The articles can be written only in English.
All parts of the work should be in "Times New Roman" font and "12 point size" except Abstract. Posts are 1 line spacing, paragraph spacing before a single paragraph (6 nk), and after (0 nk) margins are 2,5 cm from each side.
The articles to be prepared in English should generally be prepared in bold "11 pt" in the form of "Abstract", "Introduction", "Subparts", "Conclusion" and "References".
The title "Times New Roman" font should be written in the size of "12 points", in bold, center, and 1 line.
In the submitted article, the names of the authors should be written on the right under the heading "11 pt" and the other information should be written in footnotes below the first page (title, institution, e-mail)
The length of the summary should be at least 100 and no more than 250 words. The abstract font should be "11 point size" and 1 line spacing. The abstract should include the purpose, methodology, major findings, and general conclusion of the study. The abstract should be written after the title and the name of the author/authors. "Key Words" should be included in a line below the summary.