Research Article
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A Multifunctional Project Study for Elazig: Botanic Park, Pumped Irrigation Line, and Solar-Hydroelectric Power Plant

Year 2024, Volume: 19 Issue: 2, 363 - 372, 30.09.2024


Urban centers serve as more than just hubs of economic activity; they are also focal points of community life and social interaction. It is incumbent upon local authorities to elevate the standard of living within these urban environments by establishing communal spaces conducive to enhancing the well-being of residents. To this end, botanical gardens and recreational areas have been established in numerous developed cities worldwide. These amenities not only enrich the lives of inhabitants and local fauna but also constitute significant contributors to the municipal economy. Recognizing their pivotal role in urban economies, the imperative lies in implementing projects that optimize the utilization of available water resources. The prospect of establishing such a facility in the heart of Elazig holds promise. This study undertakes a preliminary assessment of the feasibility of establishing a botanical garden within the designated area, exploring avenues such as tapping into the Keban Dam reservoir, constructing a micro-hydroelectric power plant utilizing downstream water, and other potential initiatives


  • Ivahova LI, Fesuk SS, Samoylov VS. Modern Earth Design. Arhangelsk: Adelant Press, 2009.
  • Surat H, Eminağaoğlu Z, Yavuz Özalp A, Yaman YK. Determination of the Borcka Dam Reservoir Recreational Area Usage. Kastamonu Univ. J For Fac 2016; 16(2).
  • Sabaz M. Türkiye’de Kent Gelişimi ve Açık Alan Gereksinimi. Doktora Tezi, Münih Teknik Üniversitesi, 1986.
  • Golding J, Güsewell S, Kreft H, Kuzevanov VY, Lehvävirta S, Parmentier I, Pautasso M. Species-richness patterns of the living collections of the world's botanic gardens: a matter of socio-economics. Ann Bot 2010; 105: 689-696.
  • Mounce R, Smith P, Brockington S. Ex situ conservation of plant diversity in the world's botanic gardens. Nat Plants 2017; 3: 795-802.
  • Ren H, Duan ZY. The Theory and Practice on Construction of Classic Botanical Garden. Beijing: Science Press 2017.
  • Oruckaptan A. Su Parkı Planlama Kriterlerinin Saptanması ve Ankara Susuz Göleti Örneğinde Değerlendirilmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, 2002.
  • Ozkan B, Küçükerbaş E, Kaplan A, Hepcan Ş, Yiğit EM, Sönmez H. Muğla kenti kamusal dış mekânları bağlamında master plan çalışması. İzmir, 2003; pp. 3-15.
  • Willison J. Botanic gardens as agents for social change. In: Kings Park and Botanic Garden Conservation into the 21st Century: Proceedings of the Fourth International Botanical Gardens Conservation Congress; 25-29 September 1997.
  • Uzun G. Çukurova Üniversitesi Botanik Bahçesi Peyzaj Planlama İlkelerinin Saptanması Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Doçentlik Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana, 1997.
  • Akten M, Akoğlu M. The effect on place perception of the artificial lighting in the landscape design. J Curr Res Soc Sci 2017; 7(1): 479-488.
  • Yilmaz S, Mutlu E, Yilmaz H. Alternative scenarios for ecological urbanizations using ENVI-met model. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2018; 25(26): 26307-26321.
  • Sachs NA, Rakow DA, Sheple M.M, Peditto K. The potential correlation between nature engagement in middle childhood years and college undergraduates’ nature engagement, proenvironmental attitudes, and stress. Front Psychol 2020; 11: 2919.
  • Tarsitano E, Posca C, Giannoccaro RA, Borghi C, Trentadue C, Romanazzi G, Colao MA. Park to Live between environmental education and social inclusion through a landsense ecology approach. Int J Sustain Dev World Ecol 2021; 28(2): 166-178.
  • Beltran H, Vidal R, Basiero L, Santos JM, Basiero JA, Belenguer E. Micro hydro installation analysis in a wastewater treatment plant. Renew Energy Power Qual J 2014; 12: 15–20.
  • Bousquet C, Samora I, Manso P, Rossi L, Heller P, Schleiss AJ. Assessment of hydropower potential in wastewater systems and application to Switzerland. Renew Energy 2017; 113: 64–73.
  • Llácer-Iglesias R, Pérez J, Satorre-Aznar J, López-Jiménez P, Pérez-Sánchez, M. Energy recovery in wastewater treatment systems through hydraulic micro-machinery. Case study. J Appl Res Technol Eng 2020; 1: 15.
  • Diaz-Elsayed N, Rezaei N, Ndiaye A, Zhang Q. Trends in the environmental and economic sustainability of wastewater-based resource recovery: A review. J Clean Prod 2020; 265: 121598.
  • Nowak DJ, Stevens JC, Sisinni SM, Luley CJ. Effects of urban tree management and species selection on atmospheric carbon oxide. J Arboric 2002; 28(3): 113-122.
  • O’Keefe B. Trees on track to save millions. The Australian Newspaper, Higher Education Supplement, 14 June 2006; p. 30.
  • Xinian Z. Quantitative evaluation of environmental benefits of urban greenland in Beijing City. In: Proceedings of IFPRA-Asia/Pacific Congress; September 1999; Hangzhou, China. pp. 315-323.
  • Wang QJ. The POT model described by the generalized Pareto distribution with Poisson arrival rate. J Hydrol 1991; 129: 263–280.
  • Wilks DS. Comparison of three-parameter probability distributions for representing annual extreme and partial duration precipitation series. Water Resour Res 1993; 29: 3543–3549.
  • Coles S, Pericchi LR, Sisson S. A fully probabilistic approach to extreme rainfall modelling. J Hydrol 2003; 273: 35-50.
  • Cunnane C. A particular comparison of annual maxima and partial duration series methods of flood frequency prediction. J Hydrol 1973; 18: 257–271.
  • Madsen H, Pearson CP, Rosbjerg D. Comparison of annual maximum series and partial duration methods for modelling extreme hydrologic events. 1. At-site modelling. Water Resour Res 1997; 33: 759–769.

