PLC Controlled Fuzzy Logic-Based Egg Hatching Machine
Year 2024,
, 339 - 350, 30.09.2024
Muhammed Eltaleb
Hakan Çelik
In response to the increasing food demand due to the growing global population, this study has designed a fully automated incubator machine based on a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) to enhance efficiency in the egg production sector. To align with Industry 4.0 technologies, this machine controls temperature and humidity using fuzzy logic, one of the artificial intelligence methods. The incubator is capable of meeting the specific temperature and humidity needs for the incubation processes of various types of bird eggs. It has been tested under different conditions, and its performance has been examined in detail. The analysis results show that the fuzzy logic-based temperature and humidity control systems on the PLC successfully reached the set reference values and maintained them continuously and stably after initial fluctuations. In conclusion, the design and control of an automated incubation machine with a PLC-based fuzzy logic controller were successfully accomplished.
Supporting Institution
Project Number
This manuscript is the culmination of research conducted under project number 1919B012111329, which was funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK) as part of the 2209-A Research Projects Support Program for University Students. We extend our sincere appreciation to TÜBITAK for their invaluable moral and financial support throughout the course of this study.
- Hedlund L, Jensen P. Effects of stress during commercial hatching on growth, egg production and feather pecking in laying hens. PLoS One 2022; 17(1): 1-11.
- Azarmipour M, Elfaham H, Gries C, Epple U. PLC 4.0: A Control System for Industry 4.0. 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON); Oct. 2019; Lisbon, Portugal: IEEE. pp. 5513-5518.
- Sehr M, et al. Programmable Logic Controllers in the Context of Industry 4.0. IEEE Trans Ind Inf 2020; 17(5): 3523-3533.
- Shafiudin S, Kholis N. Monitoring System and Temperature Controlling on PID Based Poultry Hatching Incubator. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater Sci Eng 2018; 336(1): 012007.
- Iskandar J., Alrasyid S., Nurhaqiqi E., Andria F., and Tosida E. T. Optimisation of electronics and mechanics system of automatic egg incubator machine. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2019; 621(1): 012004.
- Możaryn J, Petryszyn J, Ozana S. PLC based fractional-order PID temperature control in pipeline: design procedure and experimental evaluation. Meccanica 2021; 56(4): 855-871.
- Velagic J, Osmic N, Lutvica K, Kadic N. Incubator system identification and temperature control with PLC & HMI. Proceedings ELMAR-2010; Sep. 2010; Zadar, Croatia: pp. 309-312.
- Rizescu C. I, Rizescu D. Smart Home Air Quality Control System Controlled with a PLC. Int J Mechatron Appl Mech 2022; 2022(12): 99-103.
- Nugraha S., Patawaran N., Wayangkau I. H., Suwarjono, and Nurcholis. Implementation of Internet of Things for Egg Incubation Control System. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2024, 1341(1): 1-10.
- Boleli I. C, Morita V. S, Matos Jr J. B, Thimotheo M, Almeida V. R. Poultry Egg Incubation: Integrating and Optimizing Production Efficiency. Braz J Poult Sci 2016; 18(spe2): 1-16.
- French N. A. Modeling incubation temperature: the effects of incubator design, embryonic development, and egg size. Poult Sci 1997; 76(1): 124-133.
- Korsheva I. A, Trotsenko I. V, The influence of incubator design features on the incubation result. IOP Conference Series: Earth Environ Sci 2022; 954(1): 012039.
- Gregory S. Archer and A. Lee Cartwright. Incubating and Hatching Eggs. Texas A&M Agrlife Extension Service, Accessed: Nov 08, 2023.
- Brinsea’s Incubation Handbook - Brinsea. Accessed: Nov. 08, 2023.
- loannides M. G, Design and implementation of PLC-based monitoring control system for induction motor. IEEE Trans Energy Convers 2004; 19(3): 469-476.
- Deng Y, Zhao D, Chen B, Gong M. Double-channel event-triggered adaptive tracking control of nonstrict-feedback nonlinear systems. J Franklin Inst 2022; 359(13): 7219-7232.
- Tang K. S, Man K. F, Chen G, Kwong S. An optimal fuzzy PID controller. IEEE Trans Ind Electron 2001; 48(4): 757-765.
- Torun H, Uçal Sarı İ, Kahraman C. Multicriteria Evaluation of Environmentally Conscious Manufacturers Under Fuzzy Environment. J Mult-Valued Log Soft Comput 2012; 18: 457-477.
