Year 2024,
, 201 - 210, 31.12.2024
Enver Tahtalı
Erdem Selver
This study examines the effect of nonwoven polypropylene veils on the flexural strength (3 and 4-point) of various layers of glass, carbon, and hybrid (glass and carbon) composite structures. The eight layers of the composite structures were manufactured using the vacuum infusion method with woven glass and carbon fabrics in various layer configurations. The flexural strength and elongation of the composites were found to be effectively influenced by the placement and number of nonwoven polypropylene reinforcement veils in the multilayer composite material.
- Alam, P., Mamalis, D., Robert, C., Floreani, C., and Ó Brádaigh, C.M.,(2019), The fatigue of carbon fibre reinforced plastics - A review. Composites Part B: Engineering. 166, 555-579.
- Wadgave, I., Kulkarni, S., Katekar, S., and Kulkarni, M.,(2024), A comprehensive review on: Mechanical and acoustical characterization of natural fiber-reinforced composite. Materials Today: Proceedings.
- De, B., Bera, M., Bhattacharjee, D., Ray, B.C., and Mukherjee, S.,(2024), A comprehensive review on fiber-reinforced polymer composites: Raw materials to applications, recycling, and waste management. Progress in Materials Science. 146, 101326.
- Prashanth, S., Subbaya, K., Nithin, K., and Sachhidananda, S.J.J.M.S.E.,(2017), Fiber reinforced composites-a review. 6, 03, 2-6.
- Ma, S., Gibson, I., Balaji, G., and Hu, Q.J.,(2007), Development of epoxy matrix composites for rapid tooling applications. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 192-193, 75-82.
- Damodaran, V., Castellanos, A.G., Milostan, M., and Prabhakar, P.,(2018), Improving the Mode-II interlaminar fracture toughness of polymeric matrix composites through additive manufacturing. Materials & Design. 157, 60-73.
- Abdellaoui, H., Raji, M., Bouhfid, R., and Qaiss, A.e.k., 2 - Investigation of the deformation behavior of epoxy-based composite materials, in Failure Analysis in Biocomposites, Fibre-Reinforced Composites and Hybrid Composites, M. Jawaid, M. Thariq, and N. Saba, Editors. 2019, Woodhead Publishing. p. 29-49.
- Saadati, Y., Chatelain, J.-F., Lebrun, G., Beauchamp, Y., Bocher, P., and Vanderesse, N.,(2020), A Study of the Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Unidirectional Flax/Epoxy Composites. 4, 2, 66.
- Alagöz, E. and Selver, E.,(2024), Glass flakes for enhancing mechanical properties of glass/epoxy composites. Proc Inst Mech Eng Pt L J Mater Des Appl. 0, 0, 14644207231224784.
- Mullins, M.J., Liu, D., and Sue, H.J., 2 - Mechanical properties of thermosets, in Thermosets, Q. Guo, Editor. 2012, Woodhead Publishing. p. 28-61.
- Shrivastava, R. and Singh, K.K.,(2020), Interlaminar Fracture Toughness Characterization of Laminated Composites: A Review. Polymer Reviews. 60, 3, 542-593.
- Liu, H.-Y., Wang, G.-T., Mai, Y.-W., and Zeng, Y.,(2011), On fracture toughness of nano-particle modified epoxy. Composites Part B: Engineering. 42, 8, 2170-2175.
- Johnsen, B.B., Kinloch, A.J., Mohammed, R.D., Taylor, A.C., and Sprenger, S.,(2007), Toughening mechanisms of nanoparticle-modified epoxy polymers. Polymer. 48, 2, 530-541.
- Zhang, L.-l., li, X.-l., wang, P., wei, X.-h., jing, D.-q., zhang, X.-h., and zhang, S.-c.,(2023), Increasing the interlaminar fracture toughness and thermal conductivity of carbon fiber/epoxy composites interleaved with carbon nanotube/polyimide composite films. New Carbon Materials. 38, 3, 566-573.
- Ramirez, V.A., Hogg, P.J., and Sampson, W.W.,(2015), The influence of the nonwoven veil architectures on interlaminar fracture toughness of interleaved composites. Composites Science and Technology. 110, 103-110.
