Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

The Journal of Turkish Culture Studies is an international refereed publication in the field of social sciences. Submitted articles are first examined by the topic, presentation style and technical publication. Those who are eligible for publication are sent to two referees who are experts in their fields. Confidentiality is essential during the evaluation of the articles. No author names are sent to the referees, and no referees are named. In the event that the referee reports are positive, the article is taken into the publishing process. If one of the reports is positive and the other is negative, the article is sent to a third referee and act according to his decision. If the referees asked for some issues to be corrected in their reports, the articles are sent back to the author for corrections. If the author does not agree with the referee decisions, he / she should explain the reason in writing. The author(s) must not make changes and additions to the work whose refereeing process is in progress or has ended, which will significantly increase and change the content, volume and basis of the work. Upon the referee evaluations, the article is evaluated again in the editorial board and after the necessary copyright and ethical documents are obtained, the article is put into the editing / layout stage for publication. After the necessary arrangements, the doi number of the article is provided and placed in the publication order.
The author is obliged to check the article with one of the plagiarism prevention software Turnit-in or iThenticate and send the similarity report to the journal in the article submission. Articles with a similarity rate of 30% and above will not be evaluated. Through this system, it is confirmed that the articles have not been published anywhere before or do not contain any plagiarism.
In the articles submitted to the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies, care is taken to protect the personal information. Accordingly, journal management is obliged to ensure the protection of personal data regarding the images / subjects in the articles. Personal data used in the content of the article is not published unless individuals have explicit consent. In this framework, author, editorial board, editorial board and referees are responsible for protecting the individual data in question.
Issues such as freedom of opinion and property rights of articles submitted to the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies are respected. Journal management is obliged to protect the intellectual property rights of all articles it deems appropriate to publish, and to defend the rights of the journal and authors in possible violations. In addition, the editorial and editorial board is responsible for taking the necessary precautions so that the content in the articles does not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications.
In the articles sent to be published in the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies, respect for basic human rights and animal rights should be essential. Within this framework, ethics committee approval must be obtained for the test subjects to be used in the articles. In this context, journal management is obliged to ensure the protection of human and animal rights in articles. In cases where there is no ethical committee approval for the test subjects used in the articles or legal permissions related to experimental research, the journal is obliged to reject the article in question.
The rules to be considered regarding the publication ethics in the articles sent to the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies are as given in the "Actions against the scientific research and publication ethics" section in Article 8 of the YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive.
The authors are required to pay attention to the ethical principles detailed below and to fulfill the required obligations:

Originality and purity from plagiarism: The work presented should belong entirely to the author(s). It should not present others' ideas, methods, data, applications, writings, shapes or works as partially or entirely his own work without reference to scientific rules. If the studies of other researchers are included in the article, it should be cited appropriately and listed in the sources.
Co-authoring: The authors of the candidate article should be limited to those who contribute significantly to the work presented. The authors of the article are finalized before the presentation of the article. It is unacceptable to include the names of those who did not contribute to the study in the candidate article (gift writing) or not to include the names of those who contributed (ghost writing).
Acknowledgments: The authors are obliged to declare the institutions and financial resources that support the works they send, as well as those who have scientific contributions to the study in terms of sources, information-document provision and translation.
Ethics committee permission and approval: In the studies that require data collection through questionnaire, scale, interview, observation etc. from the participants, the ethical committee permission must be stated in the candidate article. Evidence of sensitivity to ethical issues in the data collection process (obtain permission for use of others' scale, questionnaire, photos) must be presented in the study.
Re-presentation of a published publication: Authors are expected to present their previously unpublished works to the journal. It is unacceptable that the study was sent to another journal along with its submission to the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies.
Slicing: Authors should not present the results of a research as separate publications in academic incentives, appointments, and promotions by disrupting the research's integrity and inappropriately by dividing it into multiple pieces.
Presenting and storing raw data: Authors must present the raw data of their research when requested by editors and reviewers and retain this data even after their articles are published.
Detection of errors in published articles: When the author finds that there is a significant error or mistake in his article published in the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies, he must inform the editor of the journal immediately.
Fraud: The author should not produce data that is not based on the research, should not edit, modify, report, publish or present a research that has not been made as it has been made.
Distortion: The author should not distort the research records and the data obtained, display the methods, devices and materials that are not used in the research as used, distort or shape the results of research in line with the interests of the individuals and organizations receiving support.
Other types of ethical violations: Author must not violate any of the points in “not to clearly state the person, institutions or organizations that support the publications of the research conducted with support; and their contribution to the research; failure to comply with ethical rules in research on humans and animals; not respecting patient rights in their publications; to share the information contained in a work for which he/she was appointed to review as an arbitrator with others before publication; using the resources, places, facilities and devices provided or reserved for scientific research out of purpose; to accuse an absolutely groundless, inappropriate and deliberate violation of ethics ”.
Author, Editor-Editorial Board and Other Ethical Principles of the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies as follows:

The copyright of the published work belongs to the author and all kinds of publishing rights belong to the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies. No copyright fee is requested for the articles sent to our journal.
Papers submitted to the journal must not have been previously published or sent to another journal for publication. Studies previously presented at national or international congresses or symposiums and published with a summary can be submitted by specifying these qualifications.
The studies sent to our journal should not be contrary to scientific research and publication ethics. The rules stated in YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive must be followed carefully.
The Editorial Board of the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies may request additional documents regarding the ethical status of the article while the pre-control, evaluation process and editing process of an article is ongoing.
The Editorial Board of the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies does not accept the change of author responsibilities (add / subtract, change order) in a publication whose evaluation process has started.
The Editorial Board of the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies assumes that the authors of articles submitted for publication agree to comply with these conditions.
The author(s) must mention in their studies the thesis, books, articles and papers that are directly related to the subject of the article that are prepared / published before their studies in terms of subject and source analysis.


The Editorial Board of the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies develops the arguments that will mediate raising the quality standards of the journal.
The Editorial Board of the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies ensures that the author-referee relations are healthy.
The Editorial Board of the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies makes efforts to meet the information needs of readers and writers.
The Editorial Board of the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies advocates a variety of academic ideas and freedom of scientific thought. At the same time, it tries to maintain the functioning of the journal by observing intellectual property rights and ethical standards.
As per the publication policy of the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies, all publishing processes are carried out transparently. It maintains transparency in accordance with its publication policy in matters requiring correction, modification and explanation for any reason.


According to the publication policy of the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies, "Blind Refereeing and Evaluation Process" operates in our journal. In adverse situations that may occur during this process, the editorial board is authorized. Apart from legal processes, referee confidentiality is fundamental for the journal management.
Each article sent to the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies is sent to two independent referees outside the editorial board after the preliminary check of the technical editorial board. Referees are determined according to the content of the article. If one of the referees expresses a negative opinion, the article is directed to a third referee. The article is rejected when both referees express negative opinion.
The management of the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies encourages referees to evaluate the study in a neutral, scientific and objective language.
It is essential that the referees assigned to the articles sent to the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies return in time and evaluate the related article by considering the scientific criteria.
Referees appointed to an article sent to the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies should make evaluations in accordance with minimum courtesy and avoid evaluations that are not scientific or that might have legal consequences.
For articles submitted to the Journal of Turkish Cultural Studies international standards that are published by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) for Editors and Authors will be taken into consideration.