Year 2019,
, 43 - 70, 30.12.2019
Volkan İpek
Selin Türkeş-kılıç
- Interview with King Hassan II, Le Matin de Sahara, 12 July 1987, 9.6.2017, Translated from original language
- Interview with King Hassan II, Le Matin de Sahara , 17 July 1987, 8.6.2017, Translated from original language
- Press declaration of King Hassan II, Le Matin de Sahara, 2 October 1987, 10.6.2015, Translated from its original language
- Press declaration of King Hassan II, Le Matin de Sahara, 7 October 1987. 11.6.2015, Translated from its original language Party Program of the Motherland Party,1983.
- Electoral Manifesto of the Motherland Party ,1983
- Electoral Manifesto of the Motherland Party,1987
- AET Fas’ın ve Türkiye’nin başvurularına hayır diyecek, Cumhuriyet, 12 October 1987, 10.4.2015, Translated from its original language
- Press release, Cumhuriyet, 22 July 1985, 20.9.2017, Translated from its original language
- Press release, Hürriyet, 7 October 1986, 22.6.2017, Translated from its original language
- Press release, Milliyet, 15 April 1987, 23.6.2017, Translated from its original language
- Electoral Manifesto of the Motherland Party ,1987, 2.
- Press release,Cumhuriyet,25 January 1984, 18.9.2017, Translated from its original language
- Press release, Milliyet,15 February 1987. 17.9.2017, Translated from its original language
- Interview with Hassan II, Le Club de la presse du tiers monde, 9 April 1980, 9.5.2017. Translated from original language.
- General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, Transparency Service, Access to documents, 1049 (2001). Translated from original language.
- AET Fas’ın ve Türkiye’nin başvurularına hayır diyecek, Cumhuriyet, 12 October 1987, 10.4.2015, Translated from its original language
- Aghrout Ahmed and Keith Sutton. “Source in Regional Economic Union in the Maghreb” in:, The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol.28.No.1 (1990), 115-139
- Aktürk, Şener, ‘National Identity in Turkey and the European Union” in:,European Journal of Sociology, Vol.48, No.2 (2007), 347–372.
- Arıkan, Zeynep, ‘Imagining ‘Europe’: Constituting Turkey’s Identity on the Path to EU Membership’:in, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, Vol.107.No.2. (2016), 134–146.
- Aydın, Mustafa. ‘Determinants of Turkish foreign policy: changing patterns and conjunctures during the Cold War’in:, Middle Eastern Studies Vol.36.No.1 (2006), 103–139.
- Baç, Meltem Müftüler. Turkey’s Relations with a Changing Europe (Manchester, New York: Manchester University Press, 1997), 53.
- Bhabha, Homi. The Location of Culture, (New York: Routledge Classics, 1991)
- Bilgin, Pınar, ‘The ‘Peculiarity’ of Turkey’s Position on EU-NATO Military/Security Cooperation: A Rejoinder to Missiroli’:in, Security Dialogue, Vol.34.No.3.(2003),345–349
- Bozdağlıoğlu, Yücel. Turkish Foreign Policy and Turkish Identity: A Constructivist Approach (New York and London: Routledge, 2003), 46.
- Campbell, David. Writing Security: United States Foreign Policy and the Politics of Identity (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1998), 12.
- Çınar, Menderes. ‘Turkey’s ‘Western’ or ‘Muslim’ identity and the AKP’s civilizational discourse’in:, Turkish Studies Vol.19,No.2 (2018), 176–197.
- Delanty, Gerard. ‘Is There a European Identity?’ in:, Global Dialogue; Summer Vol.5,No.3/4, (2003), 76–86
- Derrida, Jacques. Positions (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981); Stuart Hall, Who Needs Identity? in:, Questions of Cultural Identity (London: Sage Publications, 2003), 1–17.
- Diez, Thomas, ‘Constructing the Self and Changing Others: Reconsidering “Normative Power Europe”’, Millennium - Journal of International Studies Vol.33,No.3 (2005),613–636.
- Dirks, Nicholas. Colonialism and Culture, (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press,1992)
- Doty, Roxanne L. Imperial Encounters (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996), 6.
