Publishing Policies

Türkiye Journal of Theological Studeies ISSN:

Publication Guidelines for Türkiye Journal of Theological Studeies (Tiad)

The material submitted for publication may not be previously published or accepted for publication by another publisher.

Articles may not exceed 35 pages (9,000 words), including appended material such as pictures, charts and maps etc. Articles must be submitted with abstracts both in Turkish and English (100-150 words) along with key words (5-7 words).

Although the journal is published in Turkish, articles in foreign languages are also welcome.

The editorial board peruses the submitted material with regard to both form and content before sending it on to referees. They may also consider the views of the advisory board. After the deliberation of the editorial board, submitted material is sent to three referees. In order for any material to be published, at least two of the referees must approve it. The revision and improvement demanded by the referees must be implemented in order for an article to be published. Authors are informed within three months about the decision regarding the publication of their material.

Material submitted to the journal is not returned, even if it is not accepted for publication. Authors assume the responsibility of the article with regard to the style, content, scholarly value and legal aspects.

The material published in the journal is copyrighted; it cannot be used without proper reference.

The material to be considered for publication must be uploaded, after being member of itobiad.

Last Update Time: 8/15/23, 6:32:02 PM

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