Research Article
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Variations in physiological and biochemical traits of drought-stressed Quercus cerris seedlings

Year 2017, , 269 - 274, 28.12.2017


Turkey oak is among the species that can be used for the
afforestations in the semi-arid and arid regions of Turkey. Understanding how
the Turkey oak responds to drought could contribute to improve stress tolerance
and to the success of afforestation programs of species. In this study, the
response of one-year-old seedlings of Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) to the
drought stress was investigated. Under controlled conditions, the seedlings in
the control group were regularly irrigated during the stress experiment, while
drought-stressed seedlings were subjected to drought stress by withholding
irrigation for 30 days. Both control and drought-stress treatment groups were
sampled on days 0, 7, 14, 21 and 30, and their stem xylem water potential,
stomatal conductance and total soluble sugars were determined. In addition, the
volumetric soil moisture content was also determined. As a result, significant
differences were found in xylem water potential, stomatal conductance and total
soluble sugar between the control and drought-stressed seedlings. Drought
stress significantly reduced soil moisture content and consequently, xylem
water potential of the drought-stressed oak seedlings were lower than the
control seedlings. Drought stress decreased stomatal conductance, but
significantly increased accumulations of total soluble sugars.


  • Acherar, M., Rambale, S., 1992. Comparative water relations of four Mediterranean oak species. Vegetatio, 99(100): 177-184.
  • Alkhail, M.S.A., Moftah, A.E., 2011. Adaptation mechanisms of some desert plants grown in central region of Saudi Arabia. International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science, 1(11):462-470.
  • Arndt, S.K., Clifford, S.C., Wanek, W., Jones, H.G., Popp, M., 2001. Physiological and morphological adaptations of the fruit tree Ziziphus rotundifolia in response to progressive drought stress.Tree Physiology, 21:705-715.
  • Atta, H.A.E., Aref, İ.M., Ahmed, A.İ., Khan, P.R., 2012. Morphological and anatomical response of Acacia ehrenbergiana Hayne and Acacia tortilis (Forssk) Haynes subsp. raddiana seedlings to induced water stress. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(44): 10188-10199.
  • Augé, R.M., Xiangrong, D., Croker, J.L., Witte, W.T., Green, C.D., 1998. Foliar dehydration tolerance of twelve deciduous tree species. J. Expt. Bot., 49: 753-759.
  • Balok, C.A., Hilaire, R.S., 2002. Drought responses among seven southwestern landscape tree taxa. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci., 127: 211–218.
  • Boydak, M., Çalışkan, S., 2014. Ağaçlandırma (Tohum, Ağaç Islahı, Fidanlık, Doğaya Yakın Ormancılık, Alan Hazırlığı, Ekim, Dikim, Yarı Kurak, Kurak Alanlar, Endüstriyel Ağaçlandırmalar, Karstik Alanlar, Özet Nitelikli Ağaçlandırmalar), Ogem-Vak., İstanbul.
  • Büyük, İ., Soydam Aydın, S., Aras, S., 2012. Bitkilerin stres koşullarına verdiği moleküler cevaplar. Turk Hij. Den. Biyol. Derg., 69(2): 97-110.
  • Clua, A., Paez, M., Orsini, H., Beltrano, J., 2009. Incidence of drought stress and rewatering on Lotus tenuis. Effects on cell membrane stability. Lotus Newsletter, 39(1):21-27.
  • Çalıkoğlu, M., 2002. Anadolu Karaçamı (Pinus nigra Arnold. ssp. pallasiana Lamb. Holmboe) orijinlerinin kuraklığa karşı reaksiyonlarının ekofizyolojik analizi. Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul. Dubois, M., Gilles, K.A., Hamilton, J.K., Rebers, P.A., Smith, F., 1956. Calorimetric method for determination of sugars and related substances. Anal. Chem., 28: 350- 356.
  • Epron, D., Dreyer, E., Aussenac, G., 1993. A comparison of photosynthetic responses to water stress in seedlings from 3 oak species: Quercus petraea (Matt), Q. rubra L. and Q. cerris L. Ann.Sci. For., 50(1):48-60.
  • Farquhar, G.D., Sharkey, T.D., 1982. Stomatal conductance and photosynthesis. Annu.Rev.Plant.Physiol., 33:317-345.
  • Fort, C., Fauveau, M.L., Muller, F., Pabel, P., Granier, A., Dreyer, E., 1997. Stomatal conductance, growth and root signaling in young oak seedlings subjected to partial soil drying. Tree physiol., 17: 281-289.
