Writing Rules

- The manuscripts to be submitted to Trabzon Theology Journal should not exceed 9 thousand words. If the volume of any manuscript exceeds this upper limit, the decision of the editorial board will be valid.

- Articles should be written in accordance with the footnoted citation principle in the ISNAD Citation System (2nd Edition). In-text citation system (APA) is not used in our journal. For ISNAD 2nd Edition, see https://www.isnadsistemi.org/knowledgebase_category/isnad2/.

- References should be given in full in the footnotes and bibliography where they are first mentioned, and abbreviated in subsequent places.

- Manuscripts prepared for publication in the journal should be written in Microsoft Office Word program with Gentium Plus font style and saved as .doc or .docx.

- Page margins should be set as top 3, right 2.5, left 2.5 and bottom 3 cm.

- In all titles, including main titles, Introduction, Conclusion, Bibliography, only the first letters of the words should be capitalized (Example: Forms of Address to the Prophet in the Qur'an).

- Main title (Turkish-English) except for the words "Introduction", "Conclusion" and "References", numbers must be used in the titles.

- The main title of the article in Turkish/English should be in 12 point, the titles of Abstract and Keywords and other titles in the text should be in 10 point. All titles in the text should be bold.

- The main text, and abstract, and keywords should be 9,5 point font and single-spaced. Footnotes should be typed in 8 point font size with single-spaced.

- Submitted manuscripts should include a 150-250 word abstract in Turkish and English and should be written as a single paragraph.

- The word "Keywords" should be adjacent, there should be five (5) keywords (English-Turkish) and the first one should be the department/science branch, and a period should be placed at the end of the keywords.

- For the spelling of proper names, book titles and concepts in the English title, abstract and keywords, the 3rd edition of the Encyclopaedia of Islam should be taken into account. See https://referenceworks.brillonline.com/browse/encyclopaedia-of-islam-3

- Except for the English title, Abstract and Keywords, the letters in Arabic words, terms, authors and book titles (E.g. ġavāmiḑ) should not be transcribed in the Turkish Abstract, Keywords and the entire text. Circumflex, inverted and straight apostrophes should be used only when necessary, and there should be consistency in their use (E.g. Cāmi'ü'l-mesāil, et-Ta'zīr fi'l-Islām).

- Introduction and References should start on a new page.

- Paragraph indentation should be 0,5 cm throughout the text.

- Paragraph spacing should be 6 nk.

- Quotations of more than three lines (block quotations) should be in quotation marks, in quotation format, in 8-point font size, normal paragraph alignment (right justified) from the right, indented 1.25 cm from the left.

- The Bibliography must comply with the ISNAD citation system and be listed alphabetically. The first line must be unindented.

- All religious terms and author names must be in accordance with the spelling in the Diyanet Encyclopedia of Islam (DIA) and written consistently throughout the text. For other common words in Turkish, Turkish Language Society (TDK) should be taken as a basis. Especially the spelling of circumflex in words and letters at the end of words should be based on Turkish Language Society.

- Tables and Figures should be organized according to the ISNAD Citation System.

- The text in the table content should be written in Gentium Plus font with a font size of 9,5 points; it should be aligned on both sides.

- Table and Figure captions and references, if any, should be written in Gentium Plus font in 9,5 point size, aligned on both sides, and single-spaced. Spacing should be set to 6 nk from the bottom and 0 nk from the top for Table and Figure captions, and 6 nk from the top and bottom for Table and Figure references.

- Tables should not extend beyond the writing area (page margins should not be violated), and spacing should be set to 0 nk at the top and 6 nk at the bottom. Tables smaller than the page margins should be left-aligned.

- Studies submitted to our journal must strictly comply with the announced template. Studies that do not comply with our journal's article template will be rejected without being processed. Click for the article template. 

- In our journal, more than one work of an author in the same period is not evaluated. In addition, articles by the same author are not published for two consecutive issues.

- In order for translated articles to be processed, a certain number of citations (at least 3) in the original language of the article is required.

- Manuscripts produced from graduate theses and symposium proceedings can be uploaded to the journal system by including an ethical statement at the beginning of the article.

- For book critiques, a 50-100 word abstract in Turkish and English should be included, and at least one work (which may be the work being critiqued) should be included in the bibliography.