Aim & Scope

Türkiye Journal of Theological Studies, Basic Islamic Sciences - Philosophy and Religious Sciences - His original and comparative studies in the fields of Islamic History and Arts (Islam, religion, science, history, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, history of religions, education and literature).
The target audience of the Türkiye Journal of Theological Studies is professionals who continue their research in the field of theology and students, readers and institutions who are interested in this field. Türkiye Journal of Theological Studies is published four times a year in March, June, September and December. The copyrights of the works published in the Turkish Journal of Theological Studies belong to their authors and Türkiye Journal of Theological Studies; has adopted open access scientific publishing. Articles published in the Türkiye Journal of Theological Studies can be made accessible by the author in the institutional archive of the university, in the archives on the subject or in other archives requested, without any embargo period.

Türkiye Journal of Theological Studies aims to contribute to knowledge in the field of theology and social sciences by publishing national and international scientific studies.

Türkiye Journal of Theological Studies publishes original and comparative studies (Islam, religion, science, history, history of religions, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, education and literature) in the fields of Basic Islamic Sciences - Philosophy and Religious Sciences - Islamic History and Arts.

Subject Category
Social Sciences: Sociology, Field Studies/Sufi/Basic Islamic Sciences
Humanities: Philosophy, Religion & Theology, History, History and Philosophy of Science; Education and Educational Research, Psychology; Religion, Cultural Studies, Islamic History and Arts
Field of Science: Tafsir, Hadith, Kalam, Islamic Law, History of Islamic Sects, Sufism, Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Psychology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, Religious Education, History of Religions, History of Philosophy, Logic, History of Islam, Islam Art History, Turkish-Islamic Literature, Religious Music, Religious Culture and Ethics Education.

Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Education, Philosophy of Ethics, Education, Islam, Tafsir, Quran, Recitation, Hadith, Prophet, Kalam, Islamic Law, Islamic Sects, Sufism, Arabic Language, Arabic Literature, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Psychology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, Religious Education, History of Religions, History of Philosophy, Logic, Islamic History, Islamic Arts, Turkish-Islamic Literature, Religious Music, Religious Culture, Morality, Psychology, Philosophy , Sociology, Islamic Civilization, Curriculum and Instruction, Tafsir, Recitation, Hadith, Kalam, Islamic Law, History of Islamic Sects, Sufism, Arabic Language and Literature.

Period of Publication
Turkey Journal of Theological Studies is published four times a year.

Target Audience
The target audience of the Türkiye Journal of Theological Studies is professionals who continue their research in the field of Theology and students, readers and institutions interested in this field.

The copyrights of the studies published in the Türkiye Journal of Theological Studies belong to their authors. The authors allow the intellectual work they sent to be published by the Turkey Journal of Theological Studies under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.

Payment Policy
Regardless of the acceptance or rejection status of the articles, a fee is charged. "According to the decision taken at the General Assembly of the Council of Higher Education dated 07.03.2019" You must send Fee 6000.00 TRY (VAT Included) to the bank account of Mustafa Süleyman ÖZCAN -AlbarakaTürk-Kartal Branch- TR95 0020 3000 0132 2015 0000 01 (iban)

Period Months
March June September December
Last Update Time: 1/1/25, 4:26:30 PM

Türkiye Journal of Theological Studies is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).