- Uppin, V.S., Shivakumar Gouda, P.S., Sridhar, I., Umarfarooq, M.A., and Edacherian, A.,(2024), Effects of carbon/glass nonwoven interleaving veils and their areal density on opening and shearing mode interlaminar fracture toughness of glass epoxy composites. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 130, 104292.
- Quan, D., Alderliesten, R., Dransfeld, C., Murphy, N., Ivanković, A., and Benedictus, R.,(2020), Enhancing the fracture toughness of carbon fibre/epoxy composites by interleaving hybrid meltable/non-meltable thermoplastic veils. Composite Structures. 252, 112699.
- Tarih, Y.S., Coskun, T., Yar, A., Gundogdu, Ö., and Sahin, Ö.S.J.J.o.A.P.S.,(2023), The influences of low‐velocity impact loading on the vibration responses of the carbon/glass fiber‐reinforced epoxy composites interleaved with various non‐woven thermoplastic veils. 140, 15, e53728.
- Kılıçoğlu, M., Bat, E., Gündüz, G., Yıldırım, M.U., Urgun, K., and Maviş, B.,(2022), Fibers of thermoplastic polymer blends activate multiple interlayer toughening mechanisms. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 158, 106982.
- Quan, D., Bologna, F., Scarselli, G., Ivankovic, A., and Murphy, N.,(2020), Interlaminar fracture toughness of aerospace-grade carbon fibre reinforced plastics interleaved with thermoplastic veils. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 128, 105642.
- Kuwata, M. and Hogg, P.J.,(2011), Interlaminar toughness of interleaved CFRP using non-woven veils: Part 1. Mode-I testing. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 42, 10, 1551-1559.
- İnal, O., Akbolat, M.Ç., Soutis, C., Katnam, K.B.J.I.J.o.L.M., and Manufacture,(2021), Toughening mechanisms in cost-effective carbon-epoxy laminates with thermoplastic veils: Mode-I and in-situ SEM fracture characterisation. 4, 1, 50-61.
- Beylergil, B., Tanoğlu, M., and Aktaş, E.,(2018), Effect of polyamide-6,6 (PA 66) nonwoven veils on the mechanical performance of carbon fiber/epoxy composites. Composite Structures. 194, 21-35.
- Narongdej, P., Denk, J., and Barjasteh, E.,(2024), Investigation of interlayer toughening of carbon fiber composites using non-woven polyamide veils under different curing pressures. 58, 5, 647-659.
- Del Saz‐Orozco, B., Ray, D., and Stanley, W.F.J.P.C.,(2017), Effect of thermoplastic veils on interlaminar fracture toughness of a glass fiber/vinyl ester composite. 38, 11, 2501-2508.
- Molnár, K., Mészáros, L., and Košťáková, E.,(2013), The effect of needleless electrospun nanofibrous interleaves on mechanical properties of carbon fabrics/epoxy laminates. Express Polymer Letters. 8, 1, 62-72.
- Bahmani, M., Nosraty, H., Mirdehghan, S.A., and Varkiani, S.M.H.,(2024), Investigating the Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Glass Fiber/Epoxy Composites Modified by Polypropylene Spunbond Nonwoven Fabric Interlayers. Fibers and Polymers. 25, 3, 1061-1073.
- Yuan, B., Ye, M., Hu, Y., Cheng, F., and Hu, X.,(2020), Flexure and flexure-after-impact properties of carbon fibre composites interleaved with ultra-thin non-woven aramid fibre veils. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 131, 105813.
- Tiyek, T. and Kaya, G.,(2024), Impact and Post-Impact Damage Response of Interlayer Nonwoven Reinforced Hybrid Composites. Applied Composite Materials. 31, 3, 1083-1107.
- Acar, V., Gündoğdu, Ö., and Yar, A.,(2024), Vibration Response of Thermoplastic Veil Interleaved Carbon Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites. Türk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi. 13, 1, 128-132.
- Quan, D., Murphy, N., Ivanković, A., Zhao, G., and Alderliesten, R.,(2022), Fatigue delamination behaviour of carbon fibre/epoxy composites interleaved with thermoplastic veils. Composite Structures. 281, 114903.
