Current Issue

Volume: 19 Issue: 2, 9/30/24

Year: 2024


The purpose of Turkish Journal of Science & Technology is to follow the developments in science and engineering, to contribute to the national and international development of individuals, to publish original research studies proven by experimental and numerical methods in basic science and engineering. Our journal aims to make highly valuable contributions to the literature, which will serve as an indispensable reference tool in the coming years.

Turkish Journal of Science & Technology is an International Refereed Journal and has been publishing since 2002 with articles in English as 2 issues (September, March) annually. In order to shed light on the knowledge base and technological developments of science and engineering sciences, there are studies of original research articles on experimental and theoretical advances in science and engineering. In order for the scientific content to be delivered correctly and appropriately, all articles are sent to at least two referees who are experts in their fields. Articles that are deemed positive at the end of the evaluation process are put in print order to be published as soon as possible and the article evaluation process is reported to the responsible author.
The Turkish Journal of Science & Technology journal accepts articles that reflect an original research in science and engineering, together with a short literature knowledge, with findings and results. The study should be original and definitely contribute to international science.
As of 2021, the Turkish Journal of Science & Technology journal is being searched by the databases listed below:



Publication Principles:

Articles submitted for publication are evaluated by national and / or international referees; the acceptance-rejection decision is made by the editors taking into account the referee opinions. The names of the referees evaluating the articles are not reported to the authors (blind peer review). The referees' reviews of double-blind peer reviews are left to the author's preference. Authors who want to use this preference should delete name and address lines of their articles and upload them to the system. A major (re-send for evaluation) or minor (correction required) revision decision is made to develop articles that are not considered sufficient in line with the referee's suggestions. Articles that are not considered sufficient scientifically are rejected. The major revision referees given about the article must be made within 30 days for the decision of the changes requested and within 15 days for the minor revision decision. Otherwise, the article is rejected.

Articles submitted for publication in our journal should be prepared according to journal article writing format. Articles that are not prepared in accordance with the print format are not taken into the print queue.

Writing Rules for Turkish Journal of Science & Technology

After an article is accepted for publication, “Copyright Transfer Form” must be filled in and signed by the authors and uploaded to the journal system.

Copyright Transfer Form for Turkish Journal of Science & Technology


It is obligatory that the articles sent to be published are not published anywhere or can be sent to any journal to be published. In the articles published in our journal or sent for publication, all responsibility for plagiarism and unauthorized data use belongs to the author or authors of the study. In such a case, Turkish Journal of Science & Technology does not accept any responsibility. All authors should contribute academically and scientifically to the submitted article. The authors cannot request that the published publication be prioritized in any way. Articles should be prepared in accordance with internationally accepted code of ethics. Where necessary, a copy of the Ethics Committee Report should be attached with the publication at the time of application.


The deficiencies stated in the referee opinions should be completed and their suitability to the final printing format should be checked by the authors. The responsibility of any errors found in the article as published in the journal belongs to the authors. 

Articles submitted for publication in our journal should be prepared according to journal article writing format. General information about the literary rules is summarized in Table 1.


Table 1. Print format of articles accepted for publication.




Articles accepted for publication after the referee evaluation are rearranged by their authors in print format and uploaded to the system. During the printing of the articles, there will be no typesetting operations, except for the format applications of the editor. They must be written in Office 2013 or higher. The text should be written using the Times New Roman Turkish character and single line spacing.

Page Setup and Layout

In page editing, the top margin should be 35mm, left and right 25mm, and bottom 30mm. Header and footer should be 25mm. The header should be marked differently on odd and even pages and different options on the first page. Headers must be in 8 font size in Times New Roman font.


The title of the article should be written in Times New Roman font, in 11 font size, capitalized only, in capital and bold, and 1 line space should be left before and after the Turkish title.

Names of the Authors

Author names should be written in Times New Roman font, centered, bold and with 10 font size. There should be no space between author names and address. ORCID numbers of the responsible authors and authors should be written in 8 font size as footnotes.


Addresses should be centered with Times New Roman font and 9 font size. Only the e-mail address of the responsible author should be written at the bottom of the address lines with the same font and font size. E-mail address should be written in 9 font size without leaving space in the bottom line of the address. There should be 1 space left before and after the line (Received: **.**.200*; Accepted: **.**.200*)


“Abstract” should be written in 9 font size, bold, capital letter should be written at the beginning of the first line. Abstract text should be written in 9 font size, single paragraph and not more than 200 words.


Keywords should be written in 9 font size, after 1 line space after the abstract text. Minimum 3 and maximum 5 keywords should be written in lowercase. There should be 1 line of space after keywords.


Titles should be numbered, the first letters of all words should be capitalized in 1st degree titles, only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized in lower titles and all should be written in bold characters. One line space should be left before and after the titles. Titles should be left-justified.


The text should be written in 10 font size with single line spacing, leaving 1 line space (10 font size) after Keywords. The paragraph indent should be 0.7 cm and there should be no space between paragraphs.

Tables and figures

Each table and figure should be numbered according to their order in the text. Table titles should be placed centered on the table, and figure titles should be placed under the figure. Each figure or table should have a number (eg Table 1., Figure 1.) and a title, and should be written in bold. In the table and figure explanations, only the first letter of the first word should be uppercase and not bold. The texts in the figures and tables should be in minimum 8 font size and maximum 10 font size.


References list should be numbered according to the order of use in the text and written in 9 font size. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to Thomson Reuters Web of Science © abbreviations.




For Turkish Journal of Science & Technology;

  • You can download the template to be used in the first submission here.
  • You can download the template to be used in preparation according to the printing format here.

It is obligatory that the articles sent to be published are not published anywhere or can be sent to any journal to be published. In the articles published in our journal or sent for publication, all responsibility for plagiarism and unauthorized data use belongs to the author or authors of the study. In such a case, Turkish Journal of Science & Technology does not accept any responsibility. All authors should contribute academically and scientifically to the submitted article. The authors cannot request that the published publication be prioritized in any way. Articles should be prepared in accordance with internationally accepted code of ethics. Where necessary, a copy of the Ethics Committee Report should be attached with the publication at the time of application.

Open Access and Free Submission Statement
Turkish Journal of Science & Technology journal is open access journal — all the manuscripts published in these journals are freely available online for anyone. There are no subscription or submission charges.