- Eder,Klaus. ‘Europe’s borders the narrative construction of the boundaries of Europe’ in:, Journal of Asian and African Studies Vol.41.No.3 (2006), 255–271
- El Ahmadi,Mansour. La monarchie et l’Islam (Najah el Jadid: Ittisalat el Salon, 2006)
- Emerson,Rupert. Sömürgelerin Uluslaşması, (İstanbul: Türkiye Siyasi İlimler Derneği, 1959)
- Epstein, Charlotte. ‘Who speaks? Discourse, the subject and the study of identity in international politics’ in:, European Journal of International Relations Vol.17.No.2 (2011),327–350.
- Gilroy, Paul. The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness, (Harvard: Harvard University Press,1993)
- Guibernau,Montserrat. Nationalisms: The nation-state and nationalism in the 20th century, (London & New York: Polity Press,1996)
- Harbeson James and David Rotchild. Africa in the world politics. (London & New York: Westview Press, 2013)
- Kadıoğlu, Ayşe. ‘The Paradox of Turkish Nationalism and the Construction of Official Identity’ in:, Middle Eastern Studies Vol.32.No.2, (1996), 177-193 reprinted in Turkey: Identity, Democracy, Politics (London: Portland or Frank Cass, 1998), 188
- Kasaba, Reşat. Kemalist Certainties and Modern Ambiguities in Rethinking Modernity and National Identity in Turkey, (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1997), 15–36.
- Laclau Ernesto and Chantal Mouffe, Hegemony and Socialist Strategy (London and New York: Verso, 2001), 109.
- Laurent, Eric. Le génie de la Modération: Réflexions sur les vérités de l’Islam. (Paris, Editions Plon, 1993)
- Lewis, Bernard. The Emergence of Modern Turkey (London, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1968), 302.
- Martin, Guy. African political thought. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)
- Mardin, Şerif. European Culture and the Development of Modern Turkey in: Turkey and the European Community (Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 1990), 13–24.
- Milliken, Jennifer. ‘The Study of Discourse in International Relations: A Critique of Research and Methodsin:, European Journal of International Relations Vol.5.No.2 (1999), 225–254
- Neumann, Iver B. Uses of the Other: ‘The East’ in European Identity Formation, (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999)
- ______________: ‘Self and other in international relations’ in:, European Journal of International Relations Vol.2.No.2 (1996),139–174.
- Norton, Anne. Reflections on Political Identity (Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988), 7.
- Pennell,Richard. Morocco since 1830: A History. (London: Hurst & Company, 2000), 20-32
- Robins, Kevin. Interrupting Identities: Turkey/Europe in: Questions of Cultural Identity (London: Sage Publications 1996), 61–86.
- Rosamond, Ben. ‘Discourses of globalization and the social construction of European identities’ in:, Journal of European Public Policy Vol.6,No.1(1999), 652–668
- Rumelili, Bahar. ‘Constructing identity and relating to difference: understanding the EU’s mode of differentiation’ in:, Review of International Studies Vol.30 (2004), 27-47.
- Said, Edward. Culture and Imperialism, (New York: Vintage Books, 1994)
- Smith, Anthony. National Identity. (Nevada: University of Nevada Press, 1991)
- Tessler, Marc. Morocco: Institutional Pluralism and Monarchical Dominance. (New York and London: Longman, 1982),8-15
- Yılmaz Eylem and Pınar Bilgin. ‘Constructing Turkey’s "western” identity during the Cold War: Discourses of the intellectuals of statecraft’ in:, International Journal, Vol.61, No.1 (2006)
European Turkey and European Morocco: Two Identity Construction cases in the path to the EEC membership
Year 2019,
, 43 - 70, 30.12.2019
Volkan İpek
Selin Türkeş-kılıç
This article analyzes Kingdom of Morocco’s
and Turkey’s full membership application processes to the European Economic
Community (EEC) in 1987 from an identity perspective. Construction of both
Morocco’s and Turkey’s European-ness are being analyzed following the postcolonial
and modernization theories aspects of poststructuralist approach by taking official
discourses of the political leaders in the two states at the time of
application into account. In the conventional narratives of the establishment
of their modern states, Morocco perceived Europe as the other in terms of its
being former colonizer whereas Turkey perceived Europe as the other in terms of
its being threat to its national unity
before the establishment of the Republic in 1923. In spite of this, two states
tried to add European-ness onto their national identity with their application
to the EEC in 1987 by being obliged to demonstrate not why European but how
European they were. This obligation was shaped around the postcolonial theory
for Morocco’s case, whereas it was around the modernization one for Turkey. The article, then, takes the official
discourses on European-ness by the Moroccan and Turkish leaders which were
taken as dynamic processes. Later, it analyzes them in the light of
postcolonial nationalism for Morocco and modernization theory for Turkey. In
this respect, the article demonstrates how Europe and European-ness that was
once regarded as the “other” by Turkey and Morocco were tried to add in Moroccan
and Turkish national identities in the path to become a full member to the EEC.