Year 2024,
, 201 - 210, 31.12.2024
Enver Tahtalı
Erdem Selver
Bu çalışmada, polipropilen dokusuz yüzey kumaşların cam, karbon ve hibrit (cam ve karbon) kompozit yapıların farklı katmanlarında kullanımlarının eğilme dayanımlarına (3 ve 4 noktalı) olan etkileri karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir. Kompozit yapılar, karbon ve cam dokuma kumaştan farklı katman dizilimlerinde ve 8 katlı olacak şekilde, vakum infüzyon metodu ile üretilmişlerdir. Dokusuz yüzey kumaş takviyesinin çok katmanlı kompozit malzemede bulunduğu konumun ve kat sayısının, kompozitlerin eğilme dayanımları ve uzama miktarları üzerinde etkili olduğu görülmüştür.
- Alam, P., Mamalis, D., Robert, C., Floreani, C., and Ó Brádaigh, C.M.,(2019), The fatigue of carbon fibre reinforced plastics - A review. Composites Part B: Engineering. 166, 555-579.
- Wadgave, I., Kulkarni, S., Katekar, S., and Kulkarni, M.,(2024), A comprehensive review on: Mechanical and acoustical characterization of natural fiber-reinforced composite. Materials Today: Proceedings.
- De, B., Bera, M., Bhattacharjee, D., Ray, B.C., and Mukherjee, S.,(2024), A comprehensive review on fiber-reinforced polymer composites: Raw materials to applications, recycling, and waste management. Progress in Materials Science. 146, 101326.
- Prashanth, S., Subbaya, K., Nithin, K., and Sachhidananda, S.J.J.M.S.E.,(2017), Fiber reinforced composites-a review. 6, 03, 2-6.
- Ma, S., Gibson, I., Balaji, G., and Hu, Q.J.,(2007), Development of epoxy matrix composites for rapid tooling applications. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 192-193, 75-82.
- Damodaran, V., Castellanos, A.G., Milostan, M., and Prabhakar, P.,(2018), Improving the Mode-II interlaminar fracture toughness of polymeric matrix composites through additive manufacturing. Materials & Design. 157, 60-73.
- Abdellaoui, H., Raji, M., Bouhfid, R., and Qaiss, A.e.k., 2 - Investigation of the deformation behavior of epoxy-based composite materials, in Failure Analysis in Biocomposites, Fibre-Reinforced Composites and Hybrid Composites, M. Jawaid, M. Thariq, and N. Saba, Editors. 2019, Woodhead Publishing. p. 29-49.
- Saadati, Y., Chatelain, J.-F., Lebrun, G., Beauchamp, Y., Bocher, P., and Vanderesse, N.,(2020), A Study of the Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Unidirectional Flax/Epoxy Composites. 4, 2, 66.
- Alagöz, E. and Selver, E.,(2024), Glass flakes for enhancing mechanical properties of glass/epoxy composites. Proc Inst Mech Eng Pt L J Mater Des Appl. 0, 0, 14644207231224784.
- Mullins, M.J., Liu, D., and Sue, H.J., 2 - Mechanical properties of thermosets, in Thermosets, Q. Guo, Editor. 2012, Woodhead Publishing. p. 28-61.
- Shrivastava, R. and Singh, K.K.,(2020), Interlaminar Fracture Toughness Characterization of Laminated Composites: A Review. Polymer Reviews. 60, 3, 542-593.
- Liu, H.-Y., Wang, G.-T., Mai, Y.-W., and Zeng, Y.,(2011), On fracture toughness of nano-particle modified epoxy. Composites Part B: Engineering. 42, 8, 2170-2175.
- Johnsen, B.B., Kinloch, A.J., Mohammed, R.D., Taylor, A.C., and Sprenger, S.,(2007), Toughening mechanisms of nanoparticle-modified epoxy polymers. Polymer. 48, 2, 530-541.
- Zhang, L.-l., li, X.-l., wang, P., wei, X.-h., jing, D.-q., zhang, X.-h., and zhang, S.-c.,(2023), Increasing the interlaminar fracture toughness and thermal conductivity of carbon fiber/epoxy composites interleaved with carbon nanotube/polyimide composite films. New Carbon Materials. 38, 3, 566-573.
- Ramirez, V.A., Hogg, P.J., and Sampson, W.W.,(2015), The influence of the nonwoven veil architectures on interlaminar fracture toughness of interleaved composites. Composites Science and Technology. 110, 103-110.