Elazığ için Çok Fonksiyonlu Bir Proje Çalışması: Botanik Park, Pompa Sulama Hattı ve Güneş-Hidroelektrik Santrali

Year 2024, Volume: 19 Issue: 2, 363 - 372, 30.09.2024


Kentsel merkezler, sadece ekonomik faaliyetlerin merkezleri olmakla kalmaz; aynı zamanda topluluk yaşamı ve sosyal etkileşimin odak noktalarıdır. Bu kentsel ortamlardaki yaşam standartlarını yükseltmek, yerel yönetimlerin sorumluluğundadır. Bu amaçla, birçok gelişmiş şehirde botanik bahçeleri ve rekreasyon alanları kurulmuştur. Bu tesisler, sadece yerel halkın ve faunanın yaşamını zenginleştirmekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda yerel ekonomiye de önemli katkılarda bulunurlar. Kent ekonomilerindeki bu önemli rolü tanıyarak, Elazığ'ın merkezinde böyle bir tesis kurma gerekliliği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışma, belirlenen alan içinde bir botanik bahçesi kurulmasının fizibilitesinin ön değerlendirmesini yapmakta olup, Keban Barajı rezervuarından su kullanımı, aşağı akış sularını değerlendiren mikro-hidroelektrik santral inşası gibi çeşitli projeleri incelemektedir.