- Interview with King Hassan II, Le Matin de Sahara, 12 July 1987, 9.6.2017, Translated from original language
- Interview with King Hassan II, Le Matin de Sahara , 17 July 1987, 8.6.2017, Translated from original language
- Press declaration of King Hassan II, Le Matin de Sahara, 2 October 1987, 10.6.2015, Translated from its original language
- Press declaration of King Hassan II, Le Matin de Sahara, 7 October 1987. 11.6.2015, Translated from its original language Party Program of the Motherland Party,1983.
- Electoral Manifesto of the Motherland Party ,1983
- Electoral Manifesto of the Motherland Party,1987
- AET Fas’ın ve Türkiye’nin başvurularına hayır diyecek, Cumhuriyet, 12 October 1987, 10.4.2015, Translated from its original language
- Press release, Cumhuriyet, 22 July 1985, 20.9.2017, Translated from its original language
- Press release, Hürriyet, 7 October 1986, 22.6.2017, Translated from its original language
- Press release, Milliyet, 15 April 1987, 23.6.2017, Translated from its original language
- Electoral Manifesto of the Motherland Party ,1987, 2.
- Press release,Cumhuriyet,25 January 1984, 18.9.2017, Translated from its original language
- Press release, Milliyet,15 February 1987. 17.9.2017, Translated from its original language
- Interview with Hassan II, Le Club de la presse du tiers monde, 9 April 1980, 9.5.2017. Translated from original language.
- General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, Transparency Service, Access to documents, 1049 (2001). Translated from original language.
- AET Fas’ın ve Türkiye’nin başvurularına hayır diyecek, Cumhuriyet, 12 October 1987, 10.4.2015, Translated from its original language
- Aghrout Ahmed and Keith Sutton. “Source in Regional Economic Union in the Maghreb” in:, The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol.28.No.1 (1990), 115-139
- Aktürk, Şener, ‘National Identity in Turkey and the European Union” in:,European Journal of Sociology, Vol.48, No.2 (2007), 347–372.
- Arıkan, Zeynep, ‘Imagining ‘Europe’: Constituting Turkey’s Identity on the Path to EU Membership’:in, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, Vol.107.No.2. (2016), 134–146.
- Aydın, Mustafa. ‘Determinants of Turkish foreign policy: changing patterns and conjunctures during the Cold War’in:, Middle Eastern Studies Vol.36.No.1 (2006), 103–139.
- Baç, Meltem Müftüler. Turkey’s Relations with a Changing Europe (Manchester, New York: Manchester University Press, 1997), 53.
- Bhabha, Homi. The Location of Culture, (New York: Routledge Classics, 1991)
- Bilgin, Pınar, ‘The ‘Peculiarity’ of Turkey’s Position on EU-NATO Military/Security Cooperation: A Rejoinder to Missiroli’:in, Security Dialogue, Vol.34.No.3.(2003),345–349
- Bozdağlıoğlu, Yücel. Turkish Foreign Policy and Turkish Identity: A Constructivist Approach (New York and London: Routledge, 2003), 46.
- Campbell, David. Writing Security: United States Foreign Policy and the Politics of Identity (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1998), 12.
- Çınar, Menderes. ‘Turkey’s ‘Western’ or ‘Muslim’ identity and the AKP’s civilizational discourse’in:, Turkish Studies Vol.19,No.2 (2018), 176–197.