  • Fotelli, M.N., Radoglou, K.M., Constantinidou, H.I.A., 2000. Water stress responses of seedlings of four Mediterranean oak species. Tree Physiology, 20:1065–1075.
  • Franco, J.A., Sánchez-Martínez, J.J., Fernández, J.A., Bañón, S., 2006. Selection and nursery production of ornamental plants for plants for landscaping and xerogardening in semi-arid environments. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 81(1):3-17.
  • Göksoy, A.T., Turan, Z.M., 1991. Kuraklığın bitki morfolojisi ve fizyolojisi üzerine etkileri. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 8:189-199.
  • Holland, V., Koller, S., Lukas, S., Brüggeman, W., 2016. Drought- and frost-induced accumulation of soluble carbohydrates during accelerated senescence in Quercus pubescens. Trees, 30:215–226.
  • Johnson, P.J., S.R. Shifley, R. Rogers. 2002. Oak-dominated ecosystems. In: The Ecology and Silviculture of Oaks. CABI Publishing, N.Y. pp. 8–53.
  • Jones, H., 1992. Plants and Microclimate. A Quantitative Approach to Environment Plant Physiology, Second ed., Cambridge University Press, Great Britain, pp. 264–276.
  • Maguire, A.J., Kobe, R.K., 2015. Drought and shade deplete nonstructural carbohydrate reserves in seedlings of five temperate tree species. Ecology and Evolution, 5(23): 5711–5721.
  • Manes, F., Vitale, M., Donato, E., Giannini, M., Puppi, G., 2006. Different ability of three Mediterranean oak species to tolerate progressive water stress. Photosynthetica, 44 (3): 387-393.
  • Morales, C.G., Pino, M.T., del Pozo, A., 2013. Phenological and physiological responses to drought stress and subsequent rehydration cycles in two raspberry cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae, 162, 234–241.
  • OGM, 2015. Türkiye Orman Varlığı Kitabı. Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı. Orman Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • Priwitzer, T., Kurjak, D., Kmet´, J., Sitková, Z., Leštianska, A., 2014. Photosynthetic response of European beech to atmospheric and soil drought. Lesn. Cas. For., 60:31-37.
  • Sánchez, F.J., Andrés de, E.F., Tenorio, J.L., Ayerbe, L., 2004. Growth of epicotylos, turgor maintenance and osmotic adjustment in pea plants (Pistum sativum L.) subjested to water stress. Field Crops Research, 86:81-90.
  • Sayed, S.A., Gadallah, M.A.A., Salama, F.M., 2013. Ecophysiological studies on three desert plants growing in Wadi Natash, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences, 3(1 ): 135-143.
  • Stojnić, S., Pekeč, S., Kebert, M., Pilipović, A., Stojanović, D., Stojanović, M., Orlović, S., 2016. Drought effects on physiology and biochemistry of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.) and Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) saplings grown in urban area of Novi Sad, Serbia. South-East European Forestry, 7(1): 57-63. Toprak, B., Yıldız, O., Sargıncı, M., Güner, Ş.T., 2016. Kök boğazı çapı ve fidan boyunun karaçam (Pinus nigra), Toros sediri (Cedrus libani) ve saçlı meşe (Quercus cerris) fidanlarının yarı-kurak sahalardaki tutma başarısına etkisi. Ormancılık Dergisi, 12(1): 105-111.
  • Tüfekçi, S., Gürlevik, N., Polat, O., Topal, A., Polat, S., Gültekin, H.C., 2016. Yerel mikorizal türlerle aşılamanın saçlı meşe (Quercus cerris L.) fidanı gelişimine etkileri. Orman Genel Müdürlüğü Ormancılık Araştırma Dergisi, 1(3): 38-49.
  • Valero-Galván, J., González-Fernández, R., Navarro-Cerrilo, R.M., Gil-Pelegrín, E., Jorrín-Novo, J.V., 2013. Physiological and proteomic analyses of drought stress response in Holm Oak provenances. Journal of Proteome Research, 12: 5110-5123. Vasques, A.R., Pinto, G., Dias, M.C., Correia, C.M., Moutinho-Pereira, J.M., Vallejo, V.R., Santos, C., Keizer, J.J., 2016.
  • Physiological response to drought in seedlings of Pistacia lentiscus (mastic tree). New Forests, 47: 119–130.
  • Wu, M., Zhang, W.H., Ma, C., Zhou, J.Y., 2013. Changes in morphological, physiological, and biochemical responses to different levels of drought stress in Chinese cork oak (Quercus variabilis BI.) seedlings. Russ. J. Plant Physl., 60(5): 681–692.