PLC Kontrollü Bulanık Mantık Tabanlı Kuluçka Makinesi
Year 2024,
, 339 - 350, 30.09.2024
Muhammed Eltaleb
Hakan Çelik
Artan dünya nüfusu ile birlikte artan yiyecek ihtiyacına cevap vermek ve yiyecek endüstrisinde önemli bir yere sahip olan yumurta üretimini daha verimli hale getirmek amacıyla, bu çalışmada PLC (Programlanabilir Mantık Denetleyicisi) tabanlı tam otomasyonlu bir kuluçka makinesi tasarlanmıştır. Endüstri 4.0 teknolojileriyle uyumu sağlamak amacıyla bu makinenin, sıcaklık ve nem kontrolünü, yapay zekâ yöntemlerinden biri olan bulanık mantığı kullanarak gerçekleştirmektedir. Farklı türdeki kuş yumurtalarının kuluçka süreçleri için gereken özel sıcaklık ve nem değerlerini karşılayabilen bu tam otomatik kuluçka makinesi, çeşitli sıcaklık ve nem koşullarında test edilmiş, makinenin performansı detaylı olarak incelenmiştir. Analiz sonuçları, PLC üzerinde bulanık mantık tabanlı sıcaklık ve nem kontrol sistemlerinin belirlenen referans değerlerini başarıyla yakaladığını ve belirli bir süre dalgalanmadan sonra referans değerleri sürekli ve kararlı bir şekilde takip ettiğini göstermektedir. Sonuç alarak, PLC tabanlı bulanık mantık kontrollü otomatik bir kuluçka makinesinin tasarımı ve kontrolü başarıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Project Number
- Hedlund L, Jensen P. Effects of stress during commercial hatching on growth, egg production and feather pecking in laying hens. PLoS One 2022; 17(1): 1-11.
- Azarmipour M, Elfaham H, Gries C, Epple U. PLC 4.0: A Control System for Industry 4.0. 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON); Oct. 2019; Lisbon, Portugal: IEEE. pp. 5513-5518.
- Sehr M, et al. Programmable Logic Controllers in the Context of Industry 4.0. IEEE Trans Ind Inf 2020; 17(5): 3523-3533.
- Shafiudin S, Kholis N. Monitoring System and Temperature Controlling on PID Based Poultry Hatching Incubator. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater Sci Eng 2018; 336(1): 012007.
- Iskandar J., Alrasyid S., Nurhaqiqi E., Andria F., and Tosida E. T. Optimisation of electronics and mechanics system of automatic egg incubator machine. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2019; 621(1): 012004.
- Możaryn J, Petryszyn J, Ozana S. PLC based fractional-order PID temperature control in pipeline: design procedure and experimental evaluation. Meccanica 2021; 56(4): 855-871.
- Velagic J, Osmic N, Lutvica K, Kadic N. Incubator system identification and temperature control with PLC & HMI. Proceedings ELMAR-2010; Sep. 2010; Zadar, Croatia: pp. 309-312.
- Rizescu C. I, Rizescu D. Smart Home Air Quality Control System Controlled with a PLC. Int J Mechatron Appl Mech 2022; 2022(12): 99-103.
- Nugraha S., Patawaran N., Wayangkau I. H., Suwarjono, and Nurcholis. Implementation of Internet of Things for Egg Incubation Control System. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2024, 1341(1): 1-10.
- Boleli I. C, Morita V. S, Matos Jr J. B, Thimotheo M, Almeida V. R. Poultry Egg Incubation: Integrating and Optimizing Production Efficiency. Braz J Poult Sci 2016; 18(spe2): 1-16.
- French N. A. Modeling incubation temperature: the effects of incubator design, embryonic development, and egg size. Poult Sci 1997; 76(1): 124-133.
- Korsheva I. A, Trotsenko I. V, The influence of incubator design features on the incubation result. IOP Conference Series: Earth Environ Sci 2022; 954(1): 012039.
- Gregory S. Archer and A. Lee Cartwright. Incubating and Hatching Eggs. Texas A&M Agrlife Extension Service, Accessed: Nov 08, 2023.
- Brinsea’s Incubation Handbook - Brinsea. Accessed: Nov. 08, 2023.
- loannides M. G, Design and implementation of PLC-based monitoring control system for induction motor. IEEE Trans Energy Convers 2004; 19(3): 469-476.
- Deng Y, Zhao D, Chen B, Gong M. Double-channel event-triggered adaptive tracking control of nonstrict-feedback nonlinear systems. J Franklin Inst 2022; 359(13): 7219-7232.
- Tang K. S, Man K. F, Chen G, Kwong S. An optimal fuzzy PID controller. IEEE Trans Ind Electron 2001; 48(4): 757-765.
- Torun H, Uçal Sarı İ, Kahraman C. Multicriteria Evaluation of Environmentally Conscious Manufacturers Under Fuzzy Environment. J Mult-Valued Log Soft Comput 2012; 18: 457-477.