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Ebeveyn-Çocuk İlişkisi ve Zorbalık

Year 2018, , 49 - 55, 19.03.2018


Okullarda yaşanan saldırgan davranışlar tüm dünyada yaygın bir problemdir. Çocukların maruz kaldığı saldırgan davranışların en yaygın şeklinin zorbalık olduğundan bahsedilmektedir. Zorbalığın fiziksel, sözel, sanal ve dolaylı pek çok türü bulunmaktadır. Uzun dönemdeki etkileri incelendiğinde zorba eylemler hem uygulayan hem de maruz kalan açısından olumsuz sonuçlara neden olmaktadır. Zorbalık uygulayan öğrenciler sosyal ve ruhsal problemler yaşayabileceği gibi, yetişkinlik döneminde zorba eylemlerde bulunmayan kişilere kıyasla daha yüksek oranda suç işleme ve psikiyatrik rahatsızlık yaşama olasılığına sahiptir. Zorbalığın nedenleri çeşitlidir ve genellikle tek bir nedenle açıklanamamaktadır. Ailenin çocuk üzerindeki etkisi düşünüldüğünde aile ilişkilerinin zorba davranışlar uygulama ve zorba davranışlara maruz kalmada önemli bir belirleyici olduğu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu açıdan, sağlıklı kimlik gelişimi için zorba eylemleri önlemeye ve azaltmaya yönelik müdahaleler geliştirip uygularken ailenin katılımının sağlanması önemli görülmektedir. 