Kuraklık stresli Quercus cerris fidanlarının fizyolojik ve biyokimyasal özelliklerindeki değişimler

Year 2017, , 269 - 274, 28.12.2017


Saçlı meşe, ülkemizde kurak ve yarı kurak bölge
ağaçlandırmalarında kullanılabilecek türler arasında yer almaktadır. Saçlı
meşenin kuraklığa nasıl bir tepki verdiğini anlamak, türün stres toleransının
geliştirilmesine ve ağaçlandırma programlarının başarısına katkı sağlayabilir.
Bu çalışmada, 1+0 yaşındaki tüplü saçlı meşe (Quercus cerris L.) fidanlarının
kuraklık stresine tepkisi araştırılmıştır. Kontrollü koşullarda, kuraklık
stresi uygulanan fidanlar bir ay süresince susuz bırakılırken, kontrol
fidanları stres denemesi süresince düzenli olarak sulanmıştır. Kuraklık stres
denemesi süresinde 0, 7, 14, 21 ve 30. günlerde hem kontrol hem de kuraklık
stresi işlem grubundan örneklenen fidanlar üzerinde gövde ksilem su
potansiyeli, stoma iletkenliği ve  toplam
çözünebilir şeker içeriği belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, hacimsel toprak nem içeriği
tespitleri de yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, ksilem su potansiyeli, stoma
iletkenliği ve toplam çözünebilir şekerler bakımından kontrol ve kuraklık
stresli fidanlar arasında önemli farklılıklar belirlenmiştir. Kuraklık stresi
toprak nem içeriğini oldukça düşürmüş ve buna bağlı olarak da stres altındaki
saçlı meşe fidanlarının ksilem su potansiyeli kontrol fidanlarından daha düşük
bulunmuştur. Kuraklık stresi, toplam çözünebilir şeker birikimini arttırırken,
stoma iletkenliğini düşürmüştür.


