Turkish Journal of Sensors and Biosensors is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the dissemination of original and advanced research on sensors and biosensors. The journal aims to advance the fundamental understanding of sensors and biosensors and their applications in various fields.
Topics covered include but are not limited to:
• Development of chemical sensors and biosensors
• Physical sensors (optical, thermal, magnetic, mechanical, etc.)
• Gas sensors
• Medical sensors
• Electrochemical sensors and biosensors (voltammetric, potentiometric, amperometric, etc.)
• Nano- sensors and biosensors
• Paper-based sensors and biosensors
• Medical sensors
• Fabrication technology of chemical and biosensors
• Production of novel sensor materials
• Biomaterials
• Cell chips, and microfluidic devices
• Sensor technology and applications
• 3D sensing
• Wearable sensors and biosensors
• Advanced materials for sensors and biosensors
• Biomedical sensors
Turkish Journal of Sensors and Biosensors Manuscript Template
The manuscript should consist of the following sections: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Conclusion, Conflict of Interest, Author Contributions, Acknowledgments (if any) and References. All main headings/titles should be written in 11-point font, with the first letters capitalized and bold. Subheadings should be written in 10-point font and bold. The third and subsequent headings should be in 10-point and italic. The article should be divided into sections with different main headings, and each section heading should be numbered. Numbering should start from 1 for main sections and all main headings should continue in this order. Secondary headings should continue as 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., … in accordance with the main section numbering. Third headings should continue as 1.1.1., 1.1.2., 1.1.3.. in accordance with the number of the previous heading. All article sections must be in Segoe UI font style.
The article title should be written in 14 point (bold) font, with the first letter of the title capitalized and the others in lowercase, centered on the page.
Author name(s): without specifying the title/degree (such as Prof. Dr.), the initials of the name and surname should be written in capital letters, with a comma between author names for more than one author, in 12 point (bold) and centered on the page. Authors' ORCID information should be added as a link to the field provided in the article writing template. Address(es) of the author(s) should be written in 10 point font, with a space under the author's name. For authors with the same addresses, a single address should be provided, and different author addresses should be written one under the other without any spaces in between. The corresponding author should be indicated with “*” sign, and e-mail information of the corresponding author (in 10 point font) should be given right below the address.
The abstract should have a maximum of 250 words. There should be at least 3 and at most 7 keywords. Abstract and keywords sections must comply with international standards.
The introduction should provide sufficient background information and a review of recent developments in the literature on the subject to understand and evaluate the results of the article. Literature searches should be carried out by covering current studies as much as possible.
Materials, devices, etc. used in the study in the Materials and Methods section should be written clearly. Experimental stages should be discussed in full detail to make the study completely reproducible. Units must be expressed according to the SI unit system.
Figures should be centered, clear and legible, not exceeding page boundaries. Figures should be numbered sequentially, starting from 1. Figure numbers and names should be centered below the figure, in bold 11-point font, and with only the first letter capitalized. The figure title should be 11 points, and only the first letter of the title should be capitalized. When placing figures in the text, a reference must be provided in the text before the figure.
They should be centered and placed within the page boundaries, numbered sequentially. Table numbers and names should be centered above the table, bold, 11 point, with only the first letter should be capitalized. Tables must be cited in the text before the table. Numbers and texts in the rows and columns of the table should be written in 10 point font. However, when necessary, the font size can be reduced to at least 9 points without exceeding the text limits.
At the end of the study, if ethics committee approval should be provided before reference list, the institution which approved the study and date of approval must be stated with the approval number. The Ethics Committee Approval must be uploaded to the system at the submission step. In studies that do not require ethics committee approval, the following sentence should be included in the text: “The authors declare that ethics committee approval is not mandatory/applicable for the present study.”
Conflict of interest must be clearly declared. If not, following sentence should be included: “The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest for this article.”
The contribution(s) made by each author in the study in the preparation, development and publication of the article should be stated under the heading "Authors' Contributions" in the article.
In the acknowledgments section, authors can briefly thank the organization (support number) that supported the research and the people who have contributed.
References in the text should be indicated by numbers in square brackets. In numbering, the first source is given the number [1] in square brackets, and a dot is placed outside the brackets. If the source numbers follow each other, the first and last numbers are written with a dash [-] between them.
If the reference used is a journal article, it should be given as follows according to APA rules:
Özbek, O., & Berkel, C. (2023). Sensor properties of thiosemicarbazones in different analytical methods. Polyhedron, 116426.
If the reference cited is a book;
Author's Surname, Initials of Name. (Year). Name of the Book (Print number), Place of Publication, Publisher.
Fraden, J. (2016). Handbook of Modern Sensors (5th), San Diego, Springer.
If the reference cited is a book chapter,
Author's Surname, Initials of Name. (Year). Name of the Book (Print number), Place of Publication, Publisher, Page range.
Fraden, J. (2016). Handbook of Modern Sensors (5th), San Diego, Springer, 35-50.
In scientific articles to be sent to our journal,
COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)'s "International Standards for Editors and Authors" should be taken into consideration.
The similarity rate of articles sent to our journal will be determined by the iThenticate program.
- If the similarity rate of the articles to be sent to the Turkish Journal of Sensors and Biosensors is ≤ 30%, the article will be included in the evaluation process. The similarity rate determined from a single source must be ≤ 5%. Otherwise, the article will be returned to the author without being processed and an editing request will be sent.
No fee is charged from the author or institution under any name.
The content of the Turkish Journal of Sensors and Biosensors is published under the Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).