  • 1. Dupper DR. Okul sosyal hizmeti. Özkan Y, Gökçearslan Çifci E, çev.editörleri.(trans. Eds.) 1. baskı. İstanbul: Kapital; 2013.p.34-35,40.
  • 2. Pontzer DA. Theoretical test of bullying behavior: Parenting, personality, and the bully/victim relationship. Journal of Family Violence 2010;25(3):259-273.
  • 3. Mishna F. Learning disabilities and bullying: double jeopardy. Journal of Learning Disabilities 2003; 36:1-15.
  • 4. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. School violence and bullying global status report. 2017: 9.
  • 5. Kepenekçi KY, Çınkır Ş. Öğrenciler arası zorbalık. Eğitim Yönetimi 2003;34:236-253.
  • 6. Pekel UN, Uçanok Z. Akran zorbalığı gruplarında yalnızlık ve akademik başarı ile sosyometrik statüye göre zorba/kurban davranışı türleri. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 2005;20(56):77-92.
  • 7. Eşkisu M. The Relationship between bullying, family functions and perceived social support among high school students. Social and Behavioral Sciences 2014;159:492-496.
  • 8. Akgün S. Akran zorbalığının anne-baba tutumları ve anne-baba ergen ilişkisi açısından değerlendirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2005. p. 50-52.
  • 9. Swearer SM, Espelage DL. A social-ecological framework of bullying among youth. Espelage DL ve Swearer SM, editor. Bullying in American schools: A social-ecological perspective on prevention and intervention London: Erlbaum; 2004. p.1-12.
  • 10. Nickerson AB, Mele D, Osborne-Oliver KM. Parent-child relationships and bullying. In: Handbook of bullying in schools. Jimerson SR, Swearer, S M, Espelage DL, editor. Parent-Child Relationships and Bullying. 1st ed. New York:Routledge; 2009. p.187-210.
  • 11. Watt R. Attachment, parenting styles and bullying during pubertal years. Journal of Child Adolescent Health 2014;26(3):251-261.
  • 12. Bosmans G, Braet C, Beyers W, Van Vlierberghe L, Van Leeuwen K. Power assertive discipline and internalizing problems in adolescents: The role of attachment. Parenting: Science and Practice 2014;11:34-55.
  • 13. Yerger W, Gehret C. Understanding and dealing with bullying in schools. The Educational Forum 2011; 75(4): 315-326.
  • 14. Monks CP, Smith PK, Swettenham J. Psychological correlates of peer victimisation in preschool: Social cognitive skills, executive function and attachment profiles. Aggressive Behaviour 2005;31:571-588.
  • 15. Bowers L, Smith PK, Binney V. Perceived family relationships of bullies, victims and bully/victims in middle childhood. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 1994;11:215-232.
  • 16. Eldeleklioğlu J. The relationships between aggressiveness, peer pressure and parental attitudes among Turkish high school students. Social Behaviour and Personality 2007;35(7):975-986.
  • 17. Demaray MK, Malecki CK. Perceptions of the frequency and importance of social support by students classified as victims, bullies, and bully/victims in an urban middle school. School Psychology Review 2003; 32:471-489.
  • 18. Elliott M. Bullies and victims. In: Elliott M, editor. Bullying. 3rd ed. UK: Pearson; 1997. p.1-11.
  • 19. Glover D, Gough G, Johnson M, Cartwright N. Bullying in 25 secondary schools: Incidence, impact, and intervention. Educational Research 2000; 42:141-156.
  • 20. Gültekin AG. A study on peer abuse among children at boarding and day schools. World Applied Sciences Journal 2010; 10(2):219-224.
  • 21. Jansen P, Verlinden M, Berkel AD, Mieloo C, Ende J, Veenstra R, et al. Prevalence of bullying and victimization among children in early elementary school: do family and school neighbourhood socioeconomic status matter? BMC Public Health 2012; 12:494-504.
  • 22. Lee SS, Wong DS. School, parents, and peer factors in relation to Hong Kong students' bullying. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 2009; 15 (3):217-233.
  • 23. Hilton JM, Anngela CL, Wakita J. A cross-cultural comparison of factors associated with school bullying in Japan and the United States. The Family Journal 2010; 18 (4): 413-422.
  • 24. Broberg M. Young children’s well-being in Finnish stepfamilies. Early Child Development & Care, 2012: 182: 401-415.
  • 25. Clayton CL ‘With my parents I can tell them anything’: Intimacy levels within British Chinese families. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 2014;19: 22-36.
  • 26. Bireda AD, Pillay J. Perceived parent–child communication and well-being among Ethiopian adolescents. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 2017:1-9.
  • 27. Davies SL, Crosby RA, Diclemente RJ: Family influences on adolescent health. In: DiClement RJ, Santelli JS, Crosby RA, editors. Adolescent Health: Understanding and Preventing Risk Behaviours. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass; 2009. p. 391.
  • 28. Atik G, Güneri OY. Bullying and victimization: Predictive role of individual, parental, and academic factors. School Psychology International 2013; 34(6): 658-673.
  • 29. Gallarin M, Alonso-Arbiol I. Parenting practices, parental attachment and aggressiveness in adolescence: A predictive model. Journal of Adolescence 2012; 35: 1601-1610.
  • 30. Dehue1 F, Bolman C, Vollink T, Pouwelse M. Cyber bullying and traditional bullying in relation to adolescents’ perception of parenting. Journal of Cyber Therapy & Rehabilitation 2012; 5 (1): 125-134.
  • 31. Güvenir T. Okulda akran istismarı. Kök Yayıncılık, Ankara; 2008.
  • 32. Dishion TJ, Patterson G. Age effects in parent training outcome. Behaviour Therapy 1992; 23:719-729.
  • 33. Kazdin AE. Treatment of antisocial behaviour in children: Current status and future directions. Psychological Bulletin 1987;102:187-203.
  • 34. Sharp S. Self-esteem, response style and victimization: Possible ways of preventing victimization through parenting and school based training programmes. School Psychology International 1996; 17:347-357.
  • 35. Olweus D, Limber SP, Mihalic S. The Bullying Prevention Program: Blueprints for Violence Prevention. Boulder, CO: Centre for the Study and Prevention of Violence; 1999. p.3.
  • 36. Yerger W, Gehret C. Understanding and dealing with bullying in schools. Educational Forum 2011;75:315-326.
  • 37. Astor RA, Rosemond M, Pitner RO, Marachi R, Benbenishty R, Interpersonal conflict, violence, and classroom management best practices and resources, Franklin C, Harris MB, Allen-Meares P, editor. The School Services Sourcebook: A Guide for School-Based Professionals. 1st Ed. New York: Oxford University Press; 2006. p.423-441.
  • 38. Dupper D. An alternative to suspension for middle school youths with behaviour problems: findings from a "school survival" group. Research on Social Work Practice 1998;8(3):354-366.
  • 39. Short RJ, Short PM. An organizational perspective on student discipline. Education 1994; 114:567-569.
  • 40. Brower AM. ve Nurius PS. Social Cognition and Individual Change: Current Theory and Counselling Guidelines. 1st ed. UK: SAGE; 1993. p.167.
  • 41. Incredible Years Parent, Teacher, and Child Programs. Erişim tarihi: 15.05.2017.
  • 42. Flouri E, Buchanan A. The role of mother involvement and father involvement in adolescent bullying behaviour. J Interpers Violence 2003;18:634-44.
  • 43. Schaffer ES. A circumflex model for maternal behaviour. Journal of Abnormal Social Psychology 1959;59:226-235

Parent-Child Relationships and Bullying

Year 2018, , 49 - 55, 19.03.2018


Violence in schools is prevalent problem worldwide. Bullying is thought to
be the most prevalent form of violence suffered by children. There are
different types of bullying as physical, verbal, cyber and indirect. When the
long term effects are examined of bullying, negative consequences effect both
bullies and victims. Bullies may experience social and psychological problems
as well as have the possibility of committing crime and psychiatric
disturbances during adulthood. The causes of the bullying vary and are usually
not explained for a single reason. Considering the influence of the parents on
the child, it turns out that family relationships are an important determinant
of being of a bully or victim. In this regard, it is important to ensure the
participation of the parents when developing and implementing interventions to
prevent and reduce bullying for healthy identity development.