- Uppin, V.S., Shivakumar Gouda, P.S., Sridhar, I., Umarfarooq, M.A., and Edacherian, A.,(2024), Effects of carbon/glass nonwoven interleaving veils and their areal density on opening and shearing mode interlaminar fracture toughness of glass epoxy composites. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 130, 104292.
- Quan, D., Alderliesten, R., Dransfeld, C., Murphy, N., Ivanković, A., and Benedictus, R.,(2020), Enhancing the fracture toughness of carbon fibre/epoxy composites by interleaving hybrid meltable/non-meltable thermoplastic veils. Composite Structures. 252, 112699.
- Tarih, Y.S., Coskun, T., Yar, A., Gundogdu, Ö., and Sahin, Ö.S.J.J.o.A.P.S.,(2023), The influences of low‐velocity impact loading on the vibration responses of the carbon/glass fiber‐reinforced epoxy composites interleaved with various non‐woven thermoplastic veils. 140, 15, e53728.
- Kılıçoğlu, M., Bat, E., Gündüz, G., Yıldırım, M.U., Urgun, K., and Maviş, B.,(2022), Fibers of thermoplastic polymer blends activate multiple interlayer toughening mechanisms. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 158, 106982.
- Quan, D., Bologna, F., Scarselli, G., Ivankovic, A., and Murphy, N.,(2020), Interlaminar fracture toughness of aerospace-grade carbon fibre reinforced plastics interleaved with thermoplastic veils. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 128, 105642.
- Kuwata, M. and Hogg, P.J.,(2011), Interlaminar toughness of interleaved CFRP using non-woven veils: Part 1. Mode-I testing. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 42, 10, 1551-1559.
- İnal, O., Akbolat, M.Ç., Soutis, C., Katnam, K.B.J.I.J.o.L.M., and Manufacture,(2021), Toughening mechanisms in cost-effective carbon-epoxy laminates with thermoplastic veils: Mode-I and in-situ SEM fracture characterisation. 4, 1, 50-61.
- Beylergil, B., Tanoğlu, M., and Aktaş, E.,(2018), Effect of polyamide-6,6 (PA 66) nonwoven veils on the mechanical performance of carbon fiber/epoxy composites. Composite Structures. 194, 21-35.
- Narongdej, P., Denk, J., and Barjasteh, E.,(2024), Investigation of interlayer toughening of carbon fiber composites using non-woven polyamide veils under different curing pressures. 58, 5, 647-659.
- Del Saz‐Orozco, B., Ray, D., and Stanley, W.F.J.P.C.,(2017), Effect of thermoplastic veils on interlaminar fracture toughness of a glass fiber/vinyl ester composite. 38, 11, 2501-2508.
- Molnár, K., Mészáros, L., and Košťáková, E.,(2013), The effect of needleless electrospun nanofibrous interleaves on mechanical properties of carbon fabrics/epoxy laminates. Express Polymer Letters. 8, 1, 62-72.
- Bahmani, M., Nosraty, H., Mirdehghan, S.A., and Varkiani, S.M.H.,(2024), Investigating the Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Glass Fiber/Epoxy Composites Modified by Polypropylene Spunbond Nonwoven Fabric Interlayers. Fibers and Polymers. 25, 3, 1061-1073.
- Yuan, B., Ye, M., Hu, Y., Cheng, F., and Hu, X.,(2020), Flexure and flexure-after-impact properties of carbon fibre composites interleaved with ultra-thin non-woven aramid fibre veils. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 131, 105813.
- Tiyek, T. and Kaya, G.,(2024), Impact and Post-Impact Damage Response of Interlayer Nonwoven Reinforced Hybrid Composites. Applied Composite Materials. 31, 3, 1083-1107.
- Acar, V., Gündoğdu, Ö., and Yar, A.,(2024), Vibration Response of Thermoplastic Veil Interleaved Carbon Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites. Türk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi. 13, 1, 128-132.
- Quan, D., Murphy, N., Ivanković, A., Zhao, G., and Alderliesten, R.,(2022), Fatigue delamination behaviour of carbon fibre/epoxy composites interleaved with thermoplastic veils. Composite Structures. 281, 114903.