centered on the page.
The articles which are not suitable for these principles will certainly not be assessed.
The International TLCE journal has right to publish or unpublish the articles or to make revisions on them. The publication right of the texts which are sent belongs to the management of the journal. As to the legal responsibility of the text which is published in the journal, it belongs to the writer and the journal is not responsible for it. The texts published in the magazine cannot be copied without the written permission of the management of the journal and they cannot be published in somewhere else again (printed or on the net). The writer who sends an article to the journal is assumed to accept these principles.

The articles which are prepared by considering the principles above must be sent through the ARTICLE FOLLOW-UP SYSTEM.
In order to send an article through the “ARTICLE FOLLOW-UP SYSTEM”:
*One must enter the webpage with the user name (the e-mail address saved in the system) and the password after s/he becomes a member of the article follow-up system.
*One must fill in the related blanks by opening the section “send the article”.
*One must load the article on the system as an MS file.

Paid services are used for the electronic publication process (Server, DOI, etc.) of the Journal, which has been published as principled and qualified since 2012. For this reason, a submission fee (700 TL) is requested to initiate the referee process of the submitted article. After the payment is made, the information that the article has been processed is sent to the author/authors by e-mail. In case of rejection of the article at the end of the referee process, this fee will not be refunded.

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

The manuscripts sent to journal are controled with “IThenticate” screening program.

Last Update Time: 1/7/25, 3:35:45 PM

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