Okullarda yaşanan saldırgan davranışlar tüm
dünyada yaygın bir problemdir. Çocukların maruz kaldığı saldırgan davranışların
en yaygın şeklinin zorbalık olduğundan bahsedilmektedir. Zorbalığın fiziksel,
sözel, sanal ve dolaylı pek çok türü bulunmaktadır. Uzun dönemdeki etkileri
incelendiğinde zorba eylemler hem uygulayan hem de maruz kalan açısından
olumsuz sonuçlara neden olmaktadır. Zorbalık uygulayan öğrenciler sosyal ve
ruhsal problemler yaşayabileceği gibi, yetişkinlik döneminde zorba eylemlerde
bulunmayan kişilere kıyasla daha yüksek oranda suç işleme ve psikiyatrik
rahatsızlık yaşama olasılığına sahiptir. Zorbalığın nedenleri çeşitlidir ve
genellikle tek bir nedenle açıklanamamaktadır. Ailenin çocuk üzerindeki etkisi
düşünüldüğünde aile ilişkilerinin zorba davranışlar uygulama ve zorba
davranışlara maruz kalmada önemli bir belirleyici olduğu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu
açıdan, sağlıklı kimlik gelişimi için zorba eylemleri önlemeye ve azaltmaya
yönelik müdahaleler geliştirip uygularken ailenin katılımının sağlanması önemli