  • Acherar, M., Rambale, S., 1992. Comparative water relations of four Mediterranean oak species. Vegetatio, 99(100): 177-184.
  • Alkhail, M.S.A., Moftah, A.E., 2011. Adaptation mechanisms of some desert plants grown in central region of Saudi Arabia. International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science, 1(11):462-470.
  • Arndt, S.K., Clifford, S.C., Wanek, W., Jones, H.G., Popp, M., 2001. Physiological and morphological adaptations of the fruit tree Ziziphus rotundifolia in response to progressive drought stress.Tree Physiology, 21:705-715.
  • Atta, H.A.E., Aref, İ.M., Ahmed, A.İ., Khan, P.R., 2012. Morphological and anatomical response of Acacia ehrenbergiana Hayne and Acacia tortilis (Forssk) Haynes subsp. raddiana seedlings to induced water stress. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(44): 10188-10199.
  • Augé, R.M., Xiangrong, D., Croker, J.L., Witte, W.T., Green, C.D., 1998. Foliar dehydration tolerance of twelve deciduous tree species. J. Expt. Bot., 49: 753-759.
  • Balok, C.A., Hilaire, R.S., 2002. Drought responses among seven southwestern landscape tree taxa. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci., 127: 211–218.
  • Boydak, M., Çalışkan, S., 2014. Ağaçlandırma (Tohum, Ağaç Islahı, Fidanlık, Doğaya Yakın Ormancılık, Alan Hazırlığı, Ekim, Dikim, Yarı Kurak, Kurak Alanlar, Endüstriyel Ağaçlandırmalar, Karstik Alanlar, Özet Nitelikli Ağaçlandırmalar), Ogem-Vak., İstanbul.
  • Büyük, İ., Soydam Aydın, S., Aras, S., 2012. Bitkilerin stres koşullarına verdiği moleküler cevaplar. Turk Hij. Den. Biyol. Derg., 69(2): 97-110.
  • Clua, A., Paez, M., Orsini, H., Beltrano, J., 2009. Incidence of drought stress and rewatering on Lotus tenuis. Effects on cell membrane stability. Lotus Newsletter, 39(1):21-27.
  • Çalıkoğlu, M., 2002. Anadolu Karaçamı (Pinus nigra Arnold. ssp. pallasiana Lamb. Holmboe) orijinlerinin kuraklığa karşı reaksiyonlarının ekofizyolojik analizi. Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul. Dubois, M., Gilles, K.A., Hamilton, J.K., Rebers, P.A., Smith, F., 1956. Calorimetric method for determination of sugars and related substances. Anal. Chem., 28: 350- 356.
  • Epron, D., Dreyer, E., Aussenac, G., 1993. A comparison of photosynthetic responses to water stress in seedlings from 3 oak species: Quercus petraea (Matt), Q. rubra L. and Q. cerris L. Ann.Sci. For., 50(1):48-60.
  • Farquhar, G.D., Sharkey, T.D., 1982. Stomatal conductance and photosynthesis. Annu.Rev.Plant.Physiol., 33:317-345.
  • Fort, C., Fauveau, M.L., Muller, F., Pabel, P., Granier, A., Dreyer, E., 1997. Stomatal conductance, growth and root signaling in young oak seedlings subjected to partial soil drying. Tree physiol., 17: 281-289.
  • Fotelli, M.N., Radoglou, K.M., Constantinidou, H.I.A., 2000. Water stress responses of seedlings of four Mediterranean oak species. Tree Physiology, 20:1065–1075.
  • Franco, J.A., Sánchez-Martínez, J.J., Fernández, J.A., Bañón, S., 2006. Selection and nursery production of ornamental plants for plants for landscaping and xerogardening in semi-arid environments. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 81(1):3-17.
  • Göksoy, A.T., Turan, Z.M., 1991. Kuraklığın bitki morfolojisi ve fizyolojisi üzerine etkileri. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 8:189-199.
  • Holland, V., Koller, S., Lukas, S., Brüggeman, W., 2016. Drought- and frost-induced accumulation of soluble carbohydrates during accelerated senescence in Quercus pubescens. Trees, 30:215–226.
  • Johnson, P.J., S.R. Shifley, R. Rogers. 2002. Oak-dominated ecosystems. In: The Ecology and Silviculture of Oaks. CABI Publishing, N.Y. pp. 8–53.
  • Jones, H., 1992. Plants and Microclimate. A Quantitative Approach to Environment Plant Physiology, Second ed., Cambridge University Press, Great Britain, pp. 264–276.
  • Maguire, A.J., Kobe, R.K., 2015. Drought and shade deplete nonstructural carbohydrate reserves in seedlings of five temperate tree species. Ecology and Evolution, 5(23): 5711–5721.
  • Manes, F., Vitale, M., Donato, E., Giannini, M., Puppi, G., 2006. Different ability of three Mediterranean oak species to tolerate progressive water stress. Photosynthetica, 44 (3): 387-393.
  • Morales, C.G., Pino, M.T., del Pozo, A., 2013. Phenological and physiological responses to drought stress and subsequent rehydration cycles in two raspberry cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae, 162, 234–241.
  • OGM, 2015. Türkiye Orman Varlığı Kitabı. Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı. Orman Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • Priwitzer, T., Kurjak, D., Kmet´, J., Sitková, Z., Leštianska, A., 2014. Photosynthetic response of European beech to atmospheric and soil drought. Lesn. Cas. For., 60:31-37.
  • Sánchez, F.J., Andrés de, E.F., Tenorio, J.L., Ayerbe, L., 2004. Growth of epicotylos, turgor maintenance and osmotic adjustment in pea plants (Pistum sativum L.) subjested to water stress. Field Crops Research, 86:81-90.
  • Sayed, S.A., Gadallah, M.A.A., Salama, F.M., 2013. Ecophysiological studies on three desert plants growing in Wadi Natash, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences, 3(1 ): 135-143.
  • Stojnić, S., Pekeč, S., Kebert, M., Pilipović, A., Stojanović, D., Stojanović, M., Orlović, S., 2016. Drought effects on physiology and biochemistry of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.) and Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) saplings grown in urban area of Novi Sad, Serbia. South-East European Forestry, 7(1): 57-63. Toprak, B., Yıldız, O., Sargıncı, M., Güner, Ş.T., 2016. Kök boğazı çapı ve fidan boyunun karaçam (Pinus nigra), Toros sediri (Cedrus libani) ve saçlı meşe (Quercus cerris) fidanlarının yarı-kurak sahalardaki tutma başarısına etkisi. Ormancılık Dergisi, 12(1): 105-111.
  • Tüfekçi, S., Gürlevik, N., Polat, O., Topal, A., Polat, S., Gültekin, H.C., 2016. Yerel mikorizal türlerle aşılamanın saçlı meşe (Quercus cerris L.) fidanı gelişimine etkileri. Orman Genel Müdürlüğü Ormancılık Araştırma Dergisi, 1(3): 38-49.
  • Valero-Galván, J., González-Fernández, R., Navarro-Cerrilo, R.M., Gil-Pelegrín, E., Jorrín-Novo, J.V., 2013. Physiological and proteomic analyses of drought stress response in Holm Oak provenances. Journal of Proteome Research, 12: 5110-5123. Vasques, A.R., Pinto, G., Dias, M.C., Correia, C.M., Moutinho-Pereira, J.M., Vallejo, V.R., Santos, C., Keizer, J.J., 2016.
  • Physiological response to drought in seedlings of Pistacia lentiscus (mastic tree). New Forests, 47: 119–130.
  • Wu, M., Zhang, W.H., Ma, C., Zhou, J.Y., 2013. Changes in morphological, physiological, and biochemical responses to different levels of drought stress in Chinese cork oak (Quercus variabilis BI.) seedlings. Russ. J. Plant Physl., 60(5): 681–692.
There are 31 citations in total.


