TJSS is published electronically twice a year, February and September. In addition to these issues, Special Issues can be published by the decision of the Editorial Board.
• The short name of the journal is TJSS (The Journal of Social Science).
• Studies submitted to the journal for evaluation should not have been published anywhere before, accepted for publication and sent to another journal for publication.
• In the introduction or conclusion section of your study, a statement should be given that Research and Publication Ethics are complied with.
• The fact that the similarity rate is less than 20% and is accepted by our Editorial Board. Articles/compilations that are above this specified rate can be returned to the author(s).
• The entire article process is carried out through the DergiPark online journal system, which you will log in with your username and password.
• With the articles submitted to the journal for publication, contact information such as the name and surname, title, institution and e-mail address of the authors should be entered into the online system.
• Articles submitted in accordance with the writing rules are reviewed by the journal editor. Studies that do not comply with the writing rules are sent back to the authors for the necessary corrections.
• The editor will reject articles that are outside the purpose and scope of the journal, have no original value, are scientifically weak and do not follow ethical principles, are problematic in terms of language and are outside one of the publication languages.
• The studies submitted to the journal are evaluated by at least two referees with scientific competence. Blind peer-reviewing is implemented in the journal. Referee and author identities are kept confidential on both sides and they are not shared with authors, referees and third parties. If one of the referees expresses a negative opinion and the other has a positive opinion, the article is sent to the third referee. In order for the article to be published, two referees must give a positive opinion.
• The peer-reviewing process of the articles takes an average of 4 weeks.
• There should be 100-250 words Abstract, and at least three keywords in the articles submitted to the journal.
• Articles should be prepared in length, preferably including 4000 to 10000 words.
• DOI number is assigned to the articles deemed appropriate to be published in the journal.
• When applying, the Publication Right Agreement Form, which is completed in full by the responsible author, should be uploaded to the DergiPark system. All publication rights of the articles accepted for publication in the journal and published in written and electronic environment belong to TJSS. In addition, the Ethics Committee Authorization Certificate should be uploaded to the system in studies requiring ethics committee permission.
• No royalties will be paid to the authors of the articles published in the journal.
• When applying, the article file prepared using the article template and containing the author information will be uploaded to the system. The files will be uploaded in Word (.doc or .docx) format. Uploads that are not made in accordance with the journal rules will not included in the evaluation process.
• The opinions in the articles published in the journal are not the opinions of the journal. All responsibility belongs to the author of the article.
• All rights of the articles published in the journal are reserved. They cannot be reproduced in any way without the name of the journal.
• The files that need to be uploaded to the system in the application are:
1. Full Article Text (Article template should be used)
2. Publication Right Agreement Form (Wet-signed document must be scanned and uploaded)
• Word File, which is given as an Article Template, used the upper-down spaces, alignments, fonts, etc. as specified for the article layout. The articles to be sent to our journal should be prepared according to the template file linked above.
• Articles that do not comply with the publication principles and do not contain all of the above files will not be included in the peer review process.