- Delanty, Gerard. ‘Is There a European Identity?’ in:, Global Dialogue; Summer Vol.5,No.3/4, (2003), 76–86
- Derrida, Jacques. Positions (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981); Stuart Hall, Who Needs Identity? in:, Questions of Cultural Identity (London: Sage Publications, 2003), 1–17.
- Diez, Thomas, ‘Constructing the Self and Changing Others: Reconsidering “Normative Power Europe”’, Millennium - Journal of International Studies Vol.33,No.3 (2005),613–636.
- Dirks, Nicholas. Colonialism and Culture, (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press,1992)
- Doty, Roxanne L. Imperial Encounters (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996), 6.
- Eder,Klaus. ‘Europe’s borders the narrative construction of the boundaries of Europe’ in:, Journal of Asian and African Studies Vol.41.No.3 (2006), 255–271
- El Ahmadi,Mansour. La monarchie et l’Islam (Najah el Jadid: Ittisalat el Salon, 2006)
- Emerson,Rupert. Sömürgelerin Uluslaşması, (İstanbul: Türkiye Siyasi İlimler Derneği, 1959)
- Epstein, Charlotte. ‘Who speaks? Discourse, the subject and the study of identity in international politics’ in:, European Journal of International Relations Vol.17.No.2 (2011),327–350.
- Gilroy, Paul. The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness, (Harvard: Harvard University Press,1993)
- Guibernau,Montserrat. Nationalisms: The nation-state and nationalism in the 20th century, (London & New York: Polity Press,1996)
- Harbeson James and David Rotchild. Africa in the world politics. (London & New York: Westview Press, 2013)
- Kadıoğlu, Ayşe. ‘The Paradox of Turkish Nationalism and the Construction of Official Identity’ in:, Middle Eastern Studies Vol.32.No.2, (1996), 177-193 reprinted in Turkey: Identity, Democracy, Politics (London: Portland or Frank Cass, 1998), 188
- Kasaba, Reşat. Kemalist Certainties and Modern Ambiguities in Rethinking Modernity and National Identity in Turkey, (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1997), 15–36.
- Laclau Ernesto and Chantal Mouffe, Hegemony and Socialist Strategy (London and New York: Verso, 2001), 109.
- Laurent, Eric. Le génie de la Modération: Réflexions sur les vérités de l’Islam. (Paris, Editions Plon, 1993)
- Lewis, Bernard. The Emergence of Modern Turkey (London, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1968), 302.
- Martin, Guy. African political thought. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)
- Mardin, Şerif. European Culture and the Development of Modern Turkey in: Turkey and the European Community (Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 1990), 13–24.
- Milliken, Jennifer. ‘The Study of Discourse in International Relations: A Critique of Research and Methodsin:, European Journal of International Relations Vol.5.No.2 (1999), 225–254
- Neumann, Iver B. Uses of the Other: ‘The East’ in European Identity Formation, (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999)
- ______________: ‘Self and other in international relations’ in:, European Journal of International Relations Vol.2.No.2 (1996),139–174.
- Norton, Anne. Reflections on Political Identity (Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988), 7.
- Pennell,Richard. Morocco since 1830: A History. (London: Hurst & Company, 2000), 20-32
- Robins, Kevin. Interrupting Identities: Turkey/Europe in: Questions of Cultural Identity (London: Sage Publications 1996), 61–86.
- Rosamond, Ben. ‘Discourses of globalization and the social construction of European identities’ in:, Journal of European Public Policy Vol.6,No.1(1999), 652–668
- Rumelili, Bahar. ‘Constructing identity and relating to difference: understanding the EU’s mode of differentiation’ in:, Review of International Studies Vol.30 (2004), 27-47.
- Said, Edward. Culture and Imperialism, (New York: Vintage Books, 1994)
- Smith, Anthony. National Identity. (Nevada: University of Nevada Press, 1991)
- Tessler, Marc. Morocco: Institutional Pluralism and Monarchical Dominance. (New York and London: Longman, 1982),8-15
- Yılmaz Eylem and Pınar Bilgin. ‘Constructing Turkey’s "western” identity during the Cold War: Discourses of the intellectuals of statecraft’ in:, International Journal, Vol.61, No.1 (2006)