Journal Section Orijinal Araştırma Makalesi

Ayşe Deligöz

Esra Bayar This is me

Publication Date December 28, 2017
Acceptance Date October 31, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Deligöz, A., & Bayar, E. (2017). Variations in physiological and biochemical traits of drought-stressed Quercus cerris seedlings. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 18(4), 269-274.
AMA Deligöz A, Bayar E. Variations in physiological and biochemical traits of drought-stressed Quercus cerris seedlings. Turkish Journal of Forestry. December 2017;18(4):269-274. doi:10.18182/tjf.318318
Chicago Deligöz, Ayşe, and Esra Bayar. “Variations in Physiological and Biochemical Traits of Drought-Stressed Quercus Cerris Seedlings”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 18, no. 4 (December 2017): 269-74.
EndNote Deligöz A, Bayar E (December 1, 2017) Variations in physiological and biochemical traits of drought-stressed Quercus cerris seedlings. Turkish Journal of Forestry 18 4 269–274.
IEEE A. Deligöz and E. Bayar, “Variations in physiological and biochemical traits of drought-stressed Quercus cerris seedlings”, Turkish Journal of Forestry, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 269–274, 2017, doi: 10.18182/tjf.318318.
ISNAD Deligöz, Ayşe - Bayar, Esra. “Variations in Physiological and Biochemical Traits of Drought-Stressed Quercus Cerris Seedlings”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 18/4 (December 2017), 269-274.
JAMA Deligöz A, Bayar E. Variations in physiological and biochemical traits of drought-stressed Quercus cerris seedlings. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2017;18:269–274.
MLA Deligöz, Ayşe and Esra Bayar. “Variations in Physiological and Biochemical Traits of Drought-Stressed Quercus Cerris Seedlings”. Turkish Journal of Forestry, vol. 18, no. 4, 2017, pp. 269-74, doi:10.18182/tjf.318318.
Vancouver Deligöz A, Bayar E. Variations in physiological and biochemical traits of drought-stressed Quercus cerris seedlings. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2017;18(4):269-74.