  • 1. Dupper DR. Okul sosyal hizmeti. Özkan Y, Gökçearslan Çifci E, çev.editörleri.(trans. Eds.) 1. baskı. İstanbul: Kapital; 2013.p.34-35,40.
  • 2. Pontzer DA. Theoretical test of bullying behavior: Parenting, personality, and the bully/victim relationship. Journal of Family Violence 2010;25(3):259-273.
  • 3. Mishna F. Learning disabilities and bullying: double jeopardy. Journal of Learning Disabilities 2003; 36:1-15.
  • 4. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. School violence and bullying global status report. 2017: 9.
  • 5. Kepenekçi KY, Çınkır Ş. Öğrenciler arası zorbalık. Eğitim Yönetimi 2003;34:236-253.
  • 6. Pekel UN, Uçanok Z. Akran zorbalığı gruplarında yalnızlık ve akademik başarı ile sosyometrik statüye göre zorba/kurban davranışı türleri. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 2005;20(56):77-92.
  • 7. Eşkisu M. The Relationship between bullying, family functions and perceived social support among high school students. Social and Behavioral Sciences 2014;159:492-496.
  • 8. Akgün S. Akran zorbalığının anne-baba tutumları ve anne-baba ergen ilişkisi açısından değerlendirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2005. p. 50-52.
  • 9. Swearer SM, Espelage DL. A social-ecological framework of bullying among youth. Espelage DL ve Swearer SM, editor. Bullying in American schools: A social-ecological perspective on prevention and intervention London: Erlbaum; 2004. p.1-12.
  • 10. Nickerson AB, Mele D, Osborne-Oliver KM. Parent-child relationships and bullying. In: Handbook of bullying in schools. Jimerson SR, Swearer, S M, Espelage DL, editor. Parent-Child Relationships and Bullying. 1st ed. New York:Routledge; 2009. p.187-210.
  • 11. Watt R. Attachment, parenting styles and bullying during pubertal years. Journal of Child Adolescent Health 2014;26(3):251-261.
  • 12. Bosmans G, Braet C, Beyers W, Van Vlierberghe L, Van Leeuwen K. Power assertive discipline and internalizing problems in adolescents: The role of attachment. Parenting: Science and Practice 2014;11:34-55.
  • 13. Yerger W, Gehret C. Understanding and dealing with bullying in schools. The Educational Forum 2011; 75(4): 315-326.
  • 14. Monks CP, Smith PK, Swettenham J. Psychological correlates of peer victimisation in preschool: Social cognitive skills, executive function and attachment profiles. Aggressive Behaviour 2005;31:571-588.
  • 15. Bowers L, Smith PK, Binney V. Perceived family relationships of bullies, victims and bully/victims in middle childhood. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 1994;11:215-232.
  • 16. Eldeleklioğlu J. The relationships between aggressiveness, peer pressure and parental attitudes among Turkish high school students. Social Behaviour and Personality 2007;35(7):975-986.
  • 17. Demaray MK, Malecki CK. Perceptions of the frequency and importance of social support by students classified as victims, bullies, and bully/victims in an urban middle school. School Psychology Review 2003; 32:471-489.
  • 18. Elliott M. Bullies and victims. In: Elliott M, editor. Bullying. 3rd ed. UK: Pearson; 1997. p.1-11.
  • 19. Glover D, Gough G, Johnson M, Cartwright N. Bullying in 25 secondary schools: Incidence, impact, and intervention. Educational Research 2000; 42:141-156.
  • 20. Gültekin AG. A study on peer abuse among children at boarding and day schools. World Applied Sciences Journal 2010; 10(2):219-224.
  • 21. Jansen P, Verlinden M, Berkel AD, Mieloo C, Ende J, Veenstra R, et al. Prevalence of bullying and victimization among children in early elementary school: do family and school neighbourhood socioeconomic status matter? BMC Public Health 2012; 12:494-504.
  • 22. Lee SS, Wong DS. School, parents, and peer factors in relation to Hong Kong students' bullying. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 2009; 15 (3):217-233.
  • 23. Hilton JM, Anngela CL, Wakita J. A cross-cultural comparison of factors associated with school bullying in Japan and the United States. The Family Journal 2010; 18 (4): 413-422.
  • 24. Broberg M. Young children’s well-being in Finnish stepfamilies. Early Child Development & Care, 2012: 182: 401-415.
  • 25. Clayton CL ‘With my parents I can tell them anything’: Intimacy levels within British Chinese families. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 2014;19: 22-36.
  • 26. Bireda AD, Pillay J. Perceived parent–child communication and well-being among Ethiopian adolescents. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 2017:1-9.
  • 27. Davies SL, Crosby RA, Diclemente RJ: Family influences on adolescent health. In: DiClement RJ, Santelli JS, Crosby RA, editors. Adolescent Health: Understanding and Preventing Risk Behaviours. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass; 2009. p. 391.
  • 28. Atik G, Güneri OY. Bullying and victimization: Predictive role of individual, parental, and academic factors. School Psychology International 2013; 34(6): 658-673.
  • 29. Gallarin M, Alonso-Arbiol I. Parenting practices, parental attachment and aggressiveness in adolescence: A predictive model. Journal of Adolescence 2012; 35: 1601-1610.
  • 30. Dehue1 F, Bolman C, Vollink T, Pouwelse M. Cyber bullying and traditional bullying in relation to adolescents’ perception of parenting. Journal of Cyber Therapy & Rehabilitation 2012; 5 (1): 125-134.
  • 31. Güvenir T. Okulda akran istismarı. Kök Yayıncılık, Ankara; 2008.
  • 32. Dishion TJ, Patterson G. Age effects in parent training outcome. Behaviour Therapy 1992; 23:719-729.
  • 33. Kazdin AE. Treatment of antisocial behaviour in children: Current status and future directions. Psychological Bulletin 1987;102:187-203.
  • 34. Sharp S. Self-esteem, response style and victimization: Possible ways of preventing victimization through parenting and school based training programmes. School Psychology International 1996; 17:347-357.
  • 35. Olweus D, Limber SP, Mihalic S. The Bullying Prevention Program: Blueprints for Violence Prevention. Boulder, CO: Centre for the Study and Prevention of Violence; 1999. p.3.
  • 36. Yerger W, Gehret C. Understanding and dealing with bullying in schools. Educational Forum 2011;75:315-326.
  • 37. Astor RA, Rosemond M, Pitner RO, Marachi R, Benbenishty R, Interpersonal conflict, violence, and classroom management best practices and resources, Franklin C, Harris MB, Allen-Meares P, editor. The School Services Sourcebook: A Guide for School-Based Professionals. 1st Ed. New York: Oxford University Press; 2006. p.423-441.
  • 38. Dupper D. An alternative to suspension for middle school youths with behaviour problems: findings from a "school survival" group. Research on Social Work Practice 1998;8(3):354-366.
  • 39. Short RJ, Short PM. An organizational perspective on student discipline. Education 1994; 114:567-569.
  • 40. Brower AM. ve Nurius PS. Social Cognition and Individual Change: Current Theory and Counselling Guidelines. 1st ed. UK: SAGE; 1993. p.167.
  • 41. Incredible Years Parent, Teacher, and Child Programs. Erişim tarihi: 15.05.2017.
  • 42. Flouri E, Buchanan A. The role of mother involvement and father involvement in adolescent bullying behaviour. J Interpers Violence 2003;18:634-44.
  • 43. Schaffer ES. A circumflex model for maternal behaviour. Journal of Abnormal Social Psychology 1959;59:226-235
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Review

Ayşe Özada

Veli Duyan

Publication Date March 19, 2018
Submission Date July 7, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018


Vancouver Özada A, Duyan V. Ebeveyn-Çocuk İlişkisi ve Zorbalık. TJFMPC. 2018;12(1):49-55.

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