  • Ivahova LI, Fesuk SS, Samoylov VS. Modern Earth Design. Arhangelsk: Adelant Press, 2009.
  • Surat H, Eminağaoğlu Z, Yavuz Özalp A, Yaman YK. Determination of the Borcka Dam Reservoir Recreational Area Usage. Kastamonu Univ. J For Fac 2016; 16(2).
  • Sabaz M. Türkiye’de Kent Gelişimi ve Açık Alan Gereksinimi. Doktora Tezi, Münih Teknik Üniversitesi, 1986.
  • Golding J, Güsewell S, Kreft H, Kuzevanov VY, Lehvävirta S, Parmentier I, Pautasso M. Species-richness patterns of the living collections of the world's botanic gardens: a matter of socio-economics. Ann Bot 2010; 105: 689-696.
  • Mounce R, Smith P, Brockington S. Ex situ conservation of plant diversity in the world's botanic gardens. Nat Plants 2017; 3: 795-802.
  • Ren H, Duan ZY. The Theory and Practice on Construction of Classic Botanical Garden. Beijing: Science Press 2017.
  • Oruckaptan A. Su Parkı Planlama Kriterlerinin Saptanması ve Ankara Susuz Göleti Örneğinde Değerlendirilmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, 2002.
  • Ozkan B, Küçükerbaş E, Kaplan A, Hepcan Ş, Yiğit EM, Sönmez H. Muğla kenti kamusal dış mekânları bağlamında master plan çalışması. İzmir, 2003; pp. 3-15.
  • Willison J. Botanic gardens as agents for social change. In: Kings Park and Botanic Garden Conservation into the 21st Century: Proceedings of the Fourth International Botanical Gardens Conservation Congress; 25-29 September 1997.
  • Uzun G. Çukurova Üniversitesi Botanik Bahçesi Peyzaj Planlama İlkelerinin Saptanması Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Doçentlik Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana, 1997.
  • Akten M, Akoğlu M. The effect on place perception of the artificial lighting in the landscape design. J Curr Res Soc Sci 2017; 7(1): 479-488.
  • Yilmaz S, Mutlu E, Yilmaz H. Alternative scenarios for ecological urbanizations using ENVI-met model. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2018; 25(26): 26307-26321.
  • Sachs NA, Rakow DA, Sheple M.M, Peditto K. The potential correlation between nature engagement in middle childhood years and college undergraduates’ nature engagement, proenvironmental attitudes, and stress. Front Psychol 2020; 11: 2919.
  • Tarsitano E, Posca C, Giannoccaro RA, Borghi C, Trentadue C, Romanazzi G, Colao MA. Park to Live between environmental education and social inclusion through a landsense ecology approach. Int J Sustain Dev World Ecol 2021; 28(2): 166-178.
  • Beltran H, Vidal R, Basiero L, Santos JM, Basiero JA, Belenguer E. Micro hydro installation analysis in a wastewater treatment plant. Renew Energy Power Qual J 2014; 12: 15–20.
  • Bousquet C, Samora I, Manso P, Rossi L, Heller P, Schleiss AJ. Assessment of hydropower potential in wastewater systems and application to Switzerland. Renew Energy 2017; 113: 64–73.
  • Llácer-Iglesias R, Pérez J, Satorre-Aznar J, López-Jiménez P, Pérez-Sánchez, M. Energy recovery in wastewater treatment systems through hydraulic micro-machinery. Case study. J Appl Res Technol Eng 2020; 1: 15.
  • Diaz-Elsayed N, Rezaei N, Ndiaye A, Zhang Q. Trends in the environmental and economic sustainability of wastewater-based resource recovery: A review. J Clean Prod 2020; 265: 121598.
  • Nowak DJ, Stevens JC, Sisinni SM, Luley CJ. Effects of urban tree management and species selection on atmospheric carbon oxide. J Arboric 2002; 28(3): 113-122.
  • O’Keefe B. Trees on track to save millions. The Australian Newspaper, Higher Education Supplement, 14 June 2006; p. 30.
  • Xinian Z. Quantitative evaluation of environmental benefits of urban greenland in Beijing City. In: Proceedings of IFPRA-Asia/Pacific Congress; September 1999; Hangzhou, China. pp. 315-323.
  • Wang QJ. The POT model described by the generalized Pareto distribution with Poisson arrival rate. J Hydrol 1991; 129: 263–280.
  • Wilks DS. Comparison of three-parameter probability distributions for representing annual extreme and partial duration precipitation series. Water Resour Res 1993; 29: 3543–3549.
  • Coles S, Pericchi LR, Sisson S. A fully probabilistic approach to extreme rainfall modelling. J Hydrol 2003; 273: 35-50.
  • Cunnane C. A particular comparison of annual maxima and partial duration series methods of flood frequency prediction. J Hydrol 1973; 18: 257–271.
  • Madsen H, Pearson CP, Rosbjerg D. Comparison of annual maximum series and partial duration methods for modelling extreme hydrologic events. 1. At-site modelling. Water Resour Res 1997; 33: 759–769.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Water Resources Engineering
Journal Section TJST

Ayça Aytaç 0000-0002-2108-6363

Publication Date September 30, 2024
Submission Date March 2, 2024
Acceptance Date August 7, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 19 Issue: 2


APA Aytaç, A. (2024). A Multifunctional Project Study for Elazig: Botanic Park, Pumped Irrigation Line, and Solar-Hydroelectric Power Plant. Turkish Journal of Science and Technology, 19(2), 363-372.
AMA Aytaç A. A Multifunctional Project Study for Elazig: Botanic Park, Pumped Irrigation Line, and Solar-Hydroelectric Power Plant. TJST. September 2024;19(2):363-372. doi:10.55525/tjst.1446242
Chicago Aytaç, Ayça. “A Multifunctional Project Study for Elazig: Botanic Park, Pumped Irrigation Line, and Solar-Hydroelectric Power Plant”. Turkish Journal of Science and Technology 19, no. 2 (September 2024): 363-72.
EndNote Aytaç A (September 1, 2024) A Multifunctional Project Study for Elazig: Botanic Park, Pumped Irrigation Line, and Solar-Hydroelectric Power Plant. Turkish Journal of Science and Technology 19 2 363–372.
IEEE A. Aytaç, “A Multifunctional Project Study for Elazig: Botanic Park, Pumped Irrigation Line, and Solar-Hydroelectric Power Plant”, TJST, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 363–372, 2024, doi: 10.55525/tjst.1446242.
ISNAD Aytaç, Ayça. “A Multifunctional Project Study for Elazig: Botanic Park, Pumped Irrigation Line, and Solar-Hydroelectric Power Plant”. Turkish Journal of Science and Technology 19/2 (September 2024), 363-372.
JAMA Aytaç A. A Multifunctional Project Study for Elazig: Botanic Park, Pumped Irrigation Line, and Solar-Hydroelectric Power Plant. TJST. 2024;19:363–372.
MLA Aytaç, Ayça. “A Multifunctional Project Study for Elazig: Botanic Park, Pumped Irrigation Line, and Solar-Hydroelectric Power Plant”. Turkish Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 19, no. 2, 2024, pp. 363-72, doi:10.55525/tjst.1446242.
Vancouver Aytaç A. A Multifunctional Project Study for Elazig: Botanic Park, Pumped Irrigation Line, and Solar-Hydroelectric Power Plant. TJST. 2024;